#0010 - Creeping Reddit Hydro Homies - 6/20/2024

Yo. It's the Viktor World Show, Thursday, June 20th. Good morning to you. Thank you for your company. I'm all for protest, but protesters are getting it wrong nowadays.

Alright. We see protesters just repeatedly doing things like chuck and paint at famous pieces of art. Bunch of protesters went out to Stonehenge on Wednesday and, covered Stonehenge with some type of a, I don't know, orange paint powder. I hope it comes off easily. Again, I'm all for protest.

What are you what are you people doing? You know, ancient artifacts, you know, pieces of art, famous landmarks. There are such better things to vandalize if you're going to vandalize something. I'm not advocating for vandalism. Alright?

But these these folks are wanting to protest government policies. Right? Yeah. Oh, come on. Wait.

What are they thinking here? This is not how you you get, positive support for your cause. K? You need to vandalize things that everybody hates. Nope.

I'm just playing everybody. I've never advocate vandalism again. I just don't understand hitting these, these things that everybody likes and enjoys. Nobody's gonna have your back on this. Anyway, no word as to whether or not Stonehenge will be easily cleaned up, but, I mean, these are rocks.

Alright? Got all those little cracks and things. Them. I'm no expert on how you, refurbish an ancient landmark. But I would imagine it it's not gonna come out exactly the same even though you get the power washer out.

Stonehenge all shiny. Maybe it'll be cool. Maybe it'll be cool. Be the nicest that stonehenge has ever looked, Idiots, man. Yeah.

If you wanna protest, there's so many better ways you could do so. Do it the old fashioned way. Get out and block some traffic. Come on. Make commuters angry.

You're not damaging anything. You're just being annoying and people are gonna, you know, maybe notice your cause. I mean, I think I'm not really saying you should go block traffic. That's annoying to me when I got places to be. Why not just go stand in front of political offices with big signs?

Maybe it's not super effective. I don't know. I bet you'd get news articles and you wouldn't look like a piece of crap. Like these people, you know, painting Stonehenge orange. Idiots.

Anyway, back in a second. Sitting here reading through a thread about the most unfriendly cities that people have visited and made me feel kinda good. I don't know if I visited a city that I would classify as unfriendly. I've dealt with unfriendly people at times, but an overall city that I'm like, I'm never gonna go back there because everybody there is a jerk. No.

I I can't think of any. I mean, there are cities and towns, you know, that I'm not a big fan of. Places like Burley. It doesn't mean the people there are unfriendly. Alright?

There's just something weird in the air there. K? I worked there for a long time. Strange things happen there. It's like Stephen King, you know, town.

But, overall, people there, friendly. Unfriendly people in Burley? Certainly. Plenty. But I could say the same about people in Idaho Falls, Pocatello, for the most part friendly.

Every once in a while, somebody cranky. Yeah. I was looking through this list, and I guess it's a great way to make a list of places to never go on vacation. Up at the top of the list, they've got Johannesburg, South Africa. The the post that, kicked off that thread said our business partner drove us into town, and she started removing her earrings, wedding band, etcetera.

I asked her why, and she said that the bandits would cut jewelry off you if they stopped your car, so it's better to put it in the glove box. Our client was a major bank. To enter, you had to stand in a tiny plexiglass airlock where the guards with machine guns could inspect you before letting you inside. Once in, it was just like any other business anywhere, cubicle farms and conference rooms, And, then he get relentless comments from people talking about, how how crazy and dangerous that particular city feels. So go ahead and mark that off the list of places that I'm gonna go vacation at any time soon.

And the the next most popular answer which popped up more than once because people don't know how to use Reddit. They don't know how to see if somebody else has already, you know, posted this response. Is a place I've wanted to visit, but you you just can't anymore. It's it's very unsafe, especially for women, and that would be Cairo, Egypt where they've got the great pyramid and such. It it sounds like, an awful place.

An awful place, especially based on, the responses in this this thread here. You never know if people are telling the truth online, but when it's comment after comment about, people being, you know, especially women being harassed right out there in public. It it's probably true. So, yeah. I'm I'm not gonna get into the details here, but, pretty pretty horrifying, and it's unfortunate because I would like to see the pyramids.

You know, they're 1 of the most legendary landmarks worldwide, but it just don't sound like a place to go. Doesn't sound safe and, it certainly sounds unfriendly. Sounds unfriendly. Somebody commented. I just realized half y'all literally mean unfriendly when the other half mean dangerous.

What are some other places here? Some of these I haven't heard of. Like, Luton, LUT0N. Where's that? Somebody said, do you have a good chance, every day of getting stabbed?

That doesn't sound wonderful. Another, Port au Prince. I'm not sure where that oh, Haiti. You don't tend to hear wonderful things about visiting Haiti either, do you? Yeah.

I've been to places that are supposedly really dangerous, and everybody was super friendly. Like Tijuana. I've talked about that city a bunch of times. It's supposed to be 1 of the most dangerous cities on earth. You probably have to go to certain areas for that to be the case.

Everywhere I went you know, even though I I did see, like, military police in certain areas in the streets. I don't know. I I did not feel unsafe in that city, and people were super friendly. You know, even as a clear tourist who couldn't speak English or I'm that was, sorry. I could speak English, couldn't speak Spanish.

Very friendly. Very friendly folks in Tijuana. Everywhere I've been in Mexico, everybody was really friendly. So somebody mentioned chiro illinois some of those small town you know, small towns, you might get some folks who are, a little bit of, you know, that you ain't from around here mentality. The only time I've ever heard you ain't from around here, Houston, in real life, I've told this story many a time, was in Lava Hot Springs.

Yeah. I was at a bar, and I don't know what was going on. I I think I was doing karaoke or something, but, you know, some some hillbilly giving me grief and like, you ain't from around here, are you? I I might say the Lava Hot Springs locals. There's there's a lot of unfriendly people there.

Sorry. Sorry. It's not It's not a dig on the the town I've just met lots of unfriendly people there if you hang out at the local bars I had friends who would go play, shows there. So I'd be stuck in a a bar for, like, 4 or 5 hours. What are you gonna do while your friend's bands are playing?

You you gotta start talking to people. And, again, the phrase you ain't from around here, Aria, was thrown at me, and I'm like, well, I am. Pocatello counts is around here. It's 30 minutes away. And what is this?

What kind of, twilight zone, in a movie reproduction situation is this? Who says that? You ain't from around here? Get it get on out of here. Anyway, thankfully, I didn't, get in any you know kind of real problems in lava but I've had friends who did they were they were probably asking for it though Probably asking for it.

Alright. Anyway, it's a great tourist town. Jeez. Go see the hot pools. Go to the it's probably a great time to go to the swimming pool and the water slides.

It's gonna be hot as crap. What's the weather looking like around here today? Is it completely nasty yet? I turned on my AC before I left in anticipation of the weather being, you know, toasty. 84 for the high.

It might not have needed it. Oh, Sunday, 97 for the high. Yuck. Yuck. I started watching some show last night on Netflix for, I don't know, a few minutes before I turned it off because I was pretty sure I'd seen it before.

Some type of an auction show. You know, this auction company with collectibles, They sell them blah blah blah. Reality TV. They must have had some new episodes, but I don't know. I got bored of it really fast and, again, was pretty sure I'd seen part of this before.

But I find it interesting because you come across these stories from time to time where somebody has some insanely valuable thing just sitting around their house. And it's 1 of these, what if that could happen to me kind of situation? What if I got some stuff around that's worth tons of money? You know, some weird thing that I picked up at my my grandparents' house. Like, oh, what?

Look at this. It's an ancient artifact. I'm pretty sure I've just got kind of old stuff. I know that I thought was weird looking. But there was this woman.

She went on vacation to Mexico and went to a museum, and she was looking at this pottery and was like, woah. It kinda looks like that base that I bought at a thrift store for, like, $3 a while back. That's that's kinda neat. So she went back home and took a bunch of photos, sent them off to the Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City, and they're like, oh, yeah. You know what that is there?

What you've straight up got is a a Mayan artifact. That's a priceless ceremonial urn used by the Mayan people dating back to, like, 200 AD. And props to this woman. She coulda sold it. She donated it back to the, the community from which it, from which it came because it was, again, a priceless, ceremonial artifact.

So she just got it back to the the people it belonged to and was like, hey. I I feel great about this. What would you do? Fire up eBay. Now there was, well, there have been a variety of these type of stories over the years.

Last year, somebody found a vase for a few bucks at a Goodwill, and it turned out it had been designed by some kind of a a famous, I don't know, artist, Carlo Scarpa, for Italian company, Venini. So they auctioned that off. They bought it for, like, $4, and they sold it at auction for a $110, 000. I tell you. You know, as I'm wandering through thrift stores looking at weird stuff sometimes, I've stopped doing this because I I don't need to buy more crap.

Alright? And if I stumble across something weird, I'm gonna want it. Right now, I've got everything I need at home. Just don't go anywhere. Just stay home.

No shopping. I do like thrift stores mainly for, looking at books, though. Now if you wanna build a library, thrift stores are where it's at. Like, 50ยข a book. Yeah.

It's a great great way to build up a library quickly and with you know, you you can find some good finds. I have found, collectible books at the thrift store before, which is, pretty cool. Pretty key. So anyway look around your house maybe you got something worth you know $100 that you you have no idea wouldn't that change change your life I wish I could find something worth like I don't know. Just an unexpected item.

Some random thing that I don't really want. Find it sitting around the house and determine oh, that's worth like a $100? Facebook market, here we come. I don't know what's up with Reddit lately and endless threads about life hacks, but I seem to be just getting pummeled with them. And I like to look at them to go, okay.

Is there anything good I can pull out of this? Anything that might benefit me? And I don't think that recommending exercise is a life hack. Right? Everybody knows you should exercise.

It's just 1 of those reminders, like, yeah, I know. I know. Alright. This 1, I mean, it's a decent reminder. It says 5 minutes of exercise is infinitely better than 0.

Alright. Alright. Maybe I can go, you know, run a lap around the building. That might scare the bosses on the security cameras. What is Victor running from?

Why is he running? What is happening? Alright. Yeah. This 1 I use, this little life hack here.

I may have even pointed it out on air before but saying out loud where you put something down as mister forgetful. Yeah. Making a verbal mental note of where I said something certainly helps helps me remember where it is because I will absentmindedly put things in all kinds of places. Happened with my keys the other day. For some reason, I took them out of my pocket and set them on my computer desk upstairs.

Looking all over the house yesterday morning for my keys. I'm like, what? Why can I not find these? Because they're always in the same spot just in my pocket. And then I was like, well, I did, go to the computer for, like, 2 minutes.

Go up. There there they are. Like, oh, jeez. Come on. Gonna be kidding me?

Life hack. Keeping your mouth shut. Yeah. Most of the time, keeping your mouth shut is a great option. I'm sure I've discussed a a similar life hack where it simply comes down to think before you speak.

Like, don't just lash out immediately. Give yourself some time to breathe. You know, you ever feel like sending off a frustrated email? Yeah. Give yourself, like, a half hour, alright, to to cool down, and you might come at that with a completely different perspective.

Same thing with if you feel like lashing out verbally. Just wait a minute. Wait a minute. Take a deep breath and be like, oh, yeah. It's not that big a deal.

I don't need to lose my mind about this. Alright. For those of you who don't use computers a lot, if you would like to, what let's see. Shift tab will bring you back to the previous text box. You know how you hit tab to go to the next text box if you're filling out a form?

Maybe you didn't even know that. Shift tab to go backward in case you, screwed up making the the first pass there. Most of life is just showing up to things, I guess, sorta. Caffeine makes more pain or most painkillers bind more efficiently. So if you take your Advil or Tylenol with coffee, it'll work better.

I think that's just an excuse people with a caffeine addiction make for it's helping my headache. I can tell. Alright. Doing all your chores and errands during the week frees up your weekend for joy? That's true.

I feel better about sitting around on the weekend when my house is clean. So III recommend that 1. I recommend that 1. Hi. It's Victor Wilt.

Morning. So Peaches generally pulls a question from AskReddit for his question of the day to peach their own. Peaches, I think you should try pulling it from random polls you find online I was looking at this this newer radio prep site and they had all these polls check out these poll results And these are both questions that would make the bosses go insane if Peach has asked them for to peach their own, but that also might make listeners go insane and could result in, you know, some feisty activity on the earth. The first 1, a classic as he used on traffic school powered by the advocates. Do you like cats or dogs better?

You got 8% of people apparently like cats, but not dogs. 21% like dogs, but not cats. 61% like both cats and dogs, and 8% don't like either there's people out there who don't like cats or dogs. Like, I don't like them. I don't like animals.

I mean, even the animals that I say, like, give me the creeps and I wouldn't have as pets, like birds, snakes, spiders. I don't know if I'd necessarily say I dislike them. I mean, I wouldn't want them near me. Maybe they should've be asked should be asking, you know, would you have these as pets, not do you like them? I I can't believe that 8% of people I don't like dogs or cats.

I don't know. 8% of people could be really cranky. Who do you plan to vote for in the presidential election? That'd be the funniest to peach their own question ever. Just to hear the responses on air, Jade running down the hall.

Have you lost your mind, peaches? You can't have this type of, debate on air. I think it'd be fun. I think that would be fun. Just take calls on it.

Wonder what Jade would do if I did that as a question on my show. Who are you voting for? I mean, it could be interesting around here because you would expect you'd get a a lot of the same answer. And what if I, like, in the upcoming debate was, like, all all you can say is your answer. You can't say why.

And you can't attack anybody else. You can go give a 2 word answer. The name of who you're voting for, and then I just hang up on you. It'd make people crazy because you know they wanna spout off why. Yeah.

What radio shows are using these polls? Yeah. Let's talk about the current polling for the presidential election. Polls are so useless for the presidential election. We pulled 400 people, and here's what's going on.

And that's why at the end of, elections people go Yeah. But all the polls said blah blah blah blah. The polls never seem to match up with the actual results because you can't poll every single person who's gonna go vote. They poll, like, a few hundred people and act like that's a national result. And people tout those numbers as being important.

Nothing more useless than a presidential election poll. Don't buy into it. Just get out and vote. K? Jeez, people.

Alright. Anyway, there's there's my idea, peaches. Random polls. Alright? Your question for the peach their own.

Who are you gonna vote for in the presidential election? But you gotta hang up on people fast. I'm telling you. Otherwise, it's gonna spiral out of control. Be funny.

Because, I know that each side, if they heard people saying they were gonna vote for the candidate they don't like, then that's gonna drive them to call. You get relentless calls because people would start getting crazy. How what? Someone's really gonna vote for that person. I gotta call and say the other side.

It'd be That That's a great radio topic actually. If you just want an endless onslaught of calls for sure because people are nuts. They're completely nuts. Just a heads up if you don't wanna get any spoilers on anything unique that's going to happen in this ghost movie that debuts in theaters tonight. Don't read any news articles about it.

I figured, you know, Reddit would be the place that you could find spoilers. They'd be clearly marked. Promotional material for a movie that hasn't come out yet, probably gonna be free from spoilers, but, no, I was looking at an interview with Tobias Forge talking about the new film right here right now. And, yeah, some spoilers in there, which is fine, which is fine. It's not like, you know, this is I don't know.

Spoilers for the way that a show like Game of Thrones is gonna end or something. This is just a ghost movie. But if you want to avoid spoilers, don't read the articles. I'm pretty excited about this movie, as a ghost nerd. Gonna be going and checking it out tonight.

I forgot about that. Yesterday, as I was relaxing at home, like, alright. I got nothing going on the rest of the week. I was looking at my schedule for next week, and I got all kinds of crap going on. I'm like, ah, like, a a bunch of appointments and things, take the cats to the vet, appointments of my own.

This week, I was like, alright. Just getting extra sleep. But I guess tonight, I'll be out a little bit late. I might be out till, like, 9 PM. Woah.

Crazy. That's a wild night for Victor Welt. Yeah. On a on a school night. Anyway, I believe there are still tickets available.

Let's go to the right here right now.com website and that's RITE, in case you were wondering. Alright. Idaho falls. Let's check out the ticket availability. Availability.

Alright, the first showing, the 7 PM showing. Why is my internet sucking so bad? Yeah. There's there's still some tickets and the second showing, there's probably lots. I really think if you're a ghost fan, you gotta go check this out.

Oh, yeah. The second showing there's tons of seats. Tons of seats. So there's 1 at 7 o'clock, 1 at 7:30. That's cool.

They're gonna have 2 theaters showing this at once tonight at Regal Edwards Grand Teton. And then to, Saturday, there's 2 showings as well, 3 PM and 3:30. So you should go check out the movie. It'll be fun. I saw on, some of the ghost social media pages, they're gonna have special, popcorn buckets and things like that.

So, yeah, I don't wanna blow a bunch of money on overpriced, popcorn, but I might have to if the bucket looks like a nice souvenir. My mom used to go to the movies and she would get the giant bucket of popcorn and she would bring it home and that would be like a a snack that would always be around her house for some reason. Movie theater popcorn. Anyway, Ghost movie likely playing in a theater near you. If you're a fan, you should go.

Yeah. Again, I don't wanna give out any spoilers, but I think it'll be fun and maybe there'll be some new stuff in it. You never know. Should we talk about splurging? Looking through a thread online about 1 thing worth spending money on once a month.

So I'm gonna call that a splurge. Alright. What do people say? You should splurge on once a month. As you'd probably guess, the most common answer, a good night out.

Go get yourself something to eat. Nice out nice night out on the town. Sure. Something delicious. I I'd say, yeah.

I mean I tend to order to go. Bring it back to my place. I don't know. I just feel awkward going out and eating by myself, which I've talked to people like Josh from Classy about this. He's like, dude, it's great to go out and eat by yourself.

You know, if you go to a place where they serve you rolls or something like chips and salsa, you get all the stuff. You get to have all of it to yourself. Alright. That does sound pretty good. Good night out.

I'd I'd say that's worth doing. The problem with a lot of these things, I think, is gonna be the affordability in the modern day and age. Kinda tough to get out and eat sometimes, you know, depending on your budget. Seeing a movie once a month in a theater. I like seeing movies in the theater over my living room.

I get the popcorn drink, an experience that I enjoy. Josh Tyler stopping by. He's gonna, I guess, do some b roll footage of me while I sit here and yap. So, hopefully, I don't look too sleepy as, Josh is filming me and I'm trying to just do my radio show and pretend that he's not here with a camera right next to me. It's very awkward, very awkward.

Josh, I was just talking about you on air actually because you told me you'll do things like go out and eat food at a restaurant by yourself. I've done it, only 1 time. Oh, well, you recommended it to me. I did. And you wanna know why I recommend it?

Because anything they bring out, if you go to a restaurant that brings out, chips and salsa. That's what I said. Bread and butter. You get it all for yourself. That's what I said he said.

It's so good. And it does sound really great. So, I I think I could go for the giant plate of, chips and salsa and bean dip that you get if you go to Jalisco's. Because not only do you get the salsa, but that delicious bean dip, man. Oh, I went to Jalisco's the other day.

It was so good. So good. Do you ever go out to the movies, Josh Tyler? I've never done the solo movie thing. I think I'm gonna do it tonight.

I mean, there will be people I know there. See Inside Out 2? No. It's a movie. No.

I'm going to see the ghost movie. Do you want a ticket? I've got an extra ticket. You wanna go? Perhaps.

Maybe. Let me see what I got. Let me check my calendar. I'm very busy. I know.

I know you're a busy guy. Busy guy. But, yeah. They're, you know, we gave away tickets. So, they also gave me a pair of tickets so I could bring a date.

Nice. My date's on the other side of the country. So I see. I tried to get her to fly out here for 1 night only. Yeah.

Come watch a movie with me. It'll cost 100 and 100 of dollars to come see this 1 movie. Yeah. Probably budget for a bet, a better longer trip Yeah. Down the road.

For sure. But, yeah. I'm I'm excited for that. I'm just talking things you can splurge on. So do I look super tired?

No. Okay. Because we might need to redo the b roll footage. I I have, like, Kleenex sitting here. I told Peaches I'm trying to keep this place looking snazzy, but he keeps dragging crap out like these thumbtacks, paper clips.

You know? I I don't think any of that ended up in there. I really focused just on you and your face. Alright. As long as I don't look too sleepy because I'm tired.

I I kinda wanna splurge on nap time. You know? Buy myself a nice pot for my office. Alright. What else are people splurging on?

We talked about movies, paying more for direct flights or better connection. Yeah. Who's buying a plane ticket once a month? Come on now. That's not something the average person should spend money on once a month.

Alright? 57100 people have upvoted this. I'm giving it a down vote because that's not reasonable. Alright? Everyone should get a direct flight somewhere once a month.

Wouldn't that be great? Yeah. Again, talk about bringing my my date to the ghost movie. If I had all the money in the world for a direct flight I don't even know if you can get a direct flight. That's probably pretty rare.

Okay. A house cleaning service. That would be pretty, pretty nice. Right? They say they spend about $200 a month, the person who made this post, and it looks like the okay.

So they come out once a month Once a month? And just clean your place? Top to bottom? Deep clean? $200?

That might be worth it. I mean, I keep my place pretty clean now. As long as I don't have, like, anyone ever visit me, it stays clean. My kids are gonna be here in a week and a half, so I'm ready for it to be trashed. I should probably, clean it up so they can really mess it up.

What else do we have here? A relaxing massage. I've never had 1 of those. I don't know. I've I've got a weird space bubble thing.

I I think I'd be shy with that. Don't touch me. Going to the gym. Alright. Once a month?

That's that's not too bad. Ordering food. Alright. We talked about that. Funding retirement accounts.

That's not a splurge. It's just, highly advisable. My mortgage. Alright. Here's where Reddit falls off the deep end yet again.

Alright. I like having a place to that's a life necessity. This is not a splurge, though it feels like it in this day and age. Let's roll. Let's begin with how to celebrate midsummer.

Yeah. It's a traditional Swedish, celebration. Here's how I would celebrate it. Watched the movie Midsommar. Watched hereditary over the weekend with my lady, and, that movie is so good.

I can't recommend it enough, and we were talking about it afterward. I was thinking back when I watched it the first time that I did some kind of a deep dive on that movie that explained all kinds of crazy little things about the movie Hereditary. And I know there are similar breakdowns on Midsomer. Both movies by Ari Aster. Great director.

I couldn't remember specifically what I was watching. I found a video yesterday on YouTube for hereditary, a 4 and a half hour breakdown on that movie. I threw it on before bed last night and watched about, you know, 15 minutes, and I think I'm gonna have to watch the entire thing. That is how much of a nerd I am. Anyway, I'm sure there are real ways to celebrate the, midsummer tradition.

I just say watch watch the movie Midsommar. So good. So good. I need to watch it again. I wanna find a copy of the full fledged director's cut, you know, like, 3 hours long or something.

Alright. What is going on in actual freak news? I I mean, midsummer, the celebration, it's coming up by I think it might have started yesterday. Okay. There was a lottery winner in Scotland.

She won a $1, 000, 000. She's in the news again after hitting her boyfriend with a chair during a drunken argument, so she's in jail. I can't figure out how to spend my lotto winnings. Court costs. It sound like a great way to spend part of my $1, 000, 000.

Don't do that. Okay. If Dolly Parton can be canceled, we're in serious trouble. Okay. Dolly Parton made some statements recently that, you know, where her opinions made some people mad.

Dolly Parton's not getting canceled. I think people have forgotten what getting canceled actually means. If somebody gets canceled, well, they deserved it and they don't tend to be able to do their previous job beforehand. Like right now, I would say Puff Daddy, P Diddy. He's been canceled.

And for good reason, he's a piece of crap. Dolly Parton's not getting canceled. Alright, everybody. Don't don't worry about that. Just because a loud group of people online raise a ruckus about something doesn't mean somebody's being canceled.

What? You think Dolly Parton ain't gonna be able to book a tour tomorrow and do a bunch of sold out shows? Yeah. She's gonna be just fine. K?

If you're worried about being canceled, you probably have done something really bad. Really bad. The the people who are really worried about cancel culture, like, truly worried about it, have probably got some nasty skeletons in the closet because opinions are not going to well, then you'd have to have some pretty vile opinions to actually be canceled. Now that's based on your behavior kind of thing. And, again, you probably deserve it if you are actually, as they call it, canceled.

Yeah. Will be just fine. I can't believe there's even news articles about this. Yeah. A few people online raised a ruckus.

Oh, no. Not that. That's the funny thing is people will see a handful of people going crazy online and they think that that reflects a large portion of the population's opinion. It goes back to, you know, when I talked about polls earlier. Like, how useless political polling is.

People base their thoughts a lot of times on, you know, the opinions of the masses on what they see on social media. In social media, loud mouths are such a small percentage of the population. What you see as far as people going nuts on social media, that does not reflect the masses in in any way. Alright? No matter what the what the view is, if you see a real passionate crazy political view on social media from either side, that's a small percentage of the average person.

Alright. Don't worry about this. Dolly's fine. Alright. You're looking for a new job?

Tasmania. Got some, odd job offers for winter tourists. Maybe you're interested in being something like a wombat walker. Oh, look at them. Look at those little fellas.

Have you seen a wombat? They kinda look like a mix between a guinea pig and a cat. I'd I'd be a wombat walker. What about a paranormal investigator or a stargazer? Supposedly, the positions are unpaid, but if you apply, you'll have all your expenses including travel, food, and hotels covered by the Tasmanian tour board and the paranormal investigator role, for example, volunteering just for 1 day.

I'm gonna apply for something. I I could go for a trip to Tasmania. I don't even know much anything about Tasmania. But I I wanna be the wombat walker. I don't know.

Are they mean? They're wild animals. Am I gonna end up on the Touron's Instagram page? Very possible. Well, bummer news for you.

If you were planning to head to San Francisco and attend the 2024 Golden Gate shark fest swim. It's been postponed till 2025. Why? What's what the deal? It was supposed to go down Sunday, June 30th and was postponed due to unforeseen extenuating circumstances.

I'm thinking it's all this shark talk in the news. I don't know if you've heard about this. Sharks are a major issue in our upcoming election from what I've seen in political stumping. Have you seen Trump talking about the sharks? Pretty funny.

What would you there's your to peach their own question for today. Alright. You're in a boat. You're in a boat that's powered by a big battery, but there's a shark nearby and the boat's sinking. What do you do?

Do you stay in the boat? Get electrocuted by the battery, or do you go to the shark? Shark talk ruining the 2024 golden gate shark fest. I swear, we're living in an alternate timeline where things have gotten so crazy that I don't even know what to make of things anymore. When you fire up the news, and the news is, like, alright.

We're gonna talk about batteries and sharks. And then, I don't know. It's it's just 1 thing after another. The news is quite wild when you fire it up and and turn it on in this day and age. Don't you people get mad at me?

Come on. You can admit that laughing about batteries on boats and shark talk is okay. Come on. Well, you you can't chuckle about that. Come on now.

I I saw something earlier. It was a picture from back, in the early 2000 of a couple of politicians who were on opposing sides hugging each other. I was like, that's weird. Remember that? Yeah.

I I remember the days when we could all get along and just laugh at stuff. No. No. We'll see if I get any complaints for talking about the news. But, yeah, I'm I'm bummed.

I was looking forward to getting out and racing in the shark infested waters. Right? Now you think I'm gonna go for a swim in natural water for Sharkfest? No. I don't even know if there's actually sharks there, but people are very mad about it.

There's 1 guy who said he feels like the company putting on the event scammed him. Now he'd gotten all this gear ready, bought a hotel, transportation, and now the shark fest ain't happening. What's next? Shark week cancelled? No longer allowed to have showings of the movie jaws at the movie theater?

Pages just popped in for a second, plotting ahead for the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's. Looks like we'll be chatting a bit about our AI overlords running for office. I've been advocating for voting for an AI politician. And after looking at Peach's little policies, he had chat GPT throw together on a variety of issues. I'm like, those are actual, solutions to issues that we have we as Americans are facing.

So I think I'm standing by bring on robot control. Alright. I was looking around online, and inevitably, I don't know why, but Reddit starts feeding me hydro homies, you know, crud again. We all know that water is good for you. Right?

Like, you should drink water. But the hydro homies cult, they are something else. And if you were 1 of the 1, 200, 000 members of the Reddit hydro homies, you know, team there, I'm sorry, but y'all gotta settle down a little bit. Water bottle reviews. Has anybody tried this 1?

I mean, come on. This is a container. Put your water in. I guess if if you didn't have reviews, you wouldn't know which 1 would leak all over you. I suppose I don't know.

I've got various water containers at my house, water bottles. And I don't know if I'd rank any of them higher than the other other than the ones that have, like, a sippy cup lid. Like, you know, come on. Just have a lid you can take off, and you drink it like a regular adult. What's with these sippy cup water, you know, hydro flasks?

Sippy cups are for babies. Okay. So I started scrolling through the hydro homies thread here. And I don't know why I do this because I just get annoyed, and I don't know what it is about hydro homies that annoy me so much. I'm feeling like peaches at the grocery store with, you know, too many people in the rows.

I see the hydro homies start talking. Like, there's a picture of a girl walking down the stairs, and she's got a shirt that says drink water, drink water, drink water, and people love it in this subreddit. They're like, yeah, she gets it. Who doesn't get it? Who doesn't get that you should drink water?

I mean, I should go get some water right now. As a matter of fact, be a good idea. Peaches, we're talking hydro homies. You know what? I started my morning with a Baja Blast.

So take that Woah. And shove it. Peaches, you know, How about some nice water, bro? Do you ever think about that? I drink plenty of that, but I'm not gonna go online and say, I'll drink water.

Yeah. Inevitably, Reddit trying to force me to, you know, endure hydrohomie content yet again. Like, I'm surprised there ain't backlash on this post. What kind of electrolyte should I add to water? I don't think you're supposed to put additives in your water.

I I dealt with somebody different than a hydro homie. I I think it was, it's a pet peeve of theirs. I told them to drink water after they were, drinking some alcoholic beverages and they full on yelled it. They're like, don't tell us to drink water. Why would you tell like, this whole thing?

So they're yeah. They're the alcoholic version of a hydro homie? Yeah. But they're like I don't drink water. I only drink alcohol.

I don't need to. I drink plenty in real life. I don't need to when I'm when I'm drunk now. Now okay. What were they drinking?

Because here's where, you know, the beer elitist could come in and go, it's pretty much all water anyway. Why don't you drink a real beer? Was it White Claw or Light Beer? I think it might have been Light Beer. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. You you know the guy, Andy Matter. Oh, yeah. It was his girlfriend screaming at me about it.

I haven't watched his stream in a bit and I didn't pay a lot of attention to what he what he drank on stream. Drinking on stream to me sounds like dangerous business. I mean, he starts oh, go for it, man. I'm gonna say that's, a quick path to becoming an embarrassment. Yeah?

He starts every stream with a caffeinated beverage. I could be in there saying, you're ruining your heart, man. What are you doing? Yeah. Why are you drinking caffeine?

Why don't you just have some nice water? Hashtag team Afib over here. That's right. Caffeine. You know, that's, you don't need that natural energy.

If you maybe got a little bit more exercise and sleep. Yeah. You went to bed at 8 pm woke up at 4 am. You know, started every morning the 5 mile jog. Have you ever checked out the Cozy Places subreddit?

Time for me to pass judgment on people's cozy places because I think I know cozy. Cozy to me means, you know, very, very comfortable and, cozy. What is the official definition of cozy? Hold on. Cozy definition.

Giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation. Okay. Well, I'm looking at the cozy places subreddit here, and I figured I would judge these based on my level of coziness. Now what I find to be cozy, other people may not. Like, my living room to me is very cozy.

It's got nice, very soft carpet. I've got, you know, my big recliner chair that leans back, and there's a kitten in there these days. So you pick up the kitten, you sit in the recliner, you kick it back, And then you turn on the big TV, and, oh, it's it's so cozy. Got a bunch of weird stuff hanging on the walls. I like it.

It's cozy. Alright. The current post at the top on this subreddit is a picture of somebody's backyard with a lot of flowers. Alright. Now That I like the flowers.

I like the flowers. Sure. There's a lot of them. Oh, watering these has gotta be a pain. I've got, like, just a couple flowers at my house, and it's it's almost like a hassle to water them.

Every night, I'm like, oh, if I don't water those flowers, they're gonna be dead. Have to get out there, get the hose, and water and stuff. I can't imagine having this many flowers. These people. It looks nice, but I don't the chair they've got to sit in does not look what I would call cozy.

However, my outdoor chair well, what I call my outdoor area cozy, it's cozy ish. It's not. I I'd call it comfortable, not cozy. It's comfy. Maybe that's not even right.

I'm gonna go with I'm not gonna call this area cozy with all these flowers. I'm gonna call it nice because I think you need a chair that really kicks back and is, much cushier than this wicker thing they've got. Wicker, not cozy. Alright? Wicker is the opposite of cozy.

It's strips of wood. Alright? You gotta have a better cushion on it. Alright. Now I'm looking at a picture of somebody's grand piano.

Let's throw out an oh good for you in a room that is kinda sparse. Looks like there's a little record player. And then behind the grand piano, we've got a chair. Now, this chair is like a sort of classy chair. Like, if you were gonna visit a a lawyer that cost a lot of money, maybe these are the chairs that were in the waiting room or something.

This is not what I would call a cozy chair. I'm gonna go and there's not even a rug in this room. Alright. This is just a wood floor with a piano. There's nothing hanging on the walls.

And then, what I'm gonna call I'm sure the chair is comfy enough, but I might call it a cruddy chair. Just playing whoever's room this is. But it's not what I would call cozy. Yeah. Not at not at all.

The the flower backyard, way cozier. Way cozier than this. Alright. We got somebody's front porch at night that they call a mood. Alright.

It's it's kinda dark. I'm looking close here. They got, you know, just some regular old chairs. I mean, I've I've put it on par with the the cozy level of my backyard. Like, that's nice.

It's alright. It'll do on a cool evening when it's not hot. Sure. Cozy though. I don't know.

The the word cozy to me is like, oh you're You're just so comfy you could just fall asleep. Yeah. Alright. Here's another 1. Our entryway blurred the pictures for privacy.

Oh, yeah. I'm sure somebody was gonna zoom in on this photo and go, who is that? Who are they? Now, this is definitely, to me, the opposite of cozy here. We've got a picture of a record player on a stand with a lot of vinyl in it.

Great. We've got a coat rack with nothing hanging on it. There ain't a bit of cozy fabric in sight in here. We've got a shelf that, you know, could filled with books, but it's filled with pictures. That's fine.

And then wood floor and a table. Not cozy at all. How many up votes this get? 167. It looks nice, sure, but cozy?

Get a rug up in there. Come on. You need you need something on that floor. Wood floor is nice looking but it's not what I would call cozy by any means. Not without some additional, you know, things to cozy it up a bit.

Alright. Our whimsical library and play area. Okay. They have a couch with a blanket. So right now, the cozy level of this room has been upped far past anything we've looked at so far.

There's a rug on the wood floor. There's a couch and a blanket. 3 soft items. Alright? Now, I don't know about their whimsical, you know, room here.

It's a it's a nice looking library. I don't know why they need a ladder to get to the top of this particular bookshelf, but the the ladder, it's you know, if you've got a library at home, there's something about having a ladder, I I guess. I mean, I I don't think I'd put 1 in this room. What how many shelves are here? 6?

This is a normal bookshelf. How tall is this person? You can't get to the top shelf without the ladder? But again, what makes it whimsical too? I'm trying to like okay.

They've got a picture hanging on the wall of a cat wearing it it's like a cat's head on a, I don't know, some type of, noble person's body. Alright. That that's about about it for whims I don't know about it being whimsical, but shout out, they do have Stephen King desperation on the bookshelf. I don't trust, anybody with no Stephen King on their bookshelves. Alright?

I see a bookshelf. There there's another subreddit called, you know, bookshelves or bookshelf, and I see these people with these collections sometimes and not a Stephen King in sight. I'm like, nah. I don't think I'd want to hang with that person. What?

You're you're saying it's a light content day, everybody? That I'm judging people's cozy spaces? Alright. Let let's look at 1 more. Therapy hut is what they call it.

Okay. They've got a chair. Now, it's not like the the other chairs we've looked at. This is a chair that could potentially have a reclining element, but I don't know if it does. But it's a big chair with a big cushion and it's got a pillow and a blanket.

Now, the floor does not have a rug and the chair is pointed at What is that? Is that a keyboard? No. It's a I think it's just a table with some crap on it. A chair pointed at nothing to me is not very cozy.

Okay. They've got multiple multiple photos here. Okay. So 2 chairs 2 chairs, both of which are cushy and have pillows. And 1 of them has a blanket, and 1 has a stuffed rabbit.

That's, you know, up in the cozy level, but still, what are these chairs pointed at? There's nothing there. You gotta have something to look at. They're facing what looks like a a keyboard stand or a really skinny table. And maybe I'm just dumb.

It looks like it's covered with, coasters or something. And then there's a salt lamp and a window that's too high that if you were in the chair, you wouldn't be able to see out the window. There's a computer behind the chair to the side that maybe they put the computer on the table and maybe that's how they use this room. I mean, I don't think this is cozy. Okay.

Here's a lovely therapy hut. It looks like a shed. You go inside. There's a cat out front. Okay.

I mean, I guess an a shed that you go in and is furnished could be cozy, but they don't show what's in it. This subreddit again, maybe my definition of cozy is different. You know, it'd be nice and cozy. Alright. I'm gonna kick back in this chair here.

Alright. I'm a lean him back, and we're gonna turn on some ghost. That's how I get cozy. You know what isn't cozy? Just roasting in the heat.

Maybe to some of you, the heat is nice and cozy, but not me. And we've got a brutal heat wave on the way. Looks like it's gonna be affecting pretty much all of the country as well. We're pretty much rolling into it as we speak. By the weekend, it is gonna be nasty around here with highs in the high nineties.

Yikes. Is it supposed to settle down next week? I think this is 1 of those heat dome thing. Yeah. It should settle down a little bit next week.

Oh, and then they're talking about it being nice and cooking on the 4th July. Fantastic. Now depending on where you're at, you may start getting warnings from your local government about things you need to do or not do because of the heat. Yesterday, I was talking with my friend Sean who was visiting from Phoenix. We talked about how there would start to be stories about people out hiking in Arizona that should not be and end up being injured, needing to be rescued, or potentially dying.

First story of the year, I did see this morning someone was out hiking, not staying well hydrated, got heat exhaustion. They're no longer with us. Please, even around here, if you are going to be out hiking in this kind of weather, bring more water than you possibly think you're gonna need. Take breaks. You know, there are a lot of areas where people go hiking around here where there's not a lot of shade, and heat exhaustion can hit you boom quick, unexpectedly, and it can kill you.

Just like that story I read out of a It was Sedona. Wasn't even in Phoenix. Alright. That was a high desert, and temperatures were in the nineties. K?

It's dangerous business. I was reading in other places that, power grid emergencies have been declared. I don't know if we have any issues with that out here. It seems to be more an east coast thing going on right now, New England area. They're asking people to try to not use microwaves and things like that, which you can get by without a microwave.

Alright? I've been I've been doing it for a bit now. Kinda getting used to just cooking stuff up on the oven. I mean, it takes forever but, you know. You can get by without the old microwave.

Try to give your air conditioner a break and things like that. Even if we're not having power grid issues here in the west, it's still always good to try to cut it back a bit. Your electric bill, when you get that, you'll be happy. Mhmm. Yeah.

Avoid using microwaves and other large appliances in the New England area, especially in New York, apparently. You know, a lot a lot of people, you know, crammed into 1 small area. Maybe maybe that's why we don't have power grid issues out here very often. We got, you know, people more spread out. I don't know.

I'm no electrician or scientist or knowledgeable in that area whatsoever. I just wanted to let you know it's going to be hot. Please be careful. Stay hydrated. If you're going out and about, use sunscreen.

Alright? Where we're, higher elevation, you can get cooked pretty easy all of a sudden. You're just burned to a crisp. Right? I don't want anybody to have serious health issues due to being out in the heat.

So just be cautious. Spread the word to your your family and friend. It's gonna be hot, and it's gonna be worse in other areas. But, I mean, I I was just looking at Idaho Falls. Jeez.

I mean, I would imagine we check out Pocatello. It could be even worse. Pocatello, usually a little bit hotter. Looking like it'll be about the same. What about Twin Falls?

Twin Falls. Yeah. The magic valley that's not very magical. How nasty are you gonna get over there? Up into the, triple digits?

So, yeah, it's not fun. Be careful. Welcome to the, basically, the end of this program, the Victor Will chill. Before I go, though, I figured I haven't looked at this particular subreddit in a while because it tended to annoy me. It's the unpopular opinion subreddit.

And no, it didn't annoy me because Oh, look at these unpopular opinion. How could these people think something so crazy? No. It was because people weren't posting unpopular opinions. You know, things that you would go, oh, wait.

What? What? You're crazy. They just didn't seem to understand what the point of the subreddit was. An unpopular opinion would go against what the majority of people would say, and most people would say you're a crazy person.

Like, let's see here. Let's let's find 1. News reporters should not be allowed to give their opinion. This is an example of what I'm talking about. I don't think that's an unpopular opinion.

I mean, maybe to fans of 24 hour corporate news. You know, if you like Fox, if you like CNN, if you think those are great news sources, then you probably think news reporters should be allowed to give their opinion. I don't call it news. I mean, it it just opinionated biased reporting of events sometimes in a completely manufactured way. I mean, it's unfortunate that people watch those sources of information and think they're being informed and not, you know, brainwashed.

But, yeah. I wouldn't call that an unpopular opinion. Okay. Microwaved bread is better than toast. There we go.

That is an unpopular opinion. Microwaved bread? What? Okay. The person says, I hate toasted things.

Toasting ruins the soft texture of bread. If it has seeds, the seeds become synonymous with the bread crunch. It tastes burnt no matter what you do. The bread is flavorful, especially when it's malted. So many different textures of bread are made to be widely different.

But toasting them makes them all the same. But microwaving bread, that makes it taste like it's fresh out of the oven. It melts in your mouth. I mean, warm bread's good. Sure.

But, if you don't know how to make toast without it tasting burnt every time, you're you're failing I'm making toast. Alright. Good to see at least somebody gets what this this subreddit's about. Most of these things here, they're not necessarily unpopular opinions. They're opinions that a lot of people may have, like, okay.

People who live in apartments should not own dogs. And then they go into why. You know, dog's gonna be stuck in its, apartment a lot of times. You probably don't have your own yard. You could just let let it out to, roam around in, things like that.

I don't know. They run around, make a bunch of racket, and the people below might get annoyed. I I don't I wouldn't call that an unpopular opinion. Maybe you disagree with it, but I'm sure a lot of people would say it's not a good place for a dog. Sure.

Why can't people figure out what an unpopular opinion is? Why? Okay. Brownies are nasty. Right?

Maybe they just all need to be food related. People go, what? What? You're crazy. You know, we'll have the pizza sucks.

What? Who are you? Brownies are nasty. What kind of brownies is this poor unfortunate person being subjected to? I mean, they're not the greatest treat, but they're certainly not nasty.

Somebody offer you a brownie or I don't know. What what What's another option? I want a brownie now. Get a brownie with some ice cream. Okay.

Anyway, deviled eggs are foul. That 1 I could understand some people saying. Is it a unpopular opinion though? Maybe. I think deviled eggs are really good.

They scare me because I think it was deviled eggs at that wedding that I went to where I got norovirus. They blamed it on deviled eggs. Yeah. Which you don't wanna have deviled eggs ruined for you because, you know, somebody's dirty and doesn't wash their hands working in food prep. Calling children kiddos is oversaid and annoying.

Again, I I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. I don't think that's something that most anybody would even think about. Unpopular opinion means that pretty much anybody who reads this is gonna go, this person is insane. What is wrong with them? Well, I'm gonna have to come back to this subreddit another time, because this is all stuff that doesn't work.

Thin crust pizza is the only good pizza. Well, maybe that's an unpopular opinion because they said only good pizza. There's no such thing as bad pizza. Seriously, the cheapest pizza ever, Totino's. It's like a dollar.

You're gonna tell me that it's bad? No. It's not bad. There is no bad pizza. Unless it's like burnt to a crisp or old.

Alright? Leftover pizza's good. Cold pizza's good. Every pizza's good. So okay.

Maybe that is an unpopular opinion. I mean, I think thin crust is awesome. Thin crust pizza sounded pretty good, but I wouldn't call it the only good pizza. So that is they they won me over. Fair, unpopular opinion.

Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor world show. This program's a production of river. This program's a production of river. Why can't I say that? God, I'd like to say river bend media group, river bend media group.

This program's a production of river river god. This program's a this program's a production of riverbend media group. To contact the show or for more information, hit us up at riverbendmediagroup.com.

#0010 - Creeping Reddit Hydro Homies - 6/20/2024
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