#0007 - Subpar Monday - 6/17/2024

Monday. What up? It's the ViKtor WIlt Show. Monday, June 17th. Heads up.

I forgot to record parts of this show. This show, I don't know, kinda sucked, but I hope you listen to the whole thing. Let's go. Kicking off a Monday morning. What's up?

It's Victor Welt. Oh, I'm so excited to be awake in Adam. Isn't that awesome? Monday morning? Yeah.

Oh, well. The week's gonna go by quick. Right? Mhmm. Yes.

It is. It's gonna just fly on by. I promise. Got some fun things going on this week. As I tried to gather my thoughts for the Monday morning, like, okay.

What am I forgetting about that is going to be happening this week? The ghost movie on Thursday. That should be a fun time. Gonna have to go check that out. There was a little teaser video that dropped over the weekend.

Not really anything new in it. It was mainly just an ad that I guess they showed at the download festival. Everybody in the ghost subreddit got all excited. Oh, can't wait. And I mean, it pretty much was just encouraging you to go to the ghost movie, which, I got a ticket for.

So I'm gonna go check it out. Thursday night, I will surely be grumbling and grumpy Friday. I I mean, it's a fairly early showing 7 PM. But for me, going and doing anything at 7 PM on a work night is wild and yeah. I'm old.

I'm old. Here was what I did for father's day. I got up fairly early, you know, did a little bit of this and that around the house, started some laundry. Then I sat down in the recliner, started watching some TV, and fell asleep in the recliner, dad style. Took a nice recliner nap for father's day.

It was, in a perfect way to be a dad on father's day. Then once I woke back up, hung out with the lady and watched the new episode of house of the dragon, which was really good. If you're a game of thrones fan and you haven't checked out season 1 of house of the dragon, highly recommended. Season 2 just started last night. Also started watching a show called your honor with Bryan Cranston, which I think is going to be really good as well.

Showtime show that they just unleashed on Netflix, and I think there are 2 seasons of that out. Seemed really good, again, so far. Oh, also watched the new episode of the boys over the weekend, which was also fan or 3 episodes, I should say. Can you tell I'm still waking up today? Three new episodes of the boys dropped.

They were great as well. That show is so ridiculous. I don't know if it's for everybody, but if you've got a semi vile sense of humor, you'll probably like it. It's a lot of fun. So a great weekend of, of watching stuff.

I it was a very relaxing weekend. Watched hereditary again, which is a just top tier movie. Watched the new omen. That that was pretty good. Watched the original omen, which was was fun.

You know, late seventies horror. It's got some parts you could just kind of laugh at. Yeah. It was an awesome weekend. I hope yours was as well.

And you know, if you can get some time to sit around and just watch TV, I highly recommend you do so. It's very enjoyable. It's what I'd be doing today if, I was smart and had just decided to stay home. I don't ever do that. I don't ever wake up and just go, alright.

You know what? A day for me. I need to do it every once in a while. It's perfectly acceptable. Oh, well.

Got things to get done. Back in a minute. Already looking like a light news day, which is annoying. I mean, come on. It's Monday.

We should have racked up a full weekend of mayhem. I'll keep digging. I did find a story about watering your lawn in Florida and how that can go. Or was she watering hedges? I don't know.

We had a woman with a hose out in her yard, Boca Raton. And one of her neighbors is, like, hey. You know, you're getting us wet over here. I guess, a little bit of water was sprinkling over said hedge. So what do you do when your neighbors complain that you're getting them wet with a with a hose?

Well, if you're a Florida woman, you walk back into your house, get yourself a gun, come outside, and then blast a shot at the ground as a warning shot. That'll show them. That'll show them. Should tell me a word about getting you wet with my hose. What?

What? Yeah. Then she told him, call the cops. The next one's for your head. They did call the cops, and, yeah, she's in jail.

Thankfully, nobody else hurt. No second shot fired. I I don't know. To me, it seems like a bit of an overreaction to, hey, you're getting us wet with the hose to go get the the pistol. But I don't know.

I don't know the Florida way. I don't know how Florida people just think. I mean, I can guess based on the 10,000,000 Florida stories we've done over the years around here. But be careful watering your hedges, I suppose. You never know.

I'm this was just a 45 year old woman. She looks fairly normal from her mugshot. I don't know if they got Florida plates. They just moved into your neighborhood. Careful.

I was just reading that Daniel Radcliffe you know Harry Potter? I mean, he's been in other stuff, but everybody knows him as Harry Potter. Well, he wanted to let the world know he's never seen The Sopranos or Breaking Bad. He avoids heavy hour long TV because he likes cartoons and reality shows. And that alright.

I guess it's fine. It's weird to me that someone who would be in the biz would avoid some of the best TV that's ever been made. But whatever whatever Harry Potter, it's fine. I don't know. The Simpsons is his favorite show from what I gathered here, and he says that, you know, this probably all comes from growing up watching The Simpsons.

You know, it shouldn't be surprising that if you grow up watching the Simpsons, you'd continue to watch more adult themed cartoons when you get older. I didn't see the phrase South Park pop up anywhere in this article, so I don't know. I don't know. I think if you talk adult cartoons and you don't mention South Park, then I start to wonder what's wrong with you. And it began with, I don't watch Breaking Bad.

I don't watch The Sopranos. Seriously, anybody who's listening to this radio program? If you have not watched breaking bad and The Sopranos, what are you doing with life? Alright. 2 of the all time greatest pieces of entertainment.

I mean, they're like, as far as TV goes, TV. TV drama. I can't think of anything else that's even on par with I mean, okay. The Wire. The Wire's really good.

There you go. There's the trifecta. He mentioned The Wire as well. I don't watch The Sopranos or Breaking Bad or The Wire. That's there you go.

The 3 you gotta watch. There's probably a few others that I'm just not thinking of right now that would be close, but those 3 are like top tier. Top tier stuff. So, anyway, if you're looking for TV recommendations, apparently, just look up interviews with Daniel Radcliffe and the shows he says he doesn't watch. They're you're you're in for some great stuff.

It's my new way to find shows. What is Daniel Radcliffe not watching? So last week, I mentioned a few times that this show is now available on demand everywhere podcast can be found. Please subscribe, share with your friends, let people know who may perhaps want to listen to the show, but they have to work in the morning. Or maybe you only get to catch part of it because you got a job or maybe you enjoy sleeping?

Well, now you can catch the entire recap show on demand as well as Traffic School. Launched Traffic School online, everywhere podcasts can be found. Gonna be putting up tons of Kay Bear interviews online. We're launching podcasts like hotcakes. I mean, the longest running podcast we've had going here at Riverbend is the Riverbend awareness project podcast.

This month, we put up 2 new episodes of that talking about PTSD awareness month. The second one just launched, so you should definitely check that out. And all of these, if you're having trouble for whatever reason finding them on things like Spotify or Apple Podcasts, whatever, Go to riverbendmediagroup.com, and then click the menu. Go to services and podcasts, and you can check out all of the different podcasts that have currently launched. And again, we have more on the way.

I think Justin from the Hawk started getting his shows up late last week. You got Peach's pit party, the classy morning show, Katie Lee's show, and, yes, many more to come, including the the Kay Bear interviews show and the noon hour of madness mayhem. So try to make all of our content available on demand so you can catch up on it at any time. But, yeah, the Riverbend Awareness Project podcast, a great way to learn more about issues that are important in our community and learn how you can help people in our community who are dealing with things like PTSD. So make sure to go check that out.

Find everything at riverbendmediagroup.com, and let's just keep going. Alright. Trying to pull up this article about a California woman who was harassed by a bear, and, this particular browser I'm using is not cooperating. I mean, it's bear news and this is k Bear, so obviously we gotta dig in. Right?

I can't even tell you what she named it because it's a phrase that Jade would get mad if I said on air. Alright. We don't have to jump on air and say naughty words to be able to do content. K? Sometimes, I I wish we could because you could put a different kind of emphasis on things, but ultimately unnecessary.

We'll just call him a big bee This bear big bee. Oh jeez he killed her what I didn't think black bears killed people Well, apparently, big b had been harassing Patrice Miller for quite some time. She lived in, Northern California. And, yeah, eventually, big b. Yeah.

Moving up to the name there. The state's first documented fatal black bear attack on a human. Alright. More examples of the animals fighting back. They're getting fed up with people.

Alright. Well, if you're out in the woods hiking, make sure to pack that bear spray. Because if black bears are starting to attack people we got some problems. A lot of people would be, like, oh, yeah. You don't need to worry about black bears.

It's the brown bears, the grizzlies that you need to be concerned about. Well, not in this day and age. Orcas attacking boats. Black bears attacking people. I want y'all to be safe out there.

So get yourself some bear spray anytime you're heading out hiking. I mean, I've talked about it many times. One of my worst nightmares. I mean, not only being eaten by a bear. That sounds terrible.

But I wouldn't be able to live it down. Nationwide news. K Bear DJ killed by bear. Yeah. That's how you'd be remembered if you're me, and you got killed by a bear.

It'd be so embarrassing. Embarrassing. That would be one of the headlines. One of the competitors in town. An embarrassing death for k Bear's own Victor Welt.

Ugh, terrible. So, anyway, bear spray, people. Bear spray. I'm gonna just remind you about bear spray till the end of time during these summer months when people are out and about. I mean, I'm seeing people get attacked by moose and things in the news, bears now.

Time to be cautious. Yeah. Everybody thinks they're all nice. They're bears, people, and there are other animals out there that might look cute, but they can be very vicious. Very vicious.

Have you seen my little kitten? Oh, she can be very vicious. No. She's she's pretty pretty nice. She tries to be vicious, and she's just playing.

Not these critters, though. I was reading about, animals that look cute, but are vicious. Vicious, dangerous, like the old red fox. Hey. You know, you see them, they look kind of like a mix between a cat and a dog.

They jump around. They look all cute. They're a wild animal. Alright. Wild animals.

No matter how cute they might look, they could be packing rabies. And if you get rabies, you're gonna have a bad time. Okay? It's like the squirrels in my yard. Alright.

They're cute. I feed them stuff, but I don't try to pet them because I would imagine a squirrel bite or a squirrel clawing would probably hurt, but also, rabies. You don't know where they've been. You don't know where they've been, what they got. Do people really think polar bears are cute?

And well, okay. Okay. Let me take that back here. Polar bears can look cute, but there's nobody out there who would think a polar bear is not dangerous. Right?

Polar bear will rip you to pieces. Alright? I don't know when you're gonna encounter one of these. They don't tend to be in the environment we are in. Alright.

As far as I know, you're not going to encounter a polar bear here in east Idaho. That'd be pretty weird. Right? If you do happen to be in an area where polar bears live, don't go near them. Again, they'll rip you to pieces.

Alright. Leopard seal. I would assume anything that looks like a seal or a sea lion is a frightening beast that could rip you to pieces. Alright. Yeah.

Otters look similar. You've encountered a river otter, stay back. Alright. Otters look very cute. They swim on their backs.

They're, like, you know, hold food on their stomach. Look all cute. Dailyotter.org. I know you wanna see some cute otters. But in the wild, vicious, vicious beast, Platypus?

Ain't nobody think a platypus is cute. Right? That's like the weirdest looking creature there is. Beaver meets duck or something. What's going on there?

And they are, venomous as well. They have spurs on their hind legs, capable of delivering venom. Painful enough to incapacitate a human is what it says. Yikes. Raccoons?

Yeah. They're big and they're wild. I see 1 on my camera every once in a while to be running around my yard, go through my driveway. If I saw a raccoon outside, I would stay away from it. Rabies, people.

Rabies. Elephant. People don't go near elephants. Look at this article. Come on.

Swans. That's a bird. I ain't gonna go near it. So let's talk about the cutest recent animal of all, the white bison calf. Yeah.

You seen this? The white bison calf at Yellowstone. Everybody talking about it. How long till some idiot tries to pet the white bison calf and the mom just stomps them down? It's gotta happen in no time at all.

I'm I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet, to be honest, because stories about the white bison calf have been floating around for at least a few days. And you know somebody out there, I gotta be the first one to pet the baby white bison. Well, good luck to you. A bison stomping you down is not gonna feel good. K?

They kill people. They look like big fluffy cows, but they're mean. They're mean. So I think people around here know. But then we've had stories of locals getting attacked by bison.

So I don't know. Alright. Back in a minute. Freak news powered by Greasemonkey, voted Idaho's best oil change. Still very disappointed in the lack of chaos over the weekend.

Usually, 3 days of news piling up, freak news, a piece of cake. I shouldn't have to dig. Not for freak news. Come on. And a lot of it that I found is, like, well, it's it's not really that weird.

People are idiots hiking in extremely hot areas like the Salton Sea and then having to be rescued by helicopter after collapsing from dehydration. Yeah. If it's really hot outside, you need to pack a lot of water when you go hiking or you're gonna have a bad time. Just all of a sudden, kill over. Boom.

Next thing you know, you're having to call in the search and rescue and hey. Wasting people's tax dollars because you didn't pack enough water. Alright? Salton Sea as well. I I don't know.

I've driven through that area. I guess it's sort of unique, but it's one of the pretty low on the list places to go as far as vacation. Alright. You wanna go hiking? Hit me up for recommendations.

I'll I'll tell you some better places. Alright. Maybe they were just from that area, and that's all they could do. The only place they could go. Alright.

What else do we have here? Got a Colorado lawyer who showed up drunk to her DUI sentencing. Don't do that. As you could imagine, the judge was not happy about that and, lawyer in jail for probably longer than they would have been otherwise. Let's see.

We got a powerful heat dome, coming this this weekend. It shouldn't be as bad here as it'll be in other areas of the country, down south and such, but I mentioned the temperatures earlier. Kind of a kind of a weird run we've got going next few days. Like we've got freeze warnings for tonight and tomorrow. It's gonna be, you know, chilly, fairly chilly.

Then we kick back up into the mid nineties by, like, Thursday. So get ready for just unpleasant, transitions between cold and hot. And pack water if you're gonna be out in the heat. K? Right around the corner, 4th July.

Things like the Idaho Falls Community Hospital River Fest. Pack water if you're going to attend. You know, find a shady spot. I don't know. Be responsible because it's looking like we're just gonna be hot for a bit, which, doesn't sound great.

Doesn't sound great. See, owners of a pet donkey lost 5 years ago discover where he's been. Okay. Did, somebody steal him? Let's see here.

Oh, there's a single donkey living alongside a herd of elk. Right? Now people, listen. Just because an elk can befriend a donkey, doesn't mean that elk will befriend you. Alright.

You're headed to Yellowstone anytime soon. Don't try to pet the elk. They will mess up your life. K? Elk could kill you dead.

Don't even go near them with your vehicle. They'll mess up your vehicle. They don't like people. Alright. But they like donkeys.

So that's that's fun. Alright. I gotta be able to find some other freak news that we can get into throughout the show. Okay. What about this guy built the world's fastest wheelbarrow?

Okay. 50 mile per hour wheelbarrow. Looking at the guy zip by on it here. He put a seat on the back. I mean, it's basically like a go kart with a wheelbarrow on the front.

Alright. That's a hobby. It's something you can do, I guess. See what I mean about freak news really light? Usually after the weekend.

All kinds of weird stuff going on. Not today. Not today. Maybe I just need to keep digging. I don't know.

Haven't found it yet. I mean, there's plenty of stupid political news, but I try to avoid that. Yeah. I don't know. Let's head down to Salt Lake City.

Yeah. As far as I know, this is just idiotic behavior. I mean, he could be some type of fraudster, but I I don't know what, an insurance claim? This guy in Salt Lake parks his his sports car at the airport. Alright?

His Lamborghini parks it at Salt Lake City International Airport with the doors unlocked, and the key left in the car. And then the article says he was shocked to to return to the parking lot after a week long trip to find his car was gone. I can't believe it. I left my Lamborghini in the salt lake parking garage with the key in the ignition and the doors unlocked and somebody took it. This is why I'm saying he might be some type of a fraudster.

Alright. Seriously. I was watching a show last night. I don't wanna give any spoilers for a show, but I was watching a show last night with my lady, and there was a moment in that show where a car was stolen. You know, I'm using the, quotations here.

Yeah. How much is this car worth if it just doesn't show up again? And what kind of insurance payout this guy gonna get? I can't believe he would openly admit I left the keys in it. Well, anyway, there's video of this online.

Salt Lake cops are asking for assistance in tracking down the alleged thief. I you know, I value my my truck. When I go out of town, I mean, it's probably locked in the parking lot right now, actually. Yeah. I mean, when it's outside, I lock it.

If you have a Lamborghini and you're so unconcerned about it that you would leave it unlocked in an airport parking lot with the key in it, you've got too much money. Another example of people with too much dough. Jeez. Anyway, we'll keep you updated if the the the fraud comes out because I I don't know. That story doesn't make any sense to me.

However, people are dumb. How often do I remind you to not just believe everything you see online? I know it's somewhat regularly on this show. I need to do so yet again. I'm gonna just do so till the end of time.

Will it help people stop believing nonsense that they read online? No. Probably not because people are gullible, and they're trapped again inside of an echo chamber of information that they think is accurate. Maybe you scroll TikTok for news and tips and tricks on travel. Well, not everything you see on TikTok is legit.

K? If you see a video telling you, hey. You can load up a pillowcase full of all kinds of items, and it won't count as a carry on because you can say it's a pillow, you're gonna have a bad time when you get to the airport. Yeah. People believe these things.

If something sounds like nonsense, it probably is. And a pillowcase that does not have a pillow in it, but instead has all of your crap in it has now become a very poor carry on bag. And you're going to have to pay for it because the airports, as we know, will nickel and dime you on every possible thing they can. Alright? $5 bottles of water, etcetera.

You think you're gonna be able to get away with bringing us a pillowcase filled with all your all your junk and not claim it as a carry on bag? Come on. So, anyway, there's, a person they didn't end up getting arrested, but they did get escorted out of Orlando International after arguing with security about it. No. Look.

I saw it on TikTok. And they're like, well, yeah. Don't believe everything you see online. Sometimes it gets really baffling. You know, we're we're rolling into this election year, and I've seen all kinds of baffling videos recently where you go, is everybody else seeing this?

Or, are people really believing that? I saw one where they're, you know, one of these guys running for office is like, yeah, but 80,000 people came to see me. Look at this photo. And it's, like, well, I've been to a concert that had, like, 10,000 people there and the crowd looked about like that. There's a big difference between 80 and 10.

But people just eat this stuff up. You know? So just a fair reminder. No pillowcases at the airport. K?

It's not gonna work. I want to, as we roll into the camping season, remind you to wash your hands. K? You're out camping. There's a lot of germs and things getting spread all over the place, And there were a whole bunch of people who recently took a trip to the Grand Canyon, and they haven't figured out exactly where hikers managed to pick up norovirus, but dozens of hikers well, I won't get into the the details here.

We'll just say, they had a bad time. I've had norovirus before, and it was one of the most horrifying sicknesses I've ever had. Like, just brutal food poisoning where you feel like you're gonna puke for about a week. And, you you are puking. And everything's bad.

Everything's terrible. And I got it at a fancy wedding. Now, you're out where people are camping. They're not washing their hands. They're not using hand sanitizer.

And, you know, people are just digging into food. Anyway, you you don't wanna go through this. Trust me. You don't wanna go through it. And I'll have friends who laugh at me because I've washed my hands a lot, and I'm very iffy when it comes to, like, expiration dates on food or food that's been sitting out for a while.

I'm sorry. After that norovirus, I'm terrified of, picking up some type of horrible sickness from food that, you know, been touched by dirty hands or left out too long and goes bad. Can you imagine trying to hike out of the Grand Canyon? You know, it on a good day is going to be a rough job. But imagine if you've got norovirus and you're just trying to get out of the grand canyon It's terrifying.

Oh Oh, it's all hot. Like, in the bottom of the grand canyon, it is sweltering. This makes me kinda wanna vomit to even think about. So just be cautious. Wash your hands.

Be wary of germs. Because the people that were interviewed in the article were like, yeah. You know, it's we're out roughing it. It's not like you can use soap or water easily. You know, drinking out of, supposedly fine natural springs and things like that.

Oh, they were even using the the filters, the the really good filters for They they don't know where the sickness came from. But these people are wrecked with gastrointestinal illness, and I'm telling you, it's no way to live your life. Be careful people. I'm a little bit sleepy, a little bit tired. Typical of a Monday.

I would have liked to sleep in more. Would have liked a 3 day weekend. It's the huge when it comes to Monday. So it's gotta power through. Yeah.

So you can afford to pay them bills. Could be worse though. Could be living in one of the 10 most impossibly unaffordable cities in the world. 5 of them, I believe, are in California. San Jose, LA, San Francisco, San Diego.

Okay. Sorry. 4 of the top 10. Now the most impossibly unaffordable city in the world is apparently Hong Kong with Sydney right behind. Australia?

Really? What's driving the housing prices up there? You'd think people would be scrambling to get out of there. Vancouver coming in at number 3. San Jose, 4.

LA, 5. Honolulu, 6. Melbourne, 7, San Francisco at 8, San Diego at 9, Toronto at 10. I'm surprised. I would have thought New York City would be on the list.

I thought it was kinda generally known as the most expensive place if things tone down a little bit there. I think it's based on wages. I think, you know, they factor in wages compared to housing prices, and you might be able to make some more dough in New York than you can here in the west. Yeah. It it's pretty funny.

I mean, we've got it bad around here as far as cost of living versus wages, but you look at LA or San Diego. It's it's wild. 12. And they say these are impossibly unaffordable cities, but they're loaded with people. So, I don't know.

People are figuring out a way. I guess it it's just for most, not that great. You're just broke. You're just broke all the time. But I guess it might make you feel better about around here.

It could be worse. We're not impossibly unaffordable. And I have been reading that things like rent are starting to creep down a bit. I don't know if that's happening locally here. If rent's coming down, but there are tons and tons of new apartments going up everywhere, and I think this increased competition and availability of rental housing is helping drive the rental prices down.

So if you got a landlord trying to raise your rent, you might let them know, well, I'm shopping. I'm shopping, buddy. Because I I I think we'll continue to see that that come down. As for housing prices themselves, I don't know. I don't know.

Not from what I've seen. Every once in a while, I'll pull up Zillow, look at what things are being priced, and go, no. Still ridiculous. So just hang in there. Hang in there.

It's got to improve eventually. Right? All these things always go in cycles. It's got to get better. I certainly hope.

Can some of your locals go help out the Idaho subreddit? I was looking through that for content because as I've discussed throughout the show today, very, very poor content day as far as the old news goes. You know, I don't know what's going on. Usually, Monday, easy after a weekend, but not today. So, well, maybe there's something in the Idaho subreddit.

We'll go local here. Well, somebody asked the question, exploring Idaho, what are your must do activities? Now, if you're listening from outside of the area, lots of great things you can see around here. Where does my mind go when I start thinking of places to visit in Idaho, things to see? Alright.

Recently, I went out to Swan Valley, checked out the waterfall, and then did a little bit of the Palisades Creek Trail, which is amazing. So that that's a spot you could go. Or even though you can't go over the pass to go to Jackson, you could go to Victor and Driggs. It's it's nice. Maybe you wanna head a different direction.

Maybe you wanna go, Island Park. It's very nice. You've got Stanley with the Sawtooth Mountains. So many different places you could go. Northern Idaho, you could go up, check out Riggins.

Riggins is cool. Well, the number one answer currently on the list here is hit up downtown Nampa. It's really underappreciated. Yeah. Again, locals, you want to go help this out?

And we got, craters of the moon, city of rocks, you know, the Idaho side of the Tetons. The list goes on and on. McCall. What do you mean downtown Nampa? Have I ever been to hold on.

Let's bring it up on the Google map. Downtown Nampa, Idaho. And we're not talking about Boise. We're talking about Nampa, everybody. Nampa.

Alright. The numbered streets. Let's, let's drop the old person down in there and we're gonna look at this street view. And I'm gonna compare it to, I don't know, downtown Boise. Alright.

Downtown Nampa. I don't know people. That look like, every Idaho town. That's what we got going down here with downtown Nampa. Let's go to the phones.

Maybe there's something I'm missing here. Maybe Nampa's rules. I don't know. K Bear, you're live on the show. Who's this?

What's going on, man? This is Brady. How are you this morning? Brady, I'm good. Have you been to downtown Nampa?

I actually have been to downtown Nampa quite a bit, and there's actually quite a bit to do down there that you forget about. The main thing for me is food. Alright. Napa's actually got a lot of little hole in the wall style restaurants that are some of the best food that I can find. I live here in Pocatello, but we go down there quite a bit.

But one other place that I feel like that, is definitely underexplored or underappreciated, even by myself being here 38 years up until last year, I'd never been there is Bear Lake. Oh. Bear Lake is one of the most beautiful places that you could drive, and it's only about an hour and 40 minutes away. It's on the most beautiful country you're gonna see. Yeah.

I've only been there one time, I believe, and, had an Airbnb there. And, yeah, it's it's an amazing place, an amazing place that I'd heard about plenty of times. I I don't know why it took me so long to get there, but, yeah, the you know, this list that I'm looking at on, on Reddit here was just kinda surprising because you're not seeing any of that. You're just seeing cities. They're like, hey.

You know? You can go check out, Boise or Twin Falls, and I don't know. When I think Idaho attractions, things like Bear Lake are what I would assume people are looking for. Bob. Absolutely.

Bear Lake's nice too because you get you've got a little bit of everything, dirt biking, side by siding. You can go, go for a hike up in the mountains, fishing, obviously swimming. They call it the Caribbean of Idaho because you're you won't see watercolor like this anywhere else. The aura of the whole area literally has its own vibe, and it's it's one of the most peaceful, just amazing places that I've ever been, man. So I just wanted to let people that haven't been there, you know, let them know that's definitely an amazing place to go to.

Absolutely, man. Great recommendation. And while you're there, you can, you know, even go cryptozoology style and search for the Bear Lake Monster. So You're right. You're right.

A lot of good caves. There's a lot of good caves in that area also. Yeah. Yeah. It seems like I've heard stories of, buried treasure out that way too.

So Right. Yep. Wow. Wow. You guys have a good morning, my friend.

I'm gonna get back to work. Hey, buddy. Hey. Thanks for listening to the show, man. Hope you have a great day.

Alright. So there we go. See? Bear Lake. I don't know what's going on with this list here, but it looks like this particular thread just didn't get a lot of action.

You know? Because I'm sorry, but visiting City of Rocks, I would much rather go check that out than Boise. I mean, Boise has some cool stuff. I I like the downtown. Boise ain't bad.

Boise, I I might trash on it here and there, but that's just in good Idaho fun. But some of the the outdoors stuff we have, you know, just to go for a drive. Just turn on some good tunes. Go for a drive. City of Rocks ain't far, and it's awesome.

So I I think City of Rocks is cooler than craters of the moon myself, but that's that's just me. So anyway, go go help out this list. Alright. As we go further down, we do have a couple people mentioning craters of the moon. EBR 1, the first nuclear power plant, which is out near Arco.

I've I've never gone to that because every time I'm with somebody, they don't wanna stop. Somebody downvoted the Sawtooth Mountains. It's got a 0 next to it. What? I I think Idaho is sabotaging the list.

They don't want people visiting these places. I'm I'm gonna give the Sawtooths an upvote. I'm gonna give all of these an upvote that are not downtown Nampa. Nothing against downtown Nampa. Here's somebody.

Skip Idaho. Go to Montana. Montana has all the best stuff. Montana has some nice stuff, but I I don't know. Maybe I'm partial to the outdoor areas of Idaho because I've lived here my whole life.

I I don't know. What what Montana got on the sawtooths? You know? Nothing. Nothing that I can think of anyway.

I mean, Wyoming's got Yellowstone. Go to Wyoming over Montana. Montana's great by the way. I'm not trying to say don't visit Montana. It's beautiful.

But I don't know. I I just think, we've got a few areas that are a little more spectacular. It's World Show. I was going to dig into as a means of promoing traffic school, stupid Idaho laws or crazy Idaho laws. That was another thread on Reddit.

And I thought it was gonna be all of the things that we've talked about on the radio before, like, you know, it's illegal to not smile in Pocatello or illegal to live in a dog house unless you're a dog, but Reddit being Reddit, what was funny is they started going through and naming crazy Idaho laws that I'm not gonna get into, but they're just laws that, go to go to show that maybe has a a bastion of personal freedom. Well, Idaho maybe maybe lacking a bit in that front. I've gotta love Reddit for, it shouldn't have surprised me. That's the direction it would go. But, yeah, it's it's all relating to, I guess, somewhat modern laws.

So, anyway, if you wanna hear about crazy laws or just learn about the law and try to save yourself time and money on tickets and things like that. We've got traffic school every Friday morning, 8:45 AM. Sometimes we get into some of these other laws. Yeah. It's a live call and radio show driven by you.

And it's now available on demand everywhere podcast can be found. You can check Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or just go to riverbendmediagroup.com if you've missed recent episodes of Traffic School. You can check them out there. And we'll be adding them every week. Today's show, as far as this program, man, it's gonna suck.

I'm still gonna upload it, but I don't feel like it's been a very good content day. I I should probably just skip Mondays for the on demand show. You know, what if people decide, alright. I'm gonna listen to every Monday, and it's just all my worst shows. Oh.

Oh, well. Oh, well. I'll put it out there. I ain't afraid to show people the truth that this show, especially on Mondays, subpar. Alright.

And I failed to record the final break of the show, so I guess we're done. Thank you for listening on demand. Even though today's show was a cruddy subpar Monday edition, I assure you it's better better than this at other times. So check out some of the other episodes. Subscribe.

You know, I would love it if you subscribed. Share it with your friends. Tune in every day. It'll be better tomorrow. I swear.

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#0007 - Subpar Monday - 6/17/2024
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