#0002 - Now I'm EVEN OLDER. Happy Birthday to me! - 6/6/2024

What's happening? It's Viktor Wilt. Hey, everybody. I just wanna give you a heads up before the recap of today's episode airs that it's a bit of a dumpster fire of a show. I'm a little bit foggy headed from not enough rest last night.

The reasons for that lack of rest will become apparent as the show goes on, but missed recording a couple breaks. Some breaks were garbage. You know, about typical for my program, so I hope you enjoy it today. Thank you for listening. Thursday, June 6th, it's the Viktor Wilt Show.

Good morning. Look at that. It's my birthday. Happy birthday to me. Yay.

I should've taken the day off so I could sleep in on my birthday. A variety of things kept me up kinda late last night. Number 1, kitten. Lucy the kitten. Alright.

My other cat, Koopa, he did not wanna come in the house last night. I think he was mad because of said kitten. He's not happy about this new cat around the house deal, so he wouldn't come in. So I'm like, alright. Well, I guess I'll see if the kitten will behave and just lay down, and I'll let her kinda roam free and potentially sleep in my room.

No. She was crazier than ever biting, attacking, just completely nuts. So I had to put her out of the room. It it just wasn't happening. And then something kinda weird happened, and I'm not much of a believer in, I don't know what you'd say, supernatural stuff.

Alright? But this was kind of weird. Weird enough that I did message my brother and sister and my aunt Katie about it. As I was just trying to get some chores done around the house because I've got some friends coming to visit tomorrow, I had my TV in the living room just kind of running while I ate some food. I watched some random crap on YouTube and I just didn't turn it off.

It was just running. So at some point, I came back in the living room and there was a clip from Back to the Future on the TV, which I thought was strange. I hadn't watched any you know how YouTube is. It feeds you more and more of whatever you've been watching recently. Well, I haven't watched any back to the future clips or anything like that recently that I recall, but there's a clip from back to the future on the TV, and it's, Marty's mom bringing out a cake.

This is the original back to the future. Now the cake was for marty's uncle who was in jail. Mom's kind of haggard at this point in the movie. This is, you know, before marty has changed the past. I'm I'm like, okay.

This is weird. I wonder what this YouTube video is about. But it wasn't a YouTube video. It was just the full Back to the Future movie playing on, like, free view. I don't know if I've ever watched a movie on YouTube.

I know you can, but it doesn't seem like what the algorithm would feed me. You know? I'm just here's a full movie back to the future. Now that was my mom's favorite movie. Like, her very favorite.

I don't know how many times I went over to her house and that same movie was just on. She would just leave it on. You know? And the she always made me a birthday cake too, so it was just kinda weird. Just kinda weird.

I know that coincidences happen, but it it was strange. So so I had to watch, like, all of back to the future. It totally derailed my chores because that's right toward the beginning of the movie. So then I hadn't watched that movie since my mom died because this is also kind of crazy, but, we were when my mom and I know maybe it's a little early for this type of talk, but when my mom died, my brother and sister and I and my daughter were in the room with her, and we were playing music that she liked. Well, the song that was playing when she died was the theme from back to the future.

So, I hadn't watched that movie since then because, obviously, back to the future reminds me of my mom, and I like to stuff my feelings down deep. So I think the combination of, that and wild kitten, kept me up. So anyhow, it was a kind of strange evening, but it was good. I mean, that's a good movie. It's a it's always a fun watch.

Anyway, that was my night. That was my, pre birthday night. So there you go, a nice personal story to start the program today and we'll just do regular radio show moving forward. When you go to a hotel, do you actually put your clothes in the dresser? Anybody?

Anybody out there, period. I always just kind of assumed if there is a dresser in there, it's a decoration thing for comfort purposes. You know? Apparently, there have to be people who actually use the dresser, which is just weird to me. Even if I go out of town and stay at a friend's house or something Well, I guess they don't generally have a dresser.

Here's a dresser for your clothes. I live out of the suitcase and being at a hotel, even if I'm gonna be there for a number of days like, how long do you have to be in a hotel before you're like, I gotta get comfortable here and put my clothes in the dresser? I, again, just thought it was a a comfort familiarity thing. Make the room feel more like a bedroom. Well, anyway, if you do put your clothes in the dresser, be aware There could be bugs and who knows what kind of other nasty stuff in those drawers.

There's a TikTok video making the rounds talking about ways to pick up bed bugs and bring them home. Yeah. Yeah. It might not just be the bed you need to worry about. Don't put your clothes in the dresser, the hotel.

K? Any type of place that has, items made of wood or joints and crevices. Anywhere where those little critters can hide. A risk for bed bug infestation according to this guy. Leave your clothes in your suitcase.

Keep it zipped up tight. I don't know what what to do there. Never open your suitcase. Hopefully, you're staying at hotels where bed bugs aren't that big of an issue, but it happens. Alright.

Well, not staying at a hotel anytime soon myself. June 6th. Once again, it's my birthday today. Shout out to the redneck. He called me up a little bit ago and said he was going to bring me some doughnuts.

Alright. That's cake for breakfast. Mhmm. Very kind. Very kind.

Thank you to the redneck. Now, if you were curious how I began my birthday celebrations today, I figure I'll let you know what I did to kick off my birthday. Right before I went to bed last night, I decided I better check my mail, and I had 1 piece of mail. And that piece of mail was from the government. Oh, yay.

From the IRS. My, tax situation changed late last year and when that happens to you and then you gotta file differently, the following, you know, tax season well, if the amounts you had been withholding prior to that don't correlate with what you should have been withholding under your new your new status, It ain't gonna work out very nice for you with the IRS, and you're gonna owe them a bunch of money. So right before bed, I open up a letter from the IRS. This is not a good way to finish off your night when you have to wake up at the time I do. Alright?

And those letters are just ruthless. You owe us money. You will pay immediately or you're gonna suffer. I mean, not worded exactly like that, but they strike the fear in you. You're like, wow, it's not like I owe that much money, but still, I can't afford extra.

Come on guys, settle down. And no, I can't pay it in 2 weeks. What's wrong with you? Who could do that? What kind of people got this kind of money?

So, I went to bed a little bit unnerved because I shouldn't have read that a payment a payment arrangement. Get on the IRS website and celebrate my birthday lining up a payment arrangement with the IRS. Not how I recommend kicking off your birthday celebrations. Alright? But at least it's like, okay.

Payment arrangement approved. I know I'm gonna get, like, totally totally screwed on this deal. Now there's a lot of, fees and interest and all that. Yeah. That that's the government.

They'll they'll take every bit of money they can from you. But at least I'm not, like, worried about some of the potential fees and penalties that they were mentioning in that letter. I could pay us immediately or the penalties are coming. Yikes, guys. Could you give me a little bit of a break?

It's my birthday. Come on. That was my my birthday present that I got in the mail last night. 1 piece of mail. Come on, fellas.

But other than that, and now that that's done, can, celebrate by, I guess, paying my utility bills. That's, also another fun 1. Speaking of fees. Oh, it's okay. I was reading that a lot of people Your utility fees are gonna be going up or at least that the utility companies were trying to add, you know, or increase their rates.

Come on, guys. Times are tough. Please, cut people some slack. Cut people some slack. Everything has gotten to be more expensive.

Because we could we at least continue to have some of the cheaper electricity? That's 1 great thing about the area we live in as far as the cost of living goes. Cost of living's gotten really crazy. It's gotten crazy with the housing and stuff. At least the utility bills are pretty low or, you know, for now.

But but come on. Help people out. Let's let's keep them down, please. Alright. Sorry.

You might be going through tax situations, and now I just reminded you of it first thing in the morning. I know. I'm a real I'm a real jerk. From Ashes to New, it's the Victor Wilt Show mawin' to you. Was reading about Bezos, You know, Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos.

Did I say his name right? I'm very foggy headed today. Did not get proper rest last night. Well, anyway, he just no, donated I'm all for lab grown meat. They may be able to perfect lab grown meat and make it the best meat ever and this could really help the environment in so many different ways.

Perhaps a much more ethical type of meat as well. But you got these people who are weirded out by science, unfortunately. Again, I'm all for the lab grown meat. All for it. Fake meat nowadays I mean, even the plant based fake meat, it's gotten crazy good if you haven't dug into that world recently.

When I was on the East Coast, me and my lady went to this it was a vegan restaurant in New York. I can't remember the name because you know how my memory works. It's garbage. My memory is terrible. But I had a burger there, and it was an incredible burger.

It was great. Fake burger. We also had chili cheese fries, and they were awesome. They were they were delish. They were so good.

Again, it's 2024. We're in the future. I'm very interested to see what the future holds from this point as far as fake meat goes because what if they make fake meat, lab grown meat, that they have perfected that is so much better than what you could just go pick up. It's definitely possible. There's all types of lab grown things nowadays that are better in general than the real deal like diamonds for example.

Lab grown diamonds, you can get a perfect lab created diamond. And for a fraction of what it would cost to get 1 that, you know, probably some less fortunate person had to dig out of a mine somewhere on the other side of the planet. Much more ethical to get yourself a a lab grown diamond. And again, for a fraction of the cost and it probably looks way better too. I think that's what the future of meat is, which I know we're gonna have meat purists.

I only go for the real deal. But I don't know. Very rare that you just say good job, Jeff Bezos. But he's, you know, trying to help out, what I think is a a good area for there to be further research. Because let let let's kick up the pace.

I mean, the real deal meat's got to be so expensive that what if they made the fake meat more affordable as well? Mhmm. I'm down. Alright. If you wanna hit me up, 208-535-1015, the number to call.

Look forward to hearing from you. Does there really need to be a post in the Idaho subreddit about WinCo courtesy? Most of this is just general grocery store courtesy, but, apparently, people need reminders. This is a popular post in the Idaho subreddit right now. Number 1, WinCo courtesy recommendation, put your carts in the rack.

Was it just yesterday we talked about putting your cart away? I think that applies anywhere where you have a cart. Come on. Don't be a piece of garbage. Put your cart away.

Shame. Shame. Alright. That should be common sense. Shouldn't have to be posted on Reddit.

Alright. Start bagging while the cashier is scanning. I don't know if I've ever been to WinCo and seen somebody with a giant pile of groceries who doesn't start bagging their groceries as the cashier is scanning them. Maybe you're new to the area and you've never been to WinCo before, or maybe you're from outside the area listening to the Victor Wilt Show on demand and you've never been to WinCo. At WinCo, you bag your own groceries.

Yeah. Start bagging them so that things don't get backed up. Let's keep the WinCo flow going nice and smooth. K? If you're just chatting with the cashier or something, unless it's the middle of the night, I guarantee there are people behind you and you're going to make that nice flow have some problems.

So yeah. Alright. Maybe that needs to be posted in the Idaho subreddit. I've never seen it happen, but, oh, okay. Number 3, you're going to be required to pay.

Be is there anybody who's not aware they have to pay for their groceries? Who made this post? That it seems like they had 1 thing they wanted to say, which is number 4, but they decided I'm gonna make multiple points here, so it doesn't seem like the 1 thing that's really aggravating me is the 1 problem that we actually have when it comes to Winco checkout or Winco courtesy in general, and it does happen at checkout. And that is the position of your grocery cart when checking out at Winco. Alright?

What you need to do they say as point number 4, nose your cart into the end of the belt. No need to park where you are blocking the aisle between check stands. Here's what you need to do with your cart. Yes. Line your card up.

You can fit 2 carts at the end of the belt perfectly facing out away from the belts. You should never be blocking the aisle with your carts, but I don't know how how many times I see people put their cart sideways at the end or they've got their cart in front of the bags. You know, there's a flow to WinCo, and you're disrupting it severely if you got your cart all out of whack. So just put your cart straight at the end. That's all they needed to do with this post in the Idaho subreddit.

Alright. Let's see if this caller is on topic with grocery store etiquette. Caller, you are live on the show. Keep that in mind. Who's this?

This is, Will, and I'm, mainly calling in, brother, because you said, about the cashier or whatever. I'm calling to say, man, it makes a great day getting lost in the conversation, and you cannot always make a guy's day change by saying a couple words and inspiring them and helping them out for the day, brother. Alright. That's fair. That's fair and true.

I I would say that That guy could be having a hard time and just talking to that cashier just made him leave that store happier than heck. You know? That's that's true. Go out and they turn on their k Bear and they even have a better day. Alright.

Alright. I'm I'm talking about the real chatty Kathy's as they call them that, sit there and, you know, they'll hold out a whole conversation and back things up. Cashiers are so awesome that they put a smile on your face and then you run out, put K Bear on, and you got the rest of the day made. You know? Winco cashiers are great.

You know, I've I've never had that I can recall a cashier at Winco be, rude or snarky to me or anything. Like if I ran into you, Victor, I'm gonna say hi and stop you for 5 minutes and take 5 minutes of your day to make you smile, brother. Hey. And, you know, people stop me all the time to say hello, and I've had people I've had people message me and been like, yeah. I saw you at the grocery store.

I wanted to say something, but I didn't wanna be that guy. No. I I don't mind ever when people say hello. I I like it. It lets me know that people are Yeah.

Listening to the show and Inspirations for the day, avoids negativity, and we all inspire and, move forth, and it helps each other. Absolutely. And I'm I always try to be, you know, friendly and say something nice to the cashiers too because I know that's always friendly. You're a you're a you're a nice, nice dude there, Victor, and everybody enjoys hearing your voice, my friend. Well, thank you.

I I do my best concept. I'm I'm driving to work just here talking to you right now. It just made my day, brother. Well, thank you, man. I I really appreciate that, and I do appreciate you tuning into the show as well, man.

And Heck yeah. Well, go k berr, and you guys have a wonderful day today, buddy. Hey. You too, man. Appreciate it.

See you, brother. That's fair. That's fair and a good recommendation. Say something nice to the cashier. And if if you're a cashier and you're being friendly to the customers, you know, super big pat on the back because that that can really brighten up somebody's stay and I appreciate a friendly cashier.

I I've worked those kind of jobs and I know that it can be tedious and you're on your feet all day. I I think those type of jobs go very underappreciated. So I certainly wasn't when I said don't hold up the line being chatty with the cashier, I hope nobody thought I was indicating don't talk to the cashiers at all. They definitely deserve some props because that that type of job, you're just go go go go all day, and I I think they're very underappreciated. Oh, we got another caller.

K Bear, you are live on the show. Keep that in mind. Who's this? This is Stewart. First off, happy birthday.

Love you. Love the show. Oh, thanks, Stewart. That's too nice, man. I really appreciate that, man.

My wife has raged for years about how people park their carts at Wingco. She has always done it the proper way, and she always wants to scream when she sees somebody do it the wrong way. I've thought about making a, like, YouTube short or YouTube video on how to line up your carts at WinCo to, you know, enhance the proper flow. You gotta you gotta make that with your YouTube video for, you roundabouts. Yeah.

I need to make a roundabout video and I think a a Winco cart video. The problem is you need someone with a second cart, and I, you know, I don't wanna ask the random person in line behind me. Hey. Will you help me make a new video? Take Luketon and Crane and make a police video, and you will be arrested if you park your cart the wrong way at WinCo.

I like that idea. I'll ask him about it tomorrow when he comes in for traffic school powered by the advocates. Sounds good. Well, thanks, Stewart. You have a good 1, man.

Yeah. Yeah. You too. Peace. Alright.

Park your carts right. Be nice to your cashiers. Be a good human being. The phone started lighting up right before I jumped on air. So I'm not sure if that caller was going to call with anything other than a song request.

Let's find out. You're live on the show. Keep that in mind. Who's this? It is the redneck, Victor.

Hey. The redneck. How's it going, man? Oh, what's going? I come bearing gifts.

Oh, you got you got the donuts you called me about earlier. I did. Alright. Well, give me a quick second to do a break. I'll come out and say hello.

Alright. Sounds good. Alright. Thanks, man. Perfect.

Look at that. The k Bear army is the best. Cake for breakfast because that's what donuts are. Breakfast cake. No.

I was just reading on the electric call boy subreddit that fans are calling for the band to do a studio cover of I want it that way. I don't think we need to do this. Hey. Thanks, Jill. Jill just, popped up outside the door to tell me happy birthday.

People being very nice today. Greatly appreciated. Anyhow, I have noticed a trend it shows of bands launching into Backstreet Boys and NSYNC sing alongs, like metal bands doing this. And it's fun at the show, but I don't think we really need to make a big thing of this. Every band shouldn't start doing it, and we certainly don't need recorded covers.

I would rather get brand new electric Callboy songs like the 1 we heard earlier, ra ta ta ta. And I I like them originals. I do like the covers I've heard from them. Don't get me wrong. Every time we touch, great stuff.

Great stuff. But, nah, let's just churn out some original tunes. It's kinda like Ghost. The last few songs they put out, cover tunes. Give us something new.

New and original. Alright? Let's go to the phones again. Kaver, you're live on the show. Who's this?

Hey, Victor. This is Ryker. Ryker, what's up, man? What do you what's on your mind? Well, I was just calling to tell you happy birthday.

Oh, well, thank you, man. I greatly appreciate it. Everybody's been very nice today, and it's, means a lot coming from, the best listeners on the planet. So thank you so much, Ryker. Of course.

And, I guess just so you know, man, it was my birthday yesterday. Oh, well, happy belated birthday. I think I was so slammed here at work. Usually, I try my best to, if you're on my Facebook friends, send everybody a happy birthday. If you're on my Facebook friends and I didn't, my apologies, man.

No. No. You're good. You're good. Right on, man.

Well, I hope you had a good 1, and I hope you have a good day today as well and a good weekend. Hey. You as well. Right on. Thanks, man.

Alright. Peace. Alright. Has that happened yet? I was reading something in the falling in reverse subreddit here as I was talking to that caller.

I don't know if I can talk about it yet. I'll I'll find out while I'm off off air. There's there's supposed to be falling in reverse news today. That's all I'll say. There was supposed to be some kind of news, and it looks like that information may have leaked, or maybe it's already out there.

I don't know. We'll be back. Just a heads up. If you post videos of yourself breaking the law, you're probably gonna have a bad time. An air force captain posted a viral video of himself driving a Cybertruck with his pinky doing 83 in a 35 on a residential street in Vegas.

Even if you're not in a somewhat responsible job position, like that of an air force captain, you're still gonna have a bad time if you film yourself doing 83 and a 35. So don't do that. However, I do wanna talk about Cybertrucks. Yesterday, somebody brought a Cybertruck by the building. I thought it was a listener, and it was actually a client who was here to meet with the bosses.

So, like, everybody flooded outside to check this thing out, and I think the boss was like, what is going on here? We were expecting a listener to be bringing 1 by at some point. Anyhow, thankfully, the person who brought the Cybertruck by was cool with everybody coming out to check it out. I think wanted to it's gotta be fun to show it off if you have 1. And I gotta say, after seeing 1 in person, I do think the Cybertruck is pretty cool.

Alright? I could understand why some people wouldn't like the look of it. It's a very unique looking vehicle. Alright? And it's ridiculous looking.

And that ridiculousness as the first time I saw 1 online when they unveiled them, That's what appeals to me about it is it's so strange looking. But, yeah, we got to see it up close and some of the various features and things. All of the wheels turn. You can raise the, body up and down to give yourself more clearance and things like that. It's a very futuristic looking.

I thought it was pretty cool. I'll admit it. It's such an absurd vehicle If I had the budget yeah. I I could see myself driving around in something like that because it's so wacky. It it was pretty pretty cool, but way out of my budget.

That ain't happening anytime soon. If I could somehow afford a vehicle, I'd be getting myself a car that got very good gas mileage. Alright? That that's where I would be right now. Car with super good gas mileage.

But yeah. Yeah. I I could see why people would like them. They're they're pretty neat. Just don't take them up to 83 and a 35, or you're gonna have a bad time.

Okay? Well, jeez, you listeners are certainly the best and absolutely making me feel very special on my birthday. Jeremy and Chase just stopped by with a cake and cupcakes. So the treat pile here is ridiculous. It's absurd, peaches.

I'm not eating a single thing. I'm I'm I'm full. Oh, I was gonna say you haven't eaten anything? I I had I had 2 pieces of cheesecake, and now I'm like bleh. Did you have a donut?

No. Alright. So in my office, the you know, it's my birthday. I can eat horribly on my birthday. Sure.

Yeah. I have a donut. I have a piece of cheesecake. Uh-huh. I have that slice of cookie dough cake that the redneck brought me.

I have a Doctor Pepper, which it shouldn't be sitting in here. But, boss man, I haven't opened it. It's closed. It's closed. Yeah.

I guess it's got a lid. It's probably okay. It's sealed. But, yeah, Jeremy and Chase just brought another cake and cupcakes. So, listeners, we we have enough treats.

Now we need a Cybertruck out front with a bow on it. Oh, yeah. I talked earlier about that Cybertruck that came by yesterday. I did think it was pretty cool. I I liked it when I saw it in person.

It's unique. Yeah. It it was weird. It's like a spaceship spaceship car. Those super cars, everybody dreams of having those.

If I were to get 1 of those, I couldn't fit. You could fit in a a Cybertruck. But not in a Lamborghini. That's the thing. No.

No. Yeah. Cybertruck, Elon's thinking about the tall people. Oh. Team Elon over here.

At least, finally, someone looking out for the poor peaches. That's right. The poor peaches. I can't fit a Lambo. Oh, my first real problem.

So, no, thank you listeners for, all the kind messages. I haven't even looked at Facebook today. You know, Facebook, you you get all the happy birthday messages. You have at least a 100 on your page, I think. I do?

Yeah. Oh, jeez. It's been so busy around here. I haven't had time for that yet. And I told people to call in and say, y'all happy birthday to you on the phone or send a message on the K Bear app.

And I have been getting calls, and then I was talking to other people. And I know the phone was lighting up, and I couldn't get to that because I was talking to people here. Thank you, everybody. Thank you. I feel very, I don't know.

What what's the word I'm looking for? I don't know. Fortunate. I feel very fortunate. That's the word I was looking for.

Not worshiped. Fortunate to have such great listeners. You're all too nice. Where's the birthday crown? The birthday ribbon?

Come on. My crown. What I need to do is eat some of that cake. I haven't even I haven't even taken a bite of the birthday treats. Mhmm.

So You got to. I know. I had mine. Gil had hers. It's just been, like I said, a a little bit too busy this morning.

A little bit too wild. So okay. I'm I'm gonna turn on a song. It's my birthday. What what do I wanna listen to?

Andrew w k, it's time to party. Do do we even have that in our system? Party hard that plays on alt. Party hard. That's right.

I was thinking I'd listen to some some tool, right, for my birthday? What's your favorite? There you go. Well, the timing right at the moment is not good for Tool. Turns on 1 of the saddest Tool songs.

Yeah. Just, 14 minutes of, the the dead mom song. Oh, jeez. You know, Wings for Mine. Up.

Yeah. Followed up by, that nothing more track. Mhmm. Yeah. Yeah.

No. No. I don't think I'll do that. Even though that is 1 of my favorite songs, 1 of my favorite Tool songs. It's For Soul, it's Victor's birthday.

I've been playing Hurt from 9 inch meals. Yeah. Yeah. No. Let's let's let's do some, I don't know.

I'm just gonna throw on pussyfoot because I really wanna go eat, or at least have a bite of cake. So earlier, I mentioned that there was supposed to be some falling in reverse news today. I heard about this actually about a month ago. That was that falling in reverse was dropping a new track today with Jelly Roll. It's a song called all my life.

I did finally get a copy of the song. I don't have it in the system yet. I will by the end of the brief commercial break that is coming up, but, I'll get it out on air there. It's falling in reverse as country song. I don't know.

It's got slight elements of country, probably why they brought in jelly roll to team up on the track. I like the Ronald song better, but I'm a metal guy. So that's probably why, But I will play it for you so you can check it out. I knew it was coming for about a month. Where I hadn't seen it this morning, I was like, well, maybe they pushed it back because, like, when Ronald dropped, that was supposed to come out originally, like, 2 weeks before it did or something like that.

So good to see they were on schedule with this 1. There's a music video out there. I might do a reaction video to that. Though the other day, I was checking my YouTube messages. Some guy was yelling at when okay.

Not yelling, but he said he didn't like my reaction video when he was watching the Ronald reaction video because I was aware of the special guests in the song. I knew about the song beforehand, so it wasn't a true reaction. I was like, well, I haven't heard the song or seen the video. Sorry that I have insider info about it. It's still a reaction to the song, but whatever.

I did not get a subscriber from that guy. There's a waterfall in China that people are very upset about. Apparently, this waterfall, it's fake. That's right. It's fake.

What a bunch of garbage. Waterfall where the water comes from a pipe or multiple pipes from the photos I'm looking at here. Alright. Think about this. Does it matter?

That's where I'm at with this. Does it matter? You show up at some park, some national park type place. You see this waterfall that's pretty amazing. Like, wow.

That's really pretty. Look at that. But it's fake. Oh, it comes from a pipe. I mean, it's less amazing than a real waterfall.

Sure. But I'm sure it's still it's neat. Right? Not that big of a deal. Know people are pretty upset about it.

You know how the internet goes. You know how things work on there. I mean, I've been to geysers that were just water shooting out of a pipe. I believe in Soda Springs, the Soda Springs Geyser. That's, you know, just a a pipe shooting water out, I think.

It's controlled by by man. I'm almost positive on that. What if I'm wrong? I'm just spouting off a bunch of garbage about Soda Springs. Soda Springs Geyser Man Made.

Let's see what the Internet says. Oh, home to the world's only man made geyser. Well, take that, Yellowstone conspiracy theorist. Yeah. I've I've seen the old faithful conspiracy theory many a time that as the park's biggest attraction, at some point many years ago, Yellowstone, old faithful, stopped being so faithful.

So they had to start piping it in and man controlling it and blah, blah, blah. I mean, it's possible. Right? I would think it's possible. That is a major draw to the park.

Old Faithful, the world's most famous geyser. What if it did stop going off? I bet they'd roll in some, you know, plumbing and make it happen, but would they be honest about it? Yeah. You know what I'm talking about.

Big National Park, you know? Mhmm. Anyway, far as I know, Old Faithful, still legit and faithful, but could be wrong. Could be wrong. Anyway, I'd still go see a waterfall that was fake.

Alright. It'd be fine. I mean, they control the flow of the Snake River at Shoshone Falls. That means it's sort of controlled by man. When it's going really heavy, they could make that stop.

I don't know. Just babbling. You know me. TOOL and Invincible, my birthday pick of the day. Thank you for letting me listen to 12 minutes of TOOL.

I didn't get a single call. Dude, the song's going on and on and on. For those of you listening on demand, thank you for tuning in and checking out the Victor Wilt Show podcast version of the show. Sorry because I think there were at least 2 breaks today that I failed to record. Trying to get into the new habit of recording every single break, and I'm a little bit foggy today.

So a couple of them, they're just not there, but the rest hopefully will be. Tool invincible right there, 1 of my favorite Tool songs now. And I've seen a lot of chat, a lot of chatter over the years about tools for your inoculum album. A lot of people don't think it's up to par with the rest of their stuff. I gotta disagree.

I think it is as good as anything else. A few of their very best songs can be found on that album. Invincible, descending. The title track's great. Tempest is awesome.

I like Pneuma a lot. My favorite album, probably still overall, lateralis, But 10000 days is great too, so is Anima. Probably depends on the day. Probably depends on the day, but they're all just fantastic. So if you haven't dug into the tool catalog, you should.

Even the old stuff, Undertow and Opiate, maybe if you don't like the long, proggy songs, that could be the type of tool that might suit your fancy. Got a caller, Colin. Let's see what they want. K Bear, you are live on the show. Who's this?

This is Dan Woods. How are you doing, buddy? Dan? Dan Woods, a fellow radio friend. Hey.

What's up, man? Hey. I just wanted to call real quick and wish you a happy birthday, and I was happy that I get to interrupt your show to do it. Well, thanks, man. It's good to hear from you.

You're still down in, Salt Lake. Right? For the time being, actually. Getting ready to, take a new adventure to Texas very soon, but yep, still down in Salt Lake. Alright.

A Texas adventure soon. Now are you looking at potentially doing any radio related stuff or just a Texas adventure? Well, you know, we're moving to Houston, and, there's always the possibility that Dan would could find his way back to the magical airwaves. Hey. Thing.

I would love to see that happen, man, and we'll have to get together before when are you moving? Sometime between now September. We got time, buddy. We got time. Alright.

Cool. I mean, I'll definitely be down that way for some show or others. So, I'll make sure to hit you up, and thank you so much, man, for the birthday message. No. No problem.

You have the best day ever and remember peace, love, and my dude. Thanks man. See you see you Dan. Yeah. Peace.

Now on the air, I I dumped out of a portion of what, Dan said there just because it would have made Jade uncomfortable. It wasn't anything profane. I thought it was funny. Anyhow, look at that. And the birthday messages have been relentless today.

It's been a wonderful day. Thank you to everybody. Thank you for all the treats. We certainly don't need more treats around here. I'm gonna be in a sugar coma by the end of the morning show thanks to all of the different treats.

So yep. Y'all are the best. Why don't you try again? Nah. It's all good.

That was a present for you. Well, at least it wasn't the usual kind of present that you brought for me. Gonna get 1 of those too. Oh, I'm I'm sure. It'll work it.

Look out for your, white blood cell count. Well, there's piles of treats around here, so I don't know how your guts work. But I'm not a big sugar fan. What? Who doesn't like sugar?

Sugar. Sugar. Yeah. I like the song. It's not sweets.

We'll go through the checklist. Cupcakes. No. So probably not regular cake. No.

Glazed cheese boxes are out the window. Donuts as well? Yeah. Yeah. On the small small amounts.

Small amounts. Well, Josh took the smallest donut. That's see. Doesn't look like it. I think it's because he does a morning show with his his wife.

And if he walks in there with a pile of food like I had for breakfast, he might get a little judgment. Like, you can't have a donut, a slice of cake, and cheesecake for breakfast. You 2 are like Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Bald and round. We got the the best look going on in the building.

Those miniature stamps of boss man. Now how, Jared? Bald and round. Don't compare me to that guy. I haven't started wearing cowboy hat yet.

Come on. Hey. I've I've read many a time time that the ladies like this look, the bald guy with a bit of a dad bod. Yeah. My lady always says I look great.

Lady's blind. She isn't. She has good eyes. Very nice, good eyes. But after growing up working in the the fudge and oven glazed almonds and donuts and ice cream That would be a foodie.

That my grandparents had. I'm just not a sweets person. I would imagine if you had to work the sweets booth over and over and over smell that constantly, and it never leaves your nostrils. It's terrible. So you must love the mall at Christmas time.

I don't go in there. Because of the that's what it smells like. Yeah. I hate it. It's the glazed almond smell.

Everyone's like, oh, it smells like Christmas. No. It sounds like it smells like PTSD. Just wanted to say thank you to everybody who listened to the show today, and thank you to those of you who are tuning in and listening on demand everywhere where you can find podcasts, The Victor Wilt Show, a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.

#0002 - Now I'm EVEN OLDER. Happy Birthday to me! - 6/6/2024
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