#0011 - Mosh Pits For Parents - 6/21/2024

Friday, June 21st. This is the Viktor Wilt Show. Guess we may as well start with my ghost movie recap. Went and saw ghost right here, right now at the Regal Cinema in Idaho Falls last night, and I really enjoyed it. If you're not a fan of Ghost, you're not going to enjoy it.

It's for the most part, a concert film. All your favorite songs being played live. It was filmed on the last tour. So if you saw that show, say at USANA, you saw most of this. I would say it reminded me of why I like seeing ghost indoors rather than at an outdoor amphitheater.

The show is dark the whole time. Seeing ghosts start off playing in the light, it just at USANA didn't work as well as being in an enclosed dark amphitheater. So so that was cool. They also I don't know. I'm not gonna spoil plot and lore elements for those of you who are hardcore fans and haven't seen it yet.

You know, some of the story does progress. The little story that goes to this, for the most part, put out in YouTube videos and things like that. So, you know, I'll I'll leave that for a bit till it gets out there in his public knowledge. 1 of the things that I wasn't going to spoil, but then I saw it was online today is that there was a new song in the movie, happened during the credits. And this is 1 of those songs that supposedly was written in the era of Mariana Cross.

Oh, excuse me. I could've turned the mic off for that, but I didn't. Mariana Cross and Kiss the Go Goat. It's got that, sixties feel to it. What was it called?

The future is why can't I remember this? Future is a foreign land. It it's good. It's good. You know, pretty mellow song, but I liked it.

I liked it. Aside from that, you know, some neat performances in the movie that they did not do at USANA. They must have been exclusive to that particular show at the venue in LA. And it did again remind me why it's awesome to go to shows where cell phones are banned. You know, you didn't see anybody holding up phones during the show.

Only shows I've ever been to where cell phones were not allowed were Maynard shows, like the birthday show with the perfect circle, Primus, and Pussafer, as well as, tool shows. And I just find those shows to be much more enjoyable. I don't know. When you aren't worried about snapping photos and things like that, it's it's extra fun. You you just get into the show a little bit more.

So I would imagine as time goes on, we'll see more artists doing this because it's gotta be nice for them as well. You know, there's always some idiot in the crowd with a flashing light. Anyway, good times. Good times. If you wanna go see the ghost movie, you got a couple more showings tomorrow at the Regal Cinema in Idaho Falls.

If you're outside of east Idaho, it's probably showing somewhere near you. I was checking out, the listings in Bellingham where my daughter lives, and they have showings there. Looks like it's showing pretty much everywhere. So you you should go check it out if you're a fan of the band. It it was cool to see those songs performed on a big screen.

The only complaint I have is that I feel like our movie theater did not have the volume up loud enough. And I know I tend to overdo it and turn things up, like too loud, but I went and saw Dune 2 with my girlfriend about a month ago, and it ripped your face off. Alright? You know, the the sound was amazing, and it was loud, and you couldn't really feel the bass. I mean, it it was pretty quiet as far as I'm concerned at the movie theater last night.

So yep. I know it's early, but if anybody from the movie theater is listening, turn it up a bit for the people who go tomorrow. Come on. It's this is a rock show. K?

We're listening to music here, rock and metal tracks. Turn them up. Yeah. I think the crowd would have got into it more. I mean, people were getting into it.

There was some, you know, cheering and clapping and stuff. But I think if the songs would have been pounding, it it would have made it way better. It was still really fun. Still really fun, really good. But, yeah, crank it up a bit.

Come on. I know you can do it at the movie theater. Alright. Let's head to New York City. This is more of an Australian story, but I guess it can happen anywhere, and I don't like it.

Guy found a snake in his bathtub. New Yorker Steve Nahama finds this corn snake in his bathtub, and I guess the worst way to try to dispose of a snake is flush it down the toilet. Didn't work, and instead, it bit the crap out of him. So we had to call 911, and they were able to just show up and take the snake to a snake shelter. Now they think it came into his apartment through the sewer system.

We gotta worry about this in the US now. Snakes crawling through the pipes. I don't like this. Alright. I mean, most of my drains at my house, let's see.

Well, no, just the tubs. Couple of them have a little cover, but it just pops right off. I would think a snake could push through that. Ugh. Gross.

It makes me kinda wanna I don't like it. Anyway, I haven't heard of this happening here yet. And I'm sure it all comes from you know, there's somebody out there. They got too many snakes. Just snakes roaming around in their apartment.

They get loose. They go down the drain. Next thing you know, you're waking up. You're just trying to go about your day. Neighbor snake crawling out of your toilet, crawling out of your sink, crawling out of your tub.

Disgusting. Disgusting. Ugh. Sorry. I know some people like snakes.

Alright. That's fine. Good for you. You you have them. I don't want them anywhere near me.

I like cute little fluffy kittens. That's all. Alright? Too early for this. I mean, if if I see, like, a bug in my house, I'm like, invader.

I can't imagine. I would lose my mind if there was a snake in my house. I would be completely unhinged. It would be terrible. Yeah.

No. Don't you get any prank ideas. How how dare you? As someone who would consider myself an expert when it comes to attending concerts, I think I need to take a look at this list of all the items, the must haves you need to survive an all day concert. All day concerts, they are pretty brutal.

I haven't gone to a all day festival in quite some time because we don't tend to have them in this region anymore. I know it's sad, but hopefully next year, the mayhem fest will return, hit the road. Maybe we'll get it in Boise or Salt Lake. Be nice to see warp tour come back, something like that. I miss those touring festivals.

They are a lot of fun. Though, again, it's been a number of years. I might be too old for that. Just, ready for nap time. Alright.

This list of items, supposedly something you need. All the items you need to survive an all day concert. Let's see what we have here. A way to keep blisters at bay, doctor Scholl's mole skin padding. So I don't know.

I guess, you put these over the spots on your feet that might get blistered from walking around all day. What about just good socks? I'm gonna go with you don't need doctor Scholl's moleskin padding. K. Maybe it's helpful, but this is supposed to be the must haves.

No. You don't need those to survive. Okay. A Turkish beach towel? Are you even allowed to bring that in?

I guess you could wrap it around yourself and call it a skirt. I have never seen a person bring a towel to a show, so I'm gonna go with no. You don't need that. Okay. A spray that prevents chafing the like butter mist.

So if you have any issues with chafing or dry skin, this mist is great. Another item that I'm like, are they going to let you bring that into a show? Maybe. Maybe if you've got it in a purse, but, I mean, this stuff is $30. What about lotion?

I'm gonna go with no. You don't need that either. Okay. Tinted mineral facial sunscreen. What?

Alright. We'll go sunscreen in general. Yes. You do need sunscreen at an all day music festival. This particular 1 called Butterskin tinted mineral facial sunscreen.

I I don't think you need to go that fancy. Any will suffice. Now higher end sunscreen going to be much more enjoyable on your skin. Alright? Because sunscreen can be all gross and greasy, but you don't have to spend $26 on a little tiny tube.

A fan to keep you cool. A necessity? I don't know. I don't know about a necessity, And I don't know if I've ever seen anybody using 1 of these, a little personal fan walking around with 1 at a shell. Yeah.

I don't think I've seen that. Alright. We got a hairspray, I I guess, depending on what show you're going to. If you're going to Motley Crue, latte air spray needed. Gotta but I don't think they'll let you bring the can in.

You gotta use it beforehand. Perfume? Not and there's enough smells in the crowd. Right? You don't need to add extra smells.

Alright. We'll just skip all this makeup stuff. You you do all that before you go to the show. Body oil? I don't know.

Bronzing agent. You you don't wanna turn yourself orange before a show. K? You'll see enough orange people out there. Alright?

They'll need more unless you're attending a festival in the Jersey Shore area, I guess. Alright. Collapsible water bottle, probably a good idea if they'll allow you to bring 1 in because water it shows is very expensive. There you go, hydro homies. You're welcome.

I encourage people to bring a stupid water bottle in. Alright? I don't wanna hear any grief from the hydro homies. Personal water filter. I don't know if you wanna have that in your pocket.

I'm not I'm not gonna go with a necessity. Liquid IV, also not gonna go with a necessity. A CamelBak backpack. No. You don't need that either.

K? Kleenex. I'm I'm not gonna call it a necessity. It might be handy, but I bet you can find some, 1 ply TP somewhere. Power bank, I'm not gonna call it a necessity or a fanny pack.

Ear plugs, I do recommend even though I tend to not use them when I should. Emergency rain poncho, probably a decent idea for an all day festival. Bug away pest repellent electro band, Though I don't know if that would actually work. Please use that instead of covering yourself with bug spray and walking around in the crowd. That's gross.

That's coming from a guy who hates mosquitoes. I got bit, like, 2 times recently by mosquitoes somewhere. I don't I don't know where a mosquito appeared from and got me, but I had 1 last weekend, like, right on my neck and, oh, mosquito bites make me feel just disgusting. You know, I I have a bad reaction to them. It's another reason I don't like visiting my relatives in Minnesota.

There's tons of mosquitoes there, and they just brutalize me. Like, I get physically ill even if I'm taking my allergy pills. Alright. I I shouldn't have even looked at this article because now I'm thinking about what it feels like to get mosquito bites, and I kinda wanna vomit. Let's just close that.

Now what you need as far as practical concert must haves, I don't know. You know, the the sunscreen, maybe some sunglasses, access to cool water, you know, comfy light clothing, maybe a hat. Probably like some Ibuprofen and stuff because you you I don't know. Too long in the sun kinda give you a headache. From Ashes to new and Barely Breathing.

There's going to be an interview with those guys posted to yet another new layer of our podcast world. We got the artist interrogations. It's KBAR interviews. Be launching that very soon. I've got a big pile of interviews that I'm going to be adding to that as well.

Some of them never before heard. Yeah. I had some really long ones that, I was having computer issues with at the time, wasn't able to edit the video, and just didn't get around to it. And then next thing you know, it's like, oh, it's been a long time. And so I'll get him out there.

We got a full big archive of KBAR interviews, and some of them might be embarrassing. You go back aways. Some of them from years ago, listen to me do some really poor interviews. Should be pretty fun. Podcast galore being launched around here.

You can catch all of them everywhere podcasts can be found like the Victor Willchow recap. This very program, maybe you're listening to it on demand right now. Every day, I post the recap show in its entirety for your enjoyment, everything except the music. If you wanna hear the music, you gotta tune in to the live program because, you know, legal stuff. Yeah.

All that licensing, blah blah blah. But if you like my yapping and you hate music, it's the ultimate show for you. We also upload Traffic School every week so you can catch the full edition of the show with myself and lieutenant Marvin Crane of the Idaho State Police. Peaches has his pit party on there. Like I said, launching the artist interviews, and we've got some other ideas as well.

So, oh, the noon hour. What about the noon hour? That 1 will be up soon. Plenty of content that you can get on demand because I get it. You got jobs, you got things to do.

You can't always listen to every second of the show every single day. Well, now you can. Whenever you get spare time, you know, like you're going to bed at night and you just wanna hear my beautiful voice to help you drift off to sleep. Yeah. Mhmm.

There it is waiting for you. You're welcome. Find them everywhere podcasts can be found, or just go to riverbendmediagroup.com, and you could find everything there in the services section of the website, also where you can stream the live show every single day, 247 worldwide, or you can just pick up the Kay Bear 1 0 1 app. I mean, might as well just have that on your phone. Boom.

1 click. You're listening to the best rock station in the land, and you can hear me on that as well. Got any fans of the TV show Yellowstone out there? Well, if so, I've got bummer news for you. The main star of the show, Kevin Costner, has announced he is never coming back.

Now there's been speculation about this for a long time. Lots of different stuff floating around in the news regarding negotiations, this and that. The show's been on hiatus for forever. I don't remember when the last season even aired. When did it air?

Yellowstone drama series. Alright. Take a look at the IMDB here. I mean, I guess, ultimately, it doesn't matter. They're supposed to be wrapping up the show.

Now I think they were going to do a second part of season 5. That sounds right, but I don't know what they're gonna do. I guess, kill him off? Unfortunate and sad for fans of the show. You know, when you got these big TV epics and then it all just falls apart at the end, It's never great.

Now I've seen a lot of TV shows that you get into that final season, and then it's just, down the drain. Now Yellowstone as a show is a fun program, and I do like it. But I do also think that a lot of the time, the writing is very silly and I have a problem taking it seriously. It's fun, though. I like it.

It's it's good. It's worth a watch. I hope they can, in some way, wrap it up somewhat good. I don't have a lot of hope now that they'll be able to without the main star, but I don't know. This was 1 of my mom's favorite shows, and I'm I'm glad that this news came after she passed away because she would have been pretty bummed out to see the show fall apart at the end like this.

Who knows? Maybe they'll be able to wrap it up good, but I'm I'm pretty doubtful on it. Who knows, though? Who knows? So sorry to bum you out if you're a huge fan of that program first thing in the morning.

It looks like definitive news. Kevin Costner not coming back to Yellowstone. Good luck to the writers, the rest of the cast, and it is worth a watch. You know, if you live where we live here in East Idaho, you know, it's got a very localized feel to it taking place up in, the Missoula area. I think they claim it's elsewhere, but pretty sure they film in the Missoula area.

So, anyway, sorry. Sorry for that news, but I figured you had to know. Hey. Just a heads up. Try to not be a real piece of crap with your fireworks.

Alright. I know we've got the 4th July coming up in 2 weeks. I saw a few people posting about fireworks going off in their neighborhood. You know, the illegal fireworks, the ones that are just everywhere, the mortar cannons. Boom.

I mean, they are amazing. Right? Well, they're illegal, so I can't in any way recommend you set them off. Now, if you have them and you're just gonna set them off, try to remember that some people got to sleep. You know, people got pets.

They got kids. It can scare them. It's best to wait till 4th July. No. I'm a heavy sleeper, so you're you're probably not going to disrupt my rest unless you're, like, in the cul de sac blasting 1 of these off at, you know, 2 in the morning.

That could potentially wake me up. And my cat likes to hang out outside currently because he's mad that there's another cat hanging around the house now. You know, for a big old beast, he is sure terrified of a little kitten. Just try to be a good neighbor. K?

You know? We we got 2 weeks of this going on, 2 weeks till 4th. And the people were asking in the post if, you know, the authorities will do anything about these illegal fireworks. And everyone in the is like, no. They don't do anything.

I've seen the cops show up at, neighbors' houses when they're setting off illegal fireworks, so I just wanna let you know they they might show up. Don't just think because the Internet tells you they won't, that they won't. I would imagine before the 4th July setting off a bunch of mortars, your chances of the cops showing up going to be much higher than on the 4th July. Also, please just use common sense in general when it comes to fireworks. K?

I always get nervous around the 4th July. I start, spraying everything down on the 4th in my backyard with the hoses, you know, hitting all the trees. Oh, that reminds me I got a couple trees out back that are like I need to get get the tree crew out to tear them down. They're they're kinda dead. Very dry looking makes me very nervous.

Don't wanna have my backyard burst into flames. Please be cautious with your aerial fireworks. You they're they're illegal. So you shouldn't be setting them off anyway, but, just make common sense decisions, k. Don't want anybody to get hurt.

Don't wanna see any fires happen. Don't be an idiot is basically what this comes down to. Be nice to your neighbors and don't be a moron. Victor Wilts, 4th July PSA. Don't be a puddin' head.

Alright? That's all I got. It might actually be disturbing today. I just want you to be aware as we begin that it could be. Newly confirmed jumping leeches are the worst fear you didn't know you had.

That's right. Parasitic worms that can jump, attach themselves to you, and then suck your blood and infect you with, parasites. Yeah. Happy Friday, everybody. You're welcome.

You're welcome. I know. You tune in here for only the best and brightest news. Yeah. Leaping from leaves and just attaching themselves to people, Extending its body out in search of a host.

They call it questing. Doesn't that sound like an adventure? A a leech adventure. Questing. We're going questing.

Now this is happening in the jungles of Madagascar. It's not like, you know, this was a report from out at Hisey or something. Alright? But watching video of the leaping leeches, I don't like it. I don't like it at all.

So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna close that, And it's yet another reminder why I won't be taking a jungle excursion anytime soon. Too much weird stuff going on out there. Too many weird critters. Creepy creatures.

It's not for me. Alright. Not for me. Now also, another good reason to avoid the jungle, sloth fever. A brain attacking virus carried by sloths that can make your gums bleed.

Okay. So your brain gets attacked, and then you just start bleeding from around your teeth. That doesn't sound great either, and it looks like mosquitoes can pack this around in the Amazon rainforest. They pick it up from sloths, you know, because sloths are too slow. You you you're gonna be able to get away from a sloth.

That starts coming at you. You you you just move. But the mosquitoes, they're fast and, could we not eradicate all mosquitoes from this planet? I talked earlier about how I just hate them. They make me sick.

I've got a you know, I have these bad reactions from them. I have to take zertec all summer long or I get all messed up when I get if I get, like, 1 mosquito bite, it it didn't really wreck me if I'm not taking some good allergy meds. Screw mosquitoes. Let's just get rid of them enough already. They spread so much disease.

They're just terrible. I mean, a lot of people out there have a much worse reaction to me, that reaction being death due to the horrible viruses mosquitoes pack. Now they're packing sloth fever. Make your gums bleed. I mean, if you're into scaring people, the gums bleeding, you know, could be could be good Instagram content.

You know? If you make the scary face and you you you got just blood pouring from your gums, that's the only benefit you get out of this is the ability to make scary pictures on your social media pages. It could also just kill you, so, you you don't wanna mess with, sloth fever. I didn't go into the jungle. No way.

Forget about it. Also, if you drive a Tesla, be careful. If the battery dies, the doors can stay all locked up. And there was a story about a a baby in Arizona that, you know, thankfully, it was rescued, but they had to take an ax to the door to get it out. You'd think there should be, some type of a safety measure in place that if the battery dies in Tesla, there's a way to get the door open.

You know? This actually happened to me with a vehicle. Oh, I'm trying to think back. It it was weird. There for some reason you know how there's chips in some of the keys?

When the battery was dead, couldn't open the door to a, a chipped vehicle and had to I don't remember how we managed to get in there, to be honest, But it was very annoying. I mean, this is a safety feature that all automobile manufacturers need to get something figured out. That's pretty unacceptable. You know? I mean, I guess the axe works, but it's not the ultimate solution for how to deal with this kind of problem.

Freak news is powered by Grease Monkey, voted Idaho's best oil change, and I got more stupid news on the way. I got traffic school coming up today. We're gonna have some fun. You wanna get ahold of me, call me up 208-535-1015. Got a quick safety warning for you.

If you recently purchased a glass coffee mug known as the Joy Jolt Declan single wall glass coffee mug. Send it back. Send it back immediately. Oh, yikes. About 580, 000 of these are being recalled after well, somebody pours their coffee in it.

They're, you know, scalding hot coffee, and then it just breaks so you get covered with, you know, burning hot coffee and broken glass. You're just cut. You're bleeding and just getting the crap burned out of you. That all at the same time. That's a that's a bad day.

Nah. Now there've only been a 103 incidents with 56 injuries. 35 reports of burns across the body from spilled hot liquids and 21 cuts, with 7 requiring surgery and stitches. People bought them on Amazon. So yeah.

Glass coffee mug. Don't sound like a good idea to me. Something about pouring hot liquid into glass always makes me uncomfortable. I just feel like it's gonna break. Oh, man.

But yet another reason why I just drink a cold instant coffee shooter. I'm gonna worry about this kind of stuff. I don't wanna get, you know, busted glass. Just all over myself. Cutting me deep, and allowing the hot coffee to make it some way into the wounds.

It's no way to live. Peaches, what's up this morning? It's Friday. Not looking forward to the weekend. Still got work to do on the weekend.

What do you got work to do on the weekend? I got some places to be. You've got places to be? Represent here. Yeah.

Where are you going? Going to that, Anheuser Busch car show. The Anheuser Busch car show? Yeah. Benefiting the Snake River Animal Shelter.

Oh. So, when is that going down? Tomorrow at the Idaho Falls malt plant, from 10 to 3. 10 to 10 to 2, I think. Alright.

So gonna swing out there. Check out the festivities. Sounds like it's for a good cause. There's good old fashioned American muscle right there on the headline, so I might might be my best Vin Diesel impression. Oh, people are gonna be out there getting swole.

That's right. Alright. Very nice. Very nice. Well, that's cool.

That's cool. Anything else exciting going on this weekend? Another show out of the ghost movie that we saw last night? That was really good. It was really fun.

You know, I think for the length of movie you get, you get a lot of value for your money. I bought the, you know, collectible popcorn tin and cup Yeah. Which was, you know I mean, it was, I guess, average movie theater price. Movie theater concessions are expensive. Well, I got real worried because I got to the front, and I'm sit I'm standing there, and the lady was telling the person in front of me that they were pretty close to running out of popcorn buckets and cups.

So I'm over here freaking out. The 2 people in front of me were like, oh, can I get nachos? Can I get that with extra cheese? It was, like, the most stereotypical movie type thing ever. It was just they they get their total was, like, $80.

They bought everything on the menu. Nice. Nice. Yeah. I almost didn't buy the popcorn bucket, but, my mom used to always get a big bucket of popcorn every time she went to a movie, and she'd just bring it home and have it around as a snack.

And so I figured in memory of my mom, I will buy a popcorn bucket covered with, you know, skeletons and ghost movie. For a ghost movie. For your mom. Yeah. Plus, now I have a popcorn bucket for home.

I didn't have a popcorn bucket and it's reusable. It's made out of metal. It was very metal. Well, captain Zach hit me up last night saying if you wanna sell it, hit him up. Yeah.

He hit me up. I I gotta keep it because it's dear to my heart. Yeah. I kept the cup. I'm keeping the cup.

I'm gonna keep the cup too. You know, the popcorn bucket's cooler than the cup, and Yeah. Thanks. I would hope that well, I got the cup too. Well, I only got the cup.

You could have got the popcorn bucket. Yeah. But I'm spending $30 in a cup in a popcorn bucket. It's a better deal to buy the 2 for 30 than what did you pay for the 1 cup? 19.

Yeah. You could've spent 10 more dollars. I'll spend 10 more dollars. Exactly. But then the metal pop corn bucket.

Yeah. But what am I gonna do with the popcorn bucket? That you okay. I'm not gonna call my mom and say, mom, I got a popcorn bucket because I I like you so much. No.

Next time when you got your friends over, you know We all grab the popcorn out of the giant tin. Yeah. You eat the popcorn. Isn't that fancy china to you? That's the fancy china to me, the metal popcorn bucket.

Companies coming over, bring out the fine dinner with dinnerware. What you could have asked them to ghost popcorn bucket. What you could have asked them to do is instead of the cup, you bought the popcorn bucket, but you're like, don't put popcorn in it. The popcorn bucket with with whatever kind of soda you were planning on getting. Ah, yes.

And you woulda had, like, a 100 ounces of soda. Yeah. R/sodaSippers. That woulda started that subreddit. Yeah.

And then you could just hold the bucket and just drink from it because I don't think there's a lid like like the cup. No. Not at all. And you just slug down a 100 ounces of, you know, Coca Cola classic. Well, you have the popcorn bucket.

Why don't you get, like, a a whole bunch of Coca Cola in there, post in r slash hydrahomies, and say, oh, look at me. Look at me soda sipping. Do you can you guys think of a better alternative for me to put in this 100 ounce metal bucket Right. Than 100 ounces of original Coca Cola classic full sugar. I'm here having flavor.

What are you having? Water. Look at your boring water compared to my colorful, delicious beverage. This has caffeine that'll help me stay awake. That's it.

What is water gonna do for you? Enjoy your nap, you boring hydro homies. Hailstorm with I Prevail. Can you see me in the dark? What's up?

It's Victor Welch. Good thing to do in the dark. Be lazy. Watch TV. It's what I like to do in the dark.

I was looking at a list here of the best TV shows of 2024 so far according to the critics. Figured, for 1, I wanna see if there's anything on here that I've gotta see. 2, what about ones that I have seen, and can I pass my judgment on them? So let's take a look. Maybe you enjoy sitting around, watching TV like me doing a bit of that binge watching.

Yeah. Alright. Right out of the gate, they've got baby reindeer. I thought that was it was good. It was good.

I enjoyed it. It's worth a watch. I don't know. Would I go back and watch it again, a second watch? Like, some shows are worth multiple watches, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Sopranos, The Wire, probably others that I'm just not thinking of right now.

Baby reindeer? I don't know. But it is worth a watch for sure. Extraordinary. Haven't heard of that 1.

Nope. Haven't heard of it. Wonder how many of these I'm just gonna haven't heard of it. Probably a lot of them. Or haven't seen it, like this 1, Fantasmas.

I saw it pop up on Max. Haven't seen it. God save Texas. Haven't seen it. Hacks.

Haven't seen it. Mister and missus Smith. Haven't seen it. Ripley. Haven't seen Alright.

On and on. I I haven't seen any of these. What's going on here? Now, Ripley, I saw somebody talking about that elsewhere. Seems like that that could be pretty good.

I don't know anything about mister and missus Smith here. Let's see. The Amazon series traces the highs and lows of a marriage. Donald Glover and Maya Erskine alternate between silly and raw against a wacky action backdrop. Alright.

Well, hacks. Well, what's hacks about? Let's find out. Hacks could have done the well, hacky thing and simply reset its central love hate dynamic season after season. Thankfully, the max dramedy soared to new heights in its 3rd season.

Propelling both characters to the top of their careers in order to eliminate how much they've evolved and how much they never will Okay. Yeah. We've got, welcome to Wrexham soccer show. I've seen the, previews for that. I I don't know if I'm gonna dig into that.

Those are the best shows. I didn't see anything on here about, fallout, which I thought was great. I guess they haven't finished the current season of the boys nor house of the dragon. I'm just getting quite the kick out of the backlash to the boys. Like, the show is great as ever.

I don't know what people are talking about. You know, I I guess if you are easily offended or something, I could see boohooing about it, but the show is the same show it's always been. I I don't know. I think it's going great. And house of the dragon came out of the gate strong with the season opener on Sunday.

I'm very excited for another 1 this Sunday. Lots of good stuff making the rounds. Maybe I'll have to look into some of these others, but I thought fallout was really great. Did nobody put that on any of their lists? Let's bring up another list of the best TV shows of 2024.

They're all different. Expats, Mary and George. Oh, there's fallout. Alright. It's nice that somebody put it on the list.

Boy Swallows Universe. What is that? A dark but genuinely funny tale of suburban crime brimming with magical realism. Okay. I don't know.

That that might be good. There's mister and missus Smith again. The sympathizer. We are lady parts. I saw that pop up on another 1.

Ripley again. True detective night country. I forgot about that too. Right. There's that fantasmas interview with the vampire.

I've what? We started that and need to go back and finish it. Oh, and shogun. Shogun. Gotta check that 1 out.

Alright. This other list got shogun popping up on there as well. Shogun very high on both of the lists that I just pulled up. So I I I'd say that's that's pretty good, good praise. Alright.

So I'm just trying to plan my weekend. I'm gonna try to do nothing. I'm gonna, like, eat and watch TV. Hang out with the cats. Relax.

I hope you can have a relaxing weekend as well. I mean, it looks like yard work needs to be done, but it's gonna be like a 100 degrees this weekend. Forget it. Alright. This thread could be fun.

Taking a look at unethical parenting hacks on Reddit. Looking at the first 1 here makes me think, okay. These are situations where people are going to lie to their children to make parenting easier. Alright. So unethical parenting hacks.

Top answer right now is currently told our daughter that kids' ears turn red when they lie, but only parents can see it. She would enter rooms with her hands covering her ears, and we knew we were in for a lie. Beaches, we're talking unethical parenting hacks. Oh, I'm just in here to take a trash can. Oh, okay.

Why why are you taking the trash can? Well, there's Well, there's an extra 1 right here. There's not a single 1 in the Cannonball studio. I didn't realize it till I was throwing stuff on the ground thinking there was a garbage bag or garbage can where that used to be. Where it used to be in that old location.

I'm just chucking Kleenex in there, realized there's no trash can there. I'm just chucking Kleenex in the corner of the room. That's disgusting. The GM the GM would have walked in and been like, what's going on here? Yeah.

Me too. Take your trash can and get. Jeez. Alright. So these are unethical parenting hacks.

We'll move on to the next 1 here. To me, this isn't unethical at all. This is actually taking advantage of a situation and making the best out of it. If your toddler accidentally touches something hot, you have the opportunity to tell them a laugh. Their face?

No, peaches. That's not a hack. That's just a terrible parenting. What did you learn? That's when you show them the other hot things in the house.

Be like, see, you know how that sucked? Here's a bunch of other hot things. I don't think that's an unethical hack. I think that's proper parenting. You know, the 1 before where you tell your kids their ears turn right if they lie, you know, that's that's lying to them, and, even though they might cover their ears when they start talking to you because they wanna get away with a lie, that 1 would be unethical.

Okay. Let's see here. This may have worked better for me since 1 of the kids' parents has hearing loss, but I told my 4 year old at the time that I couldn't hear whining. But if he wanted to try again in a different tone of voice, I could understand him better. Right now, I could see his lips move, but that was all.

He did an admiral job after that. And after I got him what he had asked for, I wish I would have thought of that when my kids were little. Sir, I can't hear you. I was the I can't hear you without whining. Biggest smart aleck of a kid.

I could imagine. My parents, when I was very young, would say drop it Brendan, drop it. And I would you'd just hear me go, I'm still holding it. Jeez. There's a funny story that I guess, my mom was really mad at me for biting my fingernails and so she threatened to take away my GameCube if they weren't growing by the end of the month or something like that.

So I was in my room crying every night, saying goodbye to my GameCube. Oh, that's funny. Now that would be considered, quote, traumatizing to the kid, wouldn't it? Oh, yeah. For sure.

Yeah. Yeah. Like, why are you try why are you traumatizing your giant son? Like, the story I've told where my parents, there was a room in the house they didn't want us to go in, so they called it the monster room and said it was full of monsters. Your small, little, nice mom who said that to you.

I can't believe that. It's the monster room. Don't go in there. They're it's full of monsters. We were terrified of it.

I can only imagine little Victor. Let's see. Ensure your kids won't bother you by telling them to wake you up in an hour so we can start cleaning the house. They will do anything to avoid waking you. Alright, kids.

Wake me up in an hour because then we can get cleaning. I guess for sure. III will have to call my dad and talk to him about this because I guess when I when we were at the first house, when I was real young, my dad went away on a work trip. And I I don't know if I was missing him extra or I just I was, like, crying all the time. So my mom mom printed out a photo of him and put it on the wall.

Alright. Well, that's that's nice. In my bedroom. So III was, like, I thought I saw him, like, when I would wake up and be, like, that you dad? And then there's just a picture of him on the wall.

But then would you start crying again? It's not really him. He's gone. It's just a big dick. You can imagine some giant toddler.

Just a giant baby just balling. You think you think you parents have it tough? Imagine, like, some giant 4 year old running down the hallway. Yeah. Some 4 year old that's bigger than you, just running amok through the house, just screaming.

It's nothing there's nothing worse than having, like, normal sized parents and they have a giant kid. I'm sure. I don't know how. Like, because normally when, like, there's a tall family, the parents are always really tall. Yeah.

And then my my parents are both 6158. So they're both, you know, average. Average height. Yeah. But it's just it's so fun just to see this giant I don't know.

I have to ask my mom when she stopped carrying me as a kid. Yeah. Oh, that reminds me. I like to crush parents, a little bit every now and again. 1 of the saddest quotes I ever what read was that, you know, there's going to be a day when you put your child down and never pick them up again.

Just think about that, parents, with your little baby. That just means You're holding it. You need to hit the gym. I mean, to be quite honest. I You think Shaq can pick up all of his kids still?

Of course, he could. He could. You think Brian Shaw, 1 of the world's strongest men of all time, could still pick up his wife and kids and dog and car and Yeah. I I don't think that my mom or dad would have been able to still pick up Jake at a certain 0, I can't pick up my mom. My mom can't pick me up.

We're both just staying on the ground. Yeah. I was gonna say, if if your dad tries picking you up, that I don't know. I'm not picking up my dad. He's too brittle.

Like, my my mom and I were talking about it. I'm like I was telling her to tell my tell my dad to fly out here for a metal show. I wanna take him to 1 of those. I'm like, well, get him in the pit. And it's like, he's a type 2 diabetic.

He's like, you know, wobbly on his feet. Get him in the pit. He's gonna fall over. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Peaches can bring somebody who might get actually hurt into the pit. I don't know. Depending on the show. Sometimes the pit's not that big a deal. Knocked loose.

Knocked loose, I would bet, is a fairly violent pit. I told my mom, I said, I'll make them crowd serve. I'll pick them up, chuck him. Like, if what you'd wanna do if you wanna bring him into a pit that's probably not gonna be that big a deal is something like, you know, Bad Omens or, 1 1 of these modern bands. Yeah.

That the young kids listen to. You know? If you go into something old school, you got the 40 year old guys in there. That's when you're that's when you're in trouble. Yeah.

You know? Or, like, a punk show. Go to a punk show or a thrash hardcore show. Yeah. Punk hardcore thrash where there's people in there that are in their forties.

Hardcore is the worst because they do that 2 step, but they also, like, throw their punches in the air without looking. The windmill. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

They're that hardcore dancing. Right. And that's where you gotta just watch your skull or you're gonna get cracked. You're gonna get cracked. When I saw Sleep Token in Boston, they tried to get the crowd to do a wall of death, which I thought was interesting.

That's different. And then they I mean, they did get the crowd moshing. There was a lot of moshing and there was a lot of crowd surfers, which was, like, not the way things went in Boise. What song did they try getting the wall of death to go on? I was I know I know during the summoning, they had that Hypnosis, Marty?

Might've been hypnosis. That's a good 1. Yeah. Or no, maybe they did it during, you know, when granite slams in, I don't remember for sure which part. Like I said, the summoning has that big part.

But the summoning starts off heavy. They didn't play Vor, which, I was kinda disappointed. That would've been cool. That that was their heavy song. I don't know if they played that song either.

Yeah. I don't remember what it was, but you could tell it was something new they're trying because you gotta you gotta take a little more time than, like, quickly you know, the sleep token crowd probably has most of them never seen a wall of death. These are people who many of them probably never been to a concert. Right. You know, they just fell in love with this band and were like, I'm gonna go see a live concert.

Yeah. There's a lot of people I I know now that are, listening to Sleep Token just because they found them on TikTok. Yeah. And I can't imagine these people in the pit at all. Yeah.

So the I think it was the bass player who was doing the part the crowd thing with his hands like this, and the crowd didn't know what to do. This is the reason why Sleep Token doesn't talk because you can imagine him saying that in a thick British accent, and and it doesn't sound good or intimidating at all. Well, and if, you know, vessels start to go, wall of death, go you know, just curtain. Come on. Well, that's what Matt B from Massachusetts Studios was talking about it with me because he does these speeches in between the songs.

Right? Yeah. Does he do motivational speeches? Listen, what you gotta do Yeah. He does.

Because you gotta, you know No. He talks about how he was broke at 1 point, his family left him, and now all of a sudden from ashes to news, bigger than it's ever been. Every band with the motivational speeches. No. But it's funny because we were talking about like these bands that, you know, would be weird to hear motivational speeches from and 1 of them was Ice 9 kills just as a Spencer goes.

Hey, by the way, guys. Yeah. You gotta believe in yourself. I mean, like, we saw the Ghost movie last night. And Tobias does sort of motivational speeches.

Oh, he's hilarious on stage. But he's yeah. He's he's funny. And he does a just kind of be nice to each other kind of thing. It's it's not necessarily like, believe in your dreams.

We were just imagining Vessel walking on the stage, believe in yourself. Yeah. No. Vessel's an interesting persona on stage because, you know, very emotional with the singing, but then he does the dancing. You know, he does these dance moves.

They're sort of copying ghost, I've realized. Because the ghouls of Thor Sleepsock and were doing, like, the weird stuff on stage with each other. Tobias was, you know, making them his henchmen and telling them where to go. It's it there is some similarities there with the now they've kinda changed it because now the the other members of the band don't all look the same. But at the beginning, where all the ghouls in, you know, I I don't know what they call them in Sleep Token.

The Sleepies? What yeah. What are they? I don't know. The nameless Sleep Token Magic.

Vessel Has God Everything Sleep Token Facebook page and ask them. Yeah. They they all all had numbers, but they all had the same costume like the ghouls. Now they've all got their own look going on, so it's a little bit different. But the 1 thing is, you know, when I first heard of Sleep Token and they were getting all these comparisons to ghosts is I mean, they sound nothing like ghost.

Not not at all, you know. And you know what's funny is that people were doing these things with, Ghost and Lorna Shore saying that they look like their songs would be the opposite. Ghost looks like they would release songs like Lorna Shore. Lorna Shore looks like they would release Ghost songs. That's true.

That's true. Because he's saying Will and it looks like a come with me. Yeah. He does look like he'd sing for a pop punk band or something. You know, he's got the pink hair.

You know, he's all chipper. And he, like, Tobias, who's just scary looking on stage? He's and he's gotten less scary. You know, like, throwing on the, you know, bedazzled coats and things like that. Oh, no.

It makes you wonder, like, if he did a heavy song, if he was like, you know what? Let's just do 1 heavy song. Nobody's gonna like it. You know, you'll get this the the loud small crowd, but most of the Ghost fan base was like, I don't like the screaming. It scares me.

Well, yeah. And they he was in bands before where he did screaming vocals. Repugnant was the band he was in Oh. Way back in the day. Okay.

So he throws a bit of in some of the ghost songs. Oh, he does. Yeah. You're right. Because I saw it in the movie last night.

Yeah. Like, Faith. Yeah. Yeah. He throws it in Faith.

That's what it was. Mummy Dust. Dust. Mummy dust. But what if he came out dressed like a black metal guy and was just Well, he kinda does.

I know. But, like, what if he was skeleton face? Scarier. Like, he comes out with the Gor Gorath type look. Well, who knows what they'll do for the, the next round?

What I hope is they go back to they I like all of Ghost's albums, but my favorites are the older ones. Do my favorites are the last 2 just because they're fun. They're the new ones are good. They're great. I like them a lot.

But Meliora is that's, like, perfect ghost for me. The 1 Cerise and Squarehammer? Mhmm. Oh, okay. Yeah.

Yeah. 1 Square Hammer came, like, right after it, but, hey. You got Therese. You got, He Is. From the Pinnacle to the Pit.

Yeah. Majesty. Which is 1 of the best opening, bass lines. Spirit. That album's just great.

Great. Mummy dust is on there. Yeah. It's it's a good 1. Anyway, people, that was a lot of ghost talk and whatever else we talked about, and now it's time for us to take a break.

So we'll be back. I'm just about out of here. But before I go, we might as well talk about rich people being out of touch. Came across a thread on Reddit asking what's the most out of touch thing you've heard from rich people. And the first response was from somebody right here in our region in Jackson Hole.

And since we were just talking about Jackson during traffic school, why not talk about Jackson? I don't know if you're unaware. There are a lot of rich people in Jackson. It's true. And if you're unsure about that fact, you can look at the price of housing.

Just fire up Zillow. Look at what's for sale. What it's gonna cost you to purchase a nice nice home there. Okay. Top comment here.

Living outside of Jackson, this sister of a friend told me how hard it is to live there. You have to fly in your help, the people who clean your house and do your yard work, from Salt Lake. Oh, I can't believe how rough a life it is. Reminded me 1 time when I don't even remember how the discussion started, but I was arguing with somebody probably about politics. And they were trying to convince me that, you know, making $300, 000 a year was an average wage in east Idaho.

And I'm like, no. Making $300, 000 a year is not an average wage if anywhere in America. Alright? Like, you are making more money than probably 99% of people if you're making 300 grand a year. Get out of here, buddy.

But some you know, I I think people get born into some dough sometimes, and they have no idea the way the average person lives. Alright. Let's see. What are some other out of touch things from rich people? Back when I was in my early twenties, my beat up old car broke down in my job's parking lot when I was about to drive home.

I was getting paid $10 an hour as a pastry chef at a catering company. Catering company. This was barely enough to cover my rent. I was obviously pretty distraught over my car dying. My boss, company owner, ended up saying to me, why are you so upset?

It's just a car. Just buy another 1. Couldn't even respond. I just looked at her like she was crazy. See, and that's when you'd go, well, I'd like to, but you only pay me $10 an hour.

And then, your boss go well you should be grateful for that the minimum wage is 7 something I tell you. A lot of people have no idea what it's like for the average person. Like, if you have kids, there you go. You're broke. Unless you make lots of money.

I mean, my kids are moved out, and I still you know, I I gotta help them with things. I've got, you know, a truck that's paid off. You think I could afford to go buy another vehicle right now? You might hear me complain about gas prices. I can't go buy a car.

KII impossible. Completely impossible. I would love it because gas is so outrageous. Every time I go to the pump, it hurts. It hurts.

And I don't go anywhere anymore either. I I because of how my truck eats gas. Like, well, it'd be a nice time to take a drive to Yellowstone. No. No way.

Okay. What else do we got for, out of touch rich people? If you can't afford to hit child care, just hire a nanny. Do people really say these things? They've gotta.

They've gotta. They really have to like the guy I said who was bothered when I told him he was extremely wealthy if he's raking in 300, 000 a year, that you are completely out of touch with pretty much everyone who lives here. He was mad. He was mad about it. Let's see.

This see, just reading this thread just makes me frustrated. I don't even know if I wanna continue on in it because it does make you realize how some people have no idea what it's like for the average person. And these things I've I've heard people say similar things to these things, and it just gets me mad. Just gets me mad to read through. Try to empathize with others people.

That's all I can say on this whole issue. I'm gonna close this tab out because, yeah, it's it's just starting to make me angry. I from someone who grew up around, poor people. And, I mean, like, when I first lived on my own for many, many years, there's a reason that I don't buy ramen noodles anymore. You know?

When you have too much of something, that's all you eat for a long time. It's it's rough to to mow some of that down. Alright? When you're stressing about paying bills and then you hear some of these things from other people. I still stress about money.

Jesus. Just got myself worked up. I didn't swear, but, I came close. Alright. I'm out of here.

Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show. This program is a production of Riverbend Media Group. To contact the show or for more information, hit us up at riverbendmediagroup.com.

#0011 - Mosh Pits For Parents - 6/21/2024
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