#0008 - Don't feed the birds. - 6/18/2024

Here we go. Tuesday, June 18th. It's the Viktor Will show. How's it going? Stay warm out there.

A little bit chilly today. I was reading the forecast for the day and, it will warm up a little bit, get up into the sixties, But, man, up north, there were areas of Idaho and Montana that overnight were at least predicted to have up to 15 inches of snow. Glad that wasn't here. If I woke up to snow, I would be so infuriated. I I might go crazy.

Might lose my mind. But no. Just cold. Just cold. So I had the heat on last night, and probably tomorrow, I'll have the air conditioning on.

That's just how it's gonna roll. Anyway, I hope your morning is going good. It's been an interesting 1 so far, just weather wise. But, yeah, I think today is gonna be great. Why?

I don't know. I'm just trying to, come out of the gate positive. Maybe that's a good idea. Maybe it's not. Alright.

Looking a lot like yesterday on the old content front. That's great. I don't know. I was reading through somebody's request on Reddit to have somebody mail them a book. It's kind of a weird 1.

Like, yeah. I really wanna read this book, mister be gone by Clive Barker. It's a good book If you've never read it, it's a book that's written from the perspective of, I don't know, like some type of entity trapped inside of a book. So it's it's pretty pretty cool. It's fun.

But the person requesting that somebody mail them the book, it's not like they live somewhere where there's no way to get the book. They just refuse to buy it off of Amazon. And I I mean, I guess I can get that. There's a lot of reasons to not purchase off Amazon, but I don't know. It's tough.

Sometimes you just gotta go with that convenience factor. I don't know. If there was a book I really, really wanted to read and the only way I could get it was was that way, it seems so much easier than, I don't know, Venmo and somebody money, having them send you a copy, and they're like, you know, I'll send it back to you. Like, I don't know. Could couldn't you just get a digital copy?

Oh, but then you'd be buying it from the Kindle Store, Also, Amazon. There's gotta be a way. Clive Barker's website? I don't know. Oh, they even mentioned this might be a weird post, but I love to mail books to people so they can enjoy after I finished a book.

All right. So it's, it's a hobby for them. Trading books via mail. That's a very expensive hobby. I was talking to my daughter the other day because she said, you know, she got me some kind of gift for Father's Day and was gonna need to mail it out to me.

I was like, no. You're gonna be here in, like, 2 weeks. Just bring it. Because it's gotten crazy expensive to mail anything. It's like, no, just, yeah, I don't need it right this second.

Save the doe. Kinda kinda I mean, the postal system's the best way to go. Yeah. If you're shipping out packages and you haven't taken a look at the postal service, that's the way to go. Way cheaper than the other options.

And I'm not gonna get into some of the delivery practices I've seen from some of the other options. You know, there was 1 of them that I might even still have the video somewhere of them chucking my bookshelves out of the back of the truck into my into my driveway. It was wild. Like, I'm not exaggerating about them. Chalking them out of the back of a truck into my driveway.

It it was crazy. I'd never seen anything like that. And the camera's right there. It's like they wanted me to see them. Chuck, these weren't even that heavy.

Alright. I get you could be frustrated. You're delivering heavy packages all day. It's part of your job. You know?

I'm I mean, if you don't wanna move heavy stuff, I guess don't be a delivery driver, but they weren't even that heavy. They weren't worth the aggravated chuck out of the truck. Alright. Anyway, I hope your morning's going okay. Stick around.

I'm I'm gonna keep digging for content here, see what we can find. Maybe you wanna have a book pen pal. Go to the Clive Barker subreddit. You can mail this person a book. I was just reading about something that would definitely make Peaches crazy.

I wouldn't be surprised if he is complaining about this later on his show because if you've ever listened to Peaches talk about the grocery store, he he's a bit unhinged when it comes to his patience level with people being in the the aisles, people moving slow. The guy's just ready to get in and out of there as fast as possible. No patience at the grocery store. So I'm sure slow lanes, deliberately slow lanes in the checkout process would just aggravate him beyond belief. Something they're trying out in Japan, and it seems like it's actually very popular.

Just extra slow checkout lines that people like the elderly, disabled, and such are are really enjoying because you know how it is when there's a long line at the grocery store. It's like, chop, chop. Alright. We gotta get in and out of her. Hurry.

Hurry. Nobody wanna wait. Yeah. So I would imagine if you're disabled or something like that, that kind of pressure's gotta be uncomfortable. So I think this is actually good.

I'm all for it. Implement a few slow checkout lanes in the grocery store for the people that wanna take their time or would like to maybe chat with the cashier a little bit. You know, you get somebody who's a good good chatter. Put them in that particular line, and it works out great for everybody. You have other lines that are super fast and such.

Seems like a great idea. And note to stores, the store they're trying this out at has seen a 10% increase in sales because, shoppers are coming to enjoy a less frantic shopping experience. It's kinda like if you go to Walmart on the weekends and you go early, I wanna say it's, like, between 8 and 10 AM. They don't have Walmart radio blasting, and and I don't remember what they call it, but it's a more subdued experience. It's just all quiet in there and chill.

I I think the lights are not quite as bright either. I shouldn't even tell people about it because then everybody's gonna start going and then that time has been ruined but it it's awesome you know grocery stores can be an aggravating experience but it's usually due to people who are not patient Peach is ruining my grocery store shopping experience. You know? Those people who are just, barreling through the store. They're they're they're just, cranky.

Can't wait to get in and out of there as fast as possible. Be patient at the grocery store. Alright. Be chill. Let's make grocery store experience as enjoyable as possible for everyone.

Alright. Just nice and laid back. Anyway, I hope that they do, implement some of these policies at some local stores. I think it would be great for a lot of people. And then if you're the type of person who doesn't want to wait in the slow line, you go to 1 of the others.

Yeah. Seems like, seems like a great plan to me. I just read what could possibly be the worst way to go, or maybe it's not really that bad. I mean, I'm not trying to make light of this story because 2 people did die, but it seems like the type of content I would have to talk about in my program here. 2 New York men die falling into a manure tanker, And there's a really disgusting image of I don't know.

It looks like, some type of a of a machine just pumping sewage into a tank. Okay. The guys, you're probably going, what do you mean? How could there not be a worse way? Well, here's what happened.

Decomposing manure produces a bunch of different gases, like methane, ammonia, carbon dioxide. So these guys just passed out and then fell into the manure tanker. And I would assume they they drowned. It's not the first time this has happened. This happens sadly somewhat often.

But, I mean, they were passed out, so it's not like they knew what was happening or maybe they did as they were, you know, slowly fading there. Okay. Now this is ridiculous. 1 of the lat 1 of the guys, his last name was duty. I know it's rude to even joke but I just wanna we got people working on farms around here.

I wanna let you know to be extremely careful. Make sure you're, you know, getting fresh air. I don't know. Do they need to give people, gas masks that are working in these situations? This is, you know, just a terribly unfortunate way to go.

Yeah. I I had no idea that this was a common thing for people to die in manure tanks, but it's real. It's real, people. So if you know anybody working on a farm in this kind of situation, Let them know to please be cautious. Yikes.

I was reading this article about this guy who's suing Apple because his wife discovered deleted messages that he sent to, you know, ladies he was trying to hook up with And, you know, so she dumped him. And the comments on the article are interesting because you would think, well, there's an easy solution. Don't be a dirtbag and don't cheat, buddy. The end. But there could be situations where I don't know.

There are messages that were sent like somebody mentioned, say there was someone who was, you know, being abused, and they were trying to get out of a relationship. They were texting people trying to, you know, plan out how to get out of an abusive relationship. Deleted those messages. The significant other found them and, made the situation worse. I don't know.

If you delete your messages, do you expect that they are permanently deleted? I don't know. Again, I I think you should try to be a good person. Don't be a cheating, piece of crap. But at the same time, I do think I don't know.

If you delete something off your phone, you'd hope it goes away permanently. Now when it comes to phones, I assume everything you do is being stored on some type of a government server somewhere. Well, I mean, the phone tracks you everywhere you go. Any messages you send. Being scanned by a computer with some AI somewhere to, you know, determine if, oh, you know, we got a problem here.

We need to do an investigation. I mean, this has been revealed by people like Edward Snowden over the years. You know, our communications are under surveillance. So I don't know. I would say if you're unsure about any type of information being intercepted, don't use your phone because somebody's probably watching or listening.

But it'll be interesting to see how this lawsuit plays out because I I don't know. It's 1 of these things I'd never thought about. If you delete something I mean, the the feature is there. The software is not doing what you asked it to do, but it's probably similar deep in that user agreement. Yeah.

Hidden in that legalese. There there's gotta be something in there about all this. Letting you know you know, they they've got all their bases covered. These companies like Apple. I don't know.

Pretty interesting, though. Like I said, the first glance, you just go, well, don't be a cheating dirtbag, blah blah blah. But this could be a much deeper situation where I don't know I don't know read through the comments on Reddit if you wanna check it out I was reading this in the offbeat section of the site Well, anyway, that that's that. I swear I'm not just trying to do stories today about people who were killed in strange manner. Well, I don't want it to be the death show.

That seems to be all that's in the news. Got a guy killed by a moose in Alaska. Now, I don't know if we could call him a tour on because he was an Alaska resident. But he was out trying to take photos of newborn moose calves, and the mother moose did not like that. You would think Alaskan residents would know if there's a moose with babies to stay away, but, oh, they're so cute.

I gotta get a picture like a I mean, like, I got this kitten at my house. I take lots of pictures of her. She's the cutest. I don't know if I've seen a baby moose before, but I would imagine they're they're fairly cute. Right?

They're babies. You don't wanna get killed because you took a picture of a baby of any sort. Yeah. So yeah. This guy, he was trudging through brush looking for the moose.

You know, he sees these baby moose, and he's like, alright. I gotta get some photos. And he he just starts following him. It's a terrible idea. And yeah.

So moose attacks him. He dead. Now, that's pretty much the story. Alright. What what else you want me to tell you?

I just wanna remind you to stay away from animals with babies. I mean, you could have a bird. Alright? Let's say there's a bird with a nest. K?

At my girlfriend's house, a blue jay had thrown together a nest in this. It's not a tree it's some type of a plant with these really neat flowers anyway it's right there next to her back deck. So if you walk down the steps, you go your head goes right past this bird's nest. And this blue jay dive bombed me multiple times. I'm surprised I didn't take a blue jay to the head.

Alright. Animals do not want you near their babies. Alright. Now, bluejay, I don't think it could kill me. But I don't know.

What if it's infected with some type of a virus? Bird flu. I don't know. I know this is not a scientific break. But let's say it swoops down and just pecks me in the head a few times, and then I'm infected with something from the bird, and you die.

Wouldn't that be a terrible stupid way to go? Man killed by blue jay. And I didn't even make the conscious decision to go near the babies. The dumb bird put the nest in a place that it shouldn't have. You know, if there's You would think birds would know if there's a house right there.

Alright? There's gonna be people. But no. Birds are stupid. That's what I say.

Or at least blue jays. Have you ever seen a crow make a nest right next to somebody's house like that? I haven't. Crows are smart birds, aren't they? I guess we could find out if blue jays are stupid.

Are blue jays smart birds? Blue Jays are 1 of the smartest birds you'll see. That's what the Internet says. Bird slash blue jays slash intelligent. I I don't care.

I'm gonna go with this blue jay, dumb. Alright. It says they're tricksters. They can imitate other bird sounds. They use tools when they need to, and they've found a life hack for eating ants.

What what what do you mean a life hack for eating ants? What what kind of a life hack is there for birds to eat ants? Swoop down on ant pile. Eat. The end.

Alright. Well, I I gotta find out here what the life hack for eating ants is. Many songbirds avoid eating ants because they taste awful. That bitter taste comes from the ant's self defense strategy when it detects a threat a gland releases a noxious formic acid that covers the ant's body. However, blue jays rub it on their feathers and then they remove that and then they nom nom nom the ants.

They really picked the ants up and rub them all over themselves. Okay. That's interesting. Kind of tools do they use? Let's see.

Ripping paper pieces of newspaper lining in their cages and using them to access out of reach food pellets. So they're just haters, I think, is what's going on here. I think that blue jade deliberately built the nest with the intent of wanting to attack people. Just don't like people. We know that we're in the era of animals not liking people being fed up with humanity.

We got orcas attacking boats. We got black bears attacking people. It's the birds next. You ever seen that movie? The birds?

Terrifying. 1 of my nightmares. Swooping out of the sky with their little dinosaur feet. Now a stinky litter box is gross. And if you're living in an apartment, you need to keep up on your litter box for the sake of your neighbors.

K? Also, for the sake of your cat. K? And for the sake of your own home, if you don't keep up on the litter box, they're just going to keep jumping in there, digging around, and then they're gonna spread it all over your house. It's gross.

It's gross. I got cats. You gotta keep up on that litter box daily. Alright? I've got 3 litter boxes in my house with 2 cats because you want to ensure that there is always as clean of a place for those cats to do their business as possible.

Otherwise, it gets nasty. It gets nasty. So this guy called 911 because his neighbor's cat box stank. This was in Atlanta, and the police are reminding people, hey. This is only for emergencies.

I think the cops did show up. But still, the police are supposed to be out there helping people. Alright? And you might think I'm being poisoned. I heard the story about the guy who, you know, passed out from toxic gases and fell into a manure tank and died.

What if I smell too much cat box and I just keel over and crack my head on the, you know, the countertop? I I don't think that's possible. Maybe it is, but I have never heard of anybody passing out from stinky litter box. It's just unpleasant. So don't call the cops for that reason.

Try to have a nice discussion with your neighbor. Be like, listen, man. That litter box is stink. It really reeks, man. You gotta help help a brother out.

Can you crack a window? Do do you need help scooping? Do you need a new scoop? What's going on here? Do you need an additional litter box?

And I get it. Litter has gotten to be very expensive. It's an aggravation to go shopping and have to purchase cat litter, which is why I'm glad that my older cat, he tends to go outside. Where he goes, I don't know. Sorry, neighbors.

Which is worse? Stinky litter box? And the fumes of that just wafting over to your neighbors or neighbor cat using, I don't know, a portion of your yard as a litter box? Oh, no. I think it's worse, if a dog uses your yard as a litter box because cats bear it.

Right? I I haven't had any problems recently with the neighbor dogs, dropping dookie on my yard. So shout out to my neighbors. Very nice. Or maybe if they do, it's, you know, all the neighbors' dogs are just little, so I don't notice.

When you got a big dog in the neighborhood and and they decide your yard's the place to go, that's the worst. I'm not gonna get into, you know, descriptions, but the bigger the dog, you know, the bigger the pile. It's not good. It's not good, especially when I'm out trying to mow the lawn. Oh, terrible.

So, yeah, clean your litter box for the sake of yourself, your cat, your neighbors, But, also, if your your neighbor's pet stinks, don't waste the time of lieutenant Crane. Alright? He's not gonna be very stoked on this. Freak news is powered by Greasemonkey, voted Idaho's best oil change. Alright.

Let's start with an 80 year old man who has been arrested. Oh, he's 81. After terrorizing a California neighborhood for years, this was in Azusa, California. Yeah. He, I guess, would go out in his backyard and no.

Not that. He'd he'd just shoot things with a slingshot. Yeah. Breaking windows, car windshields, and narrowly missing people for years with ball bearings shot from a slingshot. Are slingshots easily acquired nowadays?

When I was a kid, we all had slingshots. Right? I don't think that's as common anymore because what good can come from giving a kid a slingshot? None. 0.

They are only used for bad behaviors. Alright. Let's jump on to the old Amazon here. Wow. You can get awesome slingshots for cheap.

I mean, I don't know if I should tell people that, but, boy, some of these these were exactly what I wanted when I was a kid. We called them a wrist rocket. That's what we called them when we were kids. But then you're just gonna end up causing trouble. Nobody needs slingshots.

Anyway, they searched this guy's house. They found a slingshot and ball bearings. Boom. Going to jail, buddy. They said they're not aware of any kind of motive other than malicious mischief, which is exactly what kids who get slingshots engage in as well.

Malicious mischief. I hate to be the stick in the mud old guy, but don't buy your kids a slingshot. I know the kids out there, the little boys right now are furious with me. I'm sorry. I remember what my friends would do with slingshots.

It was never good. Alright. What what else do we got going on here? In freak news, powered by Greasemonkey. A man claims Tom Cruise saved him from being eaten alive by wild pigs.

Alright. I don't know if I believe this story. Okay. This is a guy in the UK. He says that Tom Cruise saved him and his friends from being eaten alive by an army of wild pigs in the forest of Dean.

Semi professional long distance runner Johnny Turnip says after an illegal boar hunt went awry that the Top Gun star came to their rescue. Okay. For some reason, they were, without clothing. He says we were naked and alone and had pretty much resigned ourselves to being ripped limb from limb. We were lost and exhausted and it was only a matter of time before the hungry trotters sniffed us out and made their play.

So we heard their hooves thundering against the ground before we saw them. There must have been 500 all heading our way. But then all of a sudden, helicopter comes flying in and it's, Tom Cruise. Do you believe this story? I don't know if I believe this story.

I think the guy might be making this up. But it was in the news, the Abergavenny Chronicle. Yeah. I mean, it looks like a legit news source, but so do a lot of them. Speaking of which, I I thought I read an article the other I'm okay.

I'm gonna get into that in a minute because I don't wanna be doing research in the middle of freak news, but there was a particular news source that I read that due to a lawsuit, they had to explain they're an entertainment source, not news, after they had to pay, like, $750, 000, 000 in fines for giving out, false information. Okay. What what else do we got here? I had another story. I don't know what it was.

Too many tabs open. Yesterday was take your cat to work day. Wanna let my fellow employees know. I'm sorry. Sorry.

I didn't bring the cats by. Alright? But they don't get along right now. You would've you would've just heard hissing and huffing and puffing. It it wouldn't have been a very fun cat day.

I gotta wait till they get along better. Maybe next year, next June 17th on take your cat to work day. I'll bring him in. Is there any employer that allows people to bring their cats to work on bring your cat to work day? It doesn't seem like a very likely possibility that most employers are going to allow you to do this.

Alright? But I'll ask next year. I'm like, Jade, it's a very important holiday, and I need to bring not 1 but 2 in. Hopefully, by then, I only have 2. That's the maximum.

No no kittens better show up at my house. Tell you what. You ready for the 4th July? I'm ready. I'm ready for the Idaho Falls Community Hospital River Fest.

It's gonna be a blast. Gonna be so much fun. All day celebration down there at Snake River Landing. Oh, man. So much fun.

Got all that delicious food. You know, normally, we gotta wait for the fair. Well, not we. Most people have to wait for the fair normally, but not around here. We just head out to Riverfest and mow down delicious food all day.

The Idaho Falls Community Hospital Riverfest presented by Idaho Central Credit Union, Mountain View Hospital, and Riverbend Media Group all day 4th July. I will be hanging out at the Teton Toyota stage. Got a bunch of bands playing a wide variety of sounds. That's where you'll find me. And aside from that, there's the Wackerley Auto Center and Wackerley Subaru off road course.

Get out there and try out some vehicles and things like that. Take your kids to the Stones Kia Kids Zone. Tickets still only $10. Get them them all day wristbands. And then, of course, it all culminates with the biggest fireworks show west of the Mississippi, the Melaleuca Freedom Celebration, which is always a spectacle to behold.

So stop by and say hello to me. 4th July, Snake River Landing. Also, remember, if you're going to even though I find it cringey, steak off your plot out there you can't do it till the morning up and I'd say just show up and get your spot. You know, it it's always annoying to me when I show up early. I'm there before pretty much everybody and there's all these areas staked off with nobody sitting in it.

Yeah. Because people will do things like show up the night before and claim a spot. Come on. Show up early. Bring a umbrella because it's probably gonna be roasting.

It always is. And you just hang out in your spot all day. But I hope you'll join us for the Idaho Falls Community Hospital River Fest and the Melaleuca Freedom Celebration. Gonna be great. It's cue the outrage on the Victor will show.

We're gonna talk about toxic fandoms. Got a multitude of TV shows that have returned to the airwaves and boy are people losing their minds because they don't like how the story goes. I've seen this happen with tons and tons of TV shows over the years. 1 of the worst was Game of Thrones when it was airing. Oh, man.

You'd go on Reddit, and people would just be losing their minds left and right about everything. I don't wanna spoil any of these series, so I'm not gonna get into specific moments. But I don't know what is up with people who can get to be so passionate about a story and their disappointment in the way that it goes, that they would unleash such fury toward the producers, the show runners, the writers of these programs. Like you gotta find a new hobby or something. I mean, I guess I'm just as bad because I'll read through the comments, but, like you don't get a pick.

You don't get a pick how the story goes. All right. And sometimes these stories are unpleasant or the characters are going to do things you don't like. I I'd prefer a story be kept unpredictable It didn't end with sunshine and rainbows and happily ever after. I didn't like this moment.

Like move along. Some of the things that I see make me wonder if people are just oblivious to the entirety of some of these shows. Right now, the boys is taking a ton of backlash online. They've released 3 episodes of the new season. And the major complaint that I'm seeing from everybody is, well, the boys has gone woke.

And I think back over the entirety of that show, I'm like, k. Did you watch any of the other seasons, any other episodes of that show? You know, some of the subject matter that is just still going in the new season. This is all the same stuff that has been in previous seasons of the show. Bad writing now.

The writing's gone poor. I don't know. It it didn't even occur to me that anything had changed in that show whatsoever as far as the tone or topics. Alright. It's been very politically satirical since the beginning.

Alright? And if that just flew over people's heads, I don't know what to say. And I'll I'm not gonna get into because, again, spoilers. There's an angle in the new season that's really bothering people. That was discussed from what I read.

I didn't remember this, but that was discussed in the 1st season that that character is is that way. So get you know, again, not paying attention. And also who cares? It's a TV show. House of the dragon.

People very upset about that 1 too. I don't like the direction the writers went. They don't know how to write a show rep. It's been a very successful show so far. I don't remember what stats I saw on house of the dragon, but, it seems like viewership doing doing really good.

So I'm pretty sure that the writers and creators and everybody involved in the production of that show know what they're doing better than Randos online. Just fan bases, man. Fan bases can be so annoying. I mean, speaking of fan bases being annoying online, this band right here has 1 of the most irritating fan bases online that I've ever seen. They might actually be the worst.

I don't know. Bad Omens fans have settled down. Ghost fans are getting to be kind of annoying right now with this new movie thing coming out, and they're analyzing every little teaser thing that drops. But I still think Sleep Token fans right now holding the crown for for most annoying. Take me back to Eden.

Is this Florida? Of course, it's Florida. Somebody getting into a fight over a little Debbie honey bun. Now it's at, like, a cinnamon roll? Little Debbie cinnamon roll covered with honey.

I don't know if I've tried 1 of those. I mean, little Debbie little Debbie snacks, they can be pretty good. You know, those, what are they called? The peanut butter things? Nah.

Making myself hungry for terrible food this morning if I start thinking about little Debbie snacks. Well, anyway, 47 year old Andre Eason, an ex con who was released from prison earlier this year, and his girlfriend got into a fight over 1 of these. And, yeah, I mean, it it ended up being a a real fight. Those costs like a dollar. Did you you just take your lady and you go down to the gas station and you have load up on them or hit the grocery store.

You could get a whole box, little Debbie snacks, few bucks This ain't worth worth violence, people? Come on. Settle down, Florida. Again, they are delicious, but ain't no food delicious enough for a physical fight, people. K?

Be good to 1 another. Be good humans. I am pleasantly surprised by the fact that I'm not seeing a bunch of drama in the life in Idaho Falls Facebook group. I thought that was an easy route. Alright.

Desperate for content. Go check out life in Idaho Falls. Nothing. Everybody just being reasonable in there, helping each other. What's going on here?

I mean, do I have to resort to going and looking at I hate life in Rexburg? I did look at that particular Facebook group the other day, and there there were people being dumb about 1 particular topic that I'm just not gonna get into on the show here. But, Yeah. Yeah. I guess yeah.

2 topics. Never mind. Can't even have any fun at the expense of Rexburg. Alright? What's going on?

What's going on with social media here? I mean, how many days have I complained about people just being stupid and rude on social media? Have a day where there's no drama that I can find, and And I'm like, oh, what's going on? Where's the drama for me to talk about? Big fail.

Big fail. That's alright. I've got other options of places I can dig for content. I'm just kinda disappointed. Yesterday was rough too after a full weekend with no stupid news.

Ugh. You know, the sad thing is that I could talk lots of stupid news if I was willing to really dive into politics. You know, these political talk radio hosts have the easiest job ever because there is just rampant stupid every day, and I could be having so much fun with some of this stuff. Politicians whining, Kim Kardashian hurt my feelings. That was in the news today.

Like, come on. Is this real news? And it is. Like, there's all these subreddits, like news of the stupid, not the onion, blah blah blah. And they used to be filled with all kinds of different stories, but now it's just all, all politics, all politics, and people are so crazy about it that I I don't wanna get people calling me mad even though it's this stuff is funny.

This stuff is just ridiculous. Yeah. I was betrayed by Kim Kardashian. I mean, we could talk about Justin Timberlake getting a DUI. I would assume that's what they're discussing over on z 103, driving around the Hamptons hammered.

If there's anybody who could afford an Uber, it would be Justin Timberlake. Come on, dude. I know you can afford to get yourself a cab. Alright? Don't drink and drive.

Let's see. Lawmakers mad that there's nowhere in the capital to smoke cigars. Alright. Well, go for a walk, bro. What are you gonna do here?

I can't sit inside of a government building and just mow down cigars? Alright. See, this is all it is. Okay. How about this?

No. We already talked about that 1. A guy who knocked over a porta potty with a couple people inside? Yeah. That was a couple weeks ago.

I don't know. I don't know what I'm gonna do today. We got 1 more hour of show. I'll figure something out. Wish me luck.

Alright. I recently watched a movie called war dogs over the weekend in like bursts because I'm old. And if I'm sitting in my old man recliner and the room is dark, there's a decent chance I might fall asleep while watching TV. I am a dad. That's right.

So I fell asleep watching that. And while I was putting away some laundry last night, I finished up that movie. And anytime I watch 1 of these movies that are based on true events, I go, alright. How much of this movie was real? And so I googled it up, and it looks like that movie is better than most when it comes to, you know, based on a true story or, you know, what whatever what whatever type of, you know, little sentence you wanna slap on there to indicate this is based on true events.

Sometimes these things are way out of whack, though. Like, have you ever seen that movie, catch me if you can? It's a fun movie. It's a fun movie about this, con artist, but it turns out that the guy's memoir they're basically completely made up, which that is a con. So I don't know if that one's fair, but there are lots of other movies I've watched, that when you look into, okay, what really happened here?

This story was wild. And then you're like, oh, okay. It was pretty much Hollywood just taken, like, a person. Here's this person that did exist, and then they just run wild with a story. And that's always unfortunate when it happens that way because it kinda takes away from the enjoyment of the movie or TV show to me.

Maybe I shouldn't look these things up and see how realistic the story was and just assume, like, okay. If it's really outlandish, probably a pretty good chance that this is, for the most part, made up. But, War Dogs was pretty good. It was a pretty fun movie. I don't know what made me decide to throw that 1 on, but, Yeah.

It it was what I went for, and I'd say it was worth a worth a watch if you haven't seen it. It was decent. It was pretty good. Government incompetence at its finest. That's what's going on in that movie right there.

A perfect example of government incompetence, and, it's 1 of those stories that is going to just further lead me away from any kind of conspiracy that could involve political figures pulling off anything crazy because they're all just so incompetent. You know, I've I've heard about a lot of conspiracy theories over the years. So and so orchestrated blah blah blah, and you wouldn't believe what's going on, the power that this person wields and what him and his cronies were able to pull off, and nobody knew. No. These are these are just regular people.

Alright? These politicians, easily duped, not the type of people who could pull off crazy deep elaborate conspiracy theories. All it takes is meeting some of them. If you've ever met politicians, yeah, you're gonna realize that deep elaborate conspiracy theories, very slim chance of these things being pulled off. Alright?

People get caught. People end up, you know, snitching. They end up spilling the truth. Nobody keep a secret. So, anyway, just I don't know.

Watch any type of content you can that shows the incompetence of government, and it might really help clear up your mind when it comes to, other conspiracy theories that are floating around. K? There's just no way that these people could pull off some of these things. Alright. It's ridiculous.

Alright. I started reading this post by a guy online who just hates people feeding birds. So I figured we'd dive into this and see where it goes because I I only made it a tiny ways in. I'm like, this is funny. I, 55 male, moved to this peaceful neighborhood last year that sits behind vast open corn fields, and it's been nice up until the last couple of months.

My neighbor is a younger, late twenties or early thirties woman who has a husband and children. I had previously never spoken to her, and I do not wave to her because she always looks like she wants to keep to herself. I noticed when I moved in, she had bird feeders in her backyard, but they were empty at that time, so I thought nothing of it. Since February, this woman has been feeding wild birds every single day. She goes out multiple times a day because I can hear her back door open if my window is open.

Whenever I hear it, I immediately feel anger. I watch from her window, and the birds go crazy, flying around and chirping when she's filling the feeders and bird bath. She does this multiple times a day, and I'm not exaggerating. She's feeding hundreds of birds a day. This guy's frustration just I I love it.

Even though, like, at my house, I've got bird feeders that are empty in my backyard, and here's the 2 reasons. It's not because I don't wanna feed the birds. I even have bird seed. I should probably just get rid of it, you know, like, feed the birds and use it up. But number 1, when I feed the birds, the squirrels get into the bird feeders, and they make a big mess.

I have found a squirrel trapped in a bird feeder before, which is horrifying. And, 3, if there are a bunch of birds in my backyard, the cat will kill them, because I've found lots of dead birds in my yard before back when I fed the birds a lot. The cat is friends with the squirrels, hates birds, so I stopped feeding the birds. But, anyway, let's go back to this guy who he hates this woman feeding birds. A lot of the birds are this blackbird that are annoying and travel in large groups.

She also has multiple sweat feeders. Now what that is is if if you haven't seen this, it's kinda like a block of, like peanut butter with seeds in it and stuff like that. I I also had 1 of those back in the day. The squirrels loved it and fills it multiple times a day with new suet cakes. The birds eat it in hours, and she has hundreds of these birds in addition to other birds.

I have also witnessed her sit outside and talk to the birds while they feed from her feeder nearby. I decided this weekend to ask her about it while she was cleaning her patio. So now we're into the zone where I don't know what's gonna happen with this guy. She got extremely rude off the bat and told me she's doing nothing illegal. She also told me her dad raised her to be compassionate toward birds, and she enjoys it.

I told her it causes noise, and it is annoying to watch and hear. Also, they land on my roof when they watch her. I didn't pay money to stare and hear 100 of thousands of birds every day. He moved out to the country where there's cornfields. He said that right at the beginning.

Wide open cornfields. Do you know what birds like? Cornfields. They do. There's bugs and there's corn.

Alright? Don't move out to the country if you don't like birds. Oh, there was another reason I don't like, having birds out back aside from, you know, the cat killing birds, which I don't think is helpful to the birds. And, you know, the squirrels eating all the bird food. Did I mention birds crapping all over my deck?

Yeah. I'm not a big fan of that. Another reason that I I don't like having birds out back, there there's bird poo everywhere. So he says he's got property damage from their poo and talons being on my roof. Can birds ruin your roof with their little talons?

She told me if I did not stop talking to her, that she would call the police. I was extremely offended by her reaction as I thought she would be more open to feedback. I I simply asked her to try and pull back, and she ignored me and did not speak to me for 5 minutes while I stood there. So he stood there for 5 minutes awkwardly. She then intentionally put up another bird feeder from her garage in a tree and went inside.

I love this story. She isn't breaking any federal, state, or local laws or neighborhood HOA laws, but it's overdoing what she's doing every day, And I'm very frustrated to hear the birds going nuts every time she goes outside. This is not a few birds. This is I the guy's gotta post a video. Alright?

I wanna see proof of 100 or thousands of birds and this woman outside with just, you know, she's like Snow White with all of the birds just flocking around her. Seemed like something oh, Resident Evil 7. That's right. Resident evil or is it 8? No.

It's Resident Evil 8. That's where this woman reminds me of character from the end of that. So, wrapping up the story here. Peaches is distracting me here. Sorry.

What what is that? It's a new Zelda game coming out. A new Zelda game? Yeah. Coming soon?

Oh, that's cool. September 26th. Okay. You're the Zelda guy, so I figured I'd walk in here and show you that. Neat.

Alright. I'll I'll check some of that out in a second. I'm just talking about a guy who hates birds. So he hates government drones? Yes.

Okay. So because of her reaction, I went inside, and the remainder of the night felt agitated. I did speak to my wife who does not wanna get involved, but told me she did not like that I confronted the woman. My wife told me that I was rude. And although I feel I wasn't, I would like to know from an outsider perspective, am I a jerk for being upset and trying to talk with her about stopping or reducing her feeding them?

What what is the Internet saying? This woman is amazing. You should be taking tips from her if you get this bent up about a joyful, inspiring bird lover. What are you like when something truly bad happens? Come on now.

No one's forcing you to pay attention to the birds, put on headphones or something. You didn't want her to be open to feedback. You wanted to tell her what to do. That's right. That's right.

Oh, man. I know that I've got some neighbors that don't like squirrels because I I feed the squirrels, and I've talked to some neighbors who the squirrels, like, get into their plants, their gardens, and thing. What I'm trying to do is if I if I keep the squirrels well fed in my yard and they're safe with the cat guarding them, hopefully, they don't go to the neighbors and get into their garden. I figure I'm, you know, helping, being a good neighbor by feeding the squirrels. Maybe this is this guy a corn farmer?

The birds might eat his corn. Anyway, that story just really made me laugh. This guy you know, because I talk about how birds give me the creeps and stuff, but, you know, I'm not aversive to them. I like to look at them and things like that. I just like, I wouldn't get a pet bird.

I don't want them to touch me, but I like them, and I think they're fun. And I would feed them in my yard if the cat didn't kill them and they didn't crap everywhere. Super heaven and youngest daughter. This is the Victor Will show. Alright.

Let's look at the news that peaches came and told me about in the middle of that last break. A few different Zelda games being announced. It looks or not Zelda games. Nintendo games being announced, 1 Zelda game. Today, Nintendo Direct Day where they announce all of their upcoming stuff that they feel it is time to announce, I guess.

Let's check out the trailer for Zelda echoes of wisdom. This is at 4 and a half minutes. We're not gonna check all of it out. Alright. So this looks like it is going to be a top down style Zelda game, like old school style.

And you actually play as Zelda from what I can see here. Alright. Looks pretty cool. Here's a guy talking about the game. Entirely up to you.

Alright. Learn it. You know, I will admit that my favorite style of Zelda games are the, 3rd person 3 d type of Zelda games such as, Ocarina of Time, you know, the recent Zelda games. Holy cow. I need to get back to playing the newest Zelda game.

Oh, man. I've really been, sucking when it comes to my online streaming. I wasn't feeling good for a while there. Just wasn't feeling good. Wasn't really feeling up to it.

I'm I'm have to try to get back to it because I do need to continue on playing the latest Zelda game, which was awesome. It's been so long. I can't even remember the name of it at the moment. Another game announced for today, Metroid Prime 4. Let's take a look at this real quick.

Alright. This is a reasonable trailer. 2 minutes. Alright. So looks like, Metroid game.

K. I never played any of the Metroid Prime games. So I don't know. I mean, I'd be down to give it a shot. But as far as the story goes, completely out of the loop.

The last Metroid game I played would probably have been Super Metroid on the Super Nintendo. But, you know, this looks looks cool. Alright. What else do they got coming? Mario and Luigi brother ship.

Let's take a look at this. What's this? Alright. I see Mario and Luigi. Alright.

It's, kinda looks in the vein of Oh, what was the name of that game? It was there's so many Mario games that come out. I wanna call it a combination side scroller slash 3 d. It's not, you know, a 3 d Mario game like Mario Odyssey or Mario 64. It's it's that Mario type of game that is a side scroller in 3 d.

You know what I'm talking about? I mean, as you can tell, my memory is garbage and I can't recall what specific Mario game I'm referring to. It looks like it has elements of RPG in it too, actually. Maybe that's what this is is a Mario RPG style game. All right.

Never mind. Never mind. This does look, straight up RPG. Well, no. It's got some platformer elements.

Well, that's pretty neat. Fun. Okay. Any other exciting things in Nintendo Direct? Donkey Kong Country returns.

Alright. That that's pretty cool. Mario Party Jamboree. Mario Party, always a good time. Alright.

A new switch game, Mario party jamboree. That's when I could do some online gaming. Alright. Cool. Well, there you go.

Nintendo Direct. Everything that they've got going on. Well, I don't know if that's everything. That was just the ones I saw. There's probably more.

Alright. I'm gonna get on out of here. I'll be back for the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Heliscos. But, yeah, I hope you have a good rest of the morning and something about that last song we were listening to, the sludginess of it made me want to listen to typo negative of as I leave. So that's what I'm gonna do.

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#0008 - Don't feed the birds. - 6/18/2024
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