#0014 - HOW TO: Get Rid Of Ghosts - 06/27/2024

What is up? It's Viktor Wilt. Thursday, June 27th. Alright. Here we go.

Time to rock and roll. I was just reading something pretty crazy. Pretty crazy and black mirror ish. It's a weird 1. Scientists working on a technology called Cognify, which is an implant that could allow prisoners to serve years of their sentence in mere minutes.

This is pretty spooky, pretty spooky stuff here. So they could implant memories in prisoners' minds to aid with rehabilitating them faster. Synthetic memories customized depending on the crime committed and the unique brain structure and psychological profile of the individual. Yeah. So you serve your jail sentence inside of your mind.

Yeah. This technology could never be used in just horrible ways. Anybody who's watched black mirror has gotta be kind of terrified by this. There's a lot of technology that I'm definitely intrigued by and find to be exciting when you read about things like, what's that guy? His name, Ray Kurzweil.

I think that's his name. Talking about how hopefully someday we can put our consciousness in computers so that we can just live on forever. That was always pretty exciting to me because I wanna be around for a long time. I don't know. I feel like there's so much to do and see.

And even if you're just stuck in a computer and you can't actually do things, you could still if if your consciousness is activated and who knows what the Internet will be like down the road, you could still be experiencing to at least some degree what's happening in the world, you know, watching all the sweet new shows, maybe playing some video games, things like that. But, well, 1st break of the day. It's early. Lost my train of train of thought here. Drifting off into the living in a computer land.

But having watched the black mirror, if you've got people who are able to mess with your consciousness a little bit. I mean, what if what if they decide, alright. I'm gonna put this guy in jail as far as he's experiencing things for 100 of years. I don't like the sound of that. Is this we're living in weird times, people.

Living in weird times. This is real technology that they're working on. Cognify. I don't know. I mean, it would be nice if I mean, hopefully, you don't do anything that requires you to serve a jail sentence, But, you know, to not physically age and you still go through your punishment, you could come out rehabilitated, and you've still got your life ahead of you.

I mean, that is a positive. Right? But being imprisoned inside of your own mind for years years as far as your experience goes, that's gotta you'd think when you come back to and it's only been, you know, a few minutes, it's gotta mess with you. Yeah? I could see weird new psychological problems being inflicted on humanity by that kind of thing, but it could just be the next step in the advancement of the human species.

Crazy. So, anyway, that's going on. That's going on. Cognify. That either intrigues you or just gave you nightmares to start your day.

I don't know. I'm still waking up, so I I didn't really have enough time to do deep thought on this. So I'm fine. I'm fine. Anyhow, morning to you or afternoon if you're listening on on demand or evening or whatever, middle of the night.

I I hope you enjoy the beautiful sounds of my voice in the middle of the night, and make sure to tell your friends to, share the podcast version of the show available everywhere podcasts can be found. You can also go to riverbendmediagroup dotcom if you wanna pick it up there. But, yeah, give it a review on whatever podcast service you listen to. Try to give me a nice review. I mean, if you think the show sucks, then whatever.

That's fine. I think that the action of clicking the review would help in some way, but, yeah, share it. Subscribe. Blah blah blah. Or else I'm gonna make you a prisoner inside of your own mind.

That's what I'm gonna do. Nothing like a good movie. I was looking around online, saw the question posed, what movie have you seen an unhealthy number of times, and I have many. I'm gonna post this question in the k Bear 101 Idaho Rock and Metal Group on Facebook. As a matter of fact, let's post it there so I can keep an eye on some of your responses, and I'll go over some of mine.

Maybe these are movies you've never seen, and I can encourage you to go check them out. 1 that comes to mind is 1 I've told peaches to watch, like, 10, 000, 000, 000 times, and I don't think he's yet got around to watching it, that being Tenacious d in the pick of destiny. I could watch that movie over and over and over again. It is so good. It puts a smile on my face.

The music is wonderful. It's got Dio in it. Come on. Right at the beginning of the movie, you got Dio, the legend himself. And, I mean, if you're into rock movies, it's it's my personal favorite, I think.

I think it's my personal favorite rock movie. There's a lot of great rock movies. I keep meaning to go back and watch Airheads. Every time we do a movie break where we're talking rock movies, I'm like, why haven't I watched that in so many years? That's a rock movie and a radio movie.

You got the radio station that's about to flip format. And, you know, the DJ loses his patience. The band takes over. It it's awesome. And that movie has Lemmy in it.

That's right. What other movies have I seen in unhealthy number of time? And and is there such a thing as an unhealthy number of times to watch a movie? I don't think there is. If it's quality and makes you feel good, that is healthy.

I've talked about the goonies a lot. I've seen that movie so many that might be the movie I've seen the most because I liked that even as a kid. It's old. I think that came out when I was, like, I don't know, a couple years old. When did the goonies come out?

It's a great movie. 85. So I'm sure I didn't see it when it was new because I would have been 3, but I watched it again recently. I'll watch it today. I probably won't actually watch it today, but I would.

I would. It's great. I saw it for sale on Amazon in 4 k HD. Like, well, that's a movie from the eighties. I don't think you really need a 4 k version of it.

I have it on Blu Ray, so that that should be good enough. Goonies, if you've never seen it, I don't know. I think it's a nostalgia thing. I don't know if you younger people, you know, peach's age and younger would connect with it. I think there's something about watching that as a kid back in the back in the old days.

But it's it's great. It's great. A lot of those eighties movies I could watch over and over. Gremlins. That's my favorite Christmas movie.

A lot of people try to say it's not Christmas movie, and they're insane. It's all Christmas, the entire movie. Santa gets attacked by monsters. Come on. The South Park movie, I could watch that over and over and over again.

Another movie with great music. The South Park movie. I wish they'd make another 1. I mean, I shouldn't complain. They churn out new episodes and new specials of South Park all the time.

I actually haven't watched the most recent South Park special, the 1 dealing with, weight loss. And I've been trying to avoid any of the articles about it as well, because I I don't like spoilers even if it's just South Park. Oh, we got somebody calling. See what they've got for a movie they've watched an unhealthy number of times. K Bear, you are live on the show.

Who's this? It's Jeremy. Jeremy, what you got for a movie you've watched an unhealthy number of times? We're not necessarily watching an unhealthy number of times in the total TV news music scene, the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Rocky Horror Picture Show.

That's 1 that I had a few friends when I was young that were really into. They'd can you turn your radio down? They do, all the, all the activities that you're supposed to do as you watch it. Because there's, you know, I I don't know. There's a way to watch the movie as a real fan where you, I don't know, throw popcorn at the screen or do a dance.

I don't remember, but it's an event. The first time I saw live outside was actually at the ISU quad. Oh. You know, when they're getting married, they're throwing the rice in the air. They're yes.

Yeah. I know exactly what you're talking about. That's what made the movie stick in my head. Yeah. That when I watched it with people who were really into it, I enjoyed it a lot more than the first time I saw it, because, again, it's an event with with certain people.

So, yeah, good 1, man. Good 1. It's a it's 1 that gets everybody to participate, kind of. Exactly. Exactly.

And a fun watching experience with friends. You know? That that that's a great life experience. So anytime listeners that you see the rocky horror picture show is gonna be playing at a theater, You should go and check it out with some fanatics. It's it's something else.

Definitely. Well, thanks, Jeremy. Percent agree. Hope you have a You have a wonderful day, my friend. You as well, man.

Good to hear from you. Peace. I'll see you later. Another movie that I have watched just over and over again. It's actually a trilogy of movies.

The hangover. I don't know what it is about those movies, but I love those movies. The second and third 1 tend to get bad reviews. I I still like them. The first 1 is definitely the best.

Then the second 1 is the second best, 3rd 3rd best. But, I was working on some music for classy recently, and we were talking about the song kiss from a rose by seal. And every time I hear that song, I'm like, I gotta watch the hangover movies. I don't know. Vegas is a town that I've got a weird relationship with Las Vegas because it's a city that I've had some of my best life experiences in and some of my worst life experiences in.

So I think that's why the hangover, I I can I connect with it because there's, you know, a lot of good in that movie and a lot of, like, terrible? Maybe I'll go over some some Vegas experiences in a while. I have none of those, like, crazy, oh, you wouldn't believe this. What happened to Vegas always stays there? No.

III just had some great radio experiences there. K Bear, you are live on the show. Keep that in mind. Who's this? Hi.

My name's Josh. Josh, what you got for a movie that you've watched an unhealthy number of times? Maybe Sonic the hedgehog. Sonic the hedgehog. Do.

Dude, that that ended up being a really good movie. I didn't expect much out of it. But I mean, Jim Carrey's always fun to watch and he he really killed it in that movie. And it was a really fun movie. I I haven't seen the, I Yeah.

I won't spoil anything for you. Well, thank you, Josh, and I I hope you have a great day today. Yeah. You too, Victor. Right on.

Thanks, man. Appreciate you listening. Yeah. Of course. Alright.

See you. Yeah. Alright. We we might continue on with this. We're getting some responses in the Facebook group and such, and it's always good to make movie recommendations to people because people need to stay entertained and have a good time.

And, hot days like we've been having nothing better than being in a nice cool room, kicked back, watching a good movie. Speaking of a good movie, the ghost movie, which I saw 1 week ago, It was fantastic. It was fantastic. My daughter, when she saw it in Washington, she said it even made her cry a couple times. It's for the most part just a live concert film.

But if you're really into ghost, you gotta check it out. Continuing on talking about movies you've seen an unhealthy number of times, I gave out a number of my favorite recommendations. The Goonies, The Hangover Movies, The South Park movie, Tenacious d in the Pick of Destiny. All classics. Got a lot of responses rolling in in the k Bear 101 Idaho rock and metal group.

If you wanna leave a comment there, you can, of course, call in as well. 208-535-1015. Jeremy was with me on The Goonies. It's just so good. Just so good I could watch it over and over.

Jeremy also going with Lord of the Rings, which I have also seen lots and lots of times. I'm probably overdue for a rewatch of the extended versions of those movies because it's been quite a while since I fired them up. And that reminded me of some other movies that I have seen countless times and would highly recommend if you're into horror comedy, the director of lord of the rings. Prior to making these big epic, you know, Hollywood blockbusters, he made the most glorious horror comedies, Peter Jackson. His first movie, bad taste.

I don't know how many times I have seen that wonderful movie. As well as Meet the Feebles, like the muppets on crack. It's insane. Completely insane. I'm overdue to watch that again.

And then dead alive, also known as brain dead, which has some of the funniest scenes in a horror comedy that I've ever seen. There is alright. I don't wanna spoil anything with it. I'm I would love to talk about 1 of my favorite scenes in that movie, but I think it's best you just watch it so you have no idea what's coming your way. It's so ridiculous.

Gerald said heavy metal, the movie. Yeah. I've I've seen that a decent number of times. When I was a kid. That was 1 of those movies like, oh, a cartoon for adults.

What's this? Had to check it out. Thoroughly enjoy the heavy metal, the movie I mean, obviously, how could I not like a movie called heavy metal? Carolyn said night at the Roxbury and hot rod. I've seen night at the Roxbury.

Hot rod, I've seen numerous times. Another 1 I need to go back and rewatch because it's got some ridiculously funny moments in it. I I totally forgot about hot rod. That's that's a good 1. That's a good 1.

Full metal jacket, what, Mike chimed in with in the Facebook group. I've seen that a bunch of times as well. 1 of the best, war movies. The the opening part of that movie is is wild. The first little section with private pile.

Pretty intense. I recently rewatched Apocalypse Now. I watched the redux version which I don't know if that's the version I'd prefer. It was cool because it has all this added stuff, but it was a little bit too long, I think. I see why they chopped out the parts that they put back in in that movie.

Sara said tombstone. Great. Great. Great western. Leslie with Deadpool and John Wick.

Shamefully, I saw John Wick for the first time just recently. Watched, the entire series of movies with my my lady, and I don't know how I hadn't seen those movies. They're a lot of fun. You want, ridiculous over the top action and violence. Great stuff.

And Deadpool Deadpool is always an enjoyable watching experience as well. So, yeah, feel free to leave your movie recommendations in that post I made in the k baer 101 Idaho Rocket Metal Group. Always looking for good news stuff to check out. Let's see if we have any others. Hackers.

Britain said hackers. I haven't seen that movie in ages. I did watch it a number of times when I was a teenager. That that was a fun 1. And army of darkness, all of the evil dead movies.

The entire trilogy of movies, I have seen lots of times. Watched the trilogy with my daughter before she moved last year because she'd never seen them. I think army of darkness might have been the the first 1 I saw. I remember seeing a preview for it in the movie theater or something or other. I was like, what what is this?

This is wild looking. And I didn't even realize that was Evil Dead part 3 at the time that I watched it. I think it was years later I watched Evil Dead. I'm like, what? I I swear I've, like, seen this movie before in some way.

Kelsey with life of Brian. Haven't watched any, Monty Python movies in a long time, but Life of Brian, I've seen a number of times. It's always a fun 1. Alright. You know, having this kind of discussion, though, it makes me wanna just go home and sit around and watch movies.

That that sound pretty good right now. Kick back in the recliner. Watch lots of good stuff. Anyway, we'll continue on with the show here in a few. Appreciate those of you who have called in and all that good stuff participate in online and we shall return.

Hello. It's the Victor Wilt Show. I figured I would scope the live map. Yeah. I got a map that'll show me who's listening around the world, and it's always interesting to see the places that people are tuned in live because I appreciate everybody listening no matter where you're listening from.

Let's zoom in and see what we got here. Why does the map keep zooming out? Because we got people listening, all over the place. Shout out to whoever's listening in South Africa. Cape Town area, it looks like.

Now don't worry. The map doesn't, like, zoom in on your home or something. It's a a vague map. Okay? Rough area.

Alright? So don't get the creeps here. And I've talked to the the person that listens to us in South Africa before. Same with my homies in Germany who sent us candy, and I know it's a massive shame upon me. I have still failed to send you a goodie package from K Bear.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I need to make myself a note, slap it down here in front of my face to remember to send our homies in Germany a k Bear gift package for all the wonderful candy they send around Christmas time. Or I guess it's Deutschland. Isn't it weird how there are these American names for these other countries, and it's not their real name?

Shout out to whoever's listening in Romania as well. Really cool. Alright. Let's take a look around the US map at a few places here. This one's always fun because when I look at the map, I'll go, alright.

People in these areas are choosing to listen to me and Kaybel instead of their local rock station. And a lot of these places, I know the local rock stations. So that that's fun. Like, whoever's listening in the Seattle area, you folks over there, thank you for listening to k Bear instead of KISW. Great crew at KISW.

Ryan Castle is the man, 1 of my radio homies. But, I'd still prefer you listen to us instead of KISW. We got a a lot of people listening in Boise as well. Thank you for listening to us instead of 100.3, the x rocks. I mean, Nick and Big Jay, Adam, they're all great guys.

They're my dogs over there in Boise, but I'm still grateful that you're listening to us instead of them. East Idaho. You know, thank you for listening to us instead of, you know, all those other wannabe rock stations. I mean, we've obviously, the bulk of our online listeners coming from the East Idaho area, but they're scattered all around. We got some people listening down in the LA area.

That's right. Down with k rock. They suck. They've got the best call letters in America, KR0QK rock. And they are so weak, so weak.

They could do so much with those legendary call letters. I I am confident if I was to roll into LA and just be given K ROCK and turn it into basically what you hear here on KRW. We would crush and destroy KLOS and everybody else, but LA radio ain't got ain't got no guts at all. KROC is weak, and they wonder why the station doesn't succeed. Shout out to my homies at, kLOS.

I'd still roll in and crush you. Alright. Who else do we got listening in the US? There there's a lot of spots here. I'm just, scrolling, zooming in at random ones.

Wichita. Somebody in the Wichita area. Thank you for listening. I would much prefer you're listening to us than is it ktic? Is that right?

With Johnny Mays? Johnny Mays, 1 of my homies, but I guarantee that you you ain't gonna hear, you know, a lot of the stuff on k Bear or a lot of this stuff you do hear on k Bear on ktic. What else do we got? Detroit. Number of people in the Detroit area.

Thank for listening to us instead of, the riff. I appreciate that. Shout out to my homies at the riff. They're great. But still much prefer you're you're listening to us than, than the riff.

Okay. What's Charlotte's radio station? 98 rock? Is that right? I think I read recently that they didn't they fire some people?

And now they got, like, a syndicated morning show. How boring in a a large city city like Charlotte with a a legendary rock station that they'd if I'm correct about that, I I swear that I saw they were pumping a syndicated radio show. But, yeah, it's a 98 rock. Right? I don't remember the call letters, but, shout out to those listening in the Charlotte area.

What else do we got here? Washington DC? Alright. Thank you to the president. President Biden tuning in, getting all pumped up for tonight's debate by rocking stuff like Loathe, which I kicked off the show with today, to all the, secret service agents tuned in to K Bear in Washington DC, always appreciate your support.

I I don't know if you're aware of this, but, you know, during off hours when they're not allowing the general public into the lighthouse, kay bear is what's bumping through the the sound system, you know, the the PA system throughout that entire building, as well as, the Pentagon. You know? They they all they're all rocking my morning show. They love it. And, yeah, III could keep doing this.

But if I missed you, if I missed your area, it's just because there's too many too many different spots. Alright? And I don't wanna eat up the whole show just going shout out to this place. Shout out to that place. I will give a quick shout out to folks listening, in Minneapolis St.

Paul area. Yeah. Sorry, 93 x, but if you're listening to 93 x over k Bear jeez. I always wanna chime into the 93 x Reddit group because it's very active, and everybody's always in there complaining about 93 x. Be like, why don't you guys just tune in to us?

We have a free app that you can listen to worldwide. Like the folks I mentioned listening, you know, on the other side of the ocean. Why listen to 93 x? Come on. I mean, they're they're alright.

You know? Shout out to my homies there, but scrolling through some of the other responses rolling in on the KBAR 101 Idaho Rocket Metal Group as far as movies people have watched an unhealthy number of times. And we had Carl or sorry. Carrie, excuse me, mention the lost boys, which is another movie I could watch over and over again and that I've seen so many times I couldn't count. I think that was probably the first horror movie I saw.

Shout out to my parents for letting me watch that when I was young. I don't know if they let me. I don't know. I had friends that had a great VHS collection, so we'd watch lots of cool stuff when we probably weren't supposed to. And the lost boys, I actually have a lost boys, poster hanging up.

First thing you see when you walk into my basement, the lost boys. Oh, how did I forget to mention back to the future? I watched that just the other day. Shout out to my lady for sending me the trilogy on Blu ray so I can watch it anytime in the highest quality imaginable. Definitely gotta do so.

I was watching it on YouTube and it was, like, with commercials and it was garbage quality. Still a wonderful movie. Carrie also mentioned the Nightmare Before Christmas and Edward Scissorhands. 2 great movies. Stewart chiming in with down periscope and tropic thunder.

I've seen down periscope, but tropic thunder, I have seen that countless times as well, Stewart. Tropic thunder, 1 of those movies I couldn't make today, I'm sure. Even at the time, I remember there being outrage when it came out because it's a it's a pretty vile movie, but it's just so funny so funny and so good and I I really think that with the way they did the humor they did it in a way that I don't know if you'd call it tasteful. That's probably not right. But acceptable?

You know what? The type of content they were dealing with? You know, like, recently, we talked about how Seinfeld's whining in the news. Oh, you can't make any kind of comedy anymore. It's not true.

If you are a comic and you feel like you just can't joke anymore, you're not trying hard enough. Alright? Change a few words, and you'll be just fine. Alright? Seen plenty of stand up comedy specials recently that were pretty out there, and there was not any cancellation going on.

Alright? Steve chimed in with Snatch in the k Bear 101 Idaho rock metal group post about movies that you've seen an unhealthy number of times. That is another great movie. I haven't seen it an unhealthy number of times, but it's a it's a really good movie. Really good movie.

Lot of fun. And Zach, come on, Zack. You can do better than too many to mention. Come on. Name name some specifics.

Zack, my homie. I bumped into him, the other day, as a matter of fact. Alright. Anyway, I gotta stop looking at this list of movies or I'm just gonna wanna sit around and watch movies. You know?

Watching movies is, is pretty good. Sounds like a much better way to spend my morning than being a well, actually, no. I'd I'd rather sleep in and watch a movie. Tyler sent biodome, a a classic fun Pauley Shore movie, biodome. Good call, Tyler.

Good call. Thursday, June 27th, the big day. The presidential debate going down tonight. You're gonna watch the presidential debate? I'm gonna watch it.

I just hope it's not as aggravating as the last 1. Do you remember that in 2020? It was a painful watch. So glad they've got these new rules in place where they just turn the candidates mics off when it's not their turn. I don't know how well it's gonna work out, but I'm stoked to check it out because there's so much going around about the state of mind of both candidates.

You know, it's a circus. It's kinda crazy that in this day and age, you know, these are our choices, but that's what we got. We got those 2. So I I gotta see you know? They're not even boomers, are they?

They're, the silent generation. These guys are old. 2 boomers going at it tonight, and everybody can watch it. It's gonna be available to stream on a variety of different places, you know, different websites and such. They're gonna show it on the USA Today YouTube.

Max is showing it. And some of the news stories going around about this thing are just so funny. Just so funny because you've got both sides talking about how the other one's losing their mind which they're both, like, really old. I mean, if you've ever sat down and actually talked to someone who's losing their mind, it makes you go what are we gonna see on TV tonight? Are they both completely losing it?

I'm I'm pretty stoked to check this out to to be honest. I hope we have some great hilarious clips for the morning show tomorrow. I I tend to avoid much political talk because some people get so crazy. It seems like to me people have kinda toned down. It doesn't seem like right now people are losing their minds, like the general public, as much as they were over the last few years.

But the news, the national news, like, you know, CNN and Fox, they're both completely out of control. I was watching some clips. In order. They're talking about they're gonna jack Biden up with drugs. And I don't know.

I've, met people who are actually, you know, suffering cognitive, problems, And I don't I didn't know that, red bull could cure dementia till I I watched that guy Mike Johnson on the news last night. They're gonna give Biden energy drinks. So all those times I've had a a foggy head, all I needed was a a nice rain energy drink. I didn't I didn't know all these years. All these treatments they're trying to figure out for people with, major cognitive problems.

All they needed to do was, you know, hook them up with a monster. And then I saw on the other side, you know, they're gonna jack Trump up with drugs, but they'll calm him down because he has ADHD according to some other random clips I watched. So, they're gonna jack both of them up. 1 of them will be more awake. The other 1 will settle down a little bit.

And maybe we'll have a nice middle ground. This is the state of news we're in nowadays. So funny. I mean, I remember watching, like, presidential debates when I was in my early twenties. It's all just tame.

What kind of mudslinging are we gonna see tonight? Yeah. I hope it just isn't endless, you know, back and forth about crimes that each family's involved with. Your son did this. Oh, yeah.

Well, you did this. Finger pointing and yelling at each other. Do you think that either of them will talk about actual issues? Because it seems like the whole thing's just about how, the other person's they're just the worst. They're the worst.

I'd like to know what plans we got. You know, what what plans do we got to fix fix actual problems? That'd be great. Yeah. Anyway, you should check it out because it's part of your due diligence as an American citizen to get out and vote later this year.

And you might as well see what these guys are really all about. I I don't know what to expect because the clips I've seen recently, they're just getting wild out there as far as this whole election thing goes So wouldn't it be interesting if it's just all calm? It's just all you know, boring. You know, there there's not it's always a circus. So at least for the last couple election cycles, there's always, like, chaos that people talk about about after the debates.

So check them out tonight, 7 PM here in East Idaho, 9 PM EST depending on where you're listening from. Available to stream all over the Internet. Or if you have cable, you just, you know, turn on CNNs where this one's gonna be taking place. Haven't seen any updates indicating that it's it's not happening. There was a lot of speculation.

It's not gonna happen. Looks like it's going down. So tune in. Learn about the candidates, then later this year, get out and vote. Freak news is powered by my homies at Greasemonkey, voted Idaho's best oil change.

Alright. Drew Carey says, the Price is Right contestants are frequently high on drugs or drinking. I guess, come on down. You reek of whiskey. Jeez, buddy.

No wonder you can't guess which item is the most expensive. You're loaded. Yeah. I mean, you see people dressed up all weird, bouncing off the walls, throwing outlandish guesses out when they make it down to the contestant row. Yeah.

There's articles floating around about this and all the different substances that people have told Drew Carey they were on while they were on the show. So I don't know if that means it's time to start watching The Price is Right again. That's that's what you watch when you stay home from school. Right? I mean, I don't even know if I've got access to regular channels anymore.

I don't have any antennas hooked up in my house, so I just always fire up streaming. You know? Can you stream The Price is Right? Thank you for tuning in to my show instead of The Price is Right. I appreciate it.

Even if I'm not just loaded on the morning show like the contestants on The Price is Right. Sorry. Sorry. I value my job. Alright.

Instant coffee shooters. That's as wild as I get up in here. Alright. Flooding a major issue in Iowa, but I think the main problem that they're dealing with now is what has been created, thanks to said flooding, and that is what they're calling fecal soup. Alright.

I'm just gonna move along. Yeah. You know, when farms flood, you got a bunch of cows and stuff around. The water doesn't just stay in 1 place. It's really gross.

Alright. Also, speaking of flooding, Florida, no place to live if you're dealing with flooding. And as the sea levels rise and flooding becomes more of an issue in Florida also, they get hurricanes and, you know, terrible tropical storms and things. I don't know if you're aware, but snakes swim. So your chance of encountering a venomous snake highly increase when all of a sudden the entire ground is water.

Terrifying. I I don't even go into natural water, period. So to try to imagine being in an area where all of a sudden, the gators could be swimming right past your house. Yeah. They're out there in the street.

I don't really like the sound of that. Snakes, man. Snakes are giving me the creeps. You know, to teach their own. I know we got listeners who have snakes as pets and things.

I gotta stick with the the kittens. They're terrifying enough. That little monster would not let me sleep last night. Had to had to kick her out. You're done.

Out of here. A good reason to have cameras on your house or maybe a bad reason. There was an HOA board member caught on camera in Indiana. Well, using the neighbor's house. Like, the side of their house is a bathroom.

They denied the act, but they're like, well, here. Check out my ring camera. Not only good to just keep people away from your house, you know, you can catch suspicious characters, but you can also catch disgusting acts that you probably didn't wanna see. You know, a good way to get those HOA members off the board though. HOA board members contend to just make your home experience, your your living experience not fun.

You know? Oh, you can't put that in your yard. You need to do this and that. No. You can't paint your house that color.

That's why so many houses just all look the same in neighborhoods. It's gotta be this shade of this particular white. Boring. If you live in a neighborhood where you can paint your house whatever color you want, please do so and liven things up around here. So boring around here.

I saw somebody on Facebook claiming that they, go around and paint murals, and, you know, they were looking for places to paint murals. I was like, feel free. You can come paint the whole side of my house as a mural. If we have any aspiring artists out there who want a canvas, I got a nice fence. I've got a garage door.

I've got a house. I would be glad to put a mural. Some something awesome just covering the whole side of my house. Just colorful as can be. You You know, maybe I can set an example for the rest of the community to liven things up a little bit.

Anybody out there? You I I don't know. I ain't got the money to, like, pay much for that. How much does paint cost? It ain't cheap either.

But I'm down. I'm down. Let's team up. Let's make this happen. Yesterday, we talked about I think it was on the noon hour that we talked about the disgusting food museum in Sweden.

It was real bad. Some of the food items were so gross, I could not even describe them on air, and these were food items that were delicacies in other countries. This list, I think I can get away with. These are disgusting food flavors that don't belong together. I figured I'd go through them and see, would I eat this?

Because I like thinking about food at this time of day. Nothing like working up an appetite when, stuck in the box. White chocolate wasabi truffles. I'm gonna go with no. Yeah.

White chocolate with spicy wasabi and coated with roasted pistachios. I bet there's somebody out there who'd be down with it, but it it it just doesn't sound good. I'm I'm not a big wasabi guy. So, yeah, we'll scratch that 1 off. I like some weird food combinations sometimes.

I'll tell you something I ate the other day. Here for lunch. Jill at the front desk was not impressed when she walked into my office. I had some leftover Sloppy Joes. Okay.

And to try to make myself feel better about eating Sloppy Joes, because, I don't know, it seems like a little kid's meal. But, you know, I live by myself, and I don't want to take a bunch of time to cook. That's a super easy thing to cook. Can of sauce, meat. So I made it with some some ground turkey, you know, so I could feel a little bit better about myself.

And then I also threw in some canned carrots. You know the little diced carrots cut into square shapes? It's It's like, now it's got extra vegetables in it. Look at me at how healthy I am. So I I had some leftovers.

I brought it to work and I didn't wanna put this like on a bun. A lot of times, if I'm gonna have a Sloppy Joe, I'll eat it with Doritos. Yeah. It's pretty good. But I decided to chuck jalapeno Cheetos into the bowl with the sloppy joes.

And jill walks in she's like don't you complain about your stomach what are you doing hey didn't mess me up at all and it was great you know it added added a little bit of crunch and jalapeno cheetos are so good You could probably eat them with just about anything. Okay. So let's get back to disgusting food combinations, see if I'd eat them. Sardine and grape salad. No.

Okay. Soy sauce vanilla ice cream. I would actually think that could end up being pretty decent because Okay. Soy sauce is basically just salty as crap. That's the flavor of soy sauce.

Piles of salt. If you've ever had ice cream with, like, peanuts in it or something, ice cream with salty stuff in it is not a bad combo at all. What do you like? Snickers? That's sweet and salty.

Reese's peanut butter cups, sweet and salty. I would imagine soy sauce vanilla ice cream is probably not as terrible as it sounds. But clam chowder ice cream. No. I'm gonna go with no on that.

Okay. Sorry. I don't know why that 1 bothered me so bad. Now avocado and chocolate, I would imagine that that's not bad either because avocado doesn't really have that much of a flavor to it. It's kind of a bland food.

And chocolate goes with pretty much anything. I'm trying to we've done this before on the show, tried chocolate with a variety of strange items. I will say that chocolate and, ketchup doesn't go together. I topped a Reese's peanut butter cup with a dollop of ketchup like a little cupcake. It was disgusting.

It was not good. Also, ketchup in coffee is not good either. Don't do it. K? Don't do it.

Habanero sugar cookies. So that just sounds like it'd be a spicy cookie. Habanero's kind of got a little bit of a sweetness to it as well. I think that it doesn't sound right. A spicy cookie sounds kind of terrible.

But, yeah, I I guess it's probably not the worst thing. It's not surstromming. You know? 1 of the items at the disgusting food museum and another item that we've eaten on the noon hour of madness and mayhem, Don't if anybody ever tries to talk you into wacky food challenge and sir Stromming's on the list, don't do it. That's the worst thing I've ever eaten.

Like, you think liver is bad? Because liver is disgusting. It's got the worst, texture and flavor. It I don't know how people eat it. Very rare that I'm, like, gagging eating food.

But, surstromming, liver, yikes. I'm a get back to dreaming about Sloppy Joe's with Cheetos. Man, the electric Just saw a Just saw a story about a Florida man who went around spray painting cyber trucks with a blank Elon phrase, because he does not like Elon Musk. You know, if you wanna complain about a person, just do it in a way that's not gonna get you arrested. Do it on social media like everybody else.

You start vandalizing things, you're gonna go to jail. And those cyber trucks are pretty expensive, so I imagine that the charges are gonna rack up to quite the hefty fine. Yeah. Just whine online like everybody else. Yeah.

I, again, don't know what's going on with, the back and forth on electric vehicles. I drove the first electric vehicle I've ever driven about a week or 2 ago. It was actually a Cybertruck. And, I mean, you've heard me talk about how Elon Musk annoys me. Plenty on the show if you're a regular listener.

But I did think that it was a fun vehicle to drive. It was ridiculous looking, and it was fun. It it was it was cool. But I don't understand what's going on with Elon Musk because, you know, electric vehicles have become a political issue, which is weird. Like, I don't know.

If you don't want an electric vehicle, don't drive 1. But they've become a political issue and Elon's kinda shifted to 1 side of the political spectrum. And that side of politics seems to be anti electric vehicles. So his marketing for his primary, you know, product, Tesla vehicles, he's he's not doing a very good job when all of the politicians on the side he's rooting for are anti his own products. It's very, very strange.

I saw another article about an all electric tugboat, the first all electric tugboat being christened on San Diego Bay. And that's another weird 1 that I've seen in the news recently. Electric boats. Have you seen some of the discussion on this? There's some pretty funny political clips making the rounds about electric boats and sharks.

Will that come up in the presidential debate tonight? I hope so. But I thought, you know, according to that clip that you couldn't make an electric boat. It would sink. You know, they gotta, like, tug the battery behind it.

Far article says the tugboat has the battery in it. It's not gonna tug it. But, anyway, I don't know. I can't afford an electric vehicle as far as I'm aware. Maybe there's some bargains out there, but I I thought it was a a nice drive.

It was very quiet. And I've talked to friends who've driven other electric vehicles, and they they thought they were pretty cool. So I don't know. Again, it's sad when products become a political statement. It's that's the silly world we live in nowadays where what you drive you know, to a lot of people, you're you're making a statement and it could just be like, no.

No. I just like this this ride. I tried out a bunch at the dealership, and I thought this 1 was cool. You got people scratching your vehicle, flipping you off. Dude, I'm just trying to get by I needed something that would be a little bit more affordable than my truck that eats gas like nothing else Yeah.

I I don't go anywhere anymore in my truck. It's too expensive. I don't know how much it would cost to charge an electric vehicle anyway, though. So I'm just out of luck. Just out of luck.

Let's check out a am I the jerk post on Reddit. The gas Am I the jerk? It it's not the real name for the sub. You can figure out what it is. I can't say the word on air.

Oh, you know? 1 of the reasons that radio will just never be able to stand up next to a good podcast because I can't say a word. Am I the jerk for not inviting my sister to my wedding because she always brings her dog? Alright. Let's dig into this.

My wedding's coming up in a few months and I've been busy with the planning. 1 of the issues I've run into is my sister and her dog. My sister is obsessed with her dog, a large and somewhat poorly trained Bernese mountain dog. Cute, but a demon. She takes it everywhere with her, including family gatherings, despite the fact that many of us has have asked her not to.

For context, her dog has caused a lot of problems in the past. At my cousin's wedding, her dog knocked over an elderly guest and tore up some of the decorations. At our family's holiday dinner last year, it ate part of the turkey off of the table when no 1 was looking. My sister always brushes it off, saying her dog is just energetic and friendly. When I sent out my wedding invitations, I decided not to invite her dog.

I know she will bring it anyway if I just ask her not to, so I told her she can't bring the dog. And if she does, she won't be allowed in. My sister was furious and she said that if her dog isn't welcome, she isn't coming either. She accused me of not caring about her happiness and making her choose between her family and her dog. My parents think I should just let her bring the dog to keep the peace, but my fiance and I affirm on this.

We want our wedding to be a calm and beautiful day without any chaos. I've tried to compromise by suggesting she find a pet sitter for the day, but she refused. She insists the dog is part of the family. Am I the jerk? Alright.

As you know if you're a regular listener, I don't have a dog. I'm the crazy cat guy. So I have had people bring their dogs to my house. Alright? And I've never explicitly told someone, don't bring your dog to my house.

Alright? But I'm not usually happy when someone brings their dog to my house. Because anytime it seemed like it's a giant dog. So I I mean, even if it wasn't a giant dog, it would stress my cats out. I mean, my cat Koopa, it took him a month to even tolerate the new kitten.

A full month of this animal always being around before he wasn't completely losing his mind. And he's still not stoked on it. So it's traumatic for him. Then you have the issue of dog crap. Yeah.

Big dogs, well, they leave behind big dookie. And you know who ends up having to clean it up out in my yard? Me. That's right. It's 1 of the reasons that, I enjoy having a fenced yard.

Neighbor dogs don't just roll on through. And then when I'm out mowing the lawn, next thing I know, stepping in dog dookie. Now if I decided I wanted to have a dog, that's that's 1 thing. You're like, okay. There's gonna be a dog here now.

Then you're like, alright. Part of the deal is you you deal with the dookie and so on, and the cats will have to get used to the dog. But there are people who bring their dogs everywhere there that they go, and I don't know. You you gotta, to a degree, I would say, be somewhat conscious of the places you're bringing your dog and that maybe not everybody's gonna be all stoked on it. And a wedding to me does not seem like the proper place to bring a dog.

Alright. I used to run a little store in Burley. And I put a sign on the tour. No pets allowed. And we had a drive through too.

Because when I put the sign up, people would get very mad, very mad at me. Like, you can't refuse me service because of my dog. This is my service animal. I I've got a drive through right here. Just drive on through.

I'll get you anything you want. I'll bring it outside if I have to. The reason I did this because people would bring in their dogs. And more than once, dog would just drop dookie on the floor. This is a business with carpet.

Alright? Or they'd pee on the floor. Do you think the owners of these dogs would clean it up? It's burly. You know, basic human respect is kind of on the lower level in burly.

So, no. Of course, they wouldn't. So then part of my job duty is cleaning up duty. Alright. I am not anti dog.

I like dogs just fine. Just fine. But in this situation, sounds like this person's dog is an absolute terror. Well, wedding's not a place for a dog. I don't know.

Unless it's on the invitation, dog friendly wedding, and there's just dogs all over the place. Sounds like pure chaos to me. This sister who's saying, you know, you're disrespecting my happiness. It's like, no. It's their wedding.

Alright? Weddings are bad enough as it is. Alright? Nobody's really having fun at a wedding. So might as well try to make it as enjoyable as possible.

And if it's your own wedding and you just want it calm, you don't want potential dookie on 4th. Nothing says, I love you more than when you're, you know, putting the ring on the hand, and you're like, what's that smell? What's it? Because, I mean, come on. Anybody with a pet knows.

Sometimes dog farts alone. Dog farts alone can be toxic. It's it's rare that something's worse than a Jay Davis fart. Alright. But I mean, I have smelled some toxic dog farts in my days.

Dog dookie. Way worse. Because that's a fart that doesn't slowly dissipate. Now you're having to send down the the groomsmen to clean it up in the middle of the ceremony. The dog owner's laughing.

Look. It's He did a dog thing. I'm certainly on the side of the, couple in this 1. Just you know, this ultimately comes down to try to be respectful of other people in general, and I'm sure someone would love to watch your dog. People love dogs.

You could certainly find someone to watch it for a little while. Doesn't have to go to the wedding. Funny that someone would refuse. Oh, you're my sibling. I refuse to go without my can you imagine if I demanded to bring my cat everywhere I go?

Showing up to work. Koopa's my service animal, Jade. Why can't I set up a litter box in the studio? Alright. I know it stinks.

And, you know, it's unsightly and unprofessional. It'd be annoying if my cat was here all day, just pacing the room, meowing, wanting outside. Yeah. He he can stay home. There's a post online where somebody's asking about haunted locations in Southern Idaho.

Kind of a weird time of year to be looking for haunted locations. It's usually a Halloween type of thing, but whatever. Thought I'd look through and see if we had any interesting ones. And some of these, it seems like I've heard of. Others, I'm like okay.

The Crowley house in Idaho Falls. Now I've read a variety of descriptions about this place. If anyone around here knows specifically where this is and if there's even a house there, I'd like to know. Is it just somebody's house where they live? They're like, stop driving by.

Stop creeping around my yard with a flashlight out on Crowley Road. But 1 of the descriptions I read was that, the house has been torn down, but there have been reports of running water and lights turning on and off at this vacant lot. What does that mean? If there is nothing there, what are you you're here in water? I mean, we had that story earlier about the guy who caught the board member from his HOA.

You know, you going to the bathroom on the side of his house. I mean, there could be somebody behind a tree. This is east Idaho. And, you know, out in those more rural areas like Crowley Road, you know, you you could have somebody out, I don't know, walking a dog, and they they need to step behind a tree for a minute. Running water?

What about the the lights being turned on and off? Are these orbs? What are we talking about here? Then others were like, no. The house is there.

I I'd like to go drive by it if so. I don't recall seeing any creepy houses out on Crowley Road. But the next 1 on the list was Albertsons. I don't now wait a minute. Albertsons?

Now I'll admit that the older Albertsons out on Broadway, it does seem to have a creepier vibe than the other Albertsons. And you know there's a sometimes it it just feels a little bit I don't know. There You know how when stuff's kinda old? It just has a different smell. The Albertson on Broadway is just fine.

I was there the other day. I've never seen any ghosts in Albertsons. Alright. Creepy k Bear listeners, sure. But ghosts?

No. Come on. Come on. Albertsons? I have never heard that Albertsons is a legendary haunted location in east Idaho.

Yeah. They say there's a ghost that wanders around in a checkered golf hat and brown trench coat. He often stares at the cashier when he or she is ringing up a customer, but disappears into the back room when approached. I I don't know if that's a ghost. It just sound like a creep.

Just sound like a creep to me. And you can't put cemeteries on a list of legendary haunted locations. Alright. Way too cliche. There's this place filled with dead bodies.

Now, the cemeteries that are older, you know, they're gonna have a creepier vibe because you've got the old headstones and stuff. But still, I haven't heard of any of these. Maybe the Crowley house. I mean, I was surprised you didn't see, like, I don't know, Pocatello High School on the list. That was 1 of the most legendary I was aware of, Pocatello High School, when I was in video production class.

We investigated the haunted areas, the stairways that go to nowhere. I'd you know, we just found a bunch of garbage, far as I recall. Nothing nothing impressive. Nothing creepy. There was a big nasty silverfish under the auditorium.

I didn't like that. That was that was scary. It was monstrous. But, it wasn't a ghost. It was just gross pretty much.

Alright. The Stricker Ranch at Rock Creek Station. Where is that? Let's see. There's a small cemetery on the Rock Creek Station property.

Oh, out near Hanson? Okay. Well alright. You wanna talk about places that are just creepy in general? The Magic Valley.

I I don't think it's ghosts. I think it's just the people that live in that area. I talked about Burley a little while ago. Hanson, Twin Falls, Oakley. No.

There's just something weird going on there. The places ain't haunted. Alright? They're just strange. Howells Opera House in Oakley.

Yeah. It's Oakley. All right You ever met any people from Oakley? Yeah creepy, no offense to anybody who is listening in Oakley or has moved here from Oakley or has family in Oakley. But come on.

If you're talking about Cashew County, there there ain't no more creepy or weird of a place that I'm aware of in the entire country than Casa County. I'm I'm amazed that I haven't sat down and taken the time to write a legendary horror novel about Casa County. Alright. What's this 1? The gravesite of lady Bluebeard.

Twin Falls 2, Albion Idaho College, Magic Valley yet again. Though they do have a great haunted attraction, in the in the fall, Halloween time, at the Albion Idaho College. Albion's a pretty as far as Magic Valley goes, Albion's a pretty nice little town. I I like it. Sidewinders bar and grill in Murtaugh?

Yeah. No. Again, you're just dealing with weirdos in the Magic Valley. That's all that's going on there. You know, just because you see somebody that's just a local drunk.

It's the Victor Wilt Show. We are joined by beaches. Yeah. And we were talking about haunted southern Idaho locations because apparently somebody wants to celebrate Halloween early. They were looking for haunted locations in southern Idaho.

So Was this posted by Zach Bagans on Reddit? Maybe. It was on Reddit. But that that guy is so weird to me. It's so funny.

Who's Zach Baggins? Zach Baggins is the guy in Ghost Adventures. He has the haunted museum in Vegas that has all the stuff that you I think you would like that museum quite a lot. I I looked it up recently, and I do want to go visit that the next time I'm in Vegas for sure. My dad and my sister went because my mom wants nothing to do with it.

And they they have, like, the John Wayne Gacy van. They have paintings from him. They have glasses from Ted Bundy. It's a whole bunch of weird, unique, serial killer stuff. See, I the 1 I was like, man, they had, like yeah.

The the chair from The Conjuring. The Annabelle doll is there? The Annabelle doll is there. There's footage of people, like, you know, getting possessed and falling over, you know, you know, that type of thing. Well, we had a caller who wanted to call and chat with us a little bit.

Let's go to the phones. K Bear, what's up? Were were you there? You said you take video production, and then you saw, like, a ghost and you had experience with ghosts there? Because I've seen them, and I've heard I've experienced with that as well because I work there.

No. I was talking about, Pocatello High School, but, what what do you got for an experience at Idaho Falls High School? Oh, Polkadot. Yeah. Polkadot has their problems as well.

Yeah. That's true. No. That's okay. I thought you I thought you were talking about Idelvalls High School.

The Civic Auditorium is right next door. Yes. And, well, we have ghost there. Well, we did. And so we I just sort of I let them know, do you you have to get out because I've been working there for all these years, 30 years, and they left.

They did. They actually left. So I'm just curious about whatever you were speaking about, and I realized that I'm I'm incorrect. You were talking about Pocatello High School, not Idaho Falls High School. So that's okay.

I was just talking haunted locations in general. So, Idaho Falls High School is 1 that hadn't come up yet, and I had not heard of the haunted civic auditorium. So that that's interesting. It was haunted, and I could tell stories about it. But there it's not haunted anymore because I actually went in 1 night because they were messing with me.

They were always they were messing with a lot of the custodians that were there and other people who were working there. And I went in 1 night, and I said, you get out. You better get out right now. I'm done with you. Because they were messing with us, and they left, and they've never come back.

What kind of things were they doing to mess with you? Well, as a custodian, many different things. I would be vacuuming, and they would unplug my vacuum. Oh, jeez. And it would well, they were there was nobody in the building.

I would be 2 o'clock in the morning, and I would be vacuuming. And I stopped. I turned off the vacuum, for instance. This is just 1 story I could tell to others. I just turn off the vacuum because I have to carry a garbage can of the aisle outside, and I turn off the vacuum.

And when I come back, the vacuum doesn't turn back on. And I'm like, well, of course, it's an AC issue, so I go and look at the outlet. And my outlet, the the plug, the extension cord that I had was thrown clear across the room. That's pretty bizarre. It's totally bizarre.

And that's just 1 story. There's nobody in the building. It's 2 o'clock in the morning. So do you think somebody ghosts are, like, cats and they are afraid of the vacuum? No.

The what they're doing is they're caught in between where they need to be going, and they have nothing better to do. And so they hang out in these buildings. It doesn't matter whether it's a civil auditorium. It doesn't matter whether it's a home. It doesn't matter whether where they are.

They're just caught in between and they're and they're and they're bored. And so they come up with this strange way of entertaining themselves that way, and that's what I think the ghosts do. And they're and they're disembody people who haven't progressed forward, and they're they're bored. And so they make up this stuff. And to to tease people, really, is all it really is.

You know? They don't mean any really harm to anyone, but they're around. And so, it's just strange. And so, anyway, I don't mean to take up all your time about it, but I thought that was interesting that you brought that up with Pokedell High School. I thought you were talking about Idyll Falls High School.

Yeah. No. No. I was just, we had somebody online looking for haunted southern Idaho location, so I brought up a list of a variety of them and talked about some I had heard of before, but yeah, civic auditorium's a new 1 to me. I mean, I've been to a lot of concerts there and things, but hadn't seen anything weird that I recall.

What was the silver fish that you were talking about? Was that Pocatello High School? Yeah. Under the there. You know, you you could get up, and head to the band shell or the orchestra pit that's usually closed off, but there's these.

I I think they pump heat into there through these you know, it's a concrete area under the auditorium, and I'd never seen a silverfish before. They're they're nasty. Well, I didn't know what that was, and that's curious because I've been at high school and also the auditorium next door, which is the Frontier Center now. And I know these guys. I know these these ghosts.

They've been there. But I told them to get out, and they left. And they've never bothered anybody since. And so but it's an interesting thing that happens with people, so I'm always interested to hear about that. And I knew that Polkadot by the way, that video that that was posted a a few years ago, you saw the lights turn on and off in the hallways maybe when you saw that.

That was fake. Oh. That wasn't real. Okay. Alright.

Yeah. I I recall that 1. So Yeah. It was fake. The kids made that up, but that doesn't that doesn't mean that there's not ghosts there, though.

That doesn't mean that no. It doesn't. They they may be there, but they were just trying to try to hike it up. You know? And you you cast them out, though.

You cast them out. I took I told them to get the hell out, and they left. I did, and I won't use the language I was using, but I said get out. And they have never messed with me again. They have never messed with me again, and they have never messed with anybody else again too.

All you have to do is just say you get out. All you have to do is just leave. If only that worked with peaches. I wish I wish I were the peaches. Yeah.

That's right. Yeah. Peaches, you get out. Yeah. Yeah.

Go back to California where you got there. Oh, man. Listen, it's getting snappy. Yeah. You can't cast Californians out by just telling them you get out or, there'd be nobody left from all the Facebook posts.

Because eventually, when you're in the the size of Hulk Hogan, you know. I mean, you I know. Well, anyway, I appreciate what you were speaking about. And I thought Thank you. To ask you about it.

And I tune in to Jay, and and I have a good time with you each morning. Well, thank you. Anyway I Appreciate you listening to the show, and hope you have a great rest of the day. I appreciate you, and I hope you have the great great greatest rest of the day. Right on.

Talk to you later. Talk to you later, bud, mate. Bye bye. Quick update on what I was talking about with Pocatello High School. I decided I'm gonna Google up a image of a silverfish, And that's not what I saw.

All these years, somebody who I was with at the time was like, that's a silverfish. This was just a giant creepy centipede. Now the centipedes I've seen before didn't look like this, but I looked up some centipedes online, house centipedes, and that's what it was, which is even creepier because centipedes will, mess you up pretty good, won't they? Isn't a centipede bite, like, really nasty? Like, it like, it hurts.

Doesn't feel very good. So, anyway, not a silverfish. They're they're smaller, I guess. They get to, like, a half inch. This thing was, like, 2 inches long.

It was it was nasty and about an inch wide or at least that's how my horrified memory recalls. Somewhere, I have a VHS tape of when we did the haunted investigation at Pocatello High School. And, again, we just found, like, garbage and stuff. Nothing exciting. But it was really neat to go into these areas of Pocatello High where you're not normally allowed.

And I know that in East Idaho around Halloween, I think Pocatello and Idaho Falls both do haunted downtown tours. I think the museum does, museum after dark stuff in Idaho Falls as well where they'll take into, a bunch of, you know, closed off in general locations in Idaho Falls and stuff. So highly recommend those kind of tours if you get the opportunity to do so. We've got some pretty cool, unique, creepy old buildings. The only weird haunted thing that's ever happened to me was I was in the Roach motel, which now I think it's just apartments or Rick's pool and spots, you know, next to the overpass, the Benton Street Overpass, it's on First Street in Pokey.

I'd love to go in there and see what it's like now that they've from what I can tell from the outside, looks like they've really fixed up the top floor. But I I had a jam room in there, and I was hanging out there by myself 1 night. It's a big old warehouse building. It was creepy to be in by yourself to begin with, but I was just hanging out in there, you know, playing guitar and stuff, chilling. And I could hear a a dog running around in the room outside of our jam room.

It was a big concrete room, the jam room and the room outside of it. And I could hear a dog running around in there and barking. Very clear that it was out in that room and I'm like, somebody come here and Did they bring their dog? We already talked about, you know, unwanted dogs in the building. You know, I don't wanna be cleaning up dog poo off the concrete.

And I then I hear, like, it sounded like a couple arguing. And I'm like, well, that that's weird. And inside of this building, this concrete room where our jam room was, you could not hear what was going on outside. You you couldn't hear, like, the cars driving by on the overpass. This is a you know, there's no windows.

It was a very thick walled insulated room. You couldn't hear what was going on outside, which is why it was great for a jam room. So, finally, I was like, okay. This is strange. I opened the door.

All the sounds stopped and nothing was there. And I'm someone who doesn't believe in ghosts, so I don't know what it was. It was weird, but that's all I've got. Peaches, have you ever had a haunted experience? You ever seen or heard a ghost?

Anything like that? I've been to the Whaley House in San Diego where it's supposed to be Whaley House. It's supposed to be extremely haunted. If you park your car out front, your car's battery will die. That's how it is for some reason.

Are you sure it's not just thieves stripping some wires out of your engine? Things like that. Maybe now considering how, you know, the state of San Diego now in 2024 versus when I went back in, like, 2015, I think. Oh. 2014.

Let's see. Whaley House haunted house guide at ghosts and gravestones.com. Alright. Not a lot of photos here. Okay.

So you've got you know, some people died in there and things like that. Right. And, you know, if every house where somebody died in it was haunted, do you know how many haunted houses we would have? The Florida Retirement Homes would be crazy. Scariest haunted houses in the land.

Woo hoo. I guess to wrap up the show, we're talking local ghost and haunted experiences. Let's go to the phones. Kay Bear, what up? Hey.

So you're talking about haunted places and stuff, and it just made me chuckle because my house is haunted here in Idaho Falls. Your house in Idaho Falls. Okay. What area of town? I don't want you to, like, give out your address.

Kinda like the closer to the Ammon side. Okay. Okay. Is it an older home? It was built in the seventies.

Okay. Okay. So not super like no. It's not like somebody who died there, although there might be somebody who died there. It's like more of a halfway house where it goes to, like, come and go constantly.

Okay. So There's some that have just lingered longer than others. So I take it you're fine with this? You haven't, fled in terror? No.

I mean, none of them have really tried to do anything. Most of them just kinda sit there and stare at us. Just sit there and stare at you. What do they look like? I I honestly have no idea.

My husband's the 1 who sees them, but he's like, I've seen so many of them. I've kinda lost count, and they all look similar but different. But he did say that there was a lady in the house that was kinda, like, tall and lanky. And then my son has said that he's seen a guy in a trench coat with, like, a top hat in his bedroom. That's, that'd be creepy.

You know? We talked about the guy wearing a trench coat at Albertsons earlier and, you know, people wearing trench coats in general. You know? What kind of creeps? Yeah.

That 1 the the the trench coat guy was the only bad spirit that we've had experience with because he was had this really negative energy around him and stuff, and my husband and my son kicked him out. Yeah. There's this, lanky skeleton looking ghost that wanders the halls here, kinda puts off a bad energy too. Says his name's Jade. He's a skin and bones.

Right? Yeah. He has his low, creepy voice. Really weird looking. It looks really old.

Oh, man. Well, I appreciate you calling in, and telling me about it. I'm glad for the most part that the spirits are, you know, pretty chill. So Yeah. No.

They just like to hang out for a little bit and then be back on their way going wherever they're going. It's there's like a halfway house or something. Interesting. Well, right on. Yeah.

Thanks for calling and letting us know about it, and of course, for listening to my show. Not a problem. You guys have a good 1. Hey. You too.

Thanks so much. Yep. Bye. Bye. K Bear.

What's happening? Not a whole lot. How are you, Victor? I'm pretty good. You got some haunted action for me?

I do. Go for it. Go. Do you know where the, I think it's a Westmark Credit Union is on First Street. Yes.

I do. So my grandparents used to live in a house on the corner of Chatham and First Street, Has a green roof. They shared the backyard with that, assisted living place right there on First Street. Okay. I was maybe 4 or 5 years old.

I was super young. My uncle still lived with my grandparents, and they had a party 1 night. And, they were drinking, doing adult stuff. And so they told me, go sleep downstairs on the cot in your uncle Casey's room. At the time, he was, like, 16 or 17.

And so I go down there and I get on the cot and I lay down and I go to bed. Well, I was overheating most of the night and had the blanket, like, half off me. Well, that morning I woke up and, I laid in bed for a little bit. I was really, really cold, and I could not warm up to save my life. And all of a sudden, this lady walks up to me, and I thought it was my grandma.

And so I'm like, hey, grandma. Am I good to go upstairs now? And she looks at me and she says, I'm not your grandma, James. And I'm like, oh. And she's like, yeah.

I'm your aunt Melanie. And so I go, hi, aunt Melanie. And, she's like, come with me, James. Come with me. And I told her no.

My grandmother told me I have to stay until she comes down here and gets me. And this thing says, your grandma won't mind. You can come with me, James. Don't worry. And I said, no.

No. My my grandma told me I had to wait for her, so I've gotta wait for her. Well, the thing ended up walking into the wall and disappearing. And, you know, at such a young age, I didn't think anything of it. And so after she left, like, it warmed back up, I went back to bed for a little bit.

And a couple hours later, my grandmother comes and wakes me up to take me upstairs. And I didn't think anything of it. Well, a couple days later, I was walking out the the back door to go into the backyard to go play, and there was a picture on the wall. And my grandma was right behind me, and I just stopped. And I looked at that picture, and I pointed to it, and I said, oh, that's aunt Melanie.

And my grandma said, yeah. How do you know that? And I said, oh, she came and saw me the other day. My grandma turned pale white, like somebody had sucked all of the color out of her. And she's like, you didn't see her.

And I said, yeah. She came and saw me the other night when I was sleeping downstairs with Casey. And my grandma's like, no, you didn't. She died back before your dad was born, James. And I'm like, no, she didn't.

She came and saw me the other morning. And my grandma's like, no, James. She died, like, back in the seventies from a brain aneurysm. Your dad never even met her. I'm like, well, she came and talked to me.

And still to this day, I don't know what to think of it. You can believe the story. You can tell me I'm crazy, but I know what I saw that night or that morning. And it was thinking back on it now, like, it's kind of scary to think about. If you think back, James, did you tell her get out?

And that's why she went through the wall? No. I just I remember I told her multiple times, like, I can't go with you. I've gotta wait for my grandmother. Alright.

That's a pretty wild 1, James. That's pretty wild. Does she unplug the vacuum? No. Did she unplug the vacuum?

As far as I know, she wasn't messing with the vacuum. She just wanted to take James to who knows where. It's probably good you stayed down in the basement. These ghosts are weird, man. They're unplugging vacuums, wanting you to take Right.

Wanting to take you to different places. Yeah. Yeah. Let let James work on. On a vacation.

That's his age. She might have taken me somewhere really cool. You never know. Yeah. Like camo.

Exactly. Grandma, where did she live? Cause the winter here sucks. Right? Is it warm there?

If it's warm there, I'll go. Well, appreciate the call, James, and hope you have a great, rest of the week. Yeah, not a problem. You have a wonderful day, Victor, and give peaches a little grief for me. Always.

Sounds like a deal. Alright. See you, man. Peace. Bye.

That ended up being a pretty fun show, I gotta say. Thank you for everybody or to everybody who called in with your haunted experiences. And I don't know. We'll have to do that again for sure. Every time I've done call with your haunted experiences, we get some interesting calls.

So thank you all for taking part. We'll have to kick off the next hour as I get on out of here with a little bit of ghost, some spirit action, and y'all have a great rest of the day. Thank you to all who listen to this show on demand. Make sure to give me a rating on whatever service you're listening to us on. Subscribe.

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#0014 - HOW TO: Get Rid Of Ghosts - 06/27/2024
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