#0015 - Bicycle Safety with Josh Tielor and Peaches - 06/28/2024

Hello. Good morning, and happy Friday. I am certainly ready for the weekend. I don't know about you. Hopefully, the day just rockets on by.

Alright. My systems are working now. Yay. Now if only there was something really exciting to talk about. I saw something bothersome, actually.

Saw it yesterday. And, no, I'm not talking about the debate, though that was bothersome. I saw a news article pop up this morning about a house being demolished in Hawaii, and it reminded me that I saw an East Idaho news article yesterday about or maybe it was just a Facebook post. I don't know if they made an actual article about it, but Chad Daybell's house is for sale. Who on earth would want to buy Chad Daybell's house?

Now if you're not a local listener and aren't familiar with the story of the Daybells, I mean, it was a national story. Probably the most disgusting and insane thing that's ever happened in East Idaho. I'm not gonna get into the details because it's it's horrible. It's horrible. And it all, from what I understand from reading news articles over the years, all took place at Chad Daybell's house.

We can only hope that somebody like whatever house I saw a headline about being demolished in Hawaii buys this place and just raises it to the ground. Just destroy it. I I don't know what you need to do to try to cleanse east Idaho of that horrific property. But I saw some comments on the post that what a bright way to start my show today. I saw some comments on the post where people were saying somebody should demolish the house, demolish everything, and set up a, like, a park, you know, in memorial of the those children.

That's probably the only reasonable route to take, but ugh. Yeah. They had a little image from the property description that was like, this is a what what did they call it? I can't remember the phrase they used, but oh, astigmatized property. All requests to show must be vetted through the listing agent to be certain the buyer is genuine and aware of the trauma involved with the home.

No curiosity seekers will be allowed to access the home or grounds. Who would wanna go on a tour? I gotta check this place out. So so horrible. You know, I think for all the people affected in East Idaho.

Burn it to the ground. Just set it on fire. Jeez. Anyway, In good housing news, I was happy to see that 1 of my neighbors is, listing their house for an exorbitant amount of money. So hopefully they get some action keep my property value up.

It's not like I like put, you know, paying the taxes, but you know after having to refinance pay out a bunch of dough you know keeping them property values up would be helpful for down the road so anyway there's my as a podcast. I listen to regular regularly says there's my bright spot for the day. Yikes. Alright. I'm gonna find something more sunshine and rainbowy to talk about.

Fame on fire should have that band in studio here in, what, a few weeks or so. I don't remember exactly when, but at some point, they're supposed to be stopping by. Good dudes. We hung out with them about a year ago or so. Looking forward to seeing them again.

Anyway, are you looking for a way to make your partner happy and get him excited? Apparently, you need to clean. That's right. Cleaning. Makes about 70% of Americans very excited.

What I found surprising about this stupid poll I was looking at is that 82% of people said they're likely to clean before bringing a date home. What's up with this other 18%? Nah. Is your house super clean, or do you just not care? I you know, first time my lady came over, I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned, like, for weeks, And I was still, like, oh, it ain't cleaning up.

And then seeing this stupid pole reminded me that I have all these chores I need to do at home. You know? And what's funny about it is I wanna get my house all clean because my kids are coming to visit, and they're just gonna trash the place because that's what kids do. And my house is cleaner than it ever was when they lived there as it is at the moment. So even if they showed up right now and I didn't do anything, it would be fine but I'm still like oh jeez better get the broom and the mop out I got a vacuum I'm really being a downer this morning, aren't I?

Hey, everybody. Let's think about, horrible things and chores. 0II swear I'm trying to dig up better things. It's a rough rough day of internet browsing so far. So I guess just wanted to give you the tip if you wanna get your date excited.

Clean up your house a little bit. I would think that 1 would be obvious that, well, I don't know. Maybe not. Maybe not. It's the actual act of cleaning gets people excited.

I don't know. I've I've never heard of such a thing. Seems like there are other things you could do, but alright. I know how to do chores. You're welcome, my lady.

I know I know how to how to do chores. I hope that everyone is having a good day so far. If your day is going kind of crappy, it could be crappier. Could be like this Connecticut family's day. Anne Bedard was just hanging out, sitting around the house, and heard a loud bang, rushed outside to see what what's going on, Sees a large manure truck overturned and crashed into her neighbor's car.

An overturned manure truck. Not a good thing in front of your house, especially when all of said manure just went flying everywhere. The article I'm looking at says its entire stinky load was dumped and sprayed all over her yard, her neighbor's yard, and both of their homes. She said it was literally a waterfall of brown. All of a sudden we see the sewer come out of the truck and then it just flooded our property.

So a cleaning crew showed up to remove the mess, but they had to, also dig up a few inches of soil on the properties because, you know, you don't want that jankham seeping into the ground that's hazardous getting getting into the water supply. My girlfriend lives in Connecticut. A lot of people out there have, wells. You know? We got we got a lot of people around here with with wells on their property as well.

Wells as well. Yeah. You you don't want that seeping into the the drinking water, right, trying to do your laundry? The cause of the truck crash is under investigation? Okay.

Bad driving. I don't know. So if your home has been covered in poo and you're feeling mentally distraught, call the advocate's injury attorneys. I you know how I don't like spills? Alright.

Spills can be really bad. Makes me feel a little bit better about a leaky faucet. When you think about something like that, oh, it's terrible. So, anyway, I hope that makes makes few of us out there feel a little bit better about our morning so far. At least everything at home is not covered in in you know?

I I don't need to get more descriptive. We already said what I was talking about. Alright. 7 o'clock already. Okay, Dave.

Feel free feel free to, continue kicking up the pace. Oh, I'm I might have to go hit the instant coffee. That's right. Beware of avocado hand. Avocado hand.

How hard is it to cut an avocado? I've never cut myself cutting avocados, but I'm very cautious because they are difficult to deal with sometimes. I recommend you use a butter knife. A lot of people like to get out the real sharp knife. Here's the key.

I'm gonna tell you how to deal with an avocado. Alright? You carefully cut around the outside, and then you twist it apart, and you've got that big seed in the middle. I think where people injure themselves has to do with the big seed in the middle. Right?

Now you gotta be careful when you do this too, but here's a a tip. It's not super easy if the avocado is not super ripe. But you take your knife and you, you know, jab it into the, the seed or just kinda slice into the seed a little bit, and then you can just kinda twist that seed because you can't just grab the seed with your hand. It's all slick and avocado y and slimy. Right?

Slimy might not be the right word. That doesn't sound very appetizing. But then, yeah, you just kinda twist the seed out, toss it, and then just get a spoon and scoop the avocado out of the is it a shell? I guess. Don't hurt yourself cutting an avocado.

Can you imagine if you lobbed off a finger or something like that? Cutting a is that a fruit or vegetable? I don't know. What is it? This must be a hot topic.

I got somebody calling me. Probably off topic. K Bear, you're live on the show. What's up? It's actually on topic, Victor.

It's Bryce. Hey, Bryce. What up, man? So So you're talking about the avocado. Yeah.

So people are injuring themselves doing exactly what you said. Uh-oh. Because the knife the knife slices through the pit because Taylor did this with a knife and ended up slicing the tendons in her pinky, and she couldn't move her pinky. She had to have surgery. Gee.

All the way through the pit? Yeah. The knife will poke through the pit, go through the skin, and that's how people are cutting themselves. So they recommend that you flip it upside down and push it from the outside. It's a good team we got Bryce here, people.

I never thought about pushing it from the outside, but wouldn't that, you know, break up the nice structural integrity of the avocado piece on that side? It all tastes the same when it goes in your mouth. That's true. But I like a nicely sliced avocado. It looks all pretty when you put it on a burger or a salad or whatever.

I just know that I guess, apparently, it's a pretty common thing from what the surgeon said when she did this a few years ago that it happens, like, a lot more than people think doing exactly what pretty much everybody does is you take the knife and twist it out. But, yeah, it'll go right through the pit. Okay. Well, I'm I'm gonna have to try it, that way because, yes, you are correct. 1 in every 50 knife injuries in America.

1 in 50 is avocado hand cutting injuries. Yeah. It's it's ridiculous. And like I said, it's pretty much everybody does it the same way and you never think about it until something happens. Yeah.

This you might get a kick out of this too. Women between the ages of 2339 are the most likely to injure their hands this way. Better. If it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen to Taylor. So Oh, poor Taylor.

Well, I I hope the surgery did the job to fix things up. Oh, yeah. Her hand's back to normal now. So you know, the hand injuries. Those are just horrific.

So, Especially when she's a hairstylist. Oh, yeah. I didn't even think about that. Made it rough for for a few weeks. Yeah.

My girls have been very bummed out living elsewhere that they don't have Taylor to cut their hair anymore. You know? Well, you said they're coming back. Tell them make an appointment. Alright.

I I will let them know. They're gonna be here, 1 of them in in 2 days. So I, yeah, I really gotta do some chores. Yeah. Just tell them to get ahold of her.

So Alright, man. Well, good day. Good deal for you. Misses them too. So They're pretty fun.

I miss having them around. It should be, it should be a good time, though. They'll probably be more interested in hanging out with a kitten than me. So Joys of being a parent. Yep.

Well, good to hear from you, Bryce. Appreciate the call. And I'm going to definitely take mental note of your tip because every time I open an avocado, I'm extra cautious and worried that I'm going to cut myself because it's not the first time I've seen these kind of stories. Right. Yep.

So good talking to you, and you guys have a good day, and happy Friday. Hey. You too, Bryce. Peace, man. Alright.

Bye. Alright. Apparently, this is a big deal. This is a common thing. So y'all be careful.

Alright? Y'all be careful. 1 thing I told my kids when they were in high school was don't worry about little clicks and things like that. Because once you get out of high school, all of that high school drama, the very day that high school ends, it just vanishes, just disappears. And most of those people, you'll never see them again.

You know, popularity and all that, it means nothing in the big scheme of things. School's weird because it seems like that world is just so important when you're in the midst of it. And then boom, it's done, and it pretty much all meant nothing. I mean, hopefully, you made some good friendships along the way, obviously, and had some good experiences, but yeah. You know, there's all these tiers of, you know, hierarchy in school, and it's it's very silly when you look back at it.

I looked or I stumbled across a Reddit post about what happened to the ultra popular kids in high school, and I got thinking about it. Like, okay. What what did happen to them? I don't even remember who the popular kids were in high school. Like, I know I was not a popular kid in high school.

I had my little group of friends, and, well, that was kinda all that mattered. We were certainly not the popular kids. But at Pocatello High, I seem to recall it was very different, the group of popular kids there than the popular kids I dealt with at Alameda Junior High, you know, when I was younger than that. Just a bit maybe it's the age group. Maybe people get to be like, when I think back to my own kids.

Yeah. The middle school years, that's when teenagers are the worst. They really are. For you parents out there with little ones that are growing up, Get ready for, like, 12 to 15. Oh, jeez.

I have the the sweetest girls. They're the best. But even them, they were ornery in that little age range there. It's like, what happened to them? What happened?

I mean, I still love them, obviously, but they were, like, cranky. It was like, what is what is going on here? What kind of devil has crawled into my children? Then they got to be cool again once they got a little bit older. They were still cool then too.

I don't want the girls listen to the podcast version of this show. I don't want you girls to think I was like, yeah. Not happy with you or something at those ages. You you were just fine. You were just, a little moody.

Alright? But, yeah, when I think back to junior high, I hated junior high. It was 1 of the most miserable times of my life, and I just wish I had somebody to tell me that it would all eventually just mean nothing. There are still people I remember from junior high. Actually, pretty much just 1 individual who was so awful to me.

Yesterday, Peaches and I talked about, you know, what's the most petty thing that you still hold a grudge about? I I don't feel like the way this guy was to me in junior high, that it's petty to still hold a grudge against him. But I I remember who he is. And as the bigger person, I'm not gonna say, I hope you're miserable. No.

I I hope that everybody's doing fine, but it just reminded me of how awful people in that age group can be. And I just wanna remind maybe you're driving around with your parents right now kids want to remind you that once you get out of school it all means nothing like I said I don't even remember who the popular kids in high school were and all of those awful kids from junior high. I don't ever see them. I have no idea where they are. Even at living in an area with a smaller population like ours, I probably bump into people from junior high and high school all the time, and I just don't recognize them.

Occasionally, it's really funny when I do see someone who I remember being, you know, like a jerk, and they look all old. They they've, like, really gone to crap. I'm like, yeah, look at you. I'm having fun. I'm having a great time.

Yeah. That's kinda rude of me to say, but it's true. So, anyway, don't let school get you down. I know we're in summer break right now but you might be going, oh, don't talk about school. I gotta get back to it in a couple months.

It all I'm I'm I shouldn't say it means nothing because you're you're going to find meaningful relationships and things during those years, and you're you're gonna have some good times that you always remember. But all that clicky crap, the school hierarchy, popularity, it doesn't mean anything in the real world. And I don't know what the, popular kids are up to nowadays. No idea. No clue.

I guess if we ever have a high school, reunion, oh, next year would be 25 years. Guess I could go to it. Do they even still do those? I don't know. The last 1 they were supposed to have for my class got canceled.

I wouldn't have gone to it anyway. I still had a bad attitude towards people from school back then. I think that was like a 10 year anniversary or something. And I might go now. I don't know.

Anyway, it's all gonna be okay, everybody. It's all gonna be okay. Don't let school get you down. Alright? Power through it, and you're gonna come out the other side, and you've got the whole world ahead of you.

Alright? Stick around. Freak news coming up here in a Freak news powered by Grease Monkey voted Idaho's best oil change. Alright. Attention, hippies.

I know we got some hippies that listen to this show. It's it's cool. We cool. I like I like all. I like all.

But hippies who were planning on attending the rainbow family gathering at Plumas National Forest. Dun dun dun. They shut you down. Yeah. Looks like the National Park Service closing the entire area due to high winds and risk of wildfire.

They figure how many people show up there? About 10, 000 hippies. All it takes is 1 out of control hippie. We don't need any fires, people. Nothing more aggravating than living in a just smoke filled orange sky nightmare for who knows how many months.

I hate that time of year. So I hate to see a giant hippie celebration shutdown, but, also, the smoke, it bothers me. So, yeah. But let's avoid wildfires. Now what I have imagined is going to happen is the hippies are just gonna move it somewhere else.

So I don't know where you, keep up to date on the Rainbow Family Gathering. They got a Facebook page or something? Just figured I'd let you know. We might have people who are ready to jump in the Volkswagen bus, hit the road. Sorry.

Sorry for the bad news. Let's see. We got a prankster trolling a Minneapolis neighborhood with a new Starbucks hoax. Now, were people mad about this or were they happy? I mean, what a hoax.

Somebody just put up a sign on a business that said Starbucks coming soon. What a prank. What a prank. Oh, and there's a QR code on the banner. And if you scanned it, you got rickrolled.

That's a good old fashioned prank. Wow. Nobody gets hurt? You rickrolling? They're like the tamest prank I've seen in ages.

And people say Minneapolis is just out of control. Alright. What else do we got here? Florida man accused of shooting a Walmart delivery drone. Dennis Wins, 72 years old.

What's that up in the sky? Aliens. Government watching me. Please do not discharge your firearms within city limits. Don't just shoot random things in the sky.

Alright? Guy just in the middle of town just trying to blast a drone out of the sky. I mean, I get it. Sometimes Walmart can be annoying. It's not usually the store's fault.

It's the customers. You get in there. It's overloaded with people. But come on. That could have been the neighbor neighborhood kid just trying to have some fun.

I don't know. It probably did have a big box hanging under. Maybe the guy read those stories about the, North Korean balloons that were filled with, you know sewage and stuff like that. He didn't know what was going on. It's happening here in Florida.

Well, he's he's gonna be away for a while. I hope there's video of this. Apparently, in Connecticut, there's a house filled with fireworks and a bomb squad's gonna blow it up. All that the world asks is that you film it. Alright?

And, I mean, blow it up or burn it down? I guess if you burn it down, it's going to blow up. It's filled with fireworks, but I'm sure most of us have seen fireworks gone wrong videos online. If you haven't, they can be a lot of fun, and they will help you educate your friends and family how to be safe with fireworks. You know, we're less than a week away from the 4th July.

Try to not be a moron. K? Exercise caution. Don't be stupid. Be wary of wind and, you know, areas that are prone to fire.

Things are drying out pretty quick because it's been hot as crap and we don't get any rain. Try to not be a moron this 4th July, please. But I do wanna see this video of a house getting blown up that's filled with fireworks. Break news powered by Grease Monkey, voted Idaho's best oil change. Joining me on the show, Peaches.

Good morning. Good morning, Peaches. You and Josh were just telling me you did a little bit of gaming last night. Yes. Did you guys stay calm?

No, no anger? No fun. No raging toward 1 another? No. We were teaming up.

We actually got to the top 10 in 1 game and then, course, got killed by some guy who probably probably plays the game a little too much. Playing Fortnite? Yeah. I've never played that game. It's cartoony.

It's not a first person shooter. It's a third person shooter. Which I'm a little bit better at a third person shooter than a first person shooter Right. For some reason. But I'm also better when you have the, aim assistance, like in GTA and Red Dead.

I I I'm great with that. There's no aim assistance in this game. It is. Okay. Then I'd probably do that.

Shooting. Okay. I wouldn't do very well. Well, did you see this story about this guy who got upset with another gamer, so he Oh, yes. Flew to Florida?

To beat him with a hammer? That's right. Some people take their gaming a little bit too seriously. It is funny how you can develop relationships from with with people on the Internet that are just so far away. You'll probably never meet them.

But yet, you can become best friends with those guys. Well, and he told his mom he was going to visit a friend. This is Edward King, 20 years old. It was, another guy about the same age. They played a game called arc age.

I've I've never heard of that game. No. No. No. Neither have III talked about it too.

I was like, what's arc age? Yeah. I guess they were shutting the game down, and these guys must have had some drama going on for a while. Guy flies all the way to Florida, found out somehow where the, victim lived, and then, took an Uber 35 miles, bought a hammer, went to the guy's house, which you'd think if you live in Florida, you wouldn't leave your door unlocked. I mean, I live I think this guy busted through the window.

It says the door was unlocked. Oh. Yeah. That must have been a different what the headlines story I was talking about. It's just common.

People getting in hammer fights over video games in Florida. Because even around here, I lock my door and Of course. It's safe around here. I'm I'm not actually worried. I freaked out because a couple days ago, I left my bedroom window open completely because it was it's hot the night.

So I'll just leave my window open. And then I come back, I'm like, why is there a breeze coming through? Oh, I left this window open all day. I've left my full fledged garage door in my driveway open all night before. So, left the door unlocked.

Guy goes into his house at 2 AM and then hits him in the head with a hammer. Yikes. But then the guy's dad showed up and, restrained him till the police arrived. They asked him why he did it, and he said that the other guy was a a bad person online, which there are bad people online. Wanted to give him the literal ban hammer.

Well said, peaches. Joining me on the program from wake up, classy 97, Josh Dietlett. Hey. What's up, homie? Good morning.

Oh, it's a great morning. Yeah. I'm just feeling so lively. There's lots of great content to talk about today. Yeah.

Yeah. It's great. I was clicking around threads. I had a minute and I was like what's happening on threads? I hadn't thought about that in a long time.

So I just sent you, I sent you a link to some content. It's cool. AI is being used to do viral video stuff. Have you seen this? Oh, it says the page is not working.

No. Yeah, it won't it won't work for me, do you? No. Or maybe if I try to go direct to the profile. Okay.

Is it the most recent post maybe? I don't know, but the AI is, being used to sort of rebuild viral videos. Have you seen some of this? No. I have not.

People are taking, like, memes or or old vines. Like, the girl who's staring at the camera with the house on fire behind her. You know that meme? Yeah. A little girl.

And they're animating these so it sort of continues to tell a story. It's strange. It's very weird. Well, this is making me mad. I've tried a variety of options as we were talking here.

Find another way to send it to you. I tried to, go through even Google to get I don't know if threads is just not working. Well, that's very strange. Okay. I got on the main threads page.

Alright. You're on threads. Sando produces. Alright. Sando produces.

No no results. How is that even possible? Well, we are talking about the wonderful product that is threads. So, you know, I was able to get, a home page to come up. Do you have to be logged in?

Maybe. Maybe. Let me log in. Maybe that's why. If you don't log in, we're not going to show you anything.

Like Facebook. Right. Right. Right. Right.

It is a meta product. Let's try it now. Yeah, that was the problem. You weren't logged in? Wasn't logged in.

Okay. So, this is AI. It can't handle bicycles and so, this is a whole bunch of bicycle footage, like bike races and, and where people crash and stuff and watching AI try to figure it out is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Dude, this is completely insane. It looks like zombie hordes at some points.

Like, it can't figure out if a person is riding a bicycle which is the scary part overall. Right? But Yeah. But it right now, it can't be which is the scary part overall. Right?

But Yeah. But right now, it cannot figure out bicycle races. So this is entirely produced AI footage. Well, it's real footage, but then they put it through an AI engine and AI is going bonkers. I'd say I I mean, you've seen the weird stuff with hands.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Enough enough fingers. Right. But I've never seen anything like this. This is like the first videos that, I started seeing that were AI generated back in the day. I think they called them like deep dream or something.

Yeah. Remember those? Looks like that. Yeah. It's kinda like that except it's actual bicycle footage, not just some kinda weird fractalization thing.

Yeah. This is It's just crazy to watch. Kinda nightmare fuel. Yeah. I know.

That's why it looks like you gotta see this. Okay. So you know how AI images confuse, boomers on Facebook? Yeah. What would happen if you showed them this?

Yeah. Look at this. Look at this horrifying bicycle wreck. Like, that's the worst wreck I've ever seen. Wow.

I'm trying to figure out if there's a way I can set this as the desktop wallpaper on Kaybears. So it just loops endlessly. See if we can melt peaches. Make sure you're logged into threads first. Yeah.

Note to anybody who wants to look at content on thread. You would think it would tell you you're not logged. You're not logged in. Not this page is not working. Website's such a dump.

Now we're joined by not only Josh Tyler, but also peaches. What's up, fellas? I'm filling in for lieutenant crane for traffic school. He's gonna be here. It's still a few minutes early.

That's what you think. Oh, Peaches is now officer Peach. That's right. Oh, wow. All the old people 65 over, get off the road.

Deputy Peach. I remember when I was in high school in Pokey, there was a a bicycle cop who was about Peach's height, but he was, you know, built like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Cool. He was he was very frightening. Was he?

Well, he's a he's a cop on a bicycle and he'd just roll up, you know? You're like, I didn't do nothing. Very funny accent too? No. No.

He was just big. It's big. Come on. You know, when you see a giant on a bicycle Yeah. It's pretty hilarious.

It's just kinda weird. Do you ride a bike often? No. No. I used to, but then, you know, as I got taller, you know, they they cost more money.

Can we get you 1 of those little ones? Like jigsaw? No. Just No. A little smaller.

Oh, yeah. I'm talking about, like, circus tight rope y. Size. Would it be funny if I had a tiny motorcycle or the 19 twenties big wheel in the front? That's what I was gonna say, we get them 1 of those ones.

Yeah. Or the ones with the giant hat. Yes. And, typically, a little monocle. It would be funny to see Peaches trying to ride a child's, you know, regular BMX style bicycle.

And Billy, you wanna play a game? With with that low seat Yeah. And then he just kinda lays back. Or 1 of the, 1 of those modified banana seat ones, you know? Oh, you're saying that.

Parade. Yeah. You know, with the with the big spoked wheels and all the all the chrome. Alright. We're looking for bicycle donations for peaches, everybody.

Is it silly to see those, like, road men on those tricycles that that are, you know, motorcycles? You know, the front wheel and the back wheels and the front. Well, Josh Or 2 in the front and 1 in the back. Those ones are weird too. Yeah.

Those look dangerous to me. Yeah. I'm not into that. And you actually have a motorcycle, Josh. Yeah.

What's your thoughts on 3 wheeled motorcycles in general? Get a real bike. Oh. First, we had Victor insulting bikers on his show. I never got Josh Biker.

Insulting bikers? I just said I have the best bikers. Bikers. I'm insulting tri ers. I think bikers think they're too cool for a car.

No. Now notice because we only get a few months to ride them in. Oh, no. I need 4 wheels in it too. Would you join my biker gang, Josh?

Oh, yeah. Have you heard about the biker gang? I don't know all the details. Well, it's a biker gang and we're called the cats. You gotta say it like that.

And you have to say it like that. Alright. And we'll have a sweet vest Uh-huh. With, I actually you you saw the AI image I made with the cat with a cheeseburger and a guitar. Uh-huh.

We'll just put that out as the back patch. Big embroidered thing on the back. And it's cats with lots of s's. Cats. And it's funny too because Victor talked about this on 1 show and then a listener of ours, snapped a photo of a legitimate dude in Pocatello riding a motorcycle wearing a Toole shirt.

Oh. No. He had a Toole helmet A Toole helmet. With a backpack with a cat on it. That's it was perfect.

Can I can I do a bit of a PSA? Uh-huh. Everyone should wear a helmet. Everyone should wear a helmet. Absolutely.

I know some states have it as like a law. I feel like it's a minimum safety thing. That's like putting on your seat belt when you get in the car. Yeah. I think Wear a helmet.

I think in Idaho, it's not alive. It's not. And it should be. Yeah. Wear wear a helmet because I have actually sadly seen the aftermath of a motorcycle accident.

It's gross. I also support traffic filtering. I'm not big on split lane, but I support traffic filtering. If you're at a stoplight and traffic is stopped Mhmm. Motorcycle should be able to move to the front because they're gonna take off and not get rear ended.

I support filtering. I believe if you're going to make a right turn, you can go up alongside the vehicles, but I I don't know. I don't know the answer to that. But see, I'm pretty sure. He likes traffic filtering.

Filtering. I like filtering traffic. Anybody who's a 1 j driver, off the road. Oh, wow. Anybody who's over 65, off the road.

Oh, wow. The peaches. Wow. Anybody who comes to a complete stop to make a right turn off the road. Get them out.

What? That's the law. No. If the if the light is red, you have to stop. I'm talking about, like, turning right onto a street.

Man, we got traffic. So this guy needs to sit in here. Yeah. Traffic school's kicking off here in about 5 minutes, everybody. So we'll find out how accurate some of these things we've been discussing are as far as all of the laws in Idaho go.

But we would most importantly like you to call with your questions. It's a listener driven program. So if you don't take part, I'll just end it. I'll just go to music. That's what I'll do.

You'll play Olivia Rodrigo. Right? Yeah. I'll get worse than that. Oh.

I'll play Taylor Swift. Oh. I'm really digging how Taylor Swift is starting to take a lot of hate online. Have you guys seen all this? I've seen it firsthand.

You've seen it firsthand? Yeah. Yeah. Yesterday, the show I do in the morning over there, we asked the question, if you could eliminate 1 song from existence and never have to hear it again, what would you get rid of? Let me guess.

And there were a couple of people sticking their neck out going anything Taylor Swift. There it is. Peaches hates that response. Anything Anything by when you ask for ace something Yeah. And people say anything, but it makes Peaches crazy.

Or Anything by Taylor Swift. When I ask a question, they go, depends on blah blah blah. Just give me a straight up answer. Shut your mouth. Yeah.

I saw on HBO, I guess, there's a new documentary about Taylor Swift that's making the rounds and, causing a lot of controversy. Oh. You know, we've talked about this as programmers of Z Which 1 is this? I think it's called, like, Taylor versus Scooter. I thought that was a made up AI thing.

Yeah. I thought it was real and then Josh I think it's an AI poster. I saw it on HBO Max. You did? Scrolling through and I sadly was waiting to watch that thing that Well, she caused that.

Called a debate last night. She caused that scooter to retire. Well, yeah. She, this documentary, I I there's this new, Reddit subreddit. Oh, yeah.

Yeah. It popped up again this morning. It's called Travis and Taylor. Right? Because That's the 1.

Reddit is just forcing this on everybody, but it's like an anti Taylor Swift subreddit. And so it's it's just popping up on my feed relentlessly. And this new documentary, I guess, as the guys who programmed the music on z and Classy, we've talked a lot over time about how there's new versions of Taylor songs, you know, because she supposedly got her catalog stolen by this guy and I guess from what I've read because I try to not dive too deep into the Taylor Swift world. About the lore? Come on.

Yeah. You know, I'm not too deep into it. That it sounds like he totally offered to sell her her songs, During the original sale of her music, her dad made, like, $15, 000, 000 off of it. And she's she's pretty manipulative of, her fan base and totally messed up this guy's life. Now he doesn't sound like a great dude necessarily either, but I don't know.

I've thought about sadly watching a Taylor Swift documentary. It's real. You've that 1. Right? Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. And I see people talking about it, on Reddit, on the Taylor Swift Reddit, actually. Oh, wow. Which I think is interesting with this and then people are being very, like, I'm not watching it was perfectly legal, which was never the issue apparently, according to the Swifty.

Yeah. You gotta look at the if you get the other perspective, the Taylor fans who have turned against her, you go to Travis and Taylor. I do love the, online departures. I will not be watching. Yeah.

But, yeah, it's, it's just kinda interesting. One-sided in my opinion, which is bad for Scooter because there was potentially good points in his part. But when 1 part is basically just a timeline of facts and the other side is a video that, in my opinion, was created to gain sympathy, the facts get lost in the annoyance that I feel over the imbalance. So that's it's gonna be slanted. Well, yeah.

Yeah. And it looked like, because there was 2 episodes. 1 was Taylor's side. Yeah. 1 was his side.

Yeah. And I I started getting a little suspicious on, you know, how honest she is with her fans when that whole Ticketmaster thing happened. Yeah. Because she, oh, woe is me, and, you know, throws Ticketmaster under the bus. Yeah.

But now that the FEC is is taking it to ticket master and Live Nation, I'm kinda not mad about it. Well, we'll see, you know, what ends up happening, but the thing with that whole ticket master debacle with in general, even outside of Taylor Swift is artists sign on for dynamic ticket pricing. Yeah. You know? True story.

For surge pricing on tickets, they have to agree to it. Blink 182, I kinda trashed on them on air for the same thing. Oh, we can't believe our fans are getting charged this amount of money. Artists have to agree to that style of ticket sale, but it's much easier for them to just push the blame away and, you know, oh, it's it's Ticketmaster ripping everybody off. And I I think it's shady.

Yeah. He he's talked about it. Same way. So and now he's yeah. He's just doing the same thing.

You know? So anyway, I mean, nobody likes Ticketmaster. No. Yeah. I just don't like the they're the thing.

Yeah. They're the worst. That's the that's the part that they're trying to break up. As they said in the in the conference, it's time to break up the monopoly. And they should.

I agree. Absolutely. They they took over the game and nobody does anything independently outside of them with exception to a few things like SeatGeek and whatever. Oh, yeah. And, I mean, I think they they own StubHub.

I'm Correct. The resell platform for their own tickets. So they get to they just out their own tickets. Pocket house left pocket. Exactly.

And, you know yeah. Breaking up that, Ticketmaster and Live Nation thing would be would be great. Yeah. You know, I see people online complaining from time to time, like, oh, why doesn't Portniff bring in all of these shows? They don't realize Live Nation has exclusive rights to the bulk of concert tours.

Well, and so do the the guys that are behind the port enough. They have their own roster of artists and and But you can only bring in Yeah. Certain shows. And then also, if there's something booked in Boise or Salt Lake, there's potentially radius clauses Right. That would prevent shows from going to Pocatello.

And Idaho Falls for that matter. And Idaho Falls. So people that don't understand how concert booking works need to chill out on But also attacking concert venues in the area. It's not just simple, I want this to happen, and you make it happen. Well, the the last time there was a rock show, everybody was screaming in the comments, you know, I'm going to Parkway Drive and doing all that crap.

And it's like Yeah. You know, try to be grateful for what we get. Speaking of being grateful, I'm grateful to see a guest walking into studio right now. The mountain. The mountain himself, lieutenant Marvin Crane of the Idaho State Police.

We were just talking about laws and, Taylor Swift. What's your thoughts on Taylor Swift? What a sweetheart. He knows he knows how to keep the Swifties off his back. I've been hoping I can get Swiftie backlash online.

III was thinking of going wild on Twitter and seeing if I could get attacked by Swifties because you get you get a lot of social media action out of that. Has anybody, has anybody talked about the BTS army lately? You know, I I know I know they're kinda all doing their military service thing right now. I was gonna say they're in the army. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But boy, as soon as they get back, there's a there's a nest you can knock over. I know.

I need to just start attacking fan bases. Yeah. And just making people angry. Bad omens. I'd try that on air, but the I I don't know.

Maybe I need to go into the groups. You know? That's what I need to do. Get in there. You guys are the worst fan base of all time.

I am long overdue for some more coffee. Holy cow. I feel kinda sleepy. Anyway, I hope you're doing well. I wanted to let you know about our new riverbendmediagroup.com website.

If you haven't checked this out yet, you definitely should. You can access and stream all 12 of our digital channels in 1 easy location. So if you wanna listen to Kay Bear or alt 101 or Cannonball, z 103, throwback 103, vibes 103, and on and on and on. All of those are on there. You can also access all of the podcast versions of all of the shows here in the building.

So you can check out my show, which is, of course, also available everywhere podcasts can be found. If you go to the services section of the website and go to podcast, you can find mine. You can find Josh's show, Peaches, Katie Lee, Justin, Traffic School, IMZ 1. There we got tons of podcasts, ton of them, and so much more on the website. You can send me traffic school questions.

You can learn about all the different services that our company offer. It's a really nice website, so you should check it out, riverbendmediagroup.com. Just wanted to let you know everything located in 1 convenient location now for all of your music needs and listening needs here in east Idaho and worldwide. So, go check it out if you haven't yet done so. Part of our new website, riverbendmediagroup.com that I wanted to mention to you, that being the new concert calendar.

You should definitely check it out because in addition to all of the rock and metal shows, it's packed with community events. You can check out concerts for other formats if you got friends and family into, you know, pop music, country music, and you can sort the calendar by event type. So if all you want is rock and metal, you just go to the concert rock section, and you'll see all of the upcoming shows that'll be in the region. Like tonight, Red Fang in Salt Lake City would be an amazing show. Yep.

Blink 182 coming up in July at the Delta Center. Tons of other bands coming our way as well. Of course, Primus with Coheed and Cambria right here in east Idaho on 14th at the hero arena. So many good shows coming up. A day to remember, Northlane, violent femmes, 30 seconds to Mars.

The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on. So if you wanna find out about live shows, that's where you go. You can go to the Kay Bear page there, click calendar, or you can just click on the community calendar and sort it by concert slash rock. So, yeah, find yourself some live music to go check out. I know I'm looking forward to getting to some shows.

Primus. That's what I'm talking about. Alright. I'm gonna get out of here. Alright.

I hope you have a good rest of your your, day. I will be back with peaches at noon for the noon hour of madness and mayhem, and then I'll be back tomorrow night for Jane Cho. So I guess I'm not really going anywhere, but I'm gonna go, drink more coffee finally because, otherwise, it's nap time. I'm gonna leave you with some bring me the horizon, new stuff. Enjoy.

Thank you for listening to the show. I seriously appreciate you. I hope you know how much. Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show. This program's a production of river.

This program's a production of river. Why can't I say that? God, I'd have to say river bend media group, river bend media group. This program's a production of river God. This program's a this program's a production of riverbend media group.

To contact the show or for more information, hit us up at riverbendmediagroup.com.

#0015 - Bicycle Safety with Josh Tielor and Peaches - 06/28/2024
Broadcast by