#0017 - My cat made me late for work. - 07/02/2024

Alright. It's the Viktor Wilt Show. Tuesday, July 2nd. Good morning, and welcome to the program. I hope your morning started off great.

Mine was very average as I was getting ready for the day. And then right when I was getting ready to leave, I had let Koopa, my older cat, in from outside, gave him some food, and then he just puked it all up. Nothing like cat vomit first thing in the morning, and you can't just leave it. And, of course, part of it had to be on the rug. It couldn't all just be on the tile.

So prior to running out the door, I had to, as fast as I could, clean up a it was a pretty good pile of cat vomit. So I hope you didn't have to deal with any puke this morning. Puke is just not a good way to start your day, whether it's a pet, a baby, or yourself. Yep. Puke for breakfast.

It's no good now. Okay. I'm I'm just saying at breakfast time, I don't want people getting grossed out or anything like that. Perhaps the talk of puke I've already done was enough to get you to tune out. I'm I'm not intending for that.

Alright? This is just the reality of my life this morning. Vomit. So, anyway, hopefully, it was just 1 of those things, and he's fine. I don't need to be racking up more vet bills.

I just had him at the vet for, you know, the basic look over, things like that. They scoped him out. So you're looking great. Gave him, you know, some kind of a vaccination, and we went up went about our day. We left.

I don't know. Maybe he's stressed out because of the little kitten. She's getting very brave. She really wants to play with him, and she'll just, like, dive bomb attack his head, and he's doing a good job. He could, like, just crush her.

Yeah. He's way bigger than her. So he he plays nice, but he gets very frustrated and then runs to the back door and starts howling, let me out, get me away from that monster. So perhaps he was just trying to eat his food as fast as possible because she tries to get into it. She'll run up to his dish, and I wasn't around while he was eating.

She may have been pestering him. He ate as fast as he could too fast. And then yeah. You know? So, anyway, that was my morning, but now the show's officially begun.

I would say no more vomit, but I haven't even looked at the news. There could be some really funny vomit related stories. And a lot of times, if they're funny or even if they're just gross and not funny, sometimes I can't avoid that kind of topic. This morning, for example, nothing funny about cat puke, but I couldn't avoid talking about the vomitous situation that greeted me as I tried to head out the door. So, yeah, do chores all weekend, all weekend to get my house nice and clean.

I was feeling great yesterday afternoon because I had nothing I needed to do around the house. Well, that's a lie. I my lawn needs mowed very badly, and I suppose I could also mop, which now since I cleaned 1 little patch on the tile, I probably will have to do so. Never mind. But, nah, I ain't doing no chores today.

Today is a chore free day. It's relaxation Tuesday aside from here where 10, 000, 000, 000 things must be completed within the next, basically within the next 24 hours or maybe 6 that's wrong. That's bad math. The next 30 hours because we got events happening this week, people. Alright.

We shall return. If you wanna get a hold of me, 208-535-1015, the number to call. We'd love to hear from you. In this moment, sick like me, and if you're sick like me, you start your morning show talking about cat puke when you had other reasonable options, things that are probably more appealing and appetizing to people to hear about at 6 AM. How about crumble cereal?

You know those Crumbl Cookies? You know what's funny? I see backlash toward cookie shops nowadays. Like, I don't care who you are. You walk in and get a crumble cookie.

You You wanna try and tell me they're trash? No. Is there even such a thing as a bad cookie? Like, even those lousy Fig Newtons. They're not horrible.

I'd much rather have pretty much any other kind of cookie for sure. I don't even know if they count as a cookie, but they're not bad. They're just not wonderful. Like, any cookie from a fresh baked cookie shop. Right?

How on earth do you jump on social media and bash on fresh baked fresh baked cookies? Crazy. Now I'm looking at a box of the crumble cereal, and I'm not impressed. I'll be open and honest about that. It looks exactly like cookie crisp, which ain't a bad cereal.

Now even as someone who thinks cookies are wonderful, I do think that cookie crisp cereal is overrated. I know it might be frustrating to hear, but when's the last time you had it? When you're a kid, it's like the best cereal ever, but I don't know. Last time I gave it a go, I was like, man, how old am I getting that cookie crisp is disappointing me? Apparently, old enough.

Last time I had a child's cereal that I was really impressed by, I haven't even been able to find it for sale since and that was Cinnabon cereal. It was great. Kinda have the flavor of, like, cinnamon toast crunch, but they were little mini cinnamon rolls and the texture of this cereal was so satisfying. Oh, was it good? I mean, I guarantee.

Cinnabon cereal crushes and destroys crumble cereal. Yeah. Without question. Did I make things better after the the vomit stuff earlier? I hope so.

Sorry. I I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have said that. We were in a fine zone with cookies and cinnamon rolls. I gotta find that cinnamon cereal again.

Though then I'm just mowing down piles of sugar to start my day, which ain't the best. It ain't the best. But what do you what do you do sometimes? Can't always just run and get a donut. I don't know why, but this morning, I'm dreaming of travel.

Yeah. Hitting the road. Probably just because I don't wanna work. I'd rather be on vacation. Where would I go?

Well, what I'd like to do is, have my lady fly and meet me somewhere, and then we check out somewhere too. I think the reason I'm suddenly daydreaming about vacation is I stumbled across another 1 of these lists. The most beautiful towns in the US. And I go, okay. Which ones have I seen?

Because I gotta hit all of them. I don't know. You could find a million list with probably at least a 100 different cities potentially popping up on the list, but we'll look at this 1. We'll look at this 1. We'll see if I've been to any of these places.

And if I have, I'll let you know what I think. I'll cast my judgment upon them. Carmel by the sea, I have been there. Well, I've driven through. I don't think I actually, stopped.

But I would say Carmel by the Sea is a pretty beautiful place in California. Yeah. I I'd go there again. I bet that lodging in Carmel by the Sea is completely out of control. We'll just hit hot wire here.

See what it costs to rent a place. Because it seems like 1 of those places where there's not really, you know, dives. Alright. Let's say I wanted to stay there. Tonight.

Tonight. We're going to Carmel by the Sea and we'll be on the water. Jeez. Let's see. So far, the cheapest hotel option, $207, which, you know, in this day and age, I've seen worse.

I mean, the $207 place looks pretty nice. So but all the other places are, like, $400. Jeez. Alright. Well, that's out of my travel budget.

Where else can we go? Where else can we go? Saint Augustine, Florida. I bet that Florida's not a great place to be right now. Isn't there a hurricane about to hit Florida?

Saint Augustine. Let's go to the Saint Augustine news. Let's see. I don't see anything about them being pummeled by a hurricane, just that they're gonna have fireworks. Alright?

And it was named 1 of the top walkable cities in the country. I actually think I have some kind of relatives in Saint Augustine somewhere in Florida. I don't know. By my front door, I have some kind of picture from my mom's house that I believe she got from a relative who took it in their yard or something in Florida. I I don't know.

I'm not very good about knowing about the extended family, and I probably should be because talking about getting out of town, going on vacation, I probably got extended family in some cool places. I just never think about it. I don't know. And when it's extended family, it'll be kind of awkward. Like, can can I crash at your place?

If you don't know them really good, it's gonna be weird. Yeah? Anyway, Saint Augustine looks, it looks pretty cool. Looks pretty cool. But, again, Florida this time of year, hurricanes Alaska.

Right now in Alaska, is it just sunshine all the time? Is that what we got going on there? I don't know about that. I need a little bit of darkness. There have been areas of Alaska I've seen pictures of that look, very nice, but it's kind of far kind of far away.

So I don't know. Maybe 1 of these days. Sedona. Yeah. You've heard me talk about Sedona many, many times.

Definitely 1 of the most beautiful towns I've ever been to, and I would go there as well, but probably not right now. I bet it's pretty hot. I bet it's getting a little bit toasty. They have a few months when it you know, you get into them 90 degree temps, high nineties. It's a great place during the spring.

Yeah. They're looking at a high today of 96. Little too toasty for my taste. I know. I know.

It could be so much worse. Settle down. What other beautiful cities do we have here? Cannon Beach, Oregon. I've been there.

It is very beautiful, but I think there are better places on the Oregon Coast. Cannon Beach a little too packed. Halei Haleiwa? Hawaii? Nope.

Never been there. McLeod, California. I don't even I don't even know where that is. Oh, near Mount Shasta with the aliens and stuff. Today is National UFO Day.

Maybe McLeod's the place to go. Yeah. Port Townsend, Washington? I don't know where that is either. It says it's got, classic Victorian vibes.

Let's look at a picture. Port Townsend. Figure out where that is. Trying to help you plan a vacation here. Alright?

You gotta get yourself motivated to, get out of town sometimes, people. All right. That is, oh, kind of close to where my daughter lives. Out on, I don't know if you'd call that a peninsula or what, but, yeah, I I would imagine it's a pretty nice area. I've been in that region.

So alright. Chautauqua? How do you say that? New York? Another beautiful small town.

Woodstock, Vermont. Telluride, Colorado. I haven't been to any of these others. Camden, Maine. Aspen, Colorado.

I've always wanted to go to Tombstone, Arizona. That's a wild west at its best. Go down to Tombstone and Bisbee. I gotta do that. Gotta do that 1 of these days.

That's a springtime, journey. I bet Tombstone cooking. It's gotta be cooking hot and miserable right now. Probably worse than Sedona. What are we looking at for Tombstone?

Let's check it out here. Just out of curiosity. Oh, actually gonna be better than Sedona. 91 for the high. Interesting.

Alright. There you go. I'm just trying to help motivate you to go on vacation. I hope it helped. Probably not.

All I did was rattle off the names of towns and say, yes. No. I've been to them. No. I have not.

Hey. I'm not always helpful, people. Alright? It's amazing how many articles are out there floating around encouraging you to exercise. It's, you know, the cosmos reminded me, like, dude, what are you doing?

Get some exercise. I intend to. I just get so tired. Maybe I need to give this a whirl. No.

I'm not going to take this route to get exercise. This sounds like way too much work. Racket and poo. Chicken sizing. This woman wrote an article for NPR talking about how she used to run.

You know, running was her her thing, but as you get older, it starts to hurt your back. So she tried a bunch of other exercises, but she's got a bad back. So what did she do? She went out, got a chicken coop, got 15 chickens, and decided she's gonna raise a backyard flock of chickens, and she calls it chicken sizing. Yeah.

Because you're, I don't know, moving a bunch of stuff around. You gotta, like, you know, lug some water and chicken feed and, you know, you're hunching down. You're doing squats, getting a bunch of extra steps in each day. Yeah. Picking up these chickens, Giving them attention because chickens need attention.

She says she snuggles the chickens. I don't know. I've I got a new kitten at my house as I've mentioned. That's a little bit of extra extra exercise. You know, I'm in bed.

She's going crazy attacking my feet. I have to stand up, put her outside the door, then she's once in the room, I'm like, oh, maybe she's calm now. Let her in. No. She's not.

So, like, what do you call that? Bedsizing? Get up from bed. Go back to bed. Stand up.

Lay down. Stand up. Lay down. Kitten sizing. Yeah.

15 chickens. Can you imagine having 15 chickens? Maybe you have 15 chickens. I know people who have chickens. I Don't know that seemed like something that I couldn't handle.

Alright birds kind of creep me out anyway, so I don't know. I'm not I'm not the right guy for chickens. Maybe if you raise them from little chicks, it's different because you get used to picking them up like that. Could you imagine just walking up and picking up a a chicken? I know people do it.

This woman talks about it in the article, and her chickens get all excited in the morning when she gets up. Okay. Well, yeah, my my cats do as well. I don't know if they are as enthusiastic as a chicken but they're happy. Then I feed them and then they're like, all right, thank you.

Thank you for doing my bidding yet again. Well, anyway, 15 chickens. I still don't know if you could claim this is an exercise routine. I'm any kind of chores is an exercise routine. You could, just lug buckets of water around your yard for fun.

That's exercise. I I really should do a little bit of exercise. Josh from class, he was telling me, you know, he goes for at least a mile walk around the neighborhood every night. At least a mile. It's like, oh, good for you, Josh.

I can do it too. I probably should. Because I ain't getting chickens. It ain't happening. Yeah.

I got enough enough critters running around. 2 critters is a lot. 15? I think if you have 15 chickens, that is the equivalent of 15 cats. It is.

I don't know. I guess you keep all the chickens in, 1 spot. Right? I still think you're crazy chicken person if you've got 15 chickens. It's a lot of birds.

I was just reading that a sinkhole opened up inside of Trader Joe's in Lake Spur, California. Alright. Talked about the cosmos sending me messages to exercise earlier. Apparently, the Cosmo cosmos is out for businesses with a cult like following and just trying to swallow up their customers. Now settle down.

K? I like Trader Joe's just fine. It's a great grocery store. They've got good prices and a handful of unique items that I enjoy picking up. They've got that great, garlic and salt grinder.

It's very, very nice. You put it on some hash browns. Dealish. But Trader Joe's is 1 of those places that people get crazy about. I wish we had 1 here, and if we did, I would go there.

But I tell you what. When I'm in Salt Lake, you think I go to Trader Joe's? No. I don't like going to places that are packed like that. Alright.

So I don't like going to WinCo on a Saturday. Alright? Too many people around. Now perhaps if you time Trader Joe's right, you can walk in there and have a reasonable shopping experience. That has not ever happened for me when I've been in Salt Lake.

Every time I've gone to Trader Joe's, it is a zoo. The lines are incredibly long. I end up buying, like, 3 items and waiting forever to check out. I'm like, why did I come in here? What's the point?

Now if we had 1 here, I might, again, spend a little more time in the store and buy more things because they have a lot of frozen goods. They're pretty good. But if you're in Salt Lake I don't know. I I don't have 1 of those bags to put frozen goods in and transport them 3 hours to my house. I anyway, I don't do well with overly packed places, which is why when I look at other businesses with a cult like following, there are a lot of them that I don't go to because of the crowds.

Like Chick Fil A. People are obsessed. Alright. People are obsessed with Chick Fil A. They make a fine chicken sandwich.

K. It's it's good. Is it the greatest chicken sandwich? No. We got this place in Idaho Falls called Super Chicks.

Way better. Way better. You got a a lot more options. The fries are better. Yeah.

No. They are. And we've given me that, Chick Fil A has the best fries. Those are just waffle fries, and they're usually soggy by the time you get home. Again no.

They're they're good. Chick Fil A is just fine, and they're doing just fine as evidenced by the fact that there's 10, 000, 000, 000 cars all day every day at Chick Fil A. But the level of obsession for it, I don't really get it. You know, it's kinda like Apple products. They're great.

They're great. They work good. I've got an Imac that's like a 1000000 years old, and it still works. The best laptop I ever had was an was an Apple. It was a MacBook.

But sometimes Apple people it's gotta be everything. I'm gonna get the crazy goggles for $3, 000. I love apple. And I've pointed out before Steve Jobs was not a very good guy. What other cult like followings are out there for for businesses?

I had some more on my mind, but for some reason, those those ones really stood out. I just saw the sinkhole opening up at Trader Joe's, and I envisioned the universe just fed up. You know? You know how animals are fighting back against people? Maybe the earth's fighting back against people too.

Nobody was swallowed by the sinkhole at Trader Joe's. Alright? Though, wouldn't it be amazing if sinkholes just started opening up anywhere that had a crazy cult following all of a sudden the middle of Costco just boom. Yeah. Store just swallows a bunch of people.

Costco people are weird too. Alright. Just as weird as Trader Joe's. Alright. We got somebody calling.

K Bear, you are live on the program. Please keep that in mind. Who's this? Call. It's RD.

RD, what's on your mind? So last 1. Okay. We've turned our radio down. You don't like listening to yourself?

No. Oh, okay. Thank you. It's, this is regarding the, cult like businesses. Alright.

Tread lightly. Is is, is religion AAA No. No. We're not going there. We're not going there.

Okay. Okay. We're talking, sandwich shops and things like that. Let's let's avoid, political and religious discussion on this program, sir. I just, I just thought since they make all this money Alright.

Yeah. Let's let's avoid that. Alright. Let's avoid that. Thank you, sir.

Have a good 1. Well, I don't. You too. See you. Bye.

That's why I said tread lightly. You you use the word cult, and sometimes people wanna dive into something else. Yeah. Like, no. I'm talking about In N Out Burger.

Okay? That's what we're talking about. In N Out Burger makes a great burger. The value, you know, for the price and value In N Out Burger is incredible. Their fries are trash.

Alright? Their fries are garbage. 1 of the dare I'd say 1 of the worst fries in fast food, In N Out Burger. And also, I don't think I'd say it's my favorite fast food burger either. Now some people, though, obsessed.

Obsessed. Anyway, I need to quit talking about food. What do I do? I'm ready for a chicken sandwich or something. In continuing on talking a little bit about brands with a cult like following, You know, I said some things about Apple products, and I hope I came across letting you know I do think they have quality products.

Now, I was an iPhone user for many, many years, and I never had any problems with my iPhone. But at a certain point, there were things that I just could not do with the iPhone that you can do with an Android phone, So I switched over to a Samsung phone. Excuse me. All of a sudden, got a little cough. Usually, I get the mic killed before that happens.

It was too quick. So things like downloading files. Right? Simply downloading files to your phone and being able to open up things like, WAV files, m p threes. Music is my job.

I get sent new songs from people at record labels. And if I'm out on the go, I need to be able to listen to them. You cannot download files directly to an iPhone. That's the 1 thing that makes me crazy about Apple products is the locked down operating system. You know, you you can't switch out parts and things like that if you want, which I'm not a PC builder or something.

Okay? But the system, the Apple network on all of their, you know, devices is just completely locked into the Apple universe and I I didn't like that, so I switched to Samsung. And after this last Samsung phone, I don't have anything great to say about Samsung phones. Alright? I'm very torn on what to do when it comes to a next phone.

What's weird is it it's just this 1 in particular. You know, I had a a Samsung phone from T Mobile that worked fine. My current other phone, same phone. It's just a lemon. It's a piece of garbage.

It reboots all the time. Apps freeze up. It it'll just hang up on people and reboot while I'm in the middle of talking to somebody. It gets really hot. It sucks.

But, again, that usability and the features that I need, it's like I could upgrade my phone to another Samsung or get an iPhone, But I know that the iPhone's not gonna do certain there's gonna be the day when I'm trying to do something and I'm ready to scream at my iPhone. So I don't know what to do. I think I'll just keep the lemon because I don't wanna pay. I'm sick of paying. Now you always gotta get the upgrade and then you're paying again on a new phone.

Very frustrating. I gotta say as big of a nerd as I am for technology and with how exciting it should be to have what is essentially a pretty high powered computer in my pocket. I really do hate cell phones. They're great in many, many, many ways, But speaking like, you know, cult like following, then there's that inevitable scrolling and scrolling. I think Reddit has a cult like following and I'm, you know, just as bad as anybody else.

And then it gets frustrating when, you know, all you read is content on Reddit and the comments from rational human beings and you jump from Reddit to Facebook and you're like, what's going on here? Don't these people jump on Reddit and read, you know, these it's not all smart on Reddit. That's for sure. But it's definitely a different world of social media than hanging out on Instagram or Facebook. And the the type of news you get, presented with in different perspectives, I highly recommend you start using Reddit.

Alright? Just do some reading on there. Alright? And if you wanna be able to scroll, man, Reddit's great for just mindlessly scrolling. Fantastic.

So, anyway, I just wanted to let people know I do like Apple products just fine. They just they're they're they're simple. You know? The iPhone, it's very simple. If you need a phone, your basic apps, and a a nice camera on it.

Sure. Good to go, and it's going to work good. But I guess that's, you know, it's like a PC. You can do a lot more with a PC than a Mac computer, but your PC's gonna it's gonna make you angry at times. Even if it's a really nice 1.

It's going to it's just not as simple. Alright? A Mac computer, it just works great, but you got limitations. Anyway, stick around for some freak news coming up in a few. Powered by Grease Monkey.

I'm gonna contemplate smashing my phone. I'll be back. Congrats to this Tennessee father and son who don't ever have to eat baloney again. They won a $1, 000, 000 on a scratch off ticket, and that's what they said. I'm never eating baloney again.

Just wanna let everybody know you don't need to win the lottery to never eat baloney again. You just make the choice. I don't remember the last time I ate baloney or baloney. It's like cold hot dog. Alright?

No. Right? It's just a no go for me. Would you get a cold hot dog, put it in a bun, and put a bunch of mayo and cheese on on it and Isn't that what bologna is? Just cold hot dog?

Anyway, wish I could win a $1, 000, 000. Just a million. That that'd be alright. Pay off a bunch of bills. Have a little bit left over.

It'd be great. Not have to pay a mortgage with a stupid modern interest rate. Well, speaking of people just getting handed money, there was a waitress who got a $3, 000 tip from a customer. Very nice. Right?

The bosses track the customer down. They're like, are you sure? You sure you wanted to leave a $3, 000 tip? The guy's like, yeah. Yeah.

Absolutely. I was really impressed by your service and $3, 000. I'm paying it forward. Well, then a few weeks later, the customer disputed the charge for the tip. I shouldn't laugh.

Talk about ruining somebody's day. Imagine if somebody just handed you $3, 000. 3 grand. Holy cow. I couldn't imagine.

3 grand just popping into my bank account all of a sudden. 3 g's. And then it just disappeared. No. No.

And, apparently, since the restaurant had already given the waitress the money, they were forced to repay the customer out of their pockets. So now they're they're suing them, suing the customer. Yeah. If you can't actually afford to give someone a $3, 000 tip, don't do it. You're just creating a bunch of drama for everybody else.

And, again, the sadness in the end. You give somebody some hope. 3 g's is a lot of money to most people. Alright? Talk about ruining somebody's day down the road.

What a jerk. What a jerk. Alright. Let's stay in the restaurant realm here. Let's talk about the Caddyshack restaurant.

Not sure where this is located. I'm looking at pictures of it, wherever Weymouth is. This woman opened her little cafe and houses nearby. The residents started to complain about the noise of teacups. Clink, clink, clink.

Yeah. They claimed the sound of clinking teacups and the smell of bacon was causing unacceptable harm to their standard of living. Now, I'm looking at a picture here of the restaurant and the houses are not very close to it. So she must have been just mowing down bacon on the grill. Just giant heavy clouds of bacon smoke.

I can't imagine that this place in its location that you could hear the clinking of teacups at these houses. They're very far away. So I guess residents complained, and, they ended up shutting her down, the the local council. So she ended up moving it into a converted shipping container, And now the residents are complaining again. Come on, people.

I are there really people out there that if you smell bacon, you call the city council? I mean, even if you're not into bacon, there are way worse smells out there. Alright? You know how it gets around here, like, right right when the snow melts. You know, you you get that, there there's all kinds of smells that kick up for a few days, and you're like, ugh.

Or if you live in certain areas of town. There's been a lot of controversy I've seen on Facebook in certain areas of Idaho Falls due to, like, meat processing facilities. Also yeah. If you move near the, sewage treatment plant, you're gonna have a bad time. Okay?

And you see some nice places going up near that. Just fresh smell of jankham. Greeting you every day you get home from work. I'm living by the river. What's that smell?

Yeah. Note to anybody moving to the area. You need to make sure you thoroughly investigate the region in which you're going to move to. Alright? Like, if you wanna live out in the country, if you move near a farm, you're gonna be dealing with some stinks sometimes.

Alright? We We have a lot of out of staters that, like, alright. I'm gonna go buy some acreage, live out in the country, and then they're like, oh, that's smell like farm out here. Yeah. No kidding.

You're in farm country. That's what happens. Anyway, good luck to this woman with a restaurant. Teacup noise. That's the point we're at with complaints.

I heard clinking. I heard some clinking. Freak news, powered by Greasemonkey, voted Idaho's best oil change. What up? It's the Victor Wilt Show.

Hey. Speaking of shows, we've got a show coming up this weekend that you should go to because not only is it a show and going to shows is awesome, but it's for a good cause. Our friend, citizen soldier, gonna be performing at the Madison Performing Arts Center at Madison High School in Rexburg this Saturday, July 6th. Now we are giving away some VIP tickets to the show. We're gonna draw winners at noon today.

So if you haven't yet got in to win, you should do so right now. Sign up in the Kay Bear app. These VIP tickets are awesome. They get you into the show, but also beforehand, you get a barbecue dinner and an acoustic performance from the band. So might as well enter and try to win.

But this event is for a great cause, and tickets are only $10. You can pick them up at madison rundown.com. Again, 10 bucks. Madison rundown.com. 100% of the proceeds are going to be used to establish a fund to support students who have no access to mental health services.

Now there's a lot of young people out there going through some very rough times, and being able to get them in to counseling and therapy and things like that could change their lives. So you're helping out at risk youth in our community by going to this event, madison rundown.com, $10. Citizen Soldier's a great live band. This is all also kicking off the month long event moving toward hope. Raising funds for the hope squads at Madison Junior High and Madison High School to support their mission of preventing suicide at their school.

So great event you could attend to continue having fun on the 4th July weekend, and you're doing something great for the community. Again, madison rundown.com. If you came in here to give me more work, you got another thing coming. You got another thing coming. About 12.

Ugh. You're welcome. I'm tired, Jay Davis. I'm tired. And, You're not tired yet.

Now it's not 11 o'clock on the 4th July. Oh, man. I'm wait. I was gonna say I'm sleeping in on 5th, but not really. No.

Only a couple hours. Yeah. I'll I'll get about the usual amount if I'm lucky, but probably not because when I'm trying to go to bed, bam, there are all these people blowing up things and fireworks in a bunch of garbage. You celebrate our independence. I'm gonna be that guy on Life in Idaho Falls.

What time did the fireworks stop? When people run out, that's when they stop. It's the best way to do it. Gotta blow it all up. And I, again, wanna remind you people to be safe, not dumb.

Already saw 1 story about a guy who blew off 1 hand and 3 fingers on the other. Went from 10 fingers to 2. 2 fingers man. Yeah. 2 fingers is not enough to get by, kid.

Well, and and imagine what if it was like it would be kinda cool if it was these 2 fingers or these 2 fingers. So that's all you just walk around constantly making of course, the metal horns gestures what we're talking about people. The peace sign. Just the thumbs. Guys, always thumbs up.

He was in a good mood. Why are you so happy? I'm not. I got no fingers. I'm thumbs only.

All thumbs. I'm all thumbs. Safe insane fireworks only, people. The rest are illegal. That's right.

I mean, I don't know where you can get away with setting off illegal fireworks. I I do you have to have, like, private property or something or be outside of the city limits on private property? Don't risk it. The cops will get you. Question for lieutenant Crane.

Yeah. We talked about it last Friday, and he made it sound like just don't do it. Don't do it. There's no good news. Got a big box.

He's lighting himself. They wanna set a bad example for the community, but you don't even need to. You can just go see the biggest fireworks show west of the Mississippi on the 4th July. The Melaleuca Freedom celebration. That's right.

All kicking off with the Idaho Falls Community Hospital River Fest, Jay Davis, where you and me are gonna be all day long. Starting today. Yep. I know. Well, it started yesterday, actually.

Oh, it started for us weeks ago. I'm talking about on location. Oh, okay. Okay. I felt like I was on location because all I've been listening to is a classy 4th July music for, like, a week.

You know? Hopefully, people enjoy the party we threw together. I promise you this. You know, Classy is usually pretty mellow. It's gonna 4th July.

4th July. We kick it up a notch. It's gonna be very festive. It'll be the liveliest you hear classy all year long. So if you're looking for a great 4th July soundtrack and you wanna party, this is gonna be Classy Partyin' Hard.

Man, it's gonna be wild. You got Party in the USA in there? Of course. What other songs? Quiz me on some.

Firework. Fireworks? Of course. Firework by Katy Perry. Yes, we do.

It's called Firework. It was some Lee Greenwood. Yes. In the super patriotic section. There's specialty section because I wanted to keep the party up and that song's not a big party.

So that play you know, we have, like, 1 super patriotic song an hour and a national anthem each hour. How about some Ray Charles? I think that's in the super patriotic as well, if I recall correctly. There were some supposed staples of 4th July that I did not put in there after much debate with, Josh Tyler. Like, Chicago, Saturday in the park.

Yep. Because it says 4th July. But he's like, I think. I think it was the 4th July, and then he's like, there's a guy singing a bunch of Italian songs, and he starts singing Italian words. I'm like, what does this have to do with the 4th July?

He ain't singing, America, get it. Chicago, you're out. Do you have America in there? The from team America? Yeah.

Of course. Unedited. That play I'm Conan in for for sure. That plays once an hour, Jade. Jeez.

I mean, what kind of celebration would it be? There we go. Yeah. We couldn't have a 4th July soundtrack on classy 97 without that. I guess I know what you're doing on the 5th July.

You're getting fired. Yep. I've it's funny. I've tried to make an edit of that song for Kaye Bear. You can't.

You can't. It just doesn't work. You know? It's 1 of those songs you take away the naughty words, and it just does not work. So, everybody, we hope to see you out this 4th July.

Snake River Landing, we're gonna be there all day for the Idaho Falls Community Hospital River Fest presented by Idaho Central Credit Union, Mountain View Hospital, and Riverbend Media Group. And I'll be at the stage, the Teton Toyota stage all day hanging out with the bands. Jade should be around as well, it sounds like. All over the place. All over.

Keep him busy. So, anyway, if you need more details on things like the, map for how to get in and out, there's there's gonna be roads shut down, people. You need to have a plan. Alright? Where you pull in is where you're gonna pull out.

That's right. You can go to freedom celebration.com to check out all kinds of information, but be aware. They're going to tell you which way to go. Don't be a pain in the boot. In the boot?

In the booty. Oh. Follow instructions. In the gluteus. Follow instructions.

Don't be a pain. Don't ruin the 4th for other people. Yeah. Don't be a victor. I never ruin the 4th.

I make the 4th great. Alright? I'm there keeping the music going. Telling the bands chop chop. Get your stuff on stage.

You're gonna get your set cut short. Do what I say. A lot of people work with people that they don't like. It might just be the profession you're in. Was looking through a list here of professions with the coolest, most honest, most together people.

I'll tell you 1 profession that does not have the coolest, most honest, most together people. Now a lot of them are cool. But as far as honest and having it together, that is not radio people. Alright? Radio people are a very unique breed.

If you are willing to sit in a box by yourself and yell into the ether just hoping someone's listening, I think you're in need of attention. And every radio person that I've met, every single 1 is in dire need of attention and has some mental health issues whether they'd admit it or not. You get a bunch of radio people together in a group. It's fun. But, boy, is it a competition to look at me.

Look at me. Even if you're having a good time. They're all they're all the same. All the same. It's very funny.

So podcasters, I'm gonna lump in with radio people as well. Needy people that want to be liked. And, you know, I mentioned the word honest earlier. Yeah. I try to be very honest on air and, you know, put as much of myself out there as possible so you can feel like you're really getting to know the real me.

Now some topics I don't delve into on air because I know that a lot of people will disagree with my opinions on them. But I do for the most part try to be pretty honest. A lot of radio people complete liars. Same with podcasters. Put on a completely fake persona.

Do some of the fakest shows you've ever seen. It's kinda sad. I I'm I'm glad that I'm in the position I am where I don't have to do a show that way. Like, it could be that they got put on a format they don't like. You know?

Like, if all of a sudden I was on country radio and I had to be like, alright. I can't wait for this new 1 from Morgan Wallen. It's gonna be awesome, Alright. Let's take a look at if you're needing to change professions, some jobs that supposedly have the coolest, most honest, some jobs that supposedly have the coolest, most honest, most together people. Geologists.

Yeah. Somebody said, every geologist I met has been a pretty interesting, humble, and enjoyable person to be around. Apparently, they never met Randy Marsh, Stan's dad from South Park. He was a geologist. Does not have it together.

Then they said somebody who works in the field will probably reply back and disagree. And then we get into the puns. They probably had a good foundation growing up. Alright. Park rangers.

Some of the coolest, most genuine people you meet. They generally, care deeply about nature, are willing to help visitors, and have fascinating stories about the wildlife and landscapes they protect. Park rangers I've met, they all seem pretty nice too. Alright. Park ranger, not a job for me.

Probably not, being a geologist either. I think that involves some being outside working in the elements. Both of those jobs. Not for me. Alright.

Now we got people talking about careers that are not coolest, most honest, put together people. Somebody threw nurses under the bus. They said, it's not nurses. We're a wreck. Well, that's gotta be a very high stress job.

Yeah. All these people talking about them working in hospitals. You you've gotta be a certain type of person to handle that kind of work. That's for sure. I I am not that type of person.

Print reporters who've covered the same community their whole lives are pretty amazing people. People like to glom together all media, but reporters with a civic drive are some of the most curious and honest people I've ever spent time around. III guess I don't know how to comment on print reporters, but I could tell you, TV people, they're even weirder than radio people. Alright? Because not only do they want people to listen to them, but they want people to look at them.

And they wanna, you know, be the first to get some kind of horrific breaking news out there. I gotta be the first to let people know about this tragedy. And, generally, they don't get to actually be themselves. They're, you know, kind of like the radio people who put on a fake persona. You know, they do the voice.

They have to dress nice. You know, put on a suit. And, I mean, I I wish that all news was that way. You know, the news reporters on national news networks, the 247 news that spout their stupid opinions. Yeah.

Could we just please get them back to having to just report the news rather than spreading disinformation and discontent and driving, you know, the the country apart, that'd be great. Yeah. What else do we got here? Oh, we got somebody calling. K Bear, you are live on the show.

Please keep that in mind. Who's this? This is, BW. I was just saying thank you for playing that Atreyu song. That was what kicked up my morning.

I tried to use the Facebook to put it on a message to thank you, but, man, you think you're technologically disinclined? Well, I appreciate you calling. Glad to play the request for you, man. I thought you might have a, career that's filled with people who have it together and are honest and cool. Oh, iron workers.

Those guys are the bee's knees. Alright. Iron workers. Alright. Union iron workers.

There's a difference. Union iron workers. Alright. Cool. I'm I'm always down to try to help people get into a career field with cool people.

You wanna make $50 an hour and climb skyscrapers and to build America? That's where it's at. Alright. Well, I like the $50 an hour part, but I don't do well with heights. So, I'm probably out.

Hey. Yeah. It took me a minute to get, get over that 1. I would imagine, man. Well, thank you for your hard work, man, in doing what you do.

Hey. Thank you, bud. You have a great day. You too, man. Peace.

Bye. Alright. I gotta, again, point out the radio people I work with are cool. Alright? And the radio people I work with are honest.

But all radio people again as far as having it together. No. Radio people are a mess. Bunch of weirdos. Very needy.

You know, we talked about geologists having a stable foundation. Maybe that's not the the case for a lot of radio people. I don't know what makes a radio person, but there is definitely something in all of us that is the same. A very weird crew. And that's why you can always connect with a radio person if you are a radio person.

I could bump into anybody who works in radio and there's some kind of camaraderie there, even the ones I make fun of. Let's talk a bit about supposedly polite things that make no sense and help no 1 according to the Internet. Alright. At the top of the list, we've got ignoring issues because it requires uncomfortable conversation. Is that considered polite?

I don't think it's considered polite. You know, sometimes issues need to be addressed, And, yeah, uncomfortable conversations sucks. But I still I I don't think anyone would consider that polite. Ignoring issues is not polite. So I'm gonna scratch that 1 from being accurate.

Okay. Delivering important information in an obfuscated way. Bunch of small talk and indirect niceties to hint around a problem and that's kind of the same as the last 1, instead of clearly identifying an issue and potential solutions. I don't think that's considered polite either. Barting around the issue is not polite.

It's just annoying. So scratch that 1 from the list. Not calling someone a liar when they are definitely lying. Alright. Not calling someone a liar.

Is that polite? I I guess because it's it's confrontational. But yeah. Boy, do I tell you. There are a lot of people I wish would get called out as liars, and it doesn't tend to happen much, does it?

And here's the problem. When you don't call people out as liars, people believe them. But III guess it's sort of polite just because you're not starting a confrontation, but still. Alright. Here we go.

Not telling someone they have x in their teeth or y on their face or z hanging from their nose. Last week, I ate a salad at work and I had a piece of dark green lettuce stuck in a tooth. Peaches saw this. Katie Lee saw this. Neither of them said a word about it and it was there for hours.

I think Josh I finally went to talk to Josh, and he's like, hey. You got something in your teeth. Many many hours after lunch. And Peaches denied that he saw it, but he had to have. He had to have.

I I'm calling him a liar. Katie Lee said she saw it and she just thought it was funny so she didn't tell me. That's the proper response. Not, oh, I didn't notice. Trust me.

It was a I looked like I had the black toothed grin going on. Alright? Let's see. Surrendering right of way when you have it. Yeah.

That that can tend to just be annoying and you're you're delaying the proper flow of traffic. Alright? Now the person goes on if you're a pedestrian at a crosswalk and car stops, do not wave them through. I I don't know. I'm I'm thinking more You know, if it's your turn to make a right turn, take the turn.

If you're at a roundabout and there's nobody to your left, go. Go through it. Am I right? Sometimes patience is not good. K Bear, you're live on the show.

Keep that in mind. Who's this? Hey. It's Brian. So, you're talking about liars.

I was gonna Well Liars prefer to be called Yeah. But liars prefer to be called truth benders now, I guess. Truth benders. Political political atmosphere, they don't like to be called out as liars. If you call them truth benders, that's more politically correct.

And it's it's less offensive to the liar. Oh, okay. And we yeah. We should certainly think about those liars' feelings. Yeah.

No. And it but 1 of the things that I I try to tell people because I I've lost a few friends online because, you know, they try to push, you know, fake things and blah blah blah. I'm not gonna get too political into it, but you cannot. We, as a people, cannot let the lies perpetuate. Like, we can't let the liar be the person that have the last word because, generally, they're the loudest.

But, yeah, don't let the truth benders win. Alright? Like, this is this is like the fire nation attacking. We can't let them win. Alright?

I don't know if you watched Avatar, but I have not, but I I get the gist of what you were saying. And I certainly Hey, peek there. You need to grow up and watch cartoons like a man. I do. I watch South Park and, well, what others?

I I do watch cartoons. Hey. You need to watch anime like an adult and have emotional trauma afterwards. Alright. Alright.

You know, my kids would probably agree with you, so I I give it a shot. Alright. I'll let you go. I'm sorry. But, yeah, just, remember, don't let the liars, I mean, the truth benders have the last word or else the fire nation wins.

Absolutely agree, man. Absolutely agree. Alright. Peace. Have a good 1.

Bye. Alejandro. Yeah. It reminded me of, something I saw on social media yesterday where there's a viral picture making the rounds from a library in Idaho showing the sign about how you have to present your ID to get into areas of the library now. And people were all baffled by this.

So, like, what is this? This is what happens when you don't pay attention to what the people you vote for are doing. And I've said it before and I'll say it again. I really wish. And this goes for nationwide no matter where you live, I really wish that people would actually research politicians and what they do and not just vote based on the party that they were generally raised to believe is the party they need to vote for.

This 2 party system is such a problem, And the echo chamber and cultural things that get people boxed into thinking I have to vote a certain way. I'll see people all day go, what are they doing? What is this? Well, I can't believe this. And then they go vote for those same people again because they feel like they have to.

You don't have to vote in any certain way. When you're in that box voting, nobody knows who you're gonna vote for. You could tell your friends and family all day you voted for the person they, you know, in your family, that's who you have to vote for. You don't have to. It's your right to vote for whoever you want to.

So take a look at the people you're voting for. And if you see things happening, don't forget about it. Remember the next go around and go, oh, okay. Well, even though I align with that particular party, time and time again, this person has done crazy things that I disagree with. Oh, it might pain me, but I I'm gonna have to vote for the other side.

That's how you make change happen. Change isn't gonna happen when every when the outcome of every election in an area is predictable. That's why I pointed out that you need to vote in the primary. That's the real election. Now, we know what's gonna happen in the general elections in East Idaho.

If you didn't vote in the primary, well, do it next time, you know. Anyway, don't let yourself get lumped into a box. You don't have to be anything. You don't have to think in 1 particular way. You could, agree with some things about a political party and disagree with others.

You can pick and choose how you feel about issues. You don't have to go, okay. Generally, I feel more on the right so I need to agree with all of this. Or generally, I feel more on the left so I need to agree with all of the Please think for your it's a great quote from back in the day. Think for yourself.

Question authority. Nobody does that anymore. They're spoon fed what to think. Okay. Anyway, sorry.

I'm I was going off. I just get annoyed when people are baffled by things that happen, and then they'll just keep the train rolling full steam ahead. It's up to it's it's up to society to change these things, and lumping yourself into 1 particular box that's the catch all and end all is not how you do it. Before I go, let's take a look at a list of dangerous mistakes people make around fire and fireworks and see if I think you're a moron if you do any of these things. You would think when it comes to fire and fireworks, common sense would reign supreme.

Or I don't know. Maybe this list will be helpful to you. And if I laugh and say, wow. Whoever would do this is a moron, and you're like, I do that all the time. Don't get mad at me.

We just have a different perspective based on life experience at this current juncture. Alright. Dangerous mistakes people make around fire and fireworks. Ignoring fire restrictions. Yeah.

You see those signs sometimes? They're like, no campfires. None of this. Fire danger. High.

And you got the arrow pointing into the red. You should listen to that stuff. Otherwise, you may end up burning down the woods or people's homes. Yeah. You know all of the fires that happen around here that seem to burn up people's homes?

Generally, those are caused by some kind of moron. Now sometimes it's lightning. But generally, some idiot did something stupid. So pay attention to signs. Follow fire restrictions.

If you ignore fire restrictions, you dumb. Alright. Allowing a campfire to smolder. Alright. You need to camp by a creek or something.

You got a campfire? You're done? You're ready to take off from the campground? Make sure your fire's out all the way. Because if the wind picks up and you got a bunch of hot coals in there and it blows them out of the fire pit, you just burnt down the woods because you dumb.

That's right. Put your campfire out all the way. Don't leave your campfire unattended. Sometimes, a log in the fire will pop all of a sudden just pop. And a big chunk of flaming log goes flying out of the fire pit and lands in the dry brush.

Next thing you know, you burnt down the whole woods because you weren't watching the fire because you dumbed. Alright. Let's keep going. Driving through tall dry vegetation. Alright.

I am going to somewhat give a pass on this because, No. I'm not saying you should do this. I'm just saying it might be something people don't think about. That if you drive a vehicle into tall dry vegetation, your engine might be hot. Next thing you know, you burnt down the woods because you dumb.

And you could also potentially burn yourself up in some type of a flaming 4 wheeler, horrific accident. So stay on trails. K? Stay on trails with your hot engine. That doesn't just go for 4 wheelers.

Your big pickup. Yeah, I got a big pickup. I could go off roading. Don't drive through the tall dry grass. You start a fire.

You burn down the woods. Alright. Make sure that matches are completely out before throwing them into the dry brush. No. You you should not do that.

Don't throw them into the dry brush. Matches stay hot, and they can smolder. Yeah. Just pay attention to them. Letting young children light fireworks.

Yeah. I wouldn't let your little kids hold the lighter and light up sparklers. They're gonna burn the crap out of themselves. We had the story earlier about the guy who had a firework blow up in his hand and he blew off 1 hand and 3 fingers off the other. He's a 2 fingered man now.

He's all thumbs. Just let the kids sit back far away from the fireworks and have a responsible adult light them. If a fireworks are dud, don't just sit there and try to light it. Don't put a whole bunch of fireworks in your hand at 1 time and try to light them all at once Yeah It's a bad idea. K?

Bad idea. Pointing fireworks at people, animals, or property. Yeah. If you do that, you dumb. You might have watched movies with Johnny Knoxville and Steve O where they shoot, Roman candles at each other.

Not good. K. Don't do it. You could hurt people, animals, or burn it to the ground. That's right.

Burn all kinds of things to the so far, all of these should be common sense. You know, have a hose nearby. Don't play with fireworks while you're drunk. Don't grill inside of your house. Yeah.

No kidding. We had the story. What was it yesterday about the family that was using a barbecue grill to stay warm? And they almost all died from carbon monoxide? Yeah.

Don't burn a barbecue grill inside of your house. Don't use flammable liquid to start fires. Oh, and, you know, clean out your barbecue grill, by the way. Grease builds up in there. If that all of a sudden catches on fire, you just burnt down the deck.

You just burnt down your house. Pay attention, people. Fire is serious business. Alright? Don't be stupid.

Don't be dumb. Alright? That's what I got for you today. Don't be an idiot. I'm gonna leave, and I hope you have a wonderful day.

I'll be back in a while. Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor will show this program's a production of river. This program's a production of river. Why can't I say that? God, I have to say river bend media group, river bend media group.

This program's a production of river God. This program's a this program's a production of riverbend media group to contact the show or for more information, hit us up at riverbendmediagroup.com.

#0017 - My cat made me late for work. - 07/02/2024
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