#0003 - The French know how to protest. - 6/11/2024

What is happening? It's Viktor Wilt. Oh, jeez. Tuesday, June 11th, already. June kinda going by quickly.

Let's allow summer to creep a little bit. Alright? Mother nature, come on. Somehow make my experience of days gone by just slow down a little. I don't wanna be making it toward, you know, the later months in the year.

You know how it gets around here. It's terrible. Ugh. Anyhow, how was your weekend? I had a nice 3 day weekend.

I had some friends come visit for my birthday. It was a really good time. Some folks that I don't get to hang out with very often. And, we took a trip on Saturday out to Swan Valley. My homie Nick had never seen the well, that area, pretty much.

Swan Valley, we went over to the Palisades Lake Trail. And as we were driving out, you know, past Swan Valley toward Palisades, there's just traffic, relentless traffic. Like, what is going on? This is weird. I mean, I could understand people going in the opposite direction, taking the slightly longer route to Jackson through Alpine.

My guts, very strange. Busy day. I guess people just wanna get out of Jackson and hang out. Now you may have heard I would I would assume most people around here have heard that the Teton Pass Road just, was wiped out. Big landslide and the pass from Victor to Jackson.

It just don't exist at this time. They're working on building a temporary road saying it's gonna take a few weeks. So, my apologies to those of you who make that drive to Jackson for work each day. I know I talked to a lot of you, and, that's I mean, it's not that much further, but still adding 45 minutes or so to your commute every day. That's gonna add a lot.

Plus if everybody has to go that way, that slows it down even further. So I I'm sorry. That's a it's a real bummer, but it was weird. We considered going to Jackson that day. Like, no.

Let's go let's go out where there's probably less people. And Palisades Creek Trail, it was amazing. As always, the creek, you know, is like a raging river. It it was pretty awesome, but that place was packed to the brim with people too. The most vehicles I've I've ever seen parked there.

So, yeah. You know, one thing I've got a request of people who bring their pets out to the Palisade Creek Trail. Come on. Bring those doggy bags. Alright?

I think the people who are riding horses up there should too. Get down you got a big bag. You know? Clean it up. Alright?

That's a heavily used trail, and I get it. I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to bring your little doggo or bring your horse because, you know, what better way to make it 7 miles up the trail to the upper lake than ride a horse? If I had a horse, I would make it to the upper lake. I do not have a horse, so I make it well, we we didn't have much time that day. We, you know, went about 45 minutes in, 45 minutes out.

It it was pretty easy. Right when it started to get warm, like, okay. Let's go back. And we had to meet people in in Idaho Falls anyway. So, yeah, good luck to those who have to normally travel Teton Pass from Victor to Jackson.

I'm sorry. You gotta make that big extra drive, but Kay Bear tends to come in pretty good in some of those areas. So may maybe you'll be able to pick us up a little bit better when you're not up on top of the, giant mountain pass. Anyhow, we're gonna get going on this show today. We've got all kinds of fun stuff to talk about, and, you know, it's good to be back.

So thank you for tuning into the program. Stick around. Of course, lots of music. If you're listening on demand, I recommend you check the show out every weekday morning, 6 AM to 10 AM mountain time, so you can get the musical aspect to the show as well. But this show, if you're not listening on demand, hey.

You you can now. If you missed the show, you can find it everywhere that podcasts can be found, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, etcetera, on our website, riverbendmediagroup.com, all over the place. So spread the word, and I'll be back in just a second. It's very baffling. And I know I've talked about this before, but every time I pull up the radio charts, I go, alright.

These old boomers have lost their mind. I think radio chart following and following what other radio stations are doing, that was just the, radio boomer way. And, well, that's why a lot of radio programmers, sadly, end up disappearing Why these jobs get wiped out and they just find one person at the national level to do everything because you generally have everybody just following each other. Oh, that guy says that's good. I guess I don't have to think about my job.

I'll just play that. And that's why our station doesn't suck like most rock radio stations. No. I'm I'm proud to say it. Most rock stations do suck compared to us.

Trying to think of a better one. Trying to think of a better one as far as the playlist. I ain't gonna claim I have the best radio show. You know? By any means, you hear me on here.

Some days, I can't even keep going. I can't even keep it together as far as the words go. Just babbling on and failing, stumbling. But that's what you get when you do a live radio show. You know, you're gonna fall over your words sometimes.

I'm not like most radio shows and prerecord my show, edit it so it sounds really good because you can most people don't notice edits. I mean, I do. I do. But, yeah, this is live. It's it's real radio, unfiltered.

And when I upload it in podcast warning, you think I go in and clean it up? No. I just said the word foreign. Oh, jeez. Yeah.

I could chop that whole section out. Nobody would know listening on demand, but, well, I don't see the point. Give you a raw, real show, unlike most out there. Okay. I was trying to multitask here and bring up a track that sounded good to listen to, and my multitasking was failing.

You know, kinda like trying to say the word form. You just fail at it sometimes. Literally moments ago, I dropped my phone on the floor, and it landed perfectly between 2 wheels of the chair that I'm currently sitting in. It's going to be quite the task to move said chair and not run over the phone. It's, like, perfectly positioned.

That's alright. It's a Monday on a Tuesday for me. Should expect some inconveniences, which, by the way, if you're gonna be traveling soon, apparently, endless inconveniences. I mentioned earlier, if you're traveling to Jackson, you haven't heard, Teton Pass collapsed. You know, thankfully, nobody on the roads or anything like that.

There was a big crack in the road. So on Friday, they stopped allowing travel. Saturday, that's when the landslide happened. But, you're gonna have to make your way around through Alpine, which is a nice drive. Drive by the Palisades Reservoir.

Check it out if you've never been out there before. Maybe you're gonna be flying somewhere, though. I do complain about flying often enough. Even though the last time I traveled, it was pretty great because I traveled in and out of small airports other than the layover in horrible Dallas, Texas. But I was looking at this list here.

It's a YouGov poll where they were asking Americans what behaviors on a plane they find acceptable and what they find unacceptable. Now the unacceptable end, I don't find too surprising. What I find surprising is that there are people who say some of the things are acceptable, and I wonder, are these just poll trolls? Could be. Could very well be.

Because as we all know, polls don't really mean anything. This is just my opportunity to point out things you should and shouldn't do on an airplane, or maybe you think you should. The most unacceptable thing, according to passengers is letting children play in the aisle, but 5% of people said, yeah. It's fine. Who are you people?

There is no reality in which allowing children to play in the aisle on an airplane is acceptable behavior. No. I mean, for 1, it's annoying, but 2, it doesn't seem safe. Alright? Keep your kids next to you.

Yeah. A plane's a confined space, but still, sometimes you have an unruly passenger. You get the wrong cranky old man. You know, starts berating your child, then you got that in flight, you know, potential fight breaking out between the parents and the old guy. It's just no good.

Alright. The next level down now these are basically tied as far as being unacceptable to the majority of people, getting drunk on the plane, or leaving your seat during turbulence. They probably go together. Yeah. Because the person getting hammered I I can't wait.

I gotta get up and use the bathroom. I don't care about the seat belt, Lloyd. Yeah. I would say getting drunk on the plane is more unacceptable because the likeliness of it leading to one of those in flight brawls is much higher than a leave your seat during turbulence. You might fall into somebody during turbulence, but what are you gonna do?

What if you have to get to the bathroom? Right? You're turbulence. That that's really annoying. I think that's worse than leaving your seat during turbulence.

That that's really annoying, and it could be really inappropriate. I when I was flying, I mean, I don't care, but I was watching some old lady watch a horror movie a few seats up for me. It was pretty brutal. I didn't see any kids around, but I don't know. It seemed a little bit odd for that to just be go and she was in 1st class, had her iPad out.

So it wasn't like a little phone screen. This was a big enough screen. If I wanted, I could sit back and watch it with no sound from where I was sitting. I did not, though. I went back to reading in a perfectly acceptable airplane behavior.

Yeah. I think, you know, using both armrests when you got a row of people, I think that's worse than leaving your seat during turbulence. What what things does everybody agree is fine? Let's get down to where it gets a little more controversial. Okay.

Making a phone call? Yeah. That sounds annoying. I mean, you could really only do it right when the plane takes off. Right?

Or maybe if you've got that in flight Wi Fi, you could make a Wi Fi call. I don't know if I've ever heard anybody do that, but I would think that's probably fine. I mean, people are yapping on the airplane. It's not like it's a zone of silence. Climb over a seat mate to use the bathroom.

Why not just say, hey. Hey, bro. Excuse me. I need to go. Oh, here we go.

Watch a movie or show that includes scenes with nudity. Now I didn't see any of that, but I did see scenes of violence, and nobody seemed to well, maybe it was one of those situations where nobody said anything. I didn't. I didn't say anything. Just like, alright then.

That's that's pretty wild. Alright. Chat with the stranger next to them for the entire flight. Most people find that acceptable. Okay.

As long as you wanna talk to them. Some people are chatterboxes and you might be like, you know what? I just wanna read. Could you shut up for a minute? Unless, I I guess, you find them interesting and, you know, I get I'm gonna give them a shot, but if somebody's putting out the right signals, like, a I'm trying to look at my phone here.

Yeah. Just need my space. Don't yap at them the whole time. Alright? Putting small items like a purse or jacket in the overhead compartment.

If there's room, why would anybody care about that? A lot of people apparently do. Reclining the seat, people are bothered by that. They move back 2 inches. Give me a break.

Give me a break. Most people do find that acceptable. So, anyway, I think it ultimately comes down to think about your behavior on a flight. And if it could potentially be annoying, stop it. It's all you got to do.

If you look at your own behavior and you go, if somebody else was doing this, would I possibly consider it a little bit annoying? If so, just stop. Alright? Knock it off. You'll be able to get up to those behaviors with your family and friends soon enough.

Sit there quietly and behave yourself. Bad boomer. Leave it to politicians to set up an event that's not going to work out in the way they wanted to and I would imagine won't actually happen. I don't know if you've heard much about the upcoming Olympic Games, the summer Olympic Games in Paris. Well, they're happening in case you didn't know.

But one of the events that the French government would like to see happen is the swimming events or at least some of them happening in the river Seine or Seine, depending on which news broadcaster you listen to talk about it. We'll call it we'll call it Seine, the river Seine. Now you might be thinking, okay. Well, swimming in a river, what is it dangerous? I don't think the Seine has dangerous undercurrents or anything like that.

It's not like swimming in the snake. The problem with the river Seine is that for 100 of years, it has been horribly polluted to the point I I don't know if anything lives in it. Thought I watched a news article that said it was a a dead river, which would mean no no fish. There's so much bacteria, industrial waste, dookie, and so much more. Like, you you shouldn't go in it.

It's against the law in Paris to swim in this river, but they spent over a 1000000000 French pounds over the last year doing some type of cleanup on this river even though recently, yeah, industrial waste and sewage has been getting dumped into the river. I mean, this has just been an ongoing problem in Paris for as as far back as you can go. But they've claimed they've cleaned it up. And to prove this and to prove that it's going to be safe for the Summer Olympic Games, you got a couple politicians over there who are like, yeah. We'll swim in it.

Sure. I'd be glad to. You've got, the the mayor of the city of Paris, as well as the president of France, like, we'd be happy to get in and swim. President Emmanuel Macron and Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo. Now here's their well, okay.

The president was sort of smart. He's like, I don't know what day I'm gonna do it when the news asked him. I I'm not sure. I'm working on it. But the mayor gave everybody a date.

I'm gonna swim in the Seine on June 23rd. So what did the citizens of France do? I don't know if you're familiar with French civilians and their legendary ability to protest. Well, they've started a campaign, a hashtag campaign, basically encouraging people to, well, pollute the river on June 23rd. You know?

Yeah. That good old number 2 in the river. Mhmm. People are creating images with a bunch of toilets along the side of the river. And after this campaign started going viral, the mayor's like, okay.

Well, I'm actually gonna do it June 30th. Just don't tell people the day. What are you doing? What you wanna do, lady, is you just go out. If you're really gonna swim in this, disgusting river, just go out and do it at some point.

Don't tell people when. Because even if, for the most part, this is an online troll campaign, I guarantee there's gonna be some people who are going to engage in the protest. And I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty not to my liking as far as the old swimming goes. One more reason. I don't swim in natural waters.

Now this could happen in a pool, but you're probably gonna be able to see it. And pools are also generally legal to swim in always. No one point $5,000,000,000 cleanup on the average pool to allow people to swim in it for the Olympic games. I I guess the French people are very mad at the government spending this kind of money just to have an Olympic event in this dirty river. I don't blame them.

It's good to hear that other governments are just blowing money on stupid garbage, though. Not just ours, so that's great. However, we need to up our protest game around here, everybody. The the protest game in the US has gotten pretty weak. Now we don't have officials as far as I know going for a swim to make a statement, but all I seem to see happening is people chucking paint at paintings in museums or disrupting live shows to raise a ruckus.

And it that's just no good. It's no good. Get a little bit more creative. Don't damage pieces of art for the sake of protest. I'm not gonna offer suggestions here.

It's up to you to get creative. I don't want somebody blaming me down the line. But protest is good. It is good. I mean, this protest, even if nothing happens, it's working.

People are talking about it. And it's one of the funniest protests I've seen. Somebody had set up a website, so if you were living further upstream on the river Seine, that you could, time things so that, you know, we'll just call it the the waste you put in the river would reach the area where the people would be swimming by the official date of said swim. That's going all out for protest. Alright.

Anyway, if you're a fan of the band Ghost, you are going to dig this. What you need to do is fire up the KhabAir app and sign yourself up to win tickets to ghosts debut feature film right here, right now. Yeah. The Khabare app, you can listen live from anywhere on the planet 247. It's great.

I've been out of town. I know how bad rock radio is everywhere else. I want you to be able to tune in, check out some great tuneage and great shows anywhere you go, and you can win prizes like Tickets to Ghost's debut feature film right here, right now. It's going down June 20th 22nd at Regal Edwards Grand Teton Theatre in Idaho Falls. It's a combination of live performance with some type of a narrative story arc.

And I'm gonna be there. Peaches is gonna be there. You should be there. And how about going for free? All you gotta do, sign up in the kbear app.

Or if you wanna buy tickets, they are going fast. There's just 2 showings, 1 on 20th, 1 on 22nd. So if you're a ghost fan and you don't wanna miss out on this, you need to go to the ghostfilm.com and buy yourself a pair of tickets. But you might as well try to go for free. Alright?

So get signed up in the Kay Bear app. Good luck to you. We will be drawing winners later this week, so you have plenty of time to enter even if you are listening on demand right now on the Victor Wilt Show podcast edition. So get in to win, and good luck. Since we were talking about ghost movie theater tickets, I recalled that over the weekend, I read a post on Reddit where they were talking about industry see seats are not all the same size.

Can anyone who works in a movie theater verify this? They said some are narrower than others. Because, you know, when you sit in a movie theater seat, you've always got a crack between the 2 seats in front of you So you don't have somebody's big head blocking your way. Like, can you imagine you get stuck behind peaches at the movie theater and there was just a seat directly in front of you? It'd be terrible.

So apparently they make the seats slightly different sizes in order to create that what they call sawtooth arrangement. So you're looking through a gap between heads and not straight into the head of the person in front of you. So some seats are are bigger. They're wider than others. Paige's, you've been to the movie theater.

Once you test this out, maybe next Thursday when we go to the ghost showing for right here, right now, we can take a look. It it seems like if they're up to 3 inches wider, you should be able to eye that. Right? Just kinda look and go, oh, yeah. Look look at the that row of seats.

Those are bigger seats. I don't know this thread of industry secrets. It is kinda interesting. I've I've gone through a number of these kind of threads before, and sometimes you find out some interesting stuff. I've read lots of these.

So is you seem to see a lot of repeats when it comes to this information. Like people that work in arcades, you know, there are these games where you can win lots of tickets or high dollar prizes. Like you might have seen the games where, you know, you need to line up the blocks and you could win a PlayStation or something like that. Some of these games are rigged. Alright.

They're set up so the game has to take in a certain amount of money before it will actually pay out one of these big prizes, which makes sense. If they were 100% skill based, these businesses that have them would be throwing money in the garbage. You get somebody in there who's really good at the game, and they would just unload all of these high dollar prizes over and over and over again out of these machines that cost, what, 50ยข, maybe a dollar to play. Obviously, I would say when it comes to games giving out really big prizes like that, something worth 50, a $100 or more Guaranteed that skill ain't gonna win it for you. I mean, there's gonna be a little bit of skill involved because when the game finally allows a winner, you're still gonna have to, you know, do what's necessary to win the game, but it's just not gonna allow you to win until these things have have raked up enough enough of your spare change to make it profitable for the business that has them.

So let's see here. One more little it alright. Industry secret, and it said guitar, so I gotta see. Just last night, we were playing a gig, and my guitarist said he was going to show us a little trick he uses to get everyone on the dance floor. Okay.

Is it, bust out a certain song? Yeah. What does everybody like to dance to? See, over the mic, he asked everyone to come up to the front of the stage so we can get a group picture of everyone who came to the show. Soon as he got the pick, we started playing, and everyone stayed on the floor till the end of the set.

It was that is actually a pretty good tip because, yeah, I've been to a 1,000,000 rock shows. Come on, everybody. Especially on the local level. Get up here, guys. Come on up to the front of the stage.

Let's get crazy. Group picture, that's gonna get everybody up to the front of the stage. And then if you start ripping their face off with some riffage, they would probably stay there. That's a great tip. Alright.

Local bands, you're welcome for that one. Oh, I mean, it's simple. Now you start doing it every single show. Well, who's not gonna wanna be part of the group pick at every show, especially if you post it on your socials. So it really does seem like you want a group pick with your fans rather than you're just trying to weasel them up to the front of the stage.

Alright. Have you purchased your grave plot? I have not. Might be a good idea. You never know what's gonna happen.

But just be aware that a 100 years from now, you could potentially end up just being buried under someone's home. I was reading this article about a guy who just started digging up bones in Tucson. You know, part of his yard just kinda caved in. He had a sinkhole. Decided to check it out, see if he had some water issues going on, something like that.

And as he digs deeper and deeper, starts finding some weird pieces of brass and decorations and then a cross and then some boards. He kept digging. You would think at that point, you know, you find wood and a cross. This is how you unearth a a vampire, people. But, anyway, he kept digging, digs up these bones, sends photos of them to his wife who is a pediatrician, and she's like, well, yeah.

Those could be human bones. They're really small. And, yes, they excavated the grave grave of a small child from the late 1800 or early 1900. Apparently, what happened with this cemetery was, how long ago? It was early 1900.

They decided to shut down this area as far as it being a cemetery goes and develop the land. So there were companies offering to move the graves, but you had people who didn't have family members nearby or people that couldn't afford to pay for that, so they just left them. Now this guy's living on a burial ground. I mean, there there could be dozens? Dozens of bodies underneath his his lot there?

I guess, you know, it depends if you believe in horror movies and things like that. You know, Pet Cemetery. If you think that could really happen, then this might be a worry to you. Otherwise, I don't know. Unless you need to dig, it's, you know, out of sight out of mind.

Right? Some people are very concerned about hauntings. But far as I know, the article didn't say anything about, you know, strange paranormal activity. It just like, yeah. There might be some bodies under it.

Now does that lower the value of your house? I bet it would. I bet there are a lot of people out there who wouldn't wanna be living on top of a graveyard. So how do you hide that in the disclosures? Right?

You you gotta put it in there now. Well, I dug up bones one day, and they told me, yeah, there could be lots more, but, you know, it'll be fine. It'll be fine. Yeah. I say if you can get a deal on housing, take it.

You see a a house being offered up, but it's haunted, but it's for a bargain price. Save yourself a ton of dough. In this market, you gotta do whatever you can. Cemetery house, haunted house. Do whatever it takes.

Alright? I don't think the house prices are coming down anytime soon, so you might have something to keep you company as well. Ghosts? I mean, I got cats, and all they do? Well, one of them's really nice.

The older one, he just is grumpy. Just grumpy as of late. So I got a grumpy cat, a sweet little cat. Bring on a ghost. Alright.

Just trying to save you some dough here. Everybody knows about the copying lawmakers when making stock trades things. Right? It's been going on for a while. Really picked up steam during the pandemic.

Now members of Congress and such they're required by law to, you know, make some type of, a public disclosure if they make transactions over $1,000. Well, there are a lot of politicians on both sides. Alright. Both sides. Democrats and Republicans who, boy, they sure know how to pick them.

I'm sure there's no insider information going on here leading to the decision to purchase 1,000,000 of dollars of certain stocks. Now a lot of, traders are making some pretty good dough. Just watching big purchases by politicians and going, alright. I'm gonna buy some of that. Seems to be working out really well.

And there's a website called unusual whales dotcom, where they tend to track these type of purchases. They'll tell you who the who the person is and what they bought, as well as the amount they spent. I'm on the page here. Now, wait a minute. Oh, okay.

Yeah. They don't tell you every stock, but they show you a lot of them. They show you a lot of them. So you should check that out if you wanna make some money. I'm gonna beat the market.

That's what I got going on here. That's how you beat the market. Insider trading. Okay. Sorry.

I am not encouraging insider trading. K? You should be throwing that at me. I'm just encouraging you to look at what politicians buy. They might be, you know, up to something.

But most Americans don't care. If it's white collar crime, yeah. What's gonna happen to you? Look at the, you know, look at that world. Politicians engaged in crime.

People don't care. So, what else do we got here? This guy, I guarantee he's gonna be in jail for a while. You know, might not have ripped people off for a bunch of money, but he did shove a stop sign through a car window and started screaming at people. This man is what they're calling the crazed crossing guard.

Yeah. He probably gonna be away for a bit. Yeah. You can't swing a stop sign at, you know, parents and children. He got jailed twice in the same day.

So he goes to jail for attacking a woman and her child with the portable stop sign. Then on his way out, the news is there. And I assume they're like, hey. Hey, crossing guard buddy. Would you like to talk about what you did?

And then he just attacks them. He doesn't have a job anymore either. This is a way to really screw up your life in just one day. Now, why did he attack the woman and her daughter? I guess she, stopped at the intersection where he was stationed.

She was briefly distracted because she had to sneeze, forcing her to delay, and so she didn't hurry through the intersection. So he walks up, starts screaming at her and swinging the stop sign at her. Metal sign. That would that could hurt if it hit you. Some people just have, you know, unreasonable reactions to things.

I don't know how many times I've pointed out the the sheriff with the, paper turkeys on his door. We all know that story, but we don't need to dredge that up again. Okay. Finally in freak news. Is there a baby in your house?

You got a garbage can full of dirty diapers and your brother's a real piece of crap. Don't get in an argument with them. You might take a diaper to the head. Nobody want a dirty diaper to the head. Alright?

It's gross. Dirty diapers, they're filled with dookie, and they could, you know, potentially explode. I mean, some of them, it depends on the brand. They may be better manufactured than others might be. You might have one that you're guaranteed not to leak.

But also, when it becomes a projectile bomb, that is probably not covered by the general description and promises made by the manufacturer regarding the ability to not leak. I think that's just when being used in a normal fashion, not being used again as an object to bean your your sibling with like this guy with wonderful hair. What's his name here? Damian Caston. He's got, quite the, I'm trying to think of who to compare him to.

He's got a neck beard. He's got a tattoo over his eye, and he has just a big curly I don't know. It's sort of like a a fro. And he's a diaper slinger. I mean, come on, man.

And remnants of the diaper were seen on the front porch according to the police report, as well as at or on the victim's stomach. Now, wait a minute. Wait a minute here. This wasn't even, this wasn't even a baby diaper because the article states, Kaston removed his full diaper and threw it at his brother. This wasn't a properly closed up diaper.

And where he wrapped the straps around, tried to, you know, keep it all intact. This guy was wearing it. Okay. Oh, boy. Is this Florida?

Where it is Florida. Alright. It's not that surprising then. Pages, what did I miss around here yesterday? Anything exciting?

Just a meeting. That's about it. Okay. I saw the the recap. I saw the notes.

There they go. That's all you need. Why is there a meeting in the first place? Just have the person take the notes and then send it to all of us. Well, that's why I'm wondering why I need to go anymore.

I'll just read the recaps. You guys have to unveil all the stuff that goes into the notes, but, generally, I don't have a lot to offer up that's gonna end up in the notes, so I might as well just kick back and enjoy myself. No meeting. Wow. I think that's how it should be.

No. Mhmm. So if I'm in it, you're in it. No. No.

I think you should just take my place. You begged forever. I wanna be in the meeting. I wanna be in the meeting. I feel left out.

You can have my spot, peaches. You're welcome to have it because I got plenty that needs to be done. Same here. Yeah. Do you see, I was looking at this picture of a white bison calf in Yellowstone.

Do you see what happened on the the path to Grand Teton? Is it gonna be red soon? Is it gonna be red soon? White bison. Is it gonna be red soon?

Because someone's gonna go up to it, and they're gonna get gored. It's a baby still. But So baby bison's pretty big. They're they're, you know, fairly large, but I think it'll be a ways till it starts mowing people down. I think if you have somebody like Russell, for example, that that buffalo's pretty big too.

Probably compared to Russell. Maybe Josh Tyler too. Now Josh is closer to my side. I mean, going near a bison calf is about the dumbest movie you could possibly make. Because, you know, the mom's right there.

Yeah. The mom's gonna be nearby. She's gonna be territorial. Exactly. Exactly.

But, yeah, I was asking if you saw what happened to, the roadway, the Teton Pass. You know, people were posting about it nonstop on Facebook. You think I didn't see it? I don't know. Dude, how many posts we're gonna make is gonna magically fix the road, you know?

Well, yeah. What they're doing is building a temporary road because I think I don't know how you're the temporary road, I would think, is gonna end up being the permanent road. How do you fix that? The road is gone. There was a landslide.

About an 8 month construction project, probably even longer than that. We'll probably get GTA 6 before we get that road fixed. Traffic is gonna be congested on that temporary road. It's gonna be awful. Well, and winter hits soon, and up on the top of the pass I don't know where on the pass that road, you know, where where the road caved in is at, but the pass is a nightmare during the winter anyway.

It's gonna turn to crap way before the roads around here are. So I'm I'm guessing, yeah, it's not gonna be done till probably about this time next year. We have way too many people on the streets, during this time of the year. Because I do realize how many people, are wusses, and they, decide to leave for Idaho winter, you know, and they come back during the summertime. Yeah.

And they can just throw it off. What do you mean calling them Lisses? They're genius. If you're if you're a part time person in Idaho Falls, get out. Whatever, peaches.

Get out. Out. If you could afford it, you would do it. No. I wouldn't.

I wouldn't have a place near here if I could afford it. What? Are you kidding me? I'd be long gone. Yeah.

You wouldn't be you'd be afraid to live somewhere. Yeah. Or some other place. Because I'm not gonna live in Idaho Falls, Idaho. You're telling me if I'm a rich person to afford 2 houses, I could afford to live I'd live here?

No. Yeah. So you're afraid of the winner. You just said you'd lived in a place that's 70 year round. Yeah.

But if you're having 2 houses So don't call people lusses. So if you decide to come back here permanently or not come back here temporarily and go back and forth It dude, Peaches, it's cheaper to buy a house here and a house in Arizona than buy a house in that area of California. Where? Than to buy 1. Again, if you're one of those temporary people that decides to go back, you know, to wherever to be a snowbird, whatever they call them.

Why? It's just stupid. Why is it stupid? So that you live a comfortable life? You can go live a comfortable life over there year round and leave us us alone.

But no. Because If you can't bear the winter, get out. Wait. What are you talking about? You just said you wouldn't live in a place with winter if you could afford it.

No. It's it's different reasons why I would not be here, but that's that's beside the point. I think it's because you're afraid of winter. No. I can't remember.

You don't wanna remember. I don't explicitly say my reasons on the air. If not, we're gonna take it as Peaches can't handle winter. I That's right. You want me to say it?

That's right. Oh, we got somebody called. Let's see what they want. K Bear, you're live on the show. Who's this?

This is Jeremy. Jeremy, what's up? The one time I'm gonna agree with peaches. Thank you, Jeremy. Jeremy's a full time Idaho, and you think he cares about the people?

Yeah. I'm a full time Idahoan. I mean, I I moved out of state for a while and lived in Montana most of my life, but I was born in can find somewhere else. See? Okay, Jeremy.

You what you mean to tell me if you could've they can find somewhere else. See? Okay. Jeremy, you want you mean to tell me if you could afford it, you would not if you just won the lottery, you would not buy a place in a area with a nice climate that you could go hang out at during the winter. Jeremy, you've never visited California during the winter.

You've never gone down south during the winter. I've been I've been remember, I've been down south Right. Winter when you're out for free. Right. Yeah.

Same as peaches. Do you know where he goes to winter? Than the other person. Hey, Scott. Don't bear over the top of me.

On top of Jeremy. That's right. I will. I will. That's called what?

What is that called? Oh, a vacation. I came back to stay permanently. Yeah. That's because you couldn't, if you could have afforded a 3 month vacation.

Yeah, Jeremy. You are poor. Jeez. If I if I had 1,000,000 of dollars, I would stay here permanently, but I would vacation other places. And how much just because of winter.

Like, I would leave in the summer too and go to hot places just because I could. And I'm sorry for yelling, Jeremy. That's okay. Yeah. Every once in a while, I Don't bear over top of me peaches.

I'm like, donkey. Don't bear over top of me. Mosquitoes. It's okay. It's just a little annoying.

Yeah. It's okay. Peaches goes home every winter too. So No. I don't.

Yeah. You go. Home during the summertime. You go home during winter because I I wanted to see my family for Christmas. Exactly.

Goes and visits. Yeah. Exactly. But I don't go for, like, 3, 4 months and then come back because you can't afford it. Warmer.

It's because you can't afford it. So you don't eat He's not like you that would move to Arizona and work from there if your boss would let I've Arizona, I wouldn't move to because the summer there is the equivalent of winter here. What you gotta do is you live in Arizona in the winter and you live in Idaho or somewhere similar during the summer. But think during the summer, you don't need a stove. You can just go out and fry eggs on the street.

Yeah. It's it's it's not very exciting out there in that. It's kinda like, you know, if you ever been to Vegas at this time of year, it's terrible, and Arizona's worse. Oh, we were in Vegas in September last year, and it was just blistering down there. Yeah.

It's it's not fun. It's not fun. Yeah. So alright, Jeremy. Well, thank you for your call.

I agree with peaches once is to make him feel better about himself. I'm I'm positive that both of you, if you had the dough, you wouldn't be around here very much during the winter. None of you here at all. Nobody in east Idaho would be around here very much during the winter if they all had riches because the winter sucks. Lottery.

I'm gonna email I'm gonna mail you somewhere where it's warm year round and you can stay there. Where PJ said he would live, San Diego area. Hey. 70 year round, but it's gonna cost you. I like having plenty of mountains around than that.

San Diego's got some mountains. Southern California has pretty pretty nice mountains. Especially if you drive, about 2 2 and a half hours north, you go to Big Bear. It's very nice. Yeah.

Alright. Well, I'll let you kids have fun today. Alright. Thanks, Jeremy, and appreciate you putting up with my yelling. Oh, no problem.

Anytime. Thank you again for the birthday cake. It was greatly appreciated. Problem. You just Remember, I got thick skin.

Yeah. He's Jeremy's cool. He can handle it. He's not like you peaches where he starts feeling picked on. He's alright.

No. But your way of arguing is to scream louder than the other person. When you're like me and been to a federal penitentiary, you don't let little things stretch. Yeah. There you go.

That little thing you picked a wilt. I was a California resident in Hurling for a little bit, but that was longer and I wanted to be there. Well, appreciate it, Jeremy. Hope you have a good one, man. You too.

Bye. Alright. You got little ones. Do they enjoy movies? Take them to see the sandlot.

It's a summer classic, and what better place to see it than a baseball field? Melaleuca Field, The summer driving movie series is back, and we're giving away free tickets all week. So you've got plenty of time to get in to win. Just fire up our app and sign up to win a family 4 pack of tickets. It all benefits the Ronald McDonald family room at Ermac, so buying tickets is a good idea.

You're helping out the community, and you get to go see the movie. But not only that, they also have all kinds of fun on-site free activity going down from 645 to 845 prior to the movie starting, like the Grit League obstacle course, the STEM booth, photo booth, spin the wheel, scavenger hunt, face painting, all kinds of fun stuff. The movies kick off at 9 PM. The sandlot going down this Saturday. That's June 15th.

Melaleuca Field. If you find the link in our app, you can just buy your tickets. But, again, you can also sign up and try to win some freebies, so might as well give it a whirl. The Ronald McDonald family room at Ehrmacht benefiting from the summer movie series at melaleuca field. Get the full scoop in the k Bear app.

Earlier, we were talking about people swimming in the French river, the Seine. They wanna do Olympic swimming in this river, and it's filled with just bacteria, waste. It's disgusting. Well, there are places outside of France that are also pretty disgusting. Maybe you're planning a summer trip, trying natural waters.

Alright Alright. Well, here are the beaches you should not go to. The 10 most bacteria polluted beaches in America. I mean, I was reading about the number one beach, and I guess it's gotten so bad there that not only should you not go in the water, but you should just not be in this area because the pollution is getting into the air and Yeah. It could be making people sick.

Just breathing. You're just out living your life and just breathing. Breathing a little bit of air. That number one most polluted beach in America, we were just talking about San Diego, one of the most expensive places to live in America. Coming in at number 1 for the most disgusting bacteria filled beach, Imperial Beach in San Diego.

I'm gonna pull this up on a map. Imperial beach, San Diego. I I don't believe they've let people swim there for about 3 years at this point. Alright. So pretty close to the, southern border.

And, I don't know at what point Imperial Beach ends. So I'm just gonna say, San Diego Beach probably just doesn't sound like a good idea at all. Terrible. Now, you might be thinking, alright, well, I wasn't gonna go to San Diego, I was gonna go to Hawaii. Well, on the island of Kauai, the no Nawiliwili stream at Kalapaki Bay, Just as bad.

Just as bad as that dump Imperial Beach in San Diego. Hawaii coming in at number 3 as well with, Kahalu. Again, these Hawaiian words. You gotta forgive my pronunciation there. Yep.

Miami Beach. See, I would expect Miami Beach to be on the list because it's Florida. I would think a lot more Florida beaches would be on the list of the most contaminated with bacteria. But you know, you've got, Tacoma, Washington, South Sound, TFLOS floating dock, Pacifica, California. Isn't that, where's Pacifica?

Let me Google this up here and see how far away from San Diego that is because I think that's just right there too. If I remember no. Pacifica's way way up north. Alright. I'm off.

I'm off. But, yeah, even in the frigid waters up north, you don't wanna go there. It's, you know, it's nasty. What I'd like to know is the least polluted beaches so I could tell you where to go, But the list only has the worst beaches in the US, places like Southampton, New York, Melbourne, Florida, San Luis Obispo, California, And Agua Dia, Puerto Rico. Anyway, it's just a little bacteria and, you know, like, runoff from, you know, people's waste and, you know, whatever pollutants are on the ground that get washed into the water supply by the storm drains and lots of lots of toilets.

And then, you know, the untreated sewage overflows in the waterway. It's just dookie. Man. Enjoy the beach, everybody. Enjoy the beach.

According to my favorite fashion website, real simple.com actually, I've I've never seen this website. I don't have a favorite fashion website. You think I know about fashion? All I know about fashion is that right now, the kind of clothes I wear are getting more and more popular all the time. Dad pants, the trending trouser for dressing up or down according to realsimple.com, and they even show you how to style them.

Now some of these pants, I'm like I don't know if I've seen any dads wearing those, but then when you get into the baggy jeans, it's like, yep. Yep. Those are, those are what I'd call dad pants, I guess, if you were a dad that was a teenager in the nineties. These are your jam, and it it is pretty funny. My daughter recently bought some pants like this.

She was all excited. She says she goes out to clubs in Phoenix, and people are like, where'd you get those pants? And then I'm wondering, did I give them all my old pants if they're so into it? I got vintage, like, vintage jinko. Look at me.

Had, I guess. They're not in my closet. I would've noticed those. I had to have given them to the kids. Anyway, I would imagine that they're probably pretty expensive.

Okay. Let's see. Baggy dad wide leg women's jeans. So they are women's jeans, but they're called baggy dad. And you can buy these from levi.com for the value price of $108.

K. Is that a expensive price for pants? To me, it sounds pretty expensive. But I don't buy clothes very often. Only when I get to the point that I have beat my clothes up so bad, I have to get new ones.

So is that just the current going rate for pants or is that outrageous? Like, I'm pretty sure I've never spent a $100 on pants. And didn't they start producing JNCOs again? I mean, JNCOs were, like, ridiculous baggy. And I always thought they were pretty cool.

Do you look stupid in your forties if you wear those? Okay. Yeah. They're certainly out of my budget. The cheapest ones on the front page of their website, $180.

Yeah. No. Thanks. No. I guess, shopping for pants.

Ross it is. Right? TJ Maxx? Yikes. Anyway, kids, I recommend you hit up the thrift stores.

If you want some baggy pants, there gotta be dads who've been dropping off their baggy pants at the thrift store. You know? The wife's like, you're you can't dress like that. You're a grown man. You can dress like that.

I'm I'm wearing cargo shorts. That's like as tacky dad as it gets. Well, maybe since Bad Omens took a, you know, mental health break, they will work on some new music. That'd be cool. I doubt it.

I I'm sure Noah's trying to get away from music for a while. He's been doing a lot. The whole band's been doing quite a lot. Well, you know, touring. Yeah.

Meanwhile, Poppy's new album is gonna be produced by, Jordan Fish. Yeah. The new song that came out sounds a lot like very mainstream Bring Me the Horizon. I think it's the most, like, in a straightforward radio rock song I've ever heard from Poppy. It's not being played on any rock radio station out there besides us.

Not yet. But will play it, but that's about it. They're gonna make a push on it. I was talking to the label. Right now, they're trying to still work Bad Omen slash Poppy Van.

And when that song's done, then they'll do the push on Poppy. That one was controversial. I don't think many people liked that song. Who told you that? The loud people on Facebook.

Yeah. Who else? How many times have we talked about this, Peaches? That's the joke I'm making. Yeah.

The loud people on Facebook, again, represent a very small amount of people. I look at the streaming numbers. That song's still crushing it. I know. It's bad omens and Poppy.

It's like One of the top songs of the year of Spotify, Knocked Loose and Poppy Suffocate. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. No.

Poppy is definitely popular. It's it's just funny to me that, you know, people, they see stuff online and then that seems to drive into their head that that's how everybody is. But it's generally the complete opposite. It's a small amount of people. Like, when you look at political extremism on both sides Oh, here we go.

Yeah. That's the wrong PE, Victor. What what other PE is there? Physical education. Yeah.

I don't like that class. Oh, you want me to talk about basketball? I don't know anything about it. Basketball, Hoop, Hoop, Hoop, That's what the elementary school fun. That's what the shot clock sports update's for.

But no, political extremism on both sides. You might be, like, oh, I see all these people online say blank. Now, that's just a few loud people. Most people are moderate and not crazy. I gotta say the new Bring Me the Horizon album is fantastic.

You see people online, I wish it was like 2,006 again. I want the the screaming back and blah blah blah blah. And you know what? Those people are in the minority. I look at the numbers on that too.

Tons of people are listening to it. Tons of people are buying it. It's one of the top rock albums out right now. Now, I may dislike Danny Warr snot for how he treated me at the, the show, but Asking Alexandria is also one of those bands where it was like, you know, old school bands were like, it's nothing the way they used to sound. It's not anything like that.

Yeah. But they're still doing well. But they're I mean, they're they're not as popular as, like, Bring Me the Horizon or Bad Omen. No. It's crazy out there.

They're doing really well. How big Bring Me the Horizon is? It's Dude, they're insanely big. Because I didn't realize that till I was going to Spotify and I see their streaming numbers of, like, 700,000,000. Can you feel my heart?

Yeah. Good. I mean, right now, the new single that they're pushing to radio, I forget what it's called. The top ten statues that cried blood? Yeah.

Yeah. That song is massive right now. Sounds like a terrible YouTube video. I haven't seen the YouTube video. No.

It says sounds like a terrible YouTube video. Tile. Ten statues that cry blood. Like that type of thing. That that might be my favorite YouTube video.

How dare you, peaches? Looking at a map here that's kind of frightening. Have you ever read up much on wild boars attacking people? Wild boars are becoming a major problem. And when I talk about wild boars, I'm not talking about, you know, jade Davis.

He's just a boar, not wild at all. No. Wild boars, giant pigs, just out there traveling in packs, destroying crops, and killing people. Yeah. Killing people.

I'm looking at a map that shows feral swine populations in 1982 by county compared to now. Basically, the entire southern US. You got just wild boars running rampant. And, yes, killing people. Alright.

Wild pigs kill more people than bears, wolves, and all shark species put together. That's right. Oh, man. What a way to go. I was out hiking over the weekend little bit.

We were out at the Palisades Creek Trail. It's a very heavily traveled trail. So far as I know, I haven't heard of bear attacks out there, but there are bears out there. So, you know, at the bear spray, can you imagine me getting killed by a wild pig? I bet it's terrible.

We were discussing, my friend and I, what would be the worst way to go, mountain lion or bear. We didn't throw wild boar into the mix. Wild boar does not sound pleasant. Alright? And they're they're spreading.

Now Idaho's looking pretty good on this map. But northern Utah, we got some wild boar population going on. They're just right there. Alright? They're coming our way.

Before we know it, wild boars all over the place, just like down south. I mean, look at it. The entire south east region, including the entirety of Texas, wild boars everywhere. For some reason, tons in, California as well. Little little bit in Oregon.

Washington looking pretty clear. Montana. Wyoming looking good. But based on 1982 map to 2023 map, pretty soon the entire country is gonna be overrun by wild boars. So I just wanna recommend you be careful out there.

Do they have wild boar spray? I would assume bear spray would work. Let's see here. Wild boar spray. Oh, this is apparently spray to lure in wild boars okay.

Like, if you're hunting them or something, it's, it's hog mate. Boar odor spray. What does a boar smell like? Couldn't be good. Okay.

Maybe I need to search for wild boar mace. Alright. They've they're recommending, bear spray. Yeah, it it would do something. Wild pig, give me the creeps, man.

I don't know why. They're just They're monsters. They're monsters. They're big and they're mean. And kill people.

Alright. Just let me know mainly that you need to be worried about other types of animals around here. But if you're new the area and you go out hiking, please get yourself some type of bear spray. I was glad I had it. I've I've never walked up on a bear.

I'm not much of an outdoorsman, so I don't go out hiking very often. But I was glad I had the spray just in case. Because would you rather at least be able to attempt to defend yourself? I mean, it's probably pretty rare that you stumble across a bear. But I saw that video.

What? Like, 2 weeks ago, we talked about on air. The guy who somehow managed to live through a bear attack who's all messed up, the techniques he used. I think he even had bear spray. Anyway, let's be safe out there.

There are critters out there, and they're getting fed up with people. Alright? There's a lot of animals attacking people. Be cautious. So thank you again to everybody who tuned in.

Appreciate your patience in my absence yesterday. I hope you had a good weekend. Hope you did some fun things. Remember, if you need to go to Jackson, take the long way. Now Peaches act like everybody in the world must have heard about that.

Maybe not. Maybe you're going, what are you talking about? Well, the Teton Pass Road collapsed. So if you're planning on visiting Jackson and you hadn't heard, there you go. I find it funny sometimes There are there are people that think people just know stuff.

You know, that they everybody's heard about so and so thing. I can guarantee you that so many different topics. There were piles of people who have not heard everything. It kinda makes me crazy sometimes because I think how could people have not heard blank. Well, when it comes to news and such, sometimes the news, you know, not all of the channels report on everything.

Some of them are a little bit selective about what they'd like to show their audience because they don't wanna make their audience mad. It's all about money with the news, and it's all about raking in that advertising dollar, and you get that advertising dollar by having viewers showing advertisers we have this many people watching, and then they buy ads. And you also don't wanna make the advertisers mad. So if you make the viewers mad by presenting them with information that maybe contradicts the, you know, echo chamber they live in. It doesn't work out good for the bottom line of the news.

So not everybody is going to have heard everything, so try to be patient with others when you're presenting information because they they literally may not have been exposed to that kind of information. That's why I recommend that you, if you're digging into news, watch all types of different news sources to get yourself a variety of different perspectives. I mean, the news should just be here's the news, but it it's not how it goes. So you gotta dig in. You gotta check out what other people are saying.

Tune in to some of those other channels that you think you're not supposed to and just catch their perspective, then you can get the full scope of news. We shouldn't have to put in that kind of effort, but that's what corporate news has done to us. We have to, you know, check 10,000,000,000 different sources and then correlate all of it and go, okay. Here's where it all comes together. It's very annoying, but that's how it goes.

So wishing you luck as we continue on in what's going to be a very stupid and ridiculous year. I'm Victor Wilt. You can find me everywhere on social media at Victor Wilt. Thanks as always for tuning in. Make sure to tell your friends about the show.

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#0003 - The French know how to protest. - 6/11/2024
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