#0053 - First world problems with Viktor and Peaches - 08/27/2024
Morning, Peaches. Hey. Good morning. Hey. How's it going?
How you feeling, buddy? I'm a lot better than yesterday. Better than yesterday? I I told you yesterday, I didn't go to bed till, like, 3 or 4 in the morning for no reason whatsoever. Other than the fact I just couldn't sleep.
Nah. And then tonight or last night, we got home at, like, what, 2:20? Yeah. Something like that. And then I Too late.
I had that, Italian wrap from Maverick that we got. Oh, that sounds like acid reflux central there. I just Eat that before bed. I, Joey Chest like, I I can't say that. I ate it like Joey Chestnut.
So you dipped the the bread in water and just That's right. Yeah. Dipped it dipped in the CPAP water. So I breathed it down. Grody.
Grody. Yeah. I got home. Cats were very excited to have me home, so, of course, they wanted fed, fed them. And then I tried to go to sleep, but I can't just go right to sleep right when I get home.
Plus, you know, to since I was the responsible driver, I had a lot of, caffeine throughout the evening. I told you not to. Well, do you want me to wreck on the way home from the middle of nowhere? You're you're gonna not not go to sleep because you're drinking all this energy drinks. And I told you, you know, to not do that in the middle of the night over overall have them.
Well, you you wouldn't have liked sleeping in my truck in Arco or something like that. So to get everybody back, I had to take one for the team and pound down energy drinks, and then I got home. And, yeah, it took me a while to to get to sleep. So I don't feel wonderful today, but, I've been much worse. I've been much worse.
I'd rather like me and Lou were talking about last night, I'd rather go off 4 hours of sleep, energy energy drink hangover than 4 hours of sleep, booze hangover. Are are you, also, like what's the phrase I'm looking? Are you, like, better off with, like, less sleep? Because I'm less No. I'm less anxious that way, and I'm more, like, focused.
Yeah. No. I if I get 8 hours of sleep, that's, like, primo for me. If I get 10, it's a wild time. Like, last weekend, there was a I think it was Friday night.
I went to sleep at, like, 10 o'clock or something. Pretty pretty early for a Friday night for me, and I slept till, like, 8 in the morning. So I I got a good 10 hours, which never happens. I think I was just exhausted. So hopefully this weekend, I'll get lots of extra sleep, lots of rest and relaxation.
I'm gonna I'm gonna, you know, Thursday. Be like, hey. It's my birthday. I want the present of sleep. Well, you know what?
Today is a day of no rest because we got a rock show ahead, peaches. Ain't no rest today. It would suck to have the show be in Salt Lake City. Well, yeah. That'd be horrible.
To then drive back again, have have one of those late night drives. I would be if there if we were going to Salt Lake tonight well, there's no night that I would drive back from Salt Lake. I just realized too. Look look at the both of us. Mhmm.
Look at the shirts. Oh, we're wearing matching shirts. We're wearing Sleep Token shirts. I demand you change, Peaches. I just realized that.
I just looked down, like, wait a minute. He's wearing Sleep Token too. Hey, we're here to advertise Sleep Token, everybody. Me and Peaches. I just grabbed the 1st shirt on the rack.
I was like, sleep token it is. I just grabbed a band shirt I haven't worn in a while. Yeah. Well, at least they're different sleep token shirts. Yeah.
I mean, they are similar. I've got the same guy on mine. Yeah. And whatever you'd call that guy holding the head, holding vessels head. Decapitated head peaches.
Very, very metal. Very metal. Anyway, we hung out with Lou till 2 in the morning. Just partying hard. No.
We we stared at the sky for I was gonna say, but it was, like, you know, person up the cameras while we're over here, like, you know, just talking to one another. Mhmm. Yeah. When when somebody's, yelling at their camera, you you just stay back and let them do their thing. Exactly.
We'll talk about it more when Lou comes in and joins us for the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Hallease because I think we're gonna do the noon noon hour live. I'm gonna have to have more caffeine by them peaches. I can't talk yet. I'm seriously very sleepy, very sleepy. I could I could perhaps doze off.
I don't know. We don't have very comfy chairs here, do we? We used to have the beanbag here, and that was the go to place to take that. That was a great nap spot. I took that back to my place.
Yeah. Dave was offering it up. I said, I'll take it. But management made us get it out of here because they knew it was perfect for nap time. I guess my floor in my office has about, quarter inch carpet.
You know what you could do is just wipe your computer off your desk. And lay on my desk. Put a pillow there or something. I've we've got t shirts. If I, you know, scrunch a bunch of them up, I could make a makeshift pillow There you go.
And nap in my office. Yeah. Let's see what this person wants. K Bear, you are live on the radio. Please keep that in mind.
Who's this? This is Jay. Crazy Jay. Good morning. Good morning.
I was crazy, Jay. Do you have energy to do that? Barely. Barely. Good morning.
I've been up since 5. I woke up once around 5 when my cats started attacking me, and then I yelled at them and told them, get get. I'm going to the concert tonight. Good. Oh, oh, good for you, crazy j.
Guess what? Me and Peaches are going too. You can't have a 25th go there. You can't have a 25th k Bear celebration without the crazy Jay. No.
No. That that would be inappropriate. So what up, Jay? Do you just call him to say hi? Say hi and hey.
Want me on the new narrow man there today? You know, we, we I've I'm not sure, Crazy Jay. We probably gotta keep things under lockdown when we got superstar in the studio. Oh, okay. Yeah.
You know? But if something changes, I know how to get ahold of you. So Okay. Yeah. Listeners, we don't need any kind of a, you know, what do we call this?
Peach is a mass, I'll work as makeshift security for Lou. I'll just push people out of the way to guide him to his car. Peaches is in charge of security. He's big. Oh, man.
So but yeah. No. If if we'll get you in sometime soon to hang, though, Jay, for sure. Okay. Alright.
Man. Well, I hope you have a good day, and we will see you at the too. Yeah. Jay, you know Halloween's Halloween's approaching, you could definitely dress up as lieutenant Crane, and we'll pretend you are him for traffic school in October. I'd tell her, though.
Not not by much. No. No. Not much, but I am taller. Just barely barely.
Alright, Jay. Well, I'm I'm getting sick of talking. So Alright. I'll talk to you in a bit, man. Bye.
Peace. Alright. This is when we should be doing an a typical radio show, days like today. All music, no talk. That was this is I gotta say driving to work at this time of day, it sucks.
Yeah. I didn't realize how good I have it driving to work at, you know, that terrible hour I'm usually up heading here. Like, nobody on the roads. Everybody doing the speed limit. I'm not saying everybody was doing the speed limit on the way here.
Of course, when there's nobody on the roads early in the morning, everybody is obeying the law and driving, exactly the speed limit. Other times a day, going nice and slow, of course. But, man, I don't know. Just dealing with traffic on the way to work is like, oh, go away, people. It's early.
But, anyway, I hope your morning's going good so far. It's gonna be an interesting day because I am definitely foggy and there is no time for naps whatsoever, which is very disappointing when you were me. But we're gonna have fun. We got the big show going down tonight. You're gonna wanna be there.
Ice 9 kills in this moment and Avatar. We got Lou Brutus hanging out. He is officially in town and it's gonna be a wild night, people. You don't wanna miss out on what we're calling Kay Bears 25th anniversary celebration, the kiss of death tour tonight at the Mountain America Center. You know, scalpers are already starting to panic a little bit, and there are some really good ticket deals.
So if you haven't bought your tickets yet, you might as well pick them up now. Get yourself a bargain and join us for, massive metal celebration tonight. It's gonna be so fun. We got 4 killer bands. TX 2 also gonna be appearing.
It's gonna be so much fun. You get to meet Lou Brutus as well, when he got into town yesterday. Gotta check out the brand new exclusive to this show only Darla Tar glow in the dark guitar picks that Lou's gonna be hooking up for lucky people who bump into him at the show. He'll be out wandering around. You you'll be able to spot him.
I'd say a good way to find him. Look for Peaches. And, yeah. Get some selfies with Lou, get some swag, and then, of course, enjoy an amazing show. I mean, all of these bands are just gonna slay it.
It's gonna be so great. I hope you're going to join us. It's gonna be so fun. I mean, I I'm going off, like, 3, 4 hours of sleep, and I'm ready to rock and roll. I'm not quite ready to rock and roll yet.
I think I need some breakfast. We're talking about hitting Maverick at 2 AM last night. I may have to hit Maverick again, get myself a breakfast burrito or something because I am dragging. Anyway, enough complaining. I already complained on the previous break.
I will find typical morning show content. I'll dig into the news, do my best to be responsible, and bring you a killer show this morning even though yeah. I'm I'm I'm in a daze. Alright? Was a long evening out at Craters of the Moon at the Devil's Orchard, which is the most metal named place at a national monument that I'm aware of.
And it reminded me there's an OPAT song called the Devil's Orchard. I don't know if we have it in our system, but I might have to get a copy of that and bust that out simply because anyhow, keep an eye on Lou's socials. I don't know, if he will be able to resist trying to process and edit some photos. I mean, he was nerding out hard last night as we were out, checking out the Milky Way. Oh, it was a great clear night.
Can see a 1,000,000 stars. It it was really cool. Didn't spot any UFOs though. I looked and looked and looked and looked. You know, we're out near the site.
Out near the site. Not a UFO in sight, but there were lots of bats. Yeah. We're hanging out in the devil's orchard. There's bats flying all around us, and, Lou was shooting lots of photos.
So I would imagine just like 7 years ago I can't believe it was 7 years ago that Lou, Joey the Hulk Lobato, and I were out at City Rocks, but you may have seen some of those photos. I would imagine Lou's gotten even better at that nighttime photography in the last 7 years. So he he's probably gonna pull some amazing shots or he'll be furious. He was a little concerned that, oh, what if my focus is off? What if things didn't work?
Just gotta keep an eye on the socials and see what we get. Anyway, I will officially dig into content, find you something good here in just a minute. Alright? Well, we're starting the show right now. 8:42 AM.
In the meantime, I probably shouldn't drink more caffeine. I already had a nice stout instant coffee shooter, but I don't know. I the when you're only going off 3, 4 hours of sleep, there's only so much you can do to, you know, clear the brain fog. So whatever. Power through.
Mow ahead. Hunker down. I I don't know. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. How's it going?
It's the Victor Will chill. I I wonder if we can find any common ground with the Internet here. There's a thread about things that people tried once and instantly knew were not for them. And I'm wondering how many of these things I'm like, yeah. I have tried that, or I wouldn't try that, or I've tried that, and, yeah, it didn't work for me, or I'll quit your whining.
That sounds like a great time. Well, let's see what we got. Living with roommates. Alright. If you have the perfect roommate, sure.
That is very hard to find, though. And I'll tell you from experience, the best way to start really getting aggravated with your good friends is to move in with them, yeah, especially if you've got a bunch of you in one place. Now, thankfully, I've come out the other side still liking all of the friends that I've lived with. Well, I I guess, no. Not all of them.
Never mind. Never mind. But for the most part for the most part but we had our rough moments with some of my best friends where I'm like, I can't stand you anymore. Yeah. Living with roommates is not for everybody.
I mean, thankfully, my current roommates, you know, they do wake me up most mornings at about 5, you know, expecting me to make them breakfast, but they're cats. Alright? And it is very nice being able to go home and, like, I can just lay in my recliner here in the living room, and nobody's going to make a sound unless that sound is. And then, generally, I'm like, come here. Lay down, and they do.
Alright. So good luck with you on the roommate front. Sometimes it has to be done. Yeah. It helps financially.
I'll tell you that. There's a big bonus. Or that's probably the only bonus to having roommates, really, is they help with the bills. Unless again, it's that perfect roommate that then you're really lucky. That would usually be a significant other, not a not a tip that's not really a roommate.
You know? Alright. What else do we have here? Things that somebody tried once and knew instantly wasn't for them. Gambling.
Yeah. That is for sure not for me. The extent of my gambling, as far as the current day goes, the current age, occasionally, I'll buy some type of a Powerball ticket or something like that. You know, it's a 1 to $2 gamble. You know you're not gonna win, but it's fun to daydream.
Yeah. As far as getting into a casino, No. Because I I lose. I have terrible luck when it comes to gambling and winning money. It just never goes my way.
So I don't even try. If I'm in Vegas, I people watch. I wander around and talk to people. Ain't gonna sit down and waste my money because I know I'm gonna lose it. So I I get that.
That that's certainly not for everybody. What else do we have here? Getting into management? Well, that's not for everybody. I I manage people.
It ain't too bad, but I I could see how it's not for everybody. You know? Because you you gotta deal with people. And, you know, everybody's gonna give you some kind of grief from time to time, so I get it. I once tried to be a morning person.
Alright. We don't even need to read the rest. I am a morning person. It's actually in my job title. Morning show host.
Am I a morning person? Well, no. But I'll get up and do it because I love what I do for work. If I had any other job, would I wake up at 4:45 AM? It would have to be a really awesome job.
And even if the pay was, like, amazing, like, you know, making bank, if I didn't like the job, there is no way I would wake up that hour. No way. Not for any amount of money unless the job was somewhat enjoyable. That is just too early. You can't force being a morning person, which is why I tend to divert right back to being a night person once Friday rolls around.
Amazingly, I I couldn't believe that I was able to, you know, hang out with Peaches and Lou till 2:30 last night. It was about 2:30 when I got home. It was I knew it was gonna be rough today. Ugh. I wish I could somehow sneak in a nap.
It's just not happening. Then Jade's like, oh, I got all this stuff you need to do today. Dude. Come on. I already got the list, bro.
Giving me things I need to remember? You crazy? You crazy, bro? Alright. Somebody tried skydiving once, and soon as they jumped out of the plane, knew it wasn't for them.
Oh, I wouldn't try it. I'm I'm uneasy with heights. I think that I'm a wuss. I don't think I would like it. I'm sure it's a crazy rush.
And if you're, like, strapped to somebody else's back, it's probably not too bad. But, I don't know. I'm too old for that kind of rush, I think. Get myself a rush anymore. Like, I stayed up till 2 AM on work night.
Woo hoo. I'm getting crazy. What else do we have here? Things people tried and instantly knew was not for them. Telemarketing.
That is that for anybody? Is there anybody who tried telemarketing and was like, I love this. This is just what I've been looking to do with my life. Here we got a caller, see if they're on topic. K Bear, you're live on the show.
Please keep that in mind. Who's this? Good morning, Victor. You don't have to have me live. I just had a quick question for you.
No. Okay. Then I'll put you on hold, and I'll be right back with you. Alright. Sounds good.
Alright. Now you know if I'm in the middle of a break, everybody, I'm going to put you on the air live. So keep that in mind anytime you call. Alright. Let's go to this other caller.
Kay Bear, you are live on the show. Who's this? Mitch James. How's it going, Victor? James, I'm tired.
But other than that, I'm pretty good. James, did you ever try something and know instantly it wasn't for you and please keep it safe for the radio? You know, I was actually just gonna make a comment about skydiving. Alright. What you got?
You know, if you jump out of that plane and your chute don't open, you have the rest of your life to figure that out. You are correct, James. You are correct. And, I don't see it. The problem is I like to be alive.
I there's a lot of things I wanna do. You know, I need to be able to play grand theft auto 6. And if I was to die from jumping out of a plane, I perhaps one of my final thoughts would be you're never gonna play grand theft auto 6, dude. Look look at what you've done with your life. There are other things that would certainly cross my mind before that.
You sure we we might be able to find a good Elvis impersonator to strap to you? Like, it'd be a fun time. Jeez. No. It it did like I said, I'm a wuss.
It sounds very scary. If I'm gonna skydive, I'll do it in back to grand theft auto. I'm I'm all fine with the video game version. You could you'll probably be able to skydive VR any day now and, you know, they'll get the you put a fan in front of your face, turn it on high speed. Good enough.
There you go. Yeah. I I I take the VR route on anything that sounds put potentially deadly. You know? Well, fair enough.
You have yourself a wonderful day, Victor. Hey. You too, James. Have you gone skydiving before? No.
But my mother threw herself out of an airplane when she was 40. Now was she skydiving? I hope. Yeah. Yeah.
Oh, yeah. Okay. You know? Instructor to a, Elvis impersonator. That's great.
That does sound I I guess if you're gonna do it and you're gonna strap yourself to somebody else, having them dressed up as a, you know, legendary musician, would make it a little bit more fun. So Right. Well, good to hear from you, James. I hope you have an awesome day today. You too, Victor.
You too. Right on. Thanks, James. Peace. Alright.
So there you go. Skydiving. Not for me in telemarketing. Yeah. I had it.
I think I told you yesterday. I had a dream that I showed up at my, my DIRECTV customer service job for some reason. I was still employed even though I worked at the radio station, and I get there and I'm like, why am I here? I used to have these dreams. I'd, you know, be sitting at the the cubicle taking calls.
That's when I knew I had to quit when I was having those dreams. Hello. This is Victor. Thank you for calling. What can I have your phone number, please?
Area code first and easy money. Everybody likes the sound of easy money. Right? Found a thread online. What's the easiest money you've ever made in your life?
Of course, right out of the gate, you got people talking about gambling. One drove their grandma out of the store so she could buy a lottery ticket. She won. Well, you know, 99% of, gambling. What?
What, peaches? Not 99% of gambling addicts quit before they went it big. 99? You're throwing something at me. My brain's too foggy to comprehend.
It's a it's a gambling addict joke. 99% of people gambling quit before what? Before they win it big. Oh, yeah. I've that's that's accurate.
That's why I quit. Every once in a while, like I mentioned earlier, the, the Powerball ticket just for fun because it's it's a cheap gamble. Dollar or 2. Yeah. Throw in a dollar or 2 in the garbage once every month or something.
It's like, yeah. Those stack up, though, Victor. It doesn't stack up as bad as, say, something like $5 fees to pay your, utility bill. Honestly. Yeah.
That's true. Throw money in the garbage, I'd rather have a dream that goes along with it. Can you can you imagine if, like, that'd be a weird thing to pay your utility bill? There's a $5 processing fee, and then they're, like, oh, those $5 gets you 5 lottery tickets. We'll send you those in the mail.
Yeah. But if you win it big, like, 30 or 40% of your winnings goes to the city of Idaho Falls. I'd still take it. I still take it. That's cool.
That would be a unique twist. That's right. Why don't they turn it around? You're helping out the youth because, you know, the lot the lottery, a good portion of the funds go to schools. Oh, yeah.
That would make people pay feel really good about the fees if that $5 bought you $5 in lottery tickets. Why didn't we need to pitch that right to them? There there's people at the city listening for sure. Yeah. I was looking at this thread about, how to make easy money or what's the easiest money you've ever made in your life.
And, of course, everybody's talking about gambling. It's like, yeah. It was easy. I was hoping there'd be a tip in here. You know?
Like The easiest money I think I ever made was just me taking out the trash. My dad's like, here's, like, $10. Trying to think what's an easy way I made money? I mean, you know, like, if you found money on the ground, I guess that's easy money. Like, a dollar.
My sister makes a killing babysitting right now. She's she's doing pretty well. Well, yeah, that's a that's a pretty good, because the cost of, childcare, if you take them to a daycare or something, it's outrageous. So if you can get a babysitting job, I would imagine you can charge a premium, especially in Southern California. I bet there's a good dough to be made babysitting.
When my parents' neighbors just moved in. They bought the house for, like, a crazy price. Both of them are doctors. Ah. And my sister watches their dogs and, like, they're young kid named Miles, but, they're like, here's $200 to watch the kid for, like, 2 hours.
Yeah. But I Jeez. I will say that babysitting is not easy money, you know, because Oh, definitely not. Yeah. I wouldn't qualify that as easy because babies are filthy.
The kid makes it, you know, easier when they're acting right. And that kid is one of the, like, the little most adorable kids ever. He's very easygoing. Yep. But every once in a while, they're gonna vomit all over the place, and babysitter gotta clean it up.
Can't just leave it. Like, you know, pile of vomit on the couch. I mean, people act like kids throwing up. You know, it's like, oh, it's a crazy thing. There's drunk people all the time throwing up, and that's just a bigger baby.
I'd rather clean up baby vomit than drunk people vomit. Right. You know, there's less, and it doesn't smell as horrific for sure. I and, you know, if if if somebody offered me $200 to clean up vomit, I'd I'd probably take the deal. That's $200.
It's just a little bit of vomit. Once you've had babies around, they do worse than vomit. Mhmm. K? We don't need to talk about what they call a blowout.
Oh, no. No. I just remember my dad had me in the air as a baby, and my mom No. You don't need to do it after that? This is poop related.
So then I just my dad was like, hey. How are you doing? And he was And I threw up his mouth. Oh, yeah. Thankfully, that one never happened to me.
But I have been puked on by you know, of course, if you have a baby, it's gonna puke on you. No. No. I can recreate the picture with him. I'll just carry him, you know, in the air.
You should. That'd be really funny, Pete. Just go pick your dad up and let him just vomit. Well, he's, like, real he's, like, real thin. I'm sure he's easy to carry.
He's pretty he's skinnier than Jake. Can he can he vomit on command? Can he vomit on command? Some people can do it. Yeah.
He he's I mean, if he was looking down as you held him up. He's he's sort of a wimp when it comes to certain things. I could easily get him on, like, the Simpsons ride at Universal Studios and then put him in the air. And spin him around. You know, I feel kinda like an idiot today.
I was looking in the mirror, and I was like, why is my face all red? You know, can that happen from not getting enough sleep? And, you know, my lips are all they're all red too, and I've been using tons of ChapStick this morning and it occurred to me. Oh, yeah. If you're outside in the sun, you get sunburned.
Yeah. I mean, thankfully, I didn't get like a bad sunburn, but my face sucks today. What an idiot. I mean, we weren't out in the sun for super long, you know, for maybe, 6 o'clock till sun went down, but we were out in the direct sunlight and even in the evening. Yeah.
You can burn your face. So I feel very uncomfortable. I got sunburned face and I'm so tired. Do you wanna hear any more of my complaints? All right, I'll stop.
I will stop. Nobody wanna hear my, you know, oh, poor me. You know, it's been a nice evening out at craters of the moon and all, I got a little bit of a sunburn and I you know, got to bed late. Oh, hoo. Boo hoo.
Alright. Alright. Let's see here. What do we got for radio content here? Well, I'm trying to figure out how to.
Alright. All the kids are in school. Right? There's a there's a question on here that I thought might have some fun answers, but I don't know if I wanna read this sentence out loud because if the kids are listening, I might spoil something for them. So we'll just say what's the adult version of finding out blank is not real.
You know, as you get older, you find out certain things are not real. What kind of responses are we going to get here? What's the adult version of that kind of discovery? How little $100 actually is? Yeah.
Yeah. That sucks. How little $1,000 is? Yeah. That sucks.
And yet, like everybody, unless you've got too much money, somebody handing you a grand, like, that that gonna make a huge difference, a massive difference in most people's days, for sure. Let's see. Realizing that not every employer is going to appreciate hard work and great loyalty. That's true too. And, you know, if you've got an employer that doesn't seem to appreciate your hard work and great loyalty, try to not take it personally.
Some people just don't, you know, share their appreciation in that kind of way. Alright? Sometimes it's nice to get a good pat on the back, a good job, but you might not get that. And don't be mad if you don't. All right.
Just keep doing a good job. Chances are, if you were doing a good job, hopefully your company is taken care of you financially, but, you know, something like that. And if all around you feel like, well, this just ain't going my way, then get it. Get out of there. Alright.
Realizing that adults aren't as smart as you thought they were. And most of them are just children in an adult body. As a person who is an adult, I can tell you this is absolutely true. It it's kind of funny because when you are a kid, you assume like, oh, these grown ups, they they've been on the planet so long. They know so much more.
I I guarantee that there are people my age and older that my kids know more than and are way smarter than because I have met these people, and there's some real puddin' heads out there. And just because somebody's an adult doesn't mean they know the truth or they know the right way to do something. I'm not saying kids, you need to question, you know, your parents or something, but I don't want anybody to come to, like, hey. He told my kids not to listen to me. No.
I'm just saying, what's the old quote? Think for yourself. Question, authority. Yeah. Do a little bit of research, read books, you know, just how about we also extend this to just because you see something on the Internet?
Doesn't mean that the people who made said content have any idea what they're talking about. There's a lot of complete morons sharing complete misinformation on the Internet every single day. Oh, let's see. Finding out that crappy people can actually be successful and happy and never get their comeuppance. Yeah.
Very true. Very true. There are awful people who are doing very well, and they don't seem to be bothered by the fact that they're a piece of garbage whatsoever, and it can be very frustrating. Some of them will live to a ripe old age while wonderful people die young. The world's a rough place, and it's not fair, but that's life.
And, it it just kinda is what it is. Alright? What else do we have here? That you have to figure out dinner every day forever. I don't think I mean, that's not a problem.
You know? I I think that's very different than the other responses that people have given online. What where who are these people that are so upset about having to figure out dinner? I mean, I guess recently, I did a rant on air where I was, expressing my panic at I want a cheeseburger, but I know I shouldn't have it. I should have something better and but I'm lazy and blah blah blah.
Being able to eat food's pretty good. So, you know, try to enjoy that no matter what. Even if you're stressing about having to figure out the dinner portion, just you know, if you were in a situation where you you've got some food to eat, embrace that and shut up about the difficulty of, oh, I have to figure out what to eat. There are people who and I know, you know, this is a old school parent talk here, but, you know, think about those people that don't have food in other countries and blah blah blah. People around the world who are struggling just wanna have a, you know, some fresh water and food.
It's true. Be grateful for what you got and shut up. Oh, I don't know what to make. Anybody who uploaded that post, get. You get.
Alright. Let's see. Retirement is a financial status, not an age. Yep. That's definitely true.
Can you imagine being able to retire? I can, like, daydream about it, but it's it seemed like something that's just not gonna happen. Alright? I can hope for the best, but I I don't know. That seems like, quite the pipe dream, retirement.
I know people do it, but for me, it just seemed like, what? Need to start gambling? No. Don't do it. Don't gamble.
Oh, jeez. When something's gone wrong and you look around for an adult to handle it and realize you are the responsible adult. Yeah. Now that that's a rough day the first time that happens. Oh, I've gotta figure this out.
I am the adult responsible right now. Yeah. But what what do you do? Get the job done. Man, my life, it it just keeps getting rougher by the moment.
So I I really hope that you'll have a little bit of empathy for, you know, a struggling guy like me and the things that I've gotta deal with. It it's a tough life sometimes. Paige is just talking with our listeners about some of the the pains that we go through as individuals. I got an email a few minutes ago. This is this is really rough.
I got the same email. Did you get that same email? I did. I mean, I don't know how we're supposed to deal with these kind of things, but I wanna let listeners know, you know, we go through tough times as well. Yeah.
Yeah. Everybody people. Yeah. Everybody goes through struggles and you just have to do what you can to get through and try to keep your chin up, and it'll it'll all end up being okay. And then I got this about, about 3 hour work schedule for Thursday.
3 hours? Starts at 11:15 AM. Gets done at 2 o'clock. Oh my. It's 11 to noon, noon to 1, 1 to 2.
I mean, this is 3 hours of, you know, additional work that's being literally piled on our plate. And I I don't know what we're supposed to do about it other than you know you know what they say? Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get the job done. Yeah. As much as I hate that phrase, I hear it all the time.
So the email that Peaches and I got came from the folks at the Eastern Idaho State Fair, And it's a schedule of every item that we're gonna have to, you know, taste and judge for the benefit of the community to let them know what the best new entree, the best new suite, the fairest of them all entree, and the fairest of them all sweet. Did you see my reply to that email? I did not. I I treated it as if I was a rock and metal fan, and I said I'll be skipping some of these dishes. You can't.
And then so I just put a red line through them and say, nope. Not doing it. I'm purposely showing up late. I'm going to Parkway Drive. There's a lot of food on this list.
What do we got here? 12345678. I mean, there's gotta be, like, 30 things or something on there. Oh, that's why we're bringing loads and loads of Tupperware. That's right.
We have to, you know, risk our health to go out and Yeah. Try all these items and let you know what's good. People who pokes poke us with sticks, say, dance monkey. Now You gotta you know? Now there's a lot of, items that we've had before as the, folks who have to take on this very rough task of judging the best food at the Eastern Idaho State Fair.
So I figured we'd talk about some of the best new entree. Are we supposed to maybe we're not supposed to talk about it yet. No, dude. Don't reveal secrets. Alright.
Come on. I won't I won't reveal the secrets, but it looks like I mean, we're gonna have to judge, like, 10 best new entrees, dude. Does that mean there's 40 items? Because there's, 10 items in that category. Is there 10 items in every other category?
I I might puke at this event. Well, we talked about puking earlier, peaches. And if you're gonna puke, I mean, nothing like crazy corn coming back up. Yeah. Some nice brisket.
Dude, this is gonna be, absurd. Some of my favorites are making a return. I'm very excited. When I look at the sweets categories, in the last couple years, some of these did not get, put out for judging because they've won so many times. Like, the raspberry cream cheese brownie from sweet temptation You just gave away one of those food items.
Cream creamy creations. Yeah. But that's it's an old one. It's an old one. I think we could talk about old ones.
Right? You just spoiled the whole thing from I ruined it. What about I know it's your Don't you dare. I know it's your favorite dare. The peach temptation.
What about that one? I know it's your favorite. Okay. That one gets a pass. That's the best dish of all time.
I don't know if I like that better or the raspberry cream cheese brownie. You know what? You remember this morning when we're talking about the peach's bedroom magic playlist? Peach temptation. That's what you need to change the name of that playlist to peach temptations.
Oh. So, yeah, we're gonna be judging fair food on Thursday. I mean, it's such a rough week for us. You know, last night we had to go hang out with, probably the most legendary rock radio DJ of all time till 2 in the morning. I know.
I know. You know, just hang out here here all these stories about, you know, his his life, all these different, crazy experiences he's had. Him meeting all these famous people that we could only ever dream of meeting. You know? We're just hanging out with them, having a great day.
He told us it was one of the best nights he's had all year. I know. Yeah. That was quite an honor for him to see. The most fun he's had all year.
And then we gotta go to this big rock show tonight and hang out with all the listeners. Hang out with all the people. They're gonna say hi and stuff. That they're happy to see us. They're all gonna be having fun.
Yeah. And then, you know, we gotta go judge the fair food. I might show up as, like, a disguised celebrity, wear, like, a gray sweatshirt, hoodie over my head. See if anybody knows it's you? Yeah.
You the the largest Unabomber of all time is how you're dressing it. Don't be don't be calling me the Unabomber now. Glasses and a hoodie, and I envision There could be people at the venue listening to I mean, then they're like, oh, Victor just called Peaches the Unabomber on the air. Let's see what this call was. Swear.
This is crazy j again. It might be. Oh, and we got donuts delivered to us this morning from the redneck. Oh, it's tough life for us. Kay bear, you're live on the show.
Keep that in mind. Who's this? Yeah. Tough life. Oh my god.
Crazy. Jay just always he calls when you walk in the room. It's like you you just, somehow draw him in peaches. You know? Because I've had a bunch of other people calling me today.
I mean, for example, the redneck called. Well, I was starting to talk to the to curly. What was curly called? Yeah. Look, there's another person calling right now.
How dare you? Crazy Jay is just my biggest fan, right? Crazy Jay. Oh, put him on the line too. Yeah.
Put him on the line too. That's a good idea. Yeah. Have crazy Jay joining on the conversation. Oh, the conference button's on and everything.
Yeah. It's already on conference. Come on out. Alright. K Bear, you're live on the air with me, peaches, crazy Jay.
Who's this? It's Ashley. Ashley, what's up? Nothing. Just saying, peaches, you can't hide yourself.
You're you're too known. You're too known to hide yourself, Peaches. Everybody knows you're No. He's just too big. Hey.
I wasn't gonna say that. Okay? I wasn't gonna do that mean. Come on. Honestly, the best way.
Crazy Jay taking the digs at your side. You have to be there Friday because that's when I'm going, and you have to be there because that's when everybody's gonna be in school. And Are you after that time. Are you talking about the fair? Yeah.
Yeah. For the opening day early on while the kids are at school is one of the best times to go to the fair. The food's like, you know, everybody's still excited. They're not burned out from a week of doing the fair. The food's the best it's gonna be, and no annoying children around.
Yeah. Isn't the fair 4 kids? Like, everybody listening, don't take your kids out of school. Alright. That's true.
Helpful to hear from Ashley there. They'll end up being stupid if you take them out of school for the fair, so you gotta keep them educated. Yeah. Just let them go to the parade on Saturday. That's when they wanna go because they get candy.
Absolutely. Absolutely. And, you know, make sure that they eat lots and lots of fair food, then put them on the Gravitron. That's what I'm saying. I would say it's best for the funnel cakes.
The funnel cakes are the best. That's a great game. If you want all of your kids to go on the Gravitron after eating all that food, first one to throw up loses gets grounded. You know what? I wonder if we hit up the folks at the fair if we could do East Idaho Media Challenge.
And at the very end of the Fair Food Tasting, all of the people who take part in the Fair Food Tasting have to go on the Gravitron, and the last person that doesn't puke wins a trophy made by Peach's dad. You know who's going to be the first one to puke is Jade. And Jade. 100%. You would definitely know.
And it's an old person from another channel. I've got a pretty strong stomach, but, you know, the fair food pile before that, that would make it tough. I think this could be the ultimate fair challenge. Okay. When you guys do the when you guys do the food tasting, you need to tell us which one is the best one.
Oh, we will. Blackhawk's gonna win. Blackhawk's gonna win. They're the best. Blackhawk is really good.
They got that great Warhawk sandwich. Quit spoiling the list. I'm just remembering it, peaches. I didn't see it on the list. I swear.
No. They got in. They got in the last their last. Jay's thinking about the war the war hawk right now here. Sounds good.
They export Blackhawk. So their food's delicious. Blackhawk is really good for sure. They they've got some delicious stuff. I prefer White Crow.
Alright, peaches. Alright. You listeners, thank you for calling in. Keep an eye on our socials. We will be letting everybody know our personal favorites as well as who won.
Peach temptation. There peaches, there's other sweets that might be better. The peach temptation is better. Every year, I give it a 10 out of 10. Just because of the no.
It is a 10 out of 10. It's it's one of my favorite characters. That business does not wanna do it not wanted to do anything with me. Yeah. Let's see.
We should have sweet temptations contact our sales team to work out an endorsement plan with Peaches. Of course. He'll be the face of the peach temptation. You you make his head even bigger than I already had. I think they should take a picture of him and they put it on a popsicle stick and they stick his head into the top of the peach temptation.
Peach's peach flavored gummies. You know how Shaq has the his little head gummies? Yeah. Forget that. Forget that.
You have the the peach temptation. Oh, yeah. You know, peaches, I don't know. If I eat peaches, I'll think of you like, oh, peaches. So, yeah, we'll let everybody know.
We'll let everybody know and, appreciate your listeners call and hope you have an awesome rest of your I can't believe it's only Tuesday. But yeah. We have 4 days left till the fair. 4 days left till That's a good way to look at it. Yeah.
Till the fair. That is a fun fun way to look at it. And we have such a tough week. We, you know, we were hanging out with Lou. Now we gotta go to that show tonight and I know.
And then we gotta judge this fair food? Judge this fair food. Also, my birthday on Thursday. Peach's birthday. I gotta go eat a donut.
I mean, sorry guys. I gotta go eat a donut. We're we're sharing. I don't mean to dump all our dump all our problems on it. Every day.
Like, you know, throwing his phone around in the wind, causing his, he's just making a bunch of racket. Is he trying to juggle? Are are you juggling your phone on my show, Jade? This is not the circus. That sounds like we should put you on the, free stage at the Eastern Idaho State Fair.
It was Crazy Jay's juggling act. Go see one of the craziest people in East Idaho. Crazy Jay. You know, we could bring back the circus sideshow. We just bring in a bunch of our listeners and have the freak show.
They don't have those anymore. The freak show. Wow. Yeah. There's no PC, man.
Freak shows on PC. Alright. Crazy j Fine. I apologize. Alright.
Ashley, Jay, good to hear from you. Have a great rest of the day. You too. See you. Alright.
Time to end this show. Eat a donut. Oh, and then we gotta go, like, you know, do this show stuff, like, get involved with the big concert. Man, our life's a real peace. Tough week, man.
It is. I know. Everybody, I hope you got some sympathy for it. It's hard being an OG. What's what's the g stand for in our situation?
Is it, there there's gotta be a Original Goober. Original Goobers. That's right. Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show. This program's a production of river.
This program's a production of river. Why can't I say that? God. To say Riverbend Media Group. Riverbend Media Group.
This program's a production of river. God, this program's a, this program's a production of river bend media group to contact the show or for more information, hit us up at riverbendmediagroup.com.