#137 - Joker 2 is a good movie. Take that. - 01/17/2025

Devin Townsend. You really can't go wrong. You know, playing a little bit of Devin Townsend when you're nice and lazy in the morning. Oh, man, am I lazy? Very sleepy boy over here.

Oh, I've got an energy drink. I'm considering it. But, so far behaving. I might really want it later. Anyway, how was your, Thursday evening?

Mine was good. It was pretty nice. Pretty relaxing. Started it off by kicking back with my my wonderful lady watching a little bit of American Prime Evil on Netflix, which is really good. I mean, if you're a long time listener, you know I like a good western and, it's great.

Top notch so far. Very excited to watch more of that. And then after she had to go to bed, I decided, alright, I'll whip up some food. And what am I gonna watch to waste away the rest of my evening? I threw on the Joker part 2.

And this has been a very divisive movie since it, was released. Most people seem to hate it. But I saw that interview a while back with, Quentin Tarantino, and he was saying how much he enjoyed the movie. And then also, John Waters was talking about how great he thought it was. There's a lot of movies out there that, you know, maybe the average person is not gonna get into, but I totally dig.

So I know I had to give it a shot, and it was, rumored to be a musical. So, I'm down with that. I like a good musical for sure. So I think I've got about a half hour left of this movie. I am speculating where I think it's going.

I'm not gonna throw it out there because I don't wanna do any spoilers. It's still a newer movie. But I will say that at this point, I like the movie. I think it's really good. There were a number of times I was watching it that I was just smiling.

You know, it just, put a big smile on my face. It's a bizarre twisted musical, some kind of, you know, again, twisted love story or something. I I don't even know really how to describe this movie, but I could see why most people would not like it if they were just fans of the first movie. Yeah. Which I liked the first movie.

I thought it was really good. I only watched it for the first time recently, and I thought it was really good, really dark. And the way that this one follows it up is again just kind of bizarre but I thought it was a lot of fun so far I'm excited to finish it up again I I have a prediction for what I think is going on here in this movie. They've alluded to something a number of times. We'll see.

If my prediction of what's gonna happen at the end is correct, I I would be kind of disappointed but you know alright it I'd be fine with it as well but if you like musicals and you know bizarre stuff strange movies I would think you'd like it It, I think it's good. I think it's good, but I'm kind of a weirdo. So I'll let you know after I finish it what the, the overall verdict is, but yeah, certainly don't walk in thinking it's just gonna be picking up with the same feel where the other one left off. It right out of the gate comes out strange, but I'd say give it a shot. I, I like it.

I, I think it's great. I was just looking at a list of things that are good for your mental health right at the top sleep. I'm I'm just being punished today by the Internet. Hey. You know that thing that you really wish you were doing right now?

Let's remind you about it at every given opportunity. Sleep is good for the old mental health. That's for sure. You know, the last week was a little bit brutal on me, and there were times where sleep was just not easy. So let's see.

Other things good for your mental health. You know, it's always good to throw out some tips here. Maybe you're having a, you know, rough Friday. We're in that time of year where, I mean, we've been pretty lucky the last couple days we've had some sunshine. And even when it's cold and miserable, sunshine makes such a huge difference compared to just gloomy gray skies.

Where where was I going with this? Oh, yeah. Just things good for your mental health. I'm a disaster today. Keeping your home clean and organized.

Clutter has a pernicious effect on your mental state. Is that now? Is that true? I would imagine. Cause I feel better when my house is clean.

Right now, it's it's pretty decent. My daughter's coming back tomorrow. She's gonna have some friends over so I feel like I've gotta tidy up yet again. But thankfully, it's not that bad. I mean, it's it's really just gonna be a quick tidying up.

And most of the mess is her stuff from when she was here over the weekend. So can put the blame on her for any kind of messes. Spending time alone and being able to go outdoors. Well, I went outdoors a lot over the weekend, and, I've had enough of that. You know, spending time alone is good though.

No, I get plenty of that though. So I don't want to underrate it. Okay. I mean, oh, I feel like I'm going to sneeze now. Hang up.

Hope I got some Zyrtec around. It's all I need is, allergies brutalizing me on top of being tired. But yeah, if you don't ever get alone time, you might start getting crazy. And I I think I went about, 20 years with no alone time. It's pretty nice.

It's pretty nice. I mean, I I would save a lot of money if I got a roommate, but now there's only one person I could think of that, I'd be down to, have as my roommate. But she's really far away, unfortunately. Let's see. Good for your mental health money.

It does help. I've pointed it out before that old saying money don't buy happiness. Well, no, it doesn't. But if you have none, it sucks. Alright.

If you can pay your bills, have a roof over your head, have food, basic necessities, that is much better than not. K? There's a level at which, you know, money's benefit on your mental health is gonna peak, I would think. But that $0 amount or low low dollar amount, it is not good on your mental health. Take it from somebody who's ate a lot of ramen in my day.

Being able to eat other things than ramen. That is good for your mental health. And my daughter occasionally Both of them will be like let's go to the ramen restaurant. I'm like, why? Why would we go to a ramen restaurant?

Are you crazy? You eat ramen when you're broke. I know that, ramen restaurants have really good ramen. K? I just can't do ramen.

I don't know. It's just bothersome when I think about it. Oh, this is good for your mental health, limiting the amount of news you allow yourself to see. Been trying to do that myself recently. Instead of scrolling social media playing video games.

Yep. Much better for the old mental health. Keeping your distance from toxic people. Yeah. Just boot them out of your life.

You got somebody who's repeatedly making your life miserable. Get rid of them. Give them the boot. There's only so much time on this planet. Alright.

No need to be dealing with toxic people. Oh, listen to music. Maybe you're sick of my yapping, and I'm destroying your mental health right now with this this topic. Well, listen to music. We can do that here in about 2 minutes.

K? Good. It's the Victor Will chill morning. Happy Friday. Should we do wholesome kitty stories?

Sure. I mean, it's Friday. Right? Everybody likes a nice, wholesome animal story. No.

I was reading a post on Reddit where someone was, you know, a little bit concerned about an older male cat taking care of new kittens. So let's dig into this here. My 12 year old, originally cold hearted, possessive male cat has started mothering these 2 orphan kittens we got last week. They're currently 4 weeks old. Only a few days ago, he refused to be near them.

But in the past 48 hours, he's had a complete change of heart. He spends all his time standing next to their nest and grooming them. Every time we feed them and stimulate them, he's there to help clean them up. Today, we noticed him carrying them by the scruff of their necks whenever they, leave their nest. 1 of them tried to get under our bed, and he freaked out, picked her up, was trying to move them away from the bed, yowling while carrying her.

The boy got less than a foot from the nest, and the older cat did the same thing. Picked them up in his mouth, yowled while carrying them around. Googled this, and it seems like unusual male behavior. One post I saw said this could be dominance related. I we don't really need to read the let the rest here.

But, you know, people started commenting about their male cats and, how they've seen them do the same thing. No big deal. You know, they're just kinda taking the place of the mom and training these kittens how to be cats. And I've seen this before. Back in the day, the first cats I had, the older one, when I got little dim, the older one would carry him around.

Same kinda deal there. Trained him how to be a cat, and I've actually seen this happen with my current cats. Koopa, he hated Lucy so bad when I got her. For months, I was very concerned. I was like, oh, jeez.

Did I make some kind of mistake? Because I wasn't gonna get rid of Lucy. You know? She she's there to stay. He was just gonna have to put up with her but he oh, man.

Did he hate her. He was so mean. Not like attack her mean but just grumpy mean. And then one day out of nowhere, all of a sudden, I just see him all cuddled up together laying there. It was like, what what happened?

Yesterday, you were growling and hissing. Well, over the weekend, you know, I had the cat incident with Lucy running off, getting lost for a couple days, and I know he Koopa was upset about this. Well, when I eventually found her, caught her back home, she was definitely, out of sorts. And the first night, it was so cute. Like, I've got this giant tube system set up in my living room.

You know, the fabric tubes that cats play in? Well, this is Lucy loves this thing, but she was so disheveled she didn't wanna play. And I've never seen Koopa go in these tubes, but he was trying to get her to play with him. He went in the tubes. He was, like, playing with toys and stuff trying to be like, hey.

It's okay. You know? Look. Come on. Let's have fun.

And, he's been really good toward the the past few days, playing in ways I haven't seen him do before. So, it was it was very, very precious. Very precious. He's a good big brother. But she's back to normal now.

Last night, she was a, fireball of energy. Just total normal little kitten. So, anyway, just wanted to give you a wholesome cat time. Alright? I hope you liked it.

But it's funny when you see grumpy old cat all of a sudden changes tune and you know, I've I've never seen him groom her till she this post missing thing. He was curled up next to her. She always, you know, cleans him. But, yeah, he started giving her some licks on the head and stuff. I was like, oh, okay.

You're you're a good boy. Good Koopa. All right. There you go. There's my wholesome cat stuff for the day.

And, I don't know what we're gonna talk about next thing. Work on it. Figure it out. Well, gotta throw out an RIP to one of the greatest movie directors of all time. I'm talking about David Lynch.

You know, I talked about the joker movie earlier, a movie that is not for everyone. The joker part 2, David Lynch movies. Also, probably not for everyone, but a number of his movies just had a big impact on me when I was younger because I had never seen anything like that. Like, the vibe, the weirdness, the what does it mean? Great times discovering David Lynch as a young person.

If you've never watched any of his movies I mean, where do you start? Because they're they're all kinda out there. I mean, one thing that I need to watch from David Lynch that I've never watched, shame upon me, twin peaks, the TV show. I believe there was at least one movie as well, and some type of a revamped version that came out a few years ago. Anyway, you should watch some some David Lynch.

I'm gonna have to have a David Lynch weekend sometime soon and at least fire up, like, Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive. I remember when I was living with my friend, Pat, we were watching these movies. And I mean, we sat and talked about Mulholland Drive for, like, hours just trying to figure out, okay, what what did this and this and this mean? What does it signify? Such good stuff.

Great soundtracks as well. The Lost Highway soundtrack, pretty legendary if you were around in the late nineties. I don't know what happened to the physical copy of that that I had. It's probably in a box somewhere, but I listened to that tons of times. Yeah.

I've never saw his final film, inland empire. I thought he'd released more movies than this, but, you know, you go back to his his first film, Eraserhead in 1977, which I have not seen that in a long, long time. Need to watch that one again. I did try to watch his version of Dune after I watched the newer one. Now David Lynch's Dune was definitely weird.

Definitely a little bit cheesy. I don't know. It it was sort of entertaining, but I didn't make it through it. But, yeah. If you wanna you wanna start, I would go with probably lost highway or Mulholland Drive.

But I'm gonna have to watch inland empire. You know, he he's just so great. Nobody nobody makes or made either or movies like that guy. Yeah. Just they had a vibe.

They had a vibe and, you know, always always glad that we got artists like that that really shake it up and do something very different even if it's not for everybody. So he will be missed, but I'm gonna definitely schedule a David Lynch weekend sometime soon. Alright. What's going on down the hall at eastidahonews.com today? Well, it's feel good Friday.

This is a pretty cool feature they've got going on, and it might be a feature you could get involved with as well. Every Friday, east Idaho news gets out and does something nice for somebody who has done something nice for the community. I was checking out a video here for today's feel good Friday, and they went out to this was, Westmark Credit Union where, Rebecca had done some work helping people get themselves a vehicle loan going above and beyond with the customer service, staying late. You know, the the average work schedule is different for everybody. And sometimes depending on your shift might be difficult to get into a bank.

Say, for example, they're open 8 to 5, and that's the hours you work. Well, anyway, Rebecca went above and beyond to, help out some customers, and they were so happy about being treated so well that they went to eastidahoneews.com to the feel good Friday page, which you can find under features and, nominated Rebecca for something nice. So Nate Eaton showed up, hooked her up with a variety of gift cards for some, you know, some meals and some shopping and just all because she, you know, did something nice for for somebody else. So if you know a person who is deserving of getting recognition on feel good Friday, go to eastidahonews.com. Again, under features, just click feel good Friday, and you'll see the link on that page where you can nominate somebody.

Just, you know, give them the info, give them the story, and maybe Nate Eaton will show up with something nice for him. Pretty cool that they do that. You know? And, even if you don't get a prize, wanna remind you, try to do good things for the community because it's a good thing to do. I know we're in the depths of winter here.

Very cold. Not a good time to be going out and doing anything unless you're into winter stuff. Well, as you start planning for the warmer months, maybe you're planning on visiting the UK. How about somewhere to take the kids? How about the worst theme park of all time, pothole land?

Yeah. I know you might be thinking pothole land. That's where we live. No. Not at this time of year.

You gotta wait till, you know, spring. Then we turn into pothole land. But if you wanna visit the world famous, UK's pothole land. I don't know. I think it's just a place with a bunch of potholes where people went and put up signs and called it pothole land.

That's pretty funny. Pretty funny. It opened last week in North Wales. People got fed up with the states of the road. Yeah.

They're like, come check it out. We've got the deepest, longest, and widest potholes you're gonna find anywhere in the UK. They're just trying to get the attention of the city council. Yeah. Hey.

Could you guys fix these things? Yeah. They said they have some 18 inch potholes. They're like, we might lose, you know, one of those smaller cars. These get any bigger.

Really funny. I mean, they went all out with the signs. I mean, it does look like a a terrible place to visit ultimately, but we know what it's like to have pothole land. So I guess when the ground's covered in snow, you can't really spray paint, you know, certain shapes on the potholes. The American way to get a pothole fixed, you know, just get that can of spray paint out and put up a certain bit of imagery.

People will immediately start fixing problems if it's a shape that makes them uncomfortable. Maybe this year we tried just making our own pothole land, No. You can report potholes on the local city websites and things like that. So keep it in mind. Alright.

I'm gonna get ready for some freak news. See what I could dig up. Kind of a slow news day so far as you can tell when I'm talking about pothole land, but, you know, I'll do my best. K? Give it a few.

We'll be back. And, you know, I guess just as Howie would say, hang on. Let's party freak news on a Friday. Here we go. If you're a substance abuse counselor, you should probably not sell crack.

You you know, it just seems like it goes against what you're setting out to do to help people who are going through a struggle happened in, Wappinger, New York. The Dutchess county district attorney's office drug task force arresting a 54 year old man from the village of Wappingers Falls. Yeah. He's, Alvin Lewis junior selling crack at a drug rehabilitation center in Carmel, New York. Dude.

I mean, I guess clearly he has experience with substances. So, you know, I would assume he's, you know, somewhat qualified to be a counselor, but, you know, you're supposed to help people get off of the stuff. You know? Can't really be slinging crack, buddy. So, don't do that.

K? Don't be like Alvin Lewis junior. Alright? Anyway, what else do we have here? Don't drink bootleg alcohol.

You never know what what it might do to you. Like kill you dead. You know, happened in, Istanbul, Turkey, 23 people dead in 48 hours. Bootleg alcohol, tainted with I don't know what. Let's see here.

Methanol. Yeah. I guess, this article says it's often added to alcohol to increase its potency and often used in illegally produced products instead of ethanol because it's cheaper. It can cause blindness, liver damage, and yet just kill you dead. So, you know, if you're gonna drink, make sure you're purchasing it from an authorized retailer.

I mean, it's it's never good for you, but you'd hope that, you know, with a few sips, it doesn't just kill you dead. So, yeah, keep that in mind. What else do we have here? Don't twerk on the job. Sorry, ladies.

I would imagine guys probably not gonna get away with twerking on the job either even if you get a lot of likes on social media. Former Alaskan Airlines flight attendant fired after posting a viral video of herself twerking on an empty plane in her uniform. Now I don't think there's anybody out there who's actually mad about ladies twerking. Yeah. But there's somebody online who's gonna complain about anything, who's gonna be rude about anything.

Like the woman who told me, why didn't you keep your cat on a leash when I'm trying to find my missing cat? You know? Like, how angry are you to throw that kind of comment at somebody who's going through a rough time? See it all the time in social media comments. I don't know.

Some people have miserable lives. So, anyway, it looks like, some folks have set up a GoFundMe to help out, Dialla, Nell Dialla looking for donations after being fired for twerking. So if you're if you're a fan of twerking, show her some support, kick down a few bucks in the old, GoFundMe. And what else do we have here? Some of these re require more talking.

More talking. Oh, I guess we could quickly address, boomers, even though they seem to get mad when you call them boomers, there's a lot of words that they apparently don't want to be called. Saw an article about the various phrases boomers are not fans of. So they don't like boomers. They don't like elderly.

They don't wanna be called senior citizens. How about stuff like geezer? You know, old fogey. Dinosaur. Now they want hipper names.

You know, call me, nana or papa. Yeah. How about, now you what about old lady? Are they fine with that? No.

No. They don't like that either. I don't know what you're supposed to call them. They get mad when you say boomers. Can't even use, you know, old codger, old fart.

Fossil's pretty brutal. To call somebody a fossil, I mean, that's pretty bad. Right? I think they better embrace, senior citizens because otherwise, young people, they're definitely gonna go with fossil. Speaking of fossils, Jade should be here in a few.

Where are you at? Jade Davis. Yeah. Old Codger. All right.

Anyway, just giving you a heads up. If you don't, if you wanna make the boomers sad, I guess just call them old. I I don't know. Anyway, I'll let you know when we find inappropriate term, but I haven't found it yet. All right.

There we go. Freak news. Let's keep going. Well, it turns out that the modern state of radio is to blame for me getting dumber. All of this multitasking.

I'm sure you've heard me talk about multitasking Plenty on this show because that's what I do every single day, all day. The work of probably 12 and multitasking, making us all dumber. Hey. What's up, peaches? Good morning.

Good morning. How's it going so far? I I'm excited that we get paid today. Thanks to Martin Luther King, on Monday, all the banks will be closed. Oh, yeah.

It's too bad we don't get that day off. Right? Yeah. Right. Bossman.

Thanks, Jade. It's all Jade's fault that we don't get the holiday that everybody else gets. And all the prep, all the help sites for our shows are gonna be closed. So you know what? We're just gonna wing it.

That's what I do every day, peaches. Lots of winging it up on this show. Mhmm. Sometimes it pays off. Sometimes it doesn't.

But I'm gonna go ahead and blame, you know, all those tasks Jade gives us for why I have so many stupid terrible breaks. It's all that multitasking. Oh, if we could focus on the shows only, our shows would be so much better. Yeah. It'd be be fantastic.

You know? And if we could just, you know, completely go unhinged. You know? Oh, yeah. I can't imagine how my show would go.

If I just started, you know, digging up news stories and just going to town. Alright. We're we're doing it the easy way. We're just talking about the news. But you know what?

We need to find an explanation on how we should approach that to Jade. Be like, hey, listen. You know Howard Stern, the most successful radio personality ever? Let's just follow his route. Well Clearly, it works.

See, I think Jade would be fine because he's a rational human being. But also he It's the average listener that, you know, they they can't handle sometimes a a differing viewpoint. Oh, yeah. You know? You you you if you thought that whole life in Idaho Falls post was bad then, I I can only imagine if I could go unhinged on my show.

The amount of people that would just get roasted up here. Yeah. I I slip it in a little bit. Little bits, but you but you gotta tread lightly and do it the right way or people lose their minds. Yeah.

I I I stepped away I stepped away from that. I'm like, you know what? No one cares. That's okay. I might get into some of that throughout the show today.

Oh. You know, we got we got TikTok bans on the horizon. I know. I know. I'm I'm thinking my predict Peach's prediction is that it's gonna be bought by Elon Musk and that everyone's gonna leave even more so because they're already leaving now to Red Note.

But Yeah. Well and, you know, it's funny reading about Red Note. It sounds like they're, you know because they're straight up run by the Chinese. Yeah. If all the Chinese politicians All kinds of people are getting banned left and right.

Right. You know, there's all kinds of censorship going on, things like that. Well, you know, Trump said during the election that he was gonna save TikTok. So, you know, it, we, it, all we gotta do is wait 3 days peaches, and all of the groceries are gonna be cheap again. Gas is gonna be a dollar.

I saw it on Facebook. You know, gas is gonna be a dollar. Eggs are gonna magically be a dollar. Groceries are gonna be cheap. Burn food will disappear completely.

He's gonna save TikTok. Right. You know? Because Trump has never said something and then not done it. Right?

So Right. My my my favorite thing online right now, I don't, is the raw milk debate. I love that. I love that. So funny.

Why did that become such a hot topic? Like, I don't know. They're putting stuff in our food, Victor. It's poison. I guess.

I mean, you know, I just don't have the desire to drink raw milk. Like, I I don't know. Milk's a weird one to begin with. I mean, it it's good. Sometimes you know I I'm a 2% through and through.

If I've if I've got some cookies, you know, maybe a little bit of milk to go with them. Okay, Santa. But imagine you walk out to a farm, You prop yourself down below a cow. You got your big bucket. You just start milking.

I thought you said you're gonna go underneath and start milking and just go right to you. Oh, okay. I I didn't wanna get too graphic, but that's the true way to drink raw milk. But it's like similar how you would go to, like, a restaurant, put your put your face below the soda fountain and just press the lever and, you know, drink that one. Yeah.

You know, so you could just do that. I don't know. It doesn't sound appealing to me. You know, it's 2025. We've got, these processes that eliminate pathogens and things from from milk.

I'd rather not risk, but that's just me. You know, if you wanna drink raw milk to each their own, it just, I don't know. It sounds kind kind of nasty to me. You know, it's all warm. Do people like refrigerate it first?

I have never consumed raw milk. No. Neither have I. I'm I'm not doing it. So I I think, you know, maybe that needs to be our next noon hour challenge.

I was I was thinking the same thing. Katie Lee's got cows. Right? Are they are they dairy cows? Any of them?

I don't know. Katie, we need you to bring us fresh, warm, from the tap raw milk. I probably just do that as part of a a social media post. We just go out to her farm. We learn to milk the cow, and then we just drink the raw milk.

Oh. We wear our best overalls in straw hats, and we eat on the farm. After I got that norovirus, I'm afraid of expired food. I'm afraid of everything because that was so miserable. Katie, do you have dairy cows?

Go over to that mic over there because it'll take me too long to set that one up. I'm just saying right now, I have beef cows, not dairy cows. Okay. I have beef farm, you know, beef. Yeah.

You like beef? It's a big little baby. I'm just saying, it's you're not gonna wanna drink that milk, Victor. Not from a yeah. It's not gonna be very good.

Now Katie is, our local, farm girl here. Have you ever drank raw milk? Oh, yeah. Yeah? It's so much better.

Is it? So my sister's my sister has a neighbor that has one, dairy cow that she will actually she'll bag the milk and Bag it? Yeah. And then she'll give it to you for, like, a dollar. And Just for $1 bag of milk?

Dollar bag of milk. It is literally the best milk for, like, morning coffee and stuff like that. It is so good. I'm just too nervous about, you know, bacteria and things like that. I don't know.

Have you seen the rest of the stuff that's in the studio? Feel like you should be good. You know? I've had enough crickets in my day and bugs and spiders. I feel like all the things that you guys are consumed here, I feel like you should be immune by none of it.

Maybe so. That could be part of a problem with my guts. You know? I got stomach issues. Oh, I know it is.

I know it is. That's why I've got a kombucha in the fridge. Gross. Yeah. Okay.

Raw milk, fresh from a cow's utter. Sure. But a nice processed kombucha. Yay. Excess.

Yep. Kombucha is so good. It's delicious. Or because have you had it? No.

Kombucha or it's raw milk? No. Neither? Neither. You've never had a kombucha?

I don't have gut issues like you. You're like the you know, there's a sick guy all the time. Yeah. But I don't drink it because of gut issues. I drink it because it's tasty.

Well, if you're sick, you need to try eat, elderberry syrup. There you go. Elderberry syrup. Yeah. Alright.

It's not 18 50, Katie. What are you talking about here? Elderberry syrup. Did they drink whole milk back in the day? What do they do?

If you look at, like, a lot of the stuff that, which is, like, hey. This is gonna fix your get will get well vitamins. It has elderberry in it. Yeah. I mean, I have seen the elderberry, like, pills and the overpriced little elderberry beverages.

Local here in east Idaho, it's even better for you. Oh, make your own? Mhmm. Just head out to Palisades and just start cooking elderberries? No?

Those are huckleberries. Nobody will tell me where the huckleberries are hidden. People are weird around here about it. They're like, no. No.

They got them. You can't tell. They're just berries. Come on. They're not.

They're gold. I guess so. I mean, based on the prices of any Huckleberry item at any gift shop, they are gold. So alright. I still think a great social media thing would be for me and you to learn how to milk a cow.

You guys are welcome to come out, and I will teach you how to muck the stalls after, we get some, we have a couple of cows that are gonna have some babies here, so you gotta come out and muck the stalls. Help, help do what? Muck stalls? What does that mean? Clean up dookie?

Yep. No. No. This is why I live in in the city. I'll let you I'll let you milk a cow.

It's oh, I I think milking a cow is better than That was not gonna be it's not as safe as you think because you gotta it's usually a mad mama cow, and she's not happy about it. Yeah. I mean, getting kicked by a cow is probably close to getting kicked by a horse. Right? Then we no.

No? I I wouldn't think so. No. Horse's legs are much harder. Horse power is in, in vehicles and things like that, you will die.

House, just a little bit of a cat. It'll just hurt. It'll just hurt. Give you a nice little hoof print on your leg. Alright.

Alright. Yeah. I I would certainly feel a little bit safer around cows than horses, but cows are big too. Scare me. And delicious.

They are delicious. That's what we gotta worry about is Victor chasing all the cows with, like, a giant knife of some sort. No. Brutal beef. Brutal beef.

See, I'm I'm Okay. She's like, oh, where are we going today? I would get too attached. I'd be like, oh, no. You're just crying eating this cheeseburger.

Yeah. I miss you, Daisy. Exactly. You just start putting cow names on your hamburgers at McDonald's. Maybe I should.

It'll tone it down a little bit. I won't so, you know, hungry for burgers all the time because Okay. Yeah. I'm so weak. I like to keep my head in the sand on these things.

Again, total hypocrite. Aw. Because cows are kinda cute sometimes, especially the little baby ones. They are. We got the cute little babies we got, like, they were playing out in the girls.

They were chasing each other. Oh, see? Yeah. I I don't need to hear about that. See?

Now you guys just need to come out and learn the ways of the cows. Learn the ways of the cows. Yep. And by that, muck the stalls for me so far. We'll we'll do everything except that.

You know? I I I have a cat box at home. That's enough I mean, this is kind of similar. It's just the floor of the barn. It's just a large cow box.

Do you use a pitchfork? Yeah. Like in red dead redemption part 2, you get the big pitchfork? See, I just need to clean my bathroom. I'm not cleaning the cow's bathroom.

I don't know if I need to do real life red dead cosplay. I feel like you could be real isn't that like in in style right now cosplay? I think so. See? It'd be so and you'd go trend.

You're trending trending. Red Dead in Real Life hat on Katie's farm. There you go. You're walking around. A cowboy hat and everything.

I do need a cowboy hat. I'll let you borrow 1. Alright. Alright. Well, can we wait till it's warmer?

No. No. No. I don't wanna be a real farmer. Back to the show.

Let's roll. I was looking through the tool subreddit because you know me. I'm a fan. I'm a fan of tool. And boy were Toole fans being ruthless about this band I'd never heard of called Kolm or maybe I don't know.

It's k o l m. I'm not gonna, speculate on some other ways you could pronounce that. So we'll call them Kolm, but I have never heard of this band. And everyone's like, they're complete tool ripoffs. They should be ashamed.

They need to come up with their own sound. Let's listen to a little bit of this. It doesn't say that it has any bad words. So alright. It's about 40 seconds into the most popular song on their Spotify.

Alright. I'd call that tool ish, but let's hear it when it really gets going. So I'd go with the the bass riff has a little bit of tool flair. I don't know about the guitar riff. Tone wise, no.

I wouldn't call these Tool ish, guitar or bass tones. I gotta hear the Maynard wannabe. That's gonna be the key to going, okay, this is a straight Tool rip off if the singer's trying to be straight up Maynard. You know, it's kinda like the band 10 years. They really sound to me like a really heavily inspired by a perfect circle band.

Okay. Yeah. That's that's tool ish. So, of course, I'm sitting here digging it, jamming on it. I really need to record some songs.

Sorry to my bandmates. And like tool, the endless buildup. Here, let's jump in. I I gotta hear the vocalist. Okay.

Here we go. Something? Alright. Jumping ahead further. Alright.

They're definitely pretty tool inspired. The vocals were mixed so quietly. I couldn't really make it out. I don't know. I might have to, really dig in.

You know, there's another band called Wheel that has a few songs that I mean, they're very, very heavily TOOL inspired. So I don't know. I mean, if you're gonna make music, I think you should try to figure out your own path. Try to come up with something original. You know?

Let your influences maybe show a little bit, but you don't want people going, ah, they're a rip off. You never wanna be called a rip off. Yeah. We got somebody calling. Let's see what they want.

Hey, K Bear. You're live on the show. Keep that in mind. Who's this? This is JD.

Love you. Love you show, man. Good to hear from you, JD. How are you? Hope you're doing well.

Alright. You know, I'm not freezing my butt off. That's, you know, not that I'm inside working, so I'm not too worried about it. Alright. Good.

You know? Good. Glad to hear. I just I just wanted to say, you know, we were listening to that clip of that band. I personally thought that was kinda boring.

Yeah. I was a little underwhelmed. It never really picked up. I was waiting for, you know, to slam in, get into some I I don't know. That was only one song, so maybe I'd have to dig into some other stuff.

But, Sure. I I agree. Yeah. You know, but from from that one taste, it's just like, okay. They're trying too hard to be epic.

Yeah. Yeah. You know what I mean? So I'm I'm gonna give them a shot, you know, when I go do my boring tedious work that I have to do after the morning show. I'll probably throw these guys on and give them a shot because, you you know, they there were appealing, melodies to my personal taste in there, but I'm also a hardcore tool fan, so not a surprise.

Right. Right. Right. Right. Yeah.

No. I I I I know you're a tool fan, so I was, you know, just the buildup and stuff was just too long, too epic, too, you know Yeah. Maybe as far as Maybe as far as, Oh, I'm sorry, Jady. Go ahead. You're not sorry.

But, anyway, the bass tone, though yeah. Bass tone was definitely a a kind of a copy. I don't wanna say a rip off, but you know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah.

And I may have jumped over, you know, some of the more exciting parts because I was jumping, like, a minute or 2 minutes at a time. So, you know, we may have just not happened to click at the right spots to when something interesting was happening. So Yeah. Maybe during the noon hour, I'll give my overall opinion after I get a chance to really listen to him. Yeah.

Yeah. And then we'll get Peaches to chime in. Yeah. Yeah. We'll see what he thinks.

Yeah. Like his opinion matters, but anyway. Oh, peaches. You hear that? Well, good to hear from you, JD, and I hope you have a Alright, brother.

An awesome weekend. You too, man. We'll see you around. Right on. Peace.

Peace. Alright. Hang on. Y'all will be back in a minute with I don't know what, but we'll be back in a minute. Peach is joining us.

Hello. Because we've got a fun announcement to make for those of you who like live music. Yeah. I'm very excited for this one. Great ticket giveaway launching right this second.

That's right. Big announcement. Big things coming soon. I mean, this show's been announced for a while. Oh, it's true.

The the giveaway is the announcement. The bigger announcement would be Victor's leaving, and he's going to take over Howard Stern's place just like that April fools prank that we get. SiriusXM offered me $100,000,000 a year like Howard Stern. See y'all later. Hey now.

I mean, they could offer me probably, like, the smallest percentage of that. I wonder how And I'd be doing great. I wonder how your show would go for 5 hours of talk, just straight up talk on SiriusXM. I bet it would be pretty good, you know, because you rely on a staff to bring in, you know, guests every day. Like, you know, if you worked in LA radio, I don't know why those Los Angeles rock stations don't have a guest in every day.

You know, let's say you do 200 shows a year. I I don't know how 250 shows a year. There are definitely 250 rock stars and or celebrities that would be available. You could have somebody join you every day, but they just do the typical hokey radio shows for the most part. I I would honestly say the fire the fires in LA were almost in a positive way better for the LA radio shows because they had no prep.

They were just improvising the entire show. Yeah. They had to actually, talk about what's happening in the community. Right. You know, take some calls, get updates from people, get Be live and local.

Yeah. Be live and local. So, yeah. You know? Anyway oh, yeah.

We were gonna announce a ticket giveaway, Peaches. We got sidetracked. Yes. So I'm hoping you're ready for I'm hoping you're ready to get down with the sickness. Down with the sickness?

I was about to ask if you could give me your best oh, why. There you go. Let's put on the lip reading, and you're pretty close to David Dreman too. Got the same hairdo. Well Pretty sweet hairdo.

Disturbed, 3 Days Grace, and 7 Dust, they're coming to the Ford Idaho Center Arena on February 25th for for the 25th anniversary or the sickness 25th anniversary tour. And I've been sort of teasing that we're gonna give away tickets for this, this show on my show. And right now, we're announcing that giveaway. It's live on our apps, the KBAR app, the ALT app, and Cannonball app. I made the forms.

I made 3 separate forms. There's no more of the the, you know, people going in the Kay Bear app entering 3 times pretending they have the other 2 apps. Oh, yeah. You gotta actually get into those other apps, people. For for more entries, you actually have to have the alt app and cannonball apps, cannonball app on your phone.

So enter to win. Right now, you've got through the 24th, which is Friday. So plenty of time to get your entries in. And I mean, that's a great lineup. Disturbed 3 days grace and 7 dust is one of the best live bands ever.

Disturbed is gonna be doing 2 sets in 1 night. They're doing the sickness in its entirety. Oh, nice. And then their greatest hits after that. Heck, yes.

That sounds pretty sweet to me. This is the first show, I think, live show that 3 days grace will have both Adam and Matt. Like, this is the first show of the entire tour. Oh, dude. Sweet.

So you're getting the debut of the new 3 days grace. So, might as well try to go for free. Fill out the forms in any of our apps. And if you're lucky, you will be getting a call from us next Friday when we draw winners. If you need more details on the giveaway, go to the apps.

All the details are there. And, all right. Good show today. Thank you to everybody who took part in traffic school and some of the other calls we had throughout the program peaches and I will be back at noon as always. Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show.

This program is a production of Riverbend Media Group. To contact the show or for more information, hit us up at riverbendmediagroup.com.

#137 - Joker 2 is a good movie. Take that. - 01/17/2025
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