#0041 - Man cries to the internet because his fiancé won't take his last name. Cue world's smallest violin. - 08/09/2024
Why are my headphones so far away? Okay. There we go. There we go. You know, you'd think that would be the first thing I do when I get here, grab the headphones, but, I was in a rush to get on the microphone, so I just turned it on and hoped it was working.
Always better to monitor your audio and ensure things are actually going over the air, but, I've I've ran the board for long enough. Usually, I'm right. However, I do make plenty of fails when it comes to running the board, so I should probably not be sitting here bragging up my board running skills. Yeah. Alright.
So far, kind of a slow news day in my initial diggings here, but I've only just begun. Alright? We'll we'll find good stuff. It's gotta be out there. It's gotta be out there.
The problem is I started reading about, being lazy. Yeah. A new survey found the average person needs 60 60 lazy days per year to feel rested and relaxed. Well, I'm doing my best lately. I need to get some things done around my house.
Tell you what. It's not that bad. I I woke up this morning and was looking around. I'm like, okay. You you know what?
You you don't need to worry. This isn't gonna take that long to straighten this place up. Settle down a little bit. Got my lady coming to visit. 3 weeks.
I should be able to do things like, sweep and mop, vacuum, general just tidying in 3 weeks, But I'm used to my place being so just in disarray like it's been for the last year that it it feels weird to have it at a point where I can go, oh, okay. It's just, the basic normal chores. So so that's good. I can enjoy some lazy days. Yeah.
So things that, people enjoy doing on their lazy days. This makes me feel like every day is a lazy day to me. Watching movies and TV, scrolling on the phone, eating, reading. I should do more reading, especially since today is National Book Lovers Day. Oh, there you go.
Guess I'll have to, hit up the thrift store. No. I need to go to Walmart after work. Gotta get some cat food. These cats, man, do they eat.
It's amazing how much quicker the cat food disappears when you have 2 of them. Used to be okay. I'm stocked for a month. There we go. No worries about feeding this guy.
That little kitten, I think, eats more than the big cat. She loves to feast. Anyhow, what's the last book you read? I guessed The Talisman, and then I started reading Black House, and I have failed to complete it, which is weird because it's such a good book. I really need to start reading.
It's good for the mind. Might help with the, foggy headedness that, I experience from time to time. Yeah. Maybe get yourself a book for National Book Lovers Day, or if you're in a, you know, better position than me, you could celebrate National Hand Holding Day. I guess I'll have to save that one for 3 weeks.
It's good to hold people's hands according to this other article that popped up. Reduces stress. You know? We are biologically programmed to hold hands. That's what this article says.
Alright. Just get a get a flight, my lady. Fly on over. Hold my hand. Alright.
I'm gonna do some, deep digging on content here. We're gonna find some fun stuff to talk about or so I hope. Either way, we'll get through the show. We'll get through Friday, and then it's gonna be the weekend, and we can be lazy. Yeah.
You know, I think a lot of people want to be famous, and then when it actually happens, it's probably not as great as you think it's gonna be. I've been noticing all these articles making the rounds now about, oh, look at what this hoktua girl did. Look at the the people. They're not liking her anymore. Check it out.
Here's her on stage at a music festival and the crowd's basically booing her. Man, the Internet is mean to people. Like, if if you just kinda go viral online, your fame's not gonna stick around very long. But I've seen it happen with a lot of Internet celebrities where the internet just turns on them and they turn on them fast I mean with with that girl you knew it was gonna be a quick turnaround and that it would probably get, you know, potentially nasty with the type of things people would say because of the nature of how she went viral. But even so, I don't know.
I I feel bad for her just seeing people trashing her online because, you know, she just said something silly in a quick interview goes viral. And then, oh, you're next thing you know, you're up on stage in front of tens of thousands of people. And they're giving you just nothing just nothing. I've walked out in front of many crowds on a microphone and be, like, what up, everybody? And everybody always cheers.
It's a good feeling. You know, like, as a guy who used to be in bands and things like that. You know, Andrew, I've talked plenty on the show about radio people and how they they're all very needy and need attention. I'll admit when I if I walk out on a stage and a crowd cheers, you you definitely get some, some good feeling out of that. Feels great.
Even if you're just walking out to introduce a band and the crowd is essentially screaming for the band. I gotta thank East Idaho for every time I've walked out on a stage and you gave me a warm welcome. I can't imagine walking out and go, what up everybody? And it's just crickets. Oh.
It would hurt. It would hurt bad. Man. You know, even if you don't know the person who's walking up on stage, give them a cheer. It's scary to get in front of a crowd.
I mean, not for me. I've done it so many times. Yeah. I'd I'd get out in front of, I'd be more nervous standing up in a room in front of 5 people and having to talk than a crowd of like 20,000. The bigger the crowd, the easier it is because it's just like this giant hive mind, and you're you're just screaming into a wall of energy.
It's a it's a piece of cake. I mean, as long as you don't totally fumble. So yeah. Man, I bet there are some, pretty good stories of the fall of Internet influencers and not ones that, like, deserved it. You know?
Just people who had their little 5 minutes of fame, and then the Internet turns on like, I don't know why people get so mean. I mean, there have been Internet celebrities like the, the star wars kid. I think that basically ruined his life going going viral and becoming famous online. You know? A lot of the people who end up in the the meme pictures, you know, it screws things up for them, especially if it's a, a meme that's not positive and you're the face of it and you didn't choose it.
Just some nerd on a computer decided, yeah. I'm gonna make something out of this picture. Next thing you know, everybody recognizes you, but you're you're the dirtbag guy. Like, scumbag Steve. You remember scumbag Steve?
Some of you kids, these are memes that are too old for you. But scumbag Steve, he's just some dude. You know, he's dressed kinda stupid, and he was the face of dirtbags everywhere for a long time. And that's what if somebody bumped into him in the street, that's what they're gonna call him. Hey.
It's scumbag Steve. You're like, no. My name's, you know, Jeff. And I'm not a scumbag. I'm a nice guy.
Whatever scumbag Steve. I saw you online. We know everything there is to be known about you, scumbag, Steve. Nobody wants the nickname scumbag. That's a pretty brutal one, isn't it?
Scumbag. It's fun to say. Is there a band called that? I'm sure there's a band called Scum, but what about Scumbag? That sound like a good punk band.
Scumbag Band. If that name hasn't been used okay. Yeah. There's a band called Scumbag. Sorry, local bands.
I was hoping I came up with a really great name for you because that's a simple one word. Bam. Scumbag. What kind of music are they? It doesn't really say here.
It sounds like punk band to me. Scumbag. Well, they posted a video on hardcore worldwide, so I guess maybe they're, maybe they're a hardcore band. Anyhow, just try to be nice to people online even if you, you know, don't think they deserve their internet fame. They're people.
K? I mean, I've known people who just somebody will make a snide comment to them on social media, And it you know, like, 1. And it hits them bad. If somebody said the right thing to me online, it could, you know, be pretty bothersome to me. The only time I could think of really that and I wasn't bothered by it.
I was just, like, really annoyed and, like, what what kid me? There was somebody who threw me under the bus on social media making up lies about me, relating to, my support of the local music scene saying I, you know, I I don't support the local music scene. And for some reason, people around them believed this nonsense, you know, as someone who's been in the local music scene for I mean, we're getting close to 30 years here. Pretty sure I, I mean, no local bands would say that. Yeah.
Just other idiots in the I guess you could call it the scene. But, anyway, be nice. K? Try to be nice to people. Alright?
Even if they've gone viral for kinda ridiculous reason. Let's talk a little bit about traditions. Now over the years, I've talked about how sometimes people hold on to traditions a little too tightly and that not all traditions need to continue on. For example, you know, traditional radio programming. It's a joke.
I'm not gonna get into that because I get into it way too often. But I was looking through some posts online and saw somebody asking, am I the jerk for telling my fiance that I'd consider ending our relationship if she doesn't take my last name. Is it really necessary? No. It's not.
Let's read this post. Hey, everyone. I'm in a long term relationship, and we're planning to get married. It's really important to me that my future wife takes my family name, whether it's just my name or a combination of both our names. However, she wants to keep her maiden name and her maiden name only.
Her reasons are that she feels it's a matter of personal autonomy and she doesn't wanna deal with the paperwork involved in changing her name. For me, it's tied to tradition. The meaning of marriage and practical reasons, like how my mom had issues traveling with me alone when I was a kid because her last names didn't match. This resulted in a bit of an argument in which I said, it's a deal breaker for me. It is something I was open about before.
She responded by saying that I'm a jerk for possibly ending a long term relationship over such a petty reason. Alright. Am I the jerk for saying this is a deal breaker? I mean, yeah. I think you're being pretty petty, bro.
Just, like, get over it. Now if she wants to take your name, great. That's fine. There is paperwork involved. There's a lot of things you gotta do, you know, change in accounts and things like that.
You gotta submit this and that. I mean, I wouldn't say it's like crazy difficult, but there is paperwork involved and it, you know, it's gonna take some effort to make that happen. But if she wants to, sure. Great. If not, who cares, dude?
Move along. Like, I I don't know. There are a lot of these long time traditions. I mean, marriage itself, There are benefits to it for sure, but you don't have to get married. I mean, I try to tell young people all the time, like, wait.
Because you're gonna be a different person at 30 than you were at 20. You know? Be sure. Be really sure. Don't get married at 18.
Alright? I know there's gonna be people out there who would get upset at me for saying that, but you don't need to get married even if you end up like, oh, there's a baby on the way. So what? You don't have to be married to be parents and live together and be in a relationship and do all the things that every parent does. You don't have to.
So don't let anybody push you into making that kind of a commitment just because, traditionally, that's what you're supposed to do if you've you've got the little ones on the way or something. But yeah. I don't know. To me, it's weird that there would be, you know, you'd break up with somebody over this. That's ridiculous.
Alright? Maybe you really want your significant other to take your last name. But if they don't want to okay. Cool. No big deal.
Why would you break up with them for that? I mean, you might have the the best significant other ever. Nope. Won't take my name. I mean, maybe because I don't even generally use my real name.
It's not that big of a deal to me. I mean, honestly, as far as that changing your name thing, I might consider doing it, but it's all that paperwork and, changing all my bills. And I mean, there's the mortgage on the house. I'd assume I'd have to do something with that. It's it it'd just be too big of a hassle.
Yeah. I don't know. Maybe it's a little bit easier in the process of marriage because I think, you know, on those forms, you put down, you know, what your names are gonna be at the end of it. It's probably the easiest way to go about it, but still yeah. A lot of work.
And earlier, I talked about my enjoyment of laziness. I mean, when I have to sit down and pay bills, I'm like, I gotta sit down and pay bills, and it's not like it's hard. I sit at my awesome computer at home and click a few things. It's not like the old days where you had to get the pen and paper out, the checkbook, other than my Idaho Falls utilities. You know?
So I can save $4. You know, I'll take the time to write a check, put a stamp on an envelope, stick it in the mail. That's the only one. All the others, nice and and, yes, I know I could pay my utility bill online, but I'm not gonna that's $60 a year. Okay.
Essentially, not 6 48 because I'm still you know, it costs me a dollar to get the paper bill sent to me and stamps are getting ex I'm I'm basically saving $3, but $3 adds up. Alright? Even if it's $36 a year. $36 a year in paying my bill fees. Ridiculous.
It is 2024. No other company charging me that kind of money to pay my bill online. Come on. Sorry, Idaho Falls. I don't mean to throw you under the bus.
Our utility rates are great, and I shouldn't complain because they could be, you know, like many other places. So I'll pay the the couple extra bucks for a stamp and a paper bill mailed to me. Let's take a look at things the Internet thinks people only pretend to like. I'm interested to see if I agree with the sentiment that I'm finding online here. And I always, here's one thing that I find interesting lately about Reddit.
Reddit is broken right now. Okay. Facebook seems to be as well. I think social media is something that people, to a degree, only pretend to like. I'm not gonna say I don't like it.
I don't like some of the things I see on it but I'll I'll admit. I'm just like everybody else. I scroll. I scroll. But, man, do I get annoyed when, like, right here, I I wanna see the most popular answers to this question.
And the one at the top, based on the numbers below it, I I know this isn't the answer getting the most, upvotes on Reddit. Yesterday on Facebook, it was international cat day. Right? I post a picture of my cats, and I wanna see everybody else's cats and give them a like. You know, people who respond to my post, post a picture of their little kitties.
In Facebook, you know, I set it to show all comments, and it only shows me, like, 20 of them. So if I didn't like your cat picture, it wasn't because I didn't try. Alright? Facebook just sucks right now. So, anyway, we'll still go through these responses, but I wish when you're sorting by best, you would actually get the answers that are getting the best response.
So, anyway, the one that's currently sitting at the top is the so called glamorous life on Instagram. I think people there are people who like that or at least enjoy looking at it. And I think about myself, for example. I follow a lot of pages that show cool houses. Alright?
So that I can go buy a lottery ticket and go, oh, yeah. If I won the lottery, I could buy a house like that, and that'd be the the glamorous life. Not necessarily the glamorous life that I think a lot of people would look for in a house. I like unique places that got a lot of character to them. So I I think people do like the glamorous life.
Maybe not, you know, when you've got the influencers out on the beach somewhere and, like, oh, look at I don't know if people really like that. I think they enjoy getting mad and jealous of people out living that kind of life, so I don't know about that that response to this question here. Gender reveal parties. I think the people that throw them like them. Anybody else, I I don't think they care.
And, I mean, there have been so many problems with gender reveal parties, people lighting things on fire, you know, burning down a mountainside. I I think that, alright. As someone who has kids, it's been a long time since they were babies, but I don't know. You could just make a Facebook post. Hey.
Having a boy. I don't know. Seems kinda like a waste of money. You better save that money for diapers. Kids are expensive.
Seems like a waste of money to me. Yeah. Just have yourself a baby shower. Move along. Let's see.
Working. No. I think there are people who enjoy working. K. Let me be clear about this.
I have just about as fun of a job as you can get. I do enjoy my work even on a stressful day or when I'm overloaded and I feel like my brain's gonna explode at the end of the day because of, the the mental effort I have to put in to doing, programming and clock making and, you know, finding content for the radio show talking for hours on end. I still have as fun of a job as you can get, and I do love my job. I'm super lucky. But if I won the lottery, there ain't no way that I'd be doing 8 hour days rolling in at 6 AM anymore.
It just wouldn't happen. Yeah. But I do think there are people that enjoy working. And if I could offer you one piece of advice when it comes to life and, well, you know, work, the work part of life, Get into a job that you can enjoy because making tons of money. If you're miserable every day you go to work, your day to day life's not gonna be as good as it could be, and you're not gonna enjoy being able to spend all that money.
I'd I'd say it's much better for your mental health to have a a workplace that you enjoy and can tolerate, and maybe, you know, you you can get by okay. You know, you're comfortable. Much better to be comfortable in enjoying your days than be rich and miserable. Alright? Ultra high IBU super bitter IPAs.
I I can tell you, Reddit, without any question that people who enjoy ultra high super bitter IPAs actually enjoy them. Trust me. It's a curse. K? I wish that I didn't have the the taste for that because, you know, it's part of the reason I have to really regulate myself because it's way too easy to get out of control with my favorite style of brew, these super bitter IPAs because they're super strong.
You know? So you just next thing you know, you're wasted and then you're sick for days and miserable. You're getting nothing done. People do enjoy them. So far, I'm I'm thinking that, the people or the things that people on Reddit think people are only pretending to enjoy are things that people actually enjoy.
Black jelly beans. I'm not opposed to them. If there was one in front of me, I'd be, like, yeah. Sure. I'll eat it.
No big deal. I'm sure there are people who just mow them down. Okay. Being sung by a group of people, happy birthday to you. I mean, it might feel a little awkward at times, but well, is there anybody who's like, I love this?
I I don't know. That's a weird one. That's a weird one. This is a strange thread here. Team building and bonding.
Well, I know Peaches don't like hearing about team building. That's one of those, phrases that bothers him. I don't know. I think that that's good. I don't know if people, like, like it, but I think, ultimately, team building activities can be good and positive in the long run.
Alright. Technology conferences, trade shows, and networking events. I bet that's true for most people, but, you know, the networking events I get to do in my biz? Radio conventions. Rock radio conventions.
Those are super fun. They're all filled with good people. They're great. I love a radio convention because it's all a bunch of people just like me, and they're my homies, and we have a great time together. I I haven't gone to 1 in a couple years.
I would love to go. Ho hopefully, in February, I can hit the, next convention in Vegas. Loud music at social events. I don't like Alright. If you don't like loud music, come on.
You gotta get out. You're too old. Too old. So far, I've been disagreeing with pretty much everything that the Internet is saying. People are only pretending to like this.
Let's keep looking at some of these because there has to be something that I'd go, yeah. People really are just pretending to like that. Parades. Nope. I think there are people who really like parades.
They wouldn't take all the time to make those big ridiculous floats if they didn't like parades. Guarantee that's a very popular response to this question about what's something you're convinced that people only pretend to like. I guarantee people like parades. Oh, boy. This one hits me.
Listening to people at work describing their weekends especially on a Monday. That's pretty much what I do first thing every Monday is I jump on and tell all of you about my weekend. You want me to stop that? And then when Peaches walks in, I'm like, how was your weekend? What'd you do this weekend?
Is that, like, the worst kind of water cooler talk there is, I guess? Sorry. Sometimes I have interesting stuff happen on the weekend. I know sometimes it's pretty boring. Hey.
I sat around and watched the x files. Yeah. It was very, relaxing. Alright. I'll I'll try to only stick to exciting stuff moving forward.
I enjoy hearing people at work talk about their weekends. Otherwise, I wouldn't ask peaches. Hey. How was your weekend? What did you do?
So I don't believe that one. I think there are people who enjoy listening to people at work describe their weekends because I'm one of them. Hey, Josh. What'd you do this weekend? Jade, what'd you do?
I ask everybody that. If you don't enjoy hearing about it, I don't think you'd ask. So me. Clowns. I don't know.
I think the movie it's a lot of fun. Terrifier. I talked about that movie within the last couple days. It's really funny. I would say I enjoy clowns.
Now in real life, somebody come up. Oh, a McCloud. Then I'd be annoyed but, you know, in general, in the entertainment realm, I'm cool with clowns. What you're gonna try to tell me that ICP doesn't have fans? They do.
Twisted? I had those guys in the studio with me. They put on clown makeup. Nice fellas. We talked horror movies.
They were a lot of fun. I'm down with. Isn't that in a song? You down with the clown. Isn't that a I c p thing?
I c p has such rabid fans that the government called them like a, you know some type of organized gang or something at one point people definitely like clowns okay here's one that you know, even though I don't personally get it because I wish I did. I wish that I could just get out and run but I haven't liked running ever in my life even when I was a kid and I was able to do it pretty good. Running. There are people who who like it, though. I have talked to them.
Jay Miller down the hall. That guy definitely likes running. He's not pretending. He loves it. He'll run up the side of a mountain.
There are people who enter into big marathons and things like that. My girlfriend's sister, she definitely appears to enjoy running. She's gotta. I don't think that she would, you know, engage in these big competitions. Things like the Boston marathon if she didn't like it.
Why would you put that kind of effort into something if you'd, like, hated it and were just pretending to like it? Influencer like lifestyles, things like van life. Not I've I've met plenty of people around here who would. They like going out and sleeping on the ground in the woods. Alright?
Van and that's, up in the game a bit. And that's that's doing that type of stuff fancy style. There are definitely people that enjoy van life. Meet and greets with celebrities. I guarantee people enjoy that because they pay money for it.
You may you may not understand it because the person who posted this is like, oh, you just met another human being. Nothing changed. I don't know. It's fun to meet celebrities. I like meeting guys in bands and seeing what they're really like as real people.
I enjoy having conversations with them. Meet and greets themselves are kinda, generally, you're just in a big long line, and it's a quick, hi. Nice to meet you. Sign my crap. Let's take a photo.
Go. Those kind of meet and greets. I I still think that people enjoy them because I do. I do. Yeah.
It's not life changing. But okay. Imagine if today you had the opportunity to have a meet and greet with your favorite band or sit at work. What what would you rather do? Obviously, you'd go for the meet and greet, and I'm sure you'd like it unless the celebrity's a jerk.
I've met a few celebrities that were not very nice. But for the most part, I've always had a fun time at a meet and greet because it's something fun and unique and different to do. I wonder if these people have just never done a meet and greet. Yeah. Ridiculously loud cars even when they are driving slow.
I, you know, I don't really want a really loud car because I don't like the racket around me, but I could see people really liking that. I like really loud music. Talked about my bass amp being fixed yesterday. I went home last night, and at a certain point, I certainly turned it on and crushed down my house. Yeah.
And I had it up much louder than I needed to. It's just me there. I'm not playing a concert. I had it as as loud as my ears could tolerate. It's fun.
Okay. Let's see. Getting, blackout hammered. Well, I hate to break it to you, Internet, but there are people who do enjoy that. I don't know why, but they do.
Getting really, really hammered. I mean, they'll take the pain the next day. There are people who enjoy it. Okay. I can't say that one.
But, again, there are I don't think I found anything on here that people are only pretending to enjoy that. I I actually agree that people are pretending to enjoy it. Yoko Onosini singing. Guarantee there are people who like it. K?
Go look at her YouTube or YouTube and Spotify plays. People are listening to it and not just to sit around and laugh. K? There are people who like it. Alright.
Morning. Hope Friday is going good. I'm gonna keep digging for content here because yeah. I think I could sit here and scroll this post all day, and I'm gonna disagree with every response. Jeez.
I just wanna throw out a warning to East Idaho residents. Jeez. Be careful scrolling the Idaho Falls subreddit today. Apparently, the mods are not doing their job over there. I'm pretty sure that kind of content needs to go into the NSFW, portion of Reddit.
Holy cow. You know, I'm glad it's early and the office isn't filled up with people. I'm just scrolling away. Next thing I know woah. That should not be on the work computer screen.
IT. Gonna be showing up. The g m. What are you looking at on the job? The Idaho Falls subreddit.
My goodness. Well, anyway, I was just trying to dig up maybe some local content to talk about. See what's going on around here. Nope. Closed that window quick.
My goodness. Alright. Well, what else could we get into here? Okay. Speaking of local, let's talk about the South Fork Music Fest.
This should be a lot of fun. It's going down next weekend. Gonna be held at the Aspen Grove Campground and Mountain River Ranch, near the Hycy Bridge. So this is going I guess it's next I thought it was next Friday Saturday, but this article seems to indicate 15th 16th. Are they doing Thursday Friday?
No. Note to the Idaho State Journal. You got your dates wrong. Go to southforkfest dotcom to get the proper information. I was like, that sounds weird.
Why would they do a Thursday and Friday local music festival? No. It's happening next next Friday Saturday. Aspen Grove Inn. Tons of great local bands gonna be appearing.
It's gonna be tons of fun. You've got, the Obscometrists, for example, McMurphy Bros and Co, my homies in Hot Pursuit, Loot, Spudmother, Peak Theory, great bands, and a lot of artists that I will admit I haven't heard of, Like Will Logsdon, Madrona. And if any of these bands are listening, I'm sorry. You haven't, sent me your music or something. That's why I haven't heard of you.
I know I need I should get out to this show, the South Fork Fest. But, lots of bands playing. Multi day music festival, you know, and it's in the great outdoors. So they're gonna be doing giveaways and things like that. You could get out and, do some camping, some fishing, and check out some great live music.
It's gonna be tons of fun. Southforkfest.com. A wide variety of artists too. This is pretty cool, you know, to see this type of variety. You've got rock bands.
You've got country and folk acts. My friend, McKinley Wilson going to be appearing. It it's going to be really fun. So there you go. We'll go local and keep it safe for work by talking about the South Fork Fest.
They got information on your your tickets and things like that. But, yeah, Outdoor Fest camping, always a blast. You should go check it out. There you go. Alright.
Let's see if I could, not pull up anything inappropriate on the computer moving forward by looking at local content. My goodness. I don't want the hydro homies to start freaking out. So just a heads up. I'm gonna talk about energy drinks.
And if you don't like it, we we don't need to hear about it. K? Because we're looking at the top 30 countdown from wired.com of the best energy drinks. Alright. It'll be interesting to see how many of these I've tried and what my thoughts are.
I don't think I'm gonna go through all 30. Alright. Maybe we should do the, the top 10. This is a long article here. Let's well, let's go to the bottom and see what they say is the the worst.
One called Riot Energy. I don't know if I've ever even seen that one. So okay. Oh, they also have the ghost energy drink toward the bottom. Now I kinda like the taste of the ghost energy drink because it's always like candy.
It's kinda weird, though. Like, when you have a Swedish Fish energy drink, it's a little too they they are pretty sweet. I don't know. And I don't recall the energy boost I got from it being very spectacular. So alright.
Well, as I scroll through, I see some of the others that are popping up in the, you know, 30 through 10. You've got Elani and Rock Star, Nas, Monster, Bang at 17. I'm not a big fan of bang even though it's got tons of caffeine. If I'm gonna go for 300 milligrams and, you know, make myself jacked and pumped, I go for that rain. I haven't seen rain pop up.
I wonder if it'll be on the list at all. Again, some of these I haven't heard of. Joggy. You ever seen a Joggy energy drink? Right?
They got prime at number 13. Prime's okay, but I feel like an idiot drinking it because Logan Paul isn't that who, you know, started this company. He's such a tool that yeah. I can't really bring myself to not feel shame if I'm drinking a prime. Let's go to the phones here.
K Bear, you're live on the show. Who's this? Hey. It's Zach. How are you doing?
Zach, I'm doing pretty good. What's on your mind, man? Hey. Wondering if rip it is on that, list. Rip it?
I don't hold on. Let me search the page because I scrolled through a bunch that I had never heard of, and I might have went right past it. Rip. So rip its, if you're not familiar, at the dollar store, and they are the energy drink of the army. Energy drink of the army.
Okay. That's not officially the energy drink of the army, but that's what our guys get down range. Okay. I've never heard of that one. I'd have to see the can probably, but you said they got them at the, the Dollar Tree?
Yeah. Yeah. The Dollar Tree. They're I don't think they're that great. I never really had too many of them, but I swear our guys to get deployed, absolutely love them.
Alright. I'll I'll give them a whirl, man. I that's how I purchase energy drinks is usually what's on sale at grocery outlet. Right. Right.
What do they got for a dollar? I'll take it. Yeah. Dollar 25 now, you know, but Hey, You know, dollar 25, it ain't too bad. Even better when you can find them in the alley.
50¢ or 4 for a buck. It's like, yes. Stock up. Give me that caffeine. All right.
I'll keep an eye out for rip it, man, for sure. Heck yeah. Have a good day, man. You too, man. See you.
All right. What else do we got on this list? I'm I'm kinda curious to see what wired, you know, it's a good name for a website rank and energy drinks. I know it's a not an energy drink ranking website. It's wired.com.
It's been around forever. But it's a good name for this, website at the time with this article. So prime at 13. Like I said, it's okay. The flavors are kinda basic.
And again, I feel like you know, I I cringe at myself if I've got a prime in my hand. Balls? I didn't even know that was still around. B a w l s? I remember those from, like, 20 years ago or something.
Oh, yeah. Regarded as the first energy soda explicitly marketed to gamers. It's a fun throwback to the days of the late nineties. Yeah. I had no idea that was still around.
Can't rank it because, again, I haven't had one of those for ages. Ages. Alright. And now I'm passing a whole bunch I've never heard of as well. Number 10, Gorgie, g o r g I e.
Never seen it. Aspire. Aspire. Healthy energy at number 9. Mountain Dew Kickstart.
Really? Coming in at number 8. Now, they based these rankings on flavor and the energy boost you get. The quality energy boost. I don't think I've ever had a Mountain Dew kick start because I'm like, okay.
But just Mountain Dew with extra caffeine. And, you know, Mountain Dew's a little too sugary for me nowadays. Alright. And oh, there it is. There's rain.
Rain total body fuel at number 7. Yeah. They I think they're delicious. I think they have great flavor and unique flavors, and they they do have a lot of caffeine. Like, sometimes a little bit too much.
300 milligrams is a lot of caffeine. Okay. Alright. Now you've got the guayaki organic yerba mate. I don't even know if I said any of that right.
I actually bought one of these about a month ago. I was drinking it at the Idaho Falls Community Hospital River Fest. And I didn't really like it. No carbonation. It just it wasn't what I needed at the time.
I don't know if it gave me the caffeine kick. I you know, it not one of my favorites. Fast Twitch from Gatorade. I've never seen this. It doesn't sound like Gatorade with a bunch of caffeine and I don't want to think about twitching.
Alright? That's one of the things about energy drinks. When they make you feel like you're crawling you're crawling out of your skin, not a big fan of that. Okay. Never heard of this one either.
Jocko go. Never seen it. Number 3, classic Red Bull. I think it tastes like crap. The caffeine kicks alright, but, I mean, it is a distinct flavor.
You could like, if you tell somebody it tastes like Red Bull, that is a flavor. You know, they don't try to do anything weird. You know, even the blue cans and red cans, it's, like, well, it still tastes just like a Red Bull to me. Alright. What do we got at number 2?
C 4. Oh, jeez. Okay. I've had a c 4. I bought one one time.
And I don't know if it's packed with, like, niacin or something, but, you know, like, I don't wanna be all tingly when I drink an energy drink. The kick was good for sure, but, yeah, felt like I was crawling out of my skin with c 4. Oh, number 1, Celsius. That's about as basic as it gets, ain't it? I mean, it's good.
I don't think the flavor's great. The energy is you know, it's that's like the run of the mill energy drink. Like, it's it's an easy go to if you just need a little bit of energy. You know, as you're not get you're not gonna, again, crawl out of your skin. But I think if if I had to go favorite energy drinks, I'm I think I'm gonna definitely go rain over Celsius.
And rain makes these smaller cans. These have been come. These have become my go to that only have 200 milligrams of caffeine or, rain storm, and they got fun flavors. Yeah. There we go.
Making myself, thirsty, but, I don't have any energy drinks around. So it's gonna be, water because I already had a nice stout instant coffee shooter. And freak news is powered by Greasemonkey voted Idaho's best oil change. Alright. Party time.
What do we got today? California teacher? Getting prepared for the upcoming school year? Ice I'm sorry I keep mentioning this, kids, but this is what's in the news. They want to remind you just like Walmart with all those school supplies that school is coming.
Well, anyway, there's a teacher in California, walks into the classroom to start, getting the classroom ready at Peak Mountain Charter School, and, well, I guess it really wanted to learn. There's a bear in there. Jeez. And she dropped her cell phone when she saw it. Locks the door and then she went to call somebody and she didn't have a phone.
Well, luckily, you know, she shut the bear into the room. So she was eventually able to get a hold of somebody, and, apparently, then the bear just went back out the door. I don't know how it got in there. Wasn't a window or anything, but, the teacher called her husband. He came over.
He opened the door, and the bear walked out and went back into the woods. I don't recommend that approach. Call an authority if you find a bear inside of a building that you walk into. Don't don't just assume it'll walk past and go on its merry way. It's a bear.
It could rip you to pieces. Alright. What else we got? What else we got here? Alright.
A guy caught footage of a huge white rotating cube in the sky that he said vanished without a trace. Everyone was going wild on this. What is it? And I'm looking at a picture of the cube in the sky. Certainly looks weird.
It's just a balloon. There was a circus nearby. A balloon got away. The end. At least according to what I've read online.
Yeah. A balloon that burst in the sky. The end. You'd be surprised what could be a balloon. Alright?
You ever seen magicians at work? Alright. I saw a video online one time of Criss Angel making Shaq levitate. You know Shaq, Peach's favorite athlete? Yeah.
Criss Angel making Shaq levitate. I'm pretty sure that was a Shaq balloon. That might sound ridiculous, but watch the video. That is a balloon made to look like Shaq. Alright?
Again, might sound crazy, but it was Shaq balloon. So you you never know. I'm surprised there aren't more UFO shaped balloons just being set loose. It's probably because they can't do cool UFO stuff, you know. Zip back and forth and do those crazy maneuvers like the real UFOs do.
If you own a Samsung oven, you might wanna look into which model Samsung recalling 1,000,000 stoves to prevent pets from setting your home on fire. Yeah. It I guess I gotta put some new knobs on because, pets could jump up on the side and, like, hit the knobs and ignite fires. People just walking by could bump into the knobs and accidentally start a fire? Jeez.
1,000,000. 1,000,000. Well, I will say there are certain Samsung products that I personally would not buy, and they tend to be appliances. My soundbar and my TV, great. I've never been given any grief by those and I better not jinx myself by saying that now.
But the worst washing machine or the worst dryer, I should say, that I ever had was definitely a Samsung. So when it comes to major appliances, I don't think I'd go for it. Electronics, TVs, phones. Even though I've had bad luck with the last Samsung phone I picked up. But, you know, you're gonna get a lemon every once in a while.
Generally, I loved my Samsung phones over the years, but next time I upgrade, I might give the iPhone another whirl. I don't know. Anyway, freak news Powered by Greasemonkey, fix your oven. You don't wanna have your house burned down. K?
That is not cool. Peach is in the house, and he brought me a snack. Now for anybody who missed your description of this snack the other day, go ahead and fill them in, Peaches. Well, I mixed, together Greek yogurt, peanut butter, then, made it to, like, a little patty form, and then put it onto a baking sheet, put a popsicle stick in there, froze it, waited for it to be frozen, and then dipped it all in chocolate. And I I don't know.
I was envisioning in my head when you described this something because you didn't use the word patty the other day. Just kinda rolled it up or something. So I was envisioning a cake pop. You know, something about like that? Uh-huh.
This is like, oversized dilly bar from, Dairy Queen. Mhmm. Looks, look pretty good, peaches. Looks like quite the snack. It is great.
Alright. Well, I'm very excited. I mean, it's right now, bosses. Don't worry. It's inside of a plastic container.
It's safe. It's not getting all over to the the board here. I'll put it in the, freezer, and I'll have to dig in after the show, you know, after a little bit of traffic school, which is coming up in a few and all that good stuff. Be the way to fuel myself through the rest of the Friday because I got a lot to do, Peaches. You know how Fridays are.
Oh, yeah. Slam. Slammed around here. Speaking of the fact that it's Friday, tomorrow is the Idaho Falls Farmers Market down on Memorial Drive. Like all of Memorial Drive by the river there.
Do you know who's gonna be at the, Farmers Market tomorrow beaches? I believe it's Josh and Katie. Josh and Katie. If I'm not mistaken because it was supposed to be me and Justin, we both switched. That's right.
You switched to the following week. Yeah. Right? Okay. So Idaho Falls Farmers Market, it's a lot of fun.
Every week through October, I believe. Yeah. Crazy. They've got all kinds of stuff. Obviously, typical things you'd find at farmer's markets like fruits and vegetables and blah blah blah, but, you know, unique gift items and my favorite, corn dogs.
Can't go wrong with corn dogs, pizza, funnel cakes Tacos. Tacos, cupcakes, different, delicious beverages. I mean, they got it all down there. They do. Yeah.
You can go down there, eat like a pig, do some people watching. There's always lots of weirdos around. It's it's fun. Always bigger people, you know, hogging the walking path. You know, lots of people that gotta bring their dog Exactly.
And walk through there with their their critters and things like that. Alright. Jade Davis joining us. Jade Davis, what's your favorite item at the Idaho Falls Farmers Market that's happening every Saturday including tomorrow 9 AM to 2 PM? Food.
That's right. That's what we're talking about. Food. Yeah. I can tell looking at you.
Oh, never mind. You've seen me eat. I have. You know, you've got the I'm just awesome or I'd end up looking like you. No.
I think that you got a tapeworm. Round. We got we got tapeworm issues. You know? There's no other explanation.
I've seen you eat like an absolute pig. I do eat for 2. Yeah. And you never grow, you know. Makes people like me feel bad.
I I tend to have, like, 2 meals a day. You know? I skip breakfast. And still, look at this. Round.
You're 52 by 55. I am not 52. 555. Or 55. How dare you?
Starting to talk to me like peaches. Anyway, go check out the farmer's market. We will have staff on hand at the Riverbend Media Group booth. Give them some grief who's ever there. Talk to them about how Kay Bear is your favorite, but, you know, listen to what they have to say about radio.
Make sure to engage them in a discussion about radio. Force them to talk about our new music channels. Oh, right. I mean, it's not a big update, but there is a slight update about Grand Theft Auto 6. And that update is that take 2 says the game is still coming out next year, which is exciting news if you're a fan of the Grand Theft Auto series like I am.
Love the Grand Theft Auto series. It is so good. So good. It has made so many people mad over the years. I remember when the very first one released.
I I had it on PC, an old PC way back in the day. And it was the top down view. You know, kinda like playing, I don't know, Frogger or something. But the content in the game, I'm like, this is wild. This is wild.
This is a game where you're playing as a criminal. This is crazy. And it was fun. It was a it was a fun game. Then when they dropped Grand Theft Auto 3 I mean, changed the world.
Changed the world when Grand Theft Auto 3 was released. Never had I played anything like that. Holy cow. My friend Dan had it. And I remember going over to his apartment and just being so blown away, playing on a little tiny TV.
It was it was so amazing. Well, years years years later, still loving GTA. I started playing grand theft auto 5 again recently, just about a week ago, and I've been having so much fun playing that game. It's so good. It stands the test of time.
Still one of the best video games ever released. I cannot wait for GTA 6. I'm gonna have to take at least a week off work. Made the mistake when Red Dead 2 came out. I've only taken one day off on release day.
That was not near enough. I did also have, you know, young kids living in my house at the time, so I also didn't get a lot of time to actually play it. You know? Little bit while they were at school. But at least from what I recall, I think they were in school that time of year.
But it was not enough. Gotta have multiple days to truly dive in and enjoy Grand Theft Auto 6. So yeah. Coming soon. And if you haven't played any of the GTA games, I I'd recommend it.
I don't know. The content might not be for everybody. If you are offended by bad language, do not play Grand Theft Auto 5 because it is jam packed with controversial content and it's gotta have more bad language than any other video game I've ever played. It's I don't know. It's so fun.
I'll call out who's mean right now or just kinda sorta weird. Alright. We're talking about mean celebrities. Danny Warsnop. Now he wasn't rude.
He's weird. K. Weird. What weird? Because he he didn't wanna do an interview with you, but he was in the room.
Yeah. He was in the room and then I I don't like him. He doesn't wanna do an interview with me, but then I go on YouTube and I see some random podcaster getting interviewed by him. How many views did this podcaster's videos have? Not too many.
Not too many. I wonder if they're just lifelong friends or something. I've seen some situations where people interview with somebody, you know, because because of connections and things like that. Everybody's gotta get a start somewhere. So if you're starting an online podcast, you probably hit everybody you can.
Hey, help me out. Line me up some people because you wanna build your channel. So It is funny seeing these, rock stars that are actually radio trained versus those who aren't. Oh, like ones who have done a lot of interviews? Ones who have done the liners, you know, answered questions about stuff versus those that are like, asking Alexandria.
It's very weird to see them because they're very awkward. Like, both Cam and Sam were incredibly awkward dudes. Really? And then Danny Warsnop is just sitting there, like, you know, making cough sounds and answering phone calls in the background. Well, I guess, I've never hung out with Asking Alexandria in a studio situation, just wandering around Vegas.
So that's that's a different type of hang than doing an interview. Right. You know? You're just wandering around having fun. They probably think I'm some sort of professional guy that needs to be, you know I don't they're in a different setting.
They're trying to be professional Right. And just do the interview. Yeah. Please don't be professional around me. When you're on the streets of Vegas just wandering around, you're just laughing and having fun.
Right. And yeah. Good good dudes in asking Alexandria. Trying to think of rock stars or celebrities I've met that were rude. And since I've worked in radio, people treat you differently.
You know, when I met people when I was just a fan, I had some bands that were not friendly, like Fear Factory when I was a kid, teenager. Most bands are pretty nice, though. Like, when I was a teenager I've talked about it many times on air. Me and my friends would go find the bands when they came to town. We'd go to their hotels.
We'd do whatever That's creepy. To find yeah. It it seems weird now, but at the time, it was like, we gotta go find these guys. Yeah. It's a little weird.
And so yeah. Like, system of a down, we knocked on their hotel room door. We were just like Did Serge answer? I wanna say that Chavo answered. And he was like, come by the venue tomorrow and, chat with us.
You're supposed to come by the sound too. I'm I'm you know, I I could get that lined up. I've just been busy. I'm I don't like lining up interviews when I can't properly deliver the the time to them. And so Oh, did the guy If I'm gonna interview Shavo, I'm gonna make sure I got the right amount of time.
But I I'll be able to set that up. I I'd rather interview Darren because Darren was the guy I hung out with the most from system of a down back when they came through Pocatello. Mhmm. But, yeah. Like 7 Dust, we went and got a table at Applebee's in Pokey because 7 Dust was in Applebee's and, we asked if we could sit over by him, and then we Oh, weird.
We didn't have any money, so we're like, can we get some water? And we just wanted to get a CD signed, my 7 Dust CD. So Did you get it signed? Yeah. Yeah.
7 Dust were very nice. Was nice. Who's that? How do you say Lajon? Lajon.
That's his name. Yeah. And it it was the full band. You know, I think Clint Lowery, the guitarist, you know, giving us some crap. Like, you know, guys following us everywhere we go and yeah.
Pretty much. But most bands were really nice. There was an awesome band back in the day called Ultra Spank and, That's a cool name. Yeah. I I should dig up some of their songs.
I haven't listened to them in a really long time. But their front man, Pete, he was a guy that I ended up talking to every time they they came through here a lot of times back in the day, kinda like head PE to where him, I got to know him fairly well, you know, would just chat, hang out, kinda like Rich Ward from, Fozzy when when he was coming through with Stuck Mojo. We'd always hang out with him. He'd show us, like, his wrestling belts and stuff that he'd get from his friends, and that's when I got you know, he brought me out on stage during 7 Dust set and power bombed me into the crowd to start the show. Nice.
I lost my wallet. See that and so thinking back to where it's like, okay. We would go find these bands and meet them. Uh-huh. I don't think you could do that anymore.
I don't I don't really think you could do it anymore, but You you could get away if you were, like, some sort of, like, young woman. Maybe if you're a teenager. Yeah. Or, like, if you're, like, a teenage boy, they they think you were around that age. Weren't you?
Yeah. I would have been You were, like, 27. Right? 15. You know, 15 to 17 somewhere.
Right now going to find Then it would be weird. But What are they doing in there? That type of thing. But that's how I ended up having all these really crazy experiences, like Darren teaching me system of a downriffs and getting to play his guitar. Wayne Static, let me play his guitar and teaching me riffs.
Hanging out with Rich Ward and just talking pro wrestling and what whatever, you know. Hanging out with head PE. We I don't know. When I think back now, it's, and all these bands were much younger. They would have been early twenties, you know.
It's weird to think how young some of these bands actually are. Yeah. They're not much older than me. Like, as an Alexandria is, like, in their early thirties. Yeah.
I thought they I thought they'd be 45. Yeah. So it seems weirder now because these bands have been around so long and they're like, you know, they're older than me. But at the time, it would be almost like going and finding and they were also not big bands either. You know, they were playing a club that held, like, 200 people.
So, you know, you think about it looking back now. Like, oh, you tracked down system of a down at their hotel. But at the time, I mean, they packed a 200 person venue. They weren't playing stadiums. Right.
You know? So it and it was just kinda different times back then. And I I don't think most people were like me and my friends and that fanatical and would be willing to get yelled at by tour managers and things like that, you know. I wonder who showed up to, like, Metallica's hotel room or something like that. I tried finding them, tried hanging out with them back when they were in their early twenties.
Probably tons of pea and I mean, if you've read The Dirt by Motley Crue, I mean, those guys would hang out with the fans Yeah. You know, in the early days. And there's stories about James Hatfield and Metallica in that book, and I'm sure they were just partying with the fans. When you're when you're at local band level, you kick it with the fans. You know?
You you don't get to the point that at that or at that point, you're not worried about, like, creeps. You know? And, also, I don't know. The world's gotten to be so out of control now. I think after Dimebag Darrell and and that, things shifted.
Well, I also think, like, one wrong, like, one weird sentence, someone's putting you on blast online or something like that. That's true. And then there's a whole movement against you. That's true. You have to be way more this was pre social media.
Right. So you have to be really concerned, like and there was nothing weird. Like, we'd go hang out with these bands. There was no you know, it's not like they were giving us boos and stuff. We were just talking music and, like, asking them, hey, what kind of guitars do you play?
You know, we were all young musicians. But now, I think if a band was hanging out with teenagers or something. Well, didn't you say, Peter Steele also talked with you? I met he was another guy. I chased him down at a show.
Which is pretty scary to do. He chased down a 6 foot 9 vampire looking dude who's pretty buff. Here here's the situation with Peter Steele. So it was at Ozzfest 97, so I would have been 14 or 15. And I was in the pit during Pantera, and, I squeezed my way to the front of the crowd, which was, you know, something you've seen me do at shows.
Right. Yeah. Yeah. But, I was really small back then. You know, I was 15.
And this guy threw me over the railing. Just a big guy like your size is at least how I remember it. That's messed up. Just threw me over the railing at the front, and I got so mad because it was really hard to get up front during camterra. This was in an arena.
And nobody does that anymore, luckily. Yeah. No. He would have probably gotten thrown out by security now. Yeah.
But so I went outside because I wasn't gonna try to fight my way through the crowd again, and the second stage was outside. So I was just kinda hanging out, getting a breather, walking around. And I look over and from the arena to the bus area, you can't miss Peter Steele. No. You can't.
So I see him walking, and he's got, you know, a a lady with him, and he's just walking back to the buses. So I run. Just run over. Peter. You know, little Little Victor.
Little 15 year old Victor, and he was super he turned around and walked all the way back to come talk to me, signed my Ozzfest ticket. It was super nice. Do you still have that autograph? Mhmm. Somewhere.
Oh, cool. Yeah. Yeah. I've still got it somewhere. But, yeah, it was it was really cool.
So, again, I and I've told this to people before too. Like, most bands do like it if you recognize them and you, like, ask for a selfie or ask for an autograph. They They're pretty easy to spot. Yeah. And they they enjoy it.
I've had people that I was with at a show and, like, after the show, some of the guys from the band would be at the bar, and they're like, man, I'd love to go up and tell him, you know, what an influence he was. I don't wanna bother him. I'm like, dude, he's hanging out. Go up and tell him. You know, like, when people tell us they like our show Oh, of course.
We love that. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. That.
If people tell me, like, dude, I checked out some of your music. I love your music. I love that. Right. Because you work really hard on it.
So these touring bands, you know, as long as you're not being a weirdo and you're not if they're hanging out in a public space, which you see bands do often, it's okay to walk up and be like, hey. Just wanted to say thank you. You know, I appreciate, you know, what you've done and your music, you know, inspires me. And and generally, nowadays, a selfie is a thing or something. Most bands are cool.
You know? So I know we started off this break meaning to talk about bands that were rude but there there really haven't been very many. I I just called Danny War Snapp weird because he just was in the room during the interview. Wouldn't even bother to take the photo with us too. That is weird.
And but I understand completely, like, if you're tired of people coming up to you and, like, asking for photos. I I understand. And they've been around for such a long time now. I mean, they got big when they were, like, 1920, weren't they? And, I mean, you were in, you know, backstage, That's like him working.
He had his laptop out. He's working on stuff for the tour. I'm surprised he didn't, like, say hi. Did he say hi? No.
He the the funny thing is is I talked with the tour manager. The tour manager was even, like, like, real mumbly and just monotone. And then he was, like, Danny, you gonna be a part of this? And I just saw Danny go, no. Like, it was a weird, like, Yeah.
That is a little bit weird. I mean, but again, you know, if you're talking public spaces, you see a band member out watching another band. You know, you can give them the metal horns, you know, or whatever if you're at a show because fans Like people with Will Ramos at the Knocked Loose show. Like, people wanted to take photos of Will. Will's like, no.
No. Please enjoy the concert. I don't want photos. Yeah. In the middle of the crowd is not the good time to take a selfie.
Well, he also didn't wanna take the spotlight away from Knox Luce and, you know, Will's in the pit with everyone else. Create a ruckus in the crowd but, you know, you'll see those videos where, like, all of a sudden, Metallica's hanging out in the crowd watching Judas Priest. Well, like, Dave Grohl was Dave Grohl was at that show in the pit, the one that I was at at the Rose Bowl in LA. Yeah. Like, he was in the pit just hanging out with everybody.
Man, I hope I can meet Dave Grohl someday. If I could meet 2 guys, I think, that I haven't met okay. 3. I think I'd go Adam Jones, Toole, just because he's big guitar inspiration. But I think as far as fun, I would love to meet them because it would be so fun to hang out with them, would be Dave Grohl and Jack Black.
Exactly. That'd be like Those are my two answers. The ultimate. Also James Hetfield. So I can talk with them about what James would be fun but Downey high school and see if he ever talked to my dad back in high school.
Most likely he didn't. But I think that, you know, James would be cool to me but I think Dave Grohl and Jack Black would be fun. Right. Like, they they're just so awesome. You know, they're just awesome dudes.
Even if you're not big fans of their music, they're just I don't know. They're the type of people that you know, when you watch somebody talk and they just got a good vibe. Right. You know, that that's what I get from those guys. That's how it felt good vibes.
About set it off. Yeah. Set it off with all 3 great dudes. Yeah. Gotta love great vibes.
And that's what we spread here and what we're gonna spread later on with the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Haliscos. Thank you all for hanging out today. I'm gonna get out of here, but we'll be back in a while. Thank you for your support. Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show.
This program's a production of river. This program's a production of river. Why can't I say that? God, I'd like to say river bend media group, river bend media group. This program's a production of river God.
This program's a this program's a production of Riverbend Media Group. To contact the show or for more information, hit us up at riverbendmediagroup.com.