#0023 - Worse Than Jade Farts - 7/15/2024

Here we are, Monday. Alright. July 15th. We're already halfway through July. That's that's wild.

It's wild. Anyway, good morning. Welcome to the program or good afternoon or evening if you're listening on demand. Hi. Oh, man.

I know it's just cliche radio to complain about a Monday morning on Monday morning, but, I mean, I got a decent amount of sleep. I just hate getting up on Monday mornings. Hey. Hey. How about you?

Alright. Sorry. Maybe I need to do some high intensity workout. I was reading that that helps with brain function because I feel like my brain function, it's a little bit behind today. A new study found that high intensity interval training can increase brain function.

Gotta do it for, like, 6 months and then you'll activate stem cells in your brain, switch them on. And these will, you know, help you reap some brain benefits for years, even after you stop doing them. Now as a person who just in general, doesn't get enough exercise. I don't even know exactly what constitutes a high intensity interval training. Yeah, this apparently actually changes the physical structure of your brain, creating new connections that help boost thinking and memory skills.

Well, you know how good my memory is. So I probably really need this. Wouldn't that be amazing? 6 months of this, then all of a sudden I can just remember everything. It'd be fantastic.

Yeah. I mean, I got a little bit of a workout. It felt like a workout anyway on, Friday after work. Got my daughter, went down to Pocatello. She's trying to sell her place down there and the yard was completely overgrown.

And I mean, like there was weeds that were, like, 3 feet tall. And so, you know, busted out the mower, the weed eater, the full works, and it was like a 100 degrees out. I got, to feeling very horrible after an hour and a half or 2 hours of that. It it was not cool. Not cool.

So, and I was drinking tons of water, taking breaks in the AC. I'm just not built for that kind of heat. I'm so grateful that the 4th July, the weather was not that way when I was outside for 12 hours. Ugh. I might not have made it.

Might not have made it. But, yeah, luckily, today is looking, you know, kinda decent for the for the weather. I think we're looking at a high of about 85, Get a little bit of a breather. But then it's just gonna get hot again. We'll get back up into the nineties starting tomorrow.

Could be worse. Could be worse. Could be living in, you know, Phoenix or something like that. Try to not complain too much about the heat, especially where, I had to pick 1 or the other. I think I'd take this over winter much as it sucks.

I just, can't stand winter, you know, at least at nighttime around here, you can go outside and it's, it's miserable or it's not as miserable. It's decent winter. It just always sucks outside. So I'll take it sucking outside half the time. It's a little bit better.

All right. We're gonna hopefully have some fun on the, program today. I'll start digging digging for content. If you wanna hit me up 208-535-1015. You know, every once in a while, I'll find something on Reddit and go, is this story this person's telling real?

But sometimes it's so funny. Whether or not it is real, I wanna share it with you. This is in r slash stories. I'm divorcing my husband because of his farts. Yeah.

I didn't realize that my my good homey, Jade, that his lady was so fed up with with his farts because these sound like Jade farts. Alright. I mean, she gets so descriptive, whoever wrote this post, that I don't even know if I can read some of it because it's so disgusting regarding this guy's farts. So anyhow, you know, at the beginning, she talks about, getting married, blah blah blah. And once we got married, things went downhill very quickly.

He started inhaling as many snacks and as much dairy as possible at night. Sometimes he would go out and get a deep dish fried cheese loaded pizza and devour it at 11 PM after eating an entire bag of greasy chips and, like, 27 pieces of taffy with a glass of milk. At first, I thought it was just a bad fart here and there. But as the nights progressed, I realized that the bad farts were becoming a nightly nightmare. I know what normal stinky farts are, even bad sulfuric sulfuric farts?

But these are not simply either of those. These farts are incompatible with life itself. And she just starts describing the farts. I'm I'm not gonna read her, description of the farts because it's grossing me out at this time of day. But she says she's convinced they're soaked into the carpet and walls.

Rotten egg is not even enough to describe what the smell is. It's almost as if something literally died inside of his stomach and was leaking into the air. His farts are not human. There's something wrong with him. Jade Davis.

Yeah. So she said she stopped sleeping in the bedroom the 2nd month of marriage, had to blast the AC, stuff towels under the door, stuffed towels under her daughter's door, turn on the fan in both rooms. Yeah. It sounds like a situation you probably couldn't just live with. Alright.

Somebody's got farts that bad, and he refuses to, change his ways according to the story. Now, again, this is a long post here and I don't know if I believe it to be true. It looks like, just a creative writing session about farts, which is fine. I mean, I'm I'm all for that type of material on Reddit. But, if you've got a problem with farts, if you're destroying your significant other's, you know, life every evening, you gotta cut back on those late night snacks.

I I don't know what to tell you to do. I don't know how you, you know, eat to calm down horrific farts, but there's gotta be a path toward a a better life for you and your significant other free of toxic farts. Alright. So talk to you, doctor. Hope Monday is going good for you so far.

It's decent over here. Typical Monday, I suppose. Though, we do have a live show going down tonight, so I'm pretty stoked on that. Primus. Yeah.

Primus with Coheed and Cambria. Gonna be a great time at the hero arena. Best place to keep up to date on concerts, I would say, is our website riverbendmediagroup.com. Yeah. Click music.

Go to the Kay Bear page, and then we've got a a nice link there for concerts. You click on it. Check it out. It the new calendar is pretty cool too because we have all the rock and metal shows on there, but it also has, you know, community events. You can check out shows for other formats.

So it's kinda a little bit of everything. And if you've got family or friends looking for fun things to do here in east Idaho, you can find out about things like, I don't know, the river concert series, which is going down tomorrow in Idaho Falls at that green belt stage between d and e streets. But, yeah, you're looking for something fun to do tonight? Primus with Coheed and Cambria. There are some, pretty good deals on tickets from what I saw on the Ticketmaster website and some of the other good shows coming up.

Well, jeez, this new calendar is so overloaded with, fun local events. I should have sorted by rock because I'm scrolling and scrolling, and I'm like, okay. Who are these artists? No. I know who they are, but they're other formats, country, pop, and such.

Alright. A day to remember coming up in about a week. On 21st, a day to remember at the Utah First Credit Union Amphitheater, also known as the, you know, USANA Amphitheater. By the time I am able to remember the name of that venue, I guarantee they're gonna change it. But anyhow, violent fans, 30 seconds to Mars.

Tons of great shows coming up. Crown the Empire. Find out about all of them and scope out the new website while you're at it. It's really cool. You can check out our podcast.

You can learn about services that Riverbend Media Group offers. It it's really cool. It's really So go give it a look. Alright. It's Monday, which if there's ever a good day of the week to skip out on work, I think it's definitely Monday.

Maybe you're just getting moving for the day and you're like, I wanna stay home. Well, I was looking at an article here about Excuses peep people have actually used to not go to work. I should have seen this right when I got up today. Try throwing some of these at jade. Now I dreamt I was already at work, which is funny.

I do dream about being at work fairly often. I didn't realize it till I saw this particular excuse to not go to work, but I dreamt I was already at work. I don't know why, but I'll dream. I'm sitting in this box yapping away. And then last night, I had a dream that I didn't accomplish a certain task I was supposed to at work.

And then when I woke up, it's like, well, that's not even a task I would normally have to do. What what's the problem here? Why am I dreaming about, getting in trouble for things I didn't do that I don't have to do anyway? I don't know. Anyway, I dreamt I was already at work.

Isn't that wonderful? Luckily, I like my job. Back in the day, when I did customer service, working, the phones, I won't say for what company. Doesn't matter. But I would have dreams that I was doing that job.

You know, you hear the, and then you have to deal with a caller, and they're calling to complain about their bill or they don't know how to use, you know, their equipment and, once I started having those dreams, that was what led me to quit that job. I don't mind too much dreaming about doing the radio job because it's, for the most part, me just yapping, me just sitting here doing my thing. Alright. What other excuses have people used to get out of work? I'm guessing on a Monday.

Couldn't find parking. I couldn't get away with that one here. We got plenty of parking, especially at the time I come here. That that would be a funny excuse to throw at Jade. Well, I got here.

There was nowhere to park. It's like, what are you talking about? Oh, I dreamt I was working, and the, parking lot was full of people. Sorry. I'm I'm still in bed.

Got stuck behind the student driver. Now you can only use that one to be late. This one would get you out of work completely. My my door just broke on the way out of my apartment. I had to wait all day for somebody to come over and fix it.

Can't just be leaving the house hanging wide open. Door's broken. Sounds like a good excuse to me, and it's probably actually happened to somebody that their door actually broke. They walked out, fell off the hinges. Oh, jeez.

Gotta hope you got a reasonable boss at that time. Oh, could've used this one today. It was raining. Like, yeah, sometime overnight. It was raining.

I'm scared to drive if the road is slightly wet. I don't think that one would fly. This one should work. I didn't wanna come. I just wasn't really feeling it.

If you're a boss and you had an employee call and say, nah. I just don't feel like it. Are you gonna give them the day off? I just can't take it today. I just can't do it.

Ma'am, you you can try that one. I I don't think it's gonna work very good with most bosses. Alright. You gotta use you gotta use my neighbor's cat climbed into my car. The the cat was in there, and I I I couldn't get it out all day.

That's what somebody said. Somebody said that. Cat got in my car. It's hot out. Can't leave little kitty in there.

You know, be messed up. Well, I'm currently checking out Peach's tier list for burgers. He posted this on his Facebook page yesterday. Now if you don't know what a tier list is, I guess you don't waste as much time on the Internet as me. It's basically a ranking list of whatever, and s tier is, like, the best.

Right? Then you go a, b, c, d, f, or whatever. He went s, a, b, c, d, and then he has, the list of burgers he hasn't tried. Now he's got Culver's at the top as his very best burger. And these are all fast food.

K. We're not talking, you know, sit down restaurants, all fast food burgers. And I think for s tier, I would, agree with peaches. And I'd Chuck Culver's way up there. Now he's got In N Out Burger in the a tier.

I think for overall value, I might have to put In N Out Burger and Culver's in the same, you know, ranking myself simply because In N Out Burger is is pretty cheap, you know, as far as, pricing goes and such for what you get. Now we're we're just talking burgers here. I'm not a big fan of In N Out's fries. I think they're one of the worst fries in fast food, but the burgers are a good value. Then he's got Wendy's at the same level as In N Out.

And I guess for value, that Baconator, that's that's a pretty top tier burger. I think I'm agreeing with peaches so far here on, how he's got his ranking set up. Though I'd probably also put Freddy's on the same page as those well, Freddy's is kinda pricey. I don't know. You're not getting the same kind of, value, I'd say, as Wendy's or In N Out Burger.

And Shake Shack, I can't remember the pricing, but they do have a great burger. Now 5 guys, I think I might agree with Peaches on his burger rankings as well. The the value is certainly lacking. They have, I'd say, a better burger than these other places, but the price you pay if you wanna get a burger and fries. I mean, it's what holds me back from checking out 5 guys too often.

Alright. And then he's got, you know, kind of all the others just ranked in the same area there. Jack in the blocks, Carl's Jr, Sonic. Yeah. Culver's sounding pretty good.

Even though, like I said earlier, ever since I got all messed up in the sun Friday, I have not felt very great. You know? I don't know. I feel like I've got, like, allergies or something going on. Head just kinda hurts.

It's like, ugh, why on a Monday? Maybe I need a burger. Probably not. Been eating like trash for a while. I need to clean it up.

Need to, you know, start knocking down some all veggie meals and probably just getting more sleep in general. Okay. Nobody wanna hear about that on a Monday. We're just all trying to get by. But, nice list, peaches.

Nicely done. I don't know. Maybe I'll get into tier maker to build up some online content for the day because I don't know. Gotta do something to pass the time. What on earth was I going to talk about?

Sorry. The weekend was kind of exhausting. You know, kind of exhausting. The things going on in our world. You know, I just hope that some way some way, everybody can come together a little bit better and everything can just calm down.

Can just calm down. Things are so out of control. You know, Horrible things happening. You know? It it it's terrible.

Terrible what happened over the weekend. You know, people should be able to go to events and not have to worry about violence. You know, it's we should be able to have a political process free of violence. It oh. Like to say, it's just everything's gotten to this point where everything's so so exhausting.

And, you know, no matter what side you're on politically, people should be able to go support their candidate and not have to worry about violence breaking out. Candidates should be able to go and speak to people without threats of violence and horrible things happening. I just I just really hope that things can settle down a bit and people can come together. You know? This country needs to be united, and the division has gotten to be so crazy.

Everything's so amped up. I you just you just wanna see these type of things stop. It's anyway, maybe that's why I have a headache this morning. Just, you know, trying to do the unstupid show, and, I mean, the Internet's a very nasty place right now. I don't even know what to say.

Just try to be good to one another. You know? Things shouldn't be this way. And I'm gonna get back to finding stupid, silly content because I I don't want there to be a a downer show today, but I think everybody's feeling it. Filling the weight of the world.

And, you know, how did we how did we get to this point? It's it's just so terrible anyway I'll dig up some wacky Florida man news or something. I can't believe I I don't remember what I was going to talk about when I started this break. I had something. Looking through all my tabs.

I'm like, where'd the tab go? Whatever kind of silly thing I was gonna talk about. I don't know. Anyway, just try to be good to one another. Hell.

Try to not fight on social media, the the endless fighting. Just so tired of it. So tired of it. I saw a few So one of them is a free event, and I think you should go support our local music scene. Check some of these out.

So one of them is a free event happening this weekend in Pingree called super friends. I saw an article at East Idaho News about this. Bunch of great bands playing. You got about 10 artists playing, a weekend of music, friendship, and raising money for good causes. It's a free event.

Go to eastidahoneews.com if you wanna get the full scoop on this. But it's the 15th year. Originally started as just local musician friends coming to together coming together to enjoy a weekend of camaraderie, but now they're just wanting to let everybody know about it so they can come out and check it out. They're also asking people to bring things like boots, coats, shoes, food, toys, etcetera to be donated to the Idaho Food Bank and Toys for Tots, also taking donations for the Bannock Humane Society. Last year, they raised $500 for disaster relief after the fires in Maui.

So, yeah, they they do a whole bunch of fundraising during the event, and all the musicians and sound technicians donate their time to make this happen. So it's gonna be really cool. Also, this weekend in Pokey, you've got the Shady Grove Music Camp happening, which is, you know, an all weekend festival. Tons of different artists from all over the place playing, and, that should be a lot of fun as well. You can go to shadygrovemusiccamp.com to get information on that.

Hoping to get myself out to some of these events during the weekend. So, yeah, get out and support some local music this weekend. Hopefully, the weather won't be too scorching. It's, you know, it's looking better than last week. Oh, man.

Yeah. Again, after doing all that yard work I did Friday that just made me actually ill working out in the sun, I I was so glad that that's not how it was on the 4th July. I mean, it's gonna be it's gonna be hot here in the next few days, but, if we could stay out of the triple digits, that'd be great. Anyway, yeah, eastidahoneews.com. Get details on that Super Friends event.

Also, check out Shady Grove. Lots of great local music stuff coming up this weekend, so get out and sport. Freak News is powered by Greasemonkey, voted Idaho's best oil change. Alright. Careful if you head out hiking.

There's a place called the High Line Trail in Glacier National Park. Now this could happen anywhere, but this particular location looks like a very unpleasant place to encounter a grizzly bear. You're basically hiking alongside a cliff, and there's one way in, one way out. Then you see a grizzly in front of you. Now, generally, this is a pretty heavily traveled trail, and that tends to keep bears away, but it's not always the case.

That's why you should always pack bear spray when you're out hiking. You know, like that Palisades Creek Trail, always packed with people. But there could easily be a bear out there. Always pack bear spray. Now these folks that encountered the bear in Glacier, they were able to just turn around and go back the other way, and, thankfully, the bear didn't just chase them down.

Yeah. When you're hiking, you can also do things like attach bells to yourself. Also, just be loud. You know? Don't just hike in silence.

It's annoying when people are hiking with those speakers playing terrible music, but, you know, if it's gonna keep you from getting eaten by a bear, play your terrible tunes. Alright? I'll forgive people that I see hiking with annoying speakers Moving forward, bears are out there. Speaking of national park, somebody drove into a, thermal pool in Yellowstone. Drove into a hot acidic pond.

Now, thankfully, the water was only about a 105 degrees, which is like a very toasty hot tub, but this thing this could've ended real bad. I mean, some of those thermal pools, you just disintegrate. You know? Be careful traveling around areas with, thermal pools in Yellowstone. I don't know if they had a some kind of problem with their vehicle or what, but, yeah, thankfully, everybody was able to just get out, and, I don't know.

They took him to the hospital, and I guess the acidic water wasn't too too much of an issue. Treated them for whatever non life threatening injuries they were dealing with, but yikes. Horrifying. Oh, let's see. Couple women working at Arby's in Pennsylvania attempted to steal or did steal about $3,000 in beef.

Where can you sling Arby's roast beef on the black market? I mean, were they just hunger? That's a lot of beef. Alright? $3,000 in Arby's roast beef.

Well, anyway, they are, facing some felony theft charges. What she in for? Stealing beef. Wait. What?

Cattle wrestling? No. Arby's. Okay. You know there's there's easier ways to make money and I mean ramen people.

Ramen is still cheap. Alright. You're that hungry. I know it's not great, but ramen. K?

Freak news powered by Greasemonkey. Voted Idaho's best oil change. Be back in a minute. Unbelievable news. Stamps are going up.

What? You gotta be kidding me. No. It's funny. I only recently bought some stamps for the first time in ages because there's a particular bill that I have to pay every month where there is just no escaping additional fees.

If you pay with the card, $5. 5 to pay with a card. If you want to go ahead and pay with a check, you can avoid the $5 fee, but you have to drop the bill off at a drop box or mail it in. And for them to mail you the bill so that you can go pay it that way, I think you pay, like, a dollar or something. Not to mention the the price of the stamp or the gas to drive over to the drop box because there's only one area of town with the drop box.

You might know what bill I'm talking about. I'm not gonna throw them under the bus. But it's so annoying that there is no way to avoid the additional fees as far as I'm aware. Like, I I thought maybe if you put it on autopay, you can avoid the fee, but I I don't think even that works. You just gotta pay these fees.

So I'm glad I bought stamps when I did because now they're up to, like, 73¢. 73¢ a stamp. Ridiculous. Make sure you buy them forever stamps. That way, you know, even if the price keeps going up, you can still use the stamp.

But goodness. And I only care about this because of that one bill that I'm trying to save, you know, approximately $3 now by, you know, using a stamp and getting the bill mailed to me. So annoying. Stamps are skyrocketing. I remember when stamps were, like, 25¢.

That's how old I am. So So just a heads up. I I it's too late now. If you didn't buy your stamps, paying 5¢ for a stamp. They were 68¢.

Now up to a whopping 73. Yikes. What's the world coming to? Oh, yeah. We're giving away some tickets to the summer movie series.

It's going down this Saturday. The Greatest Showman, gonna be showing at Melaleuca Field. And if you'd like to win a family 4 pack of tickets, super easy to sign up. You fire up the k Bear app or the alt app or Cannonball app. Sign up to win.

Just look for the link in our app for the summer driving movie series and get yourselves, you know, entered to win some free tickets. Now, if you don't win, you should still go. It's for a great cause to benefit the Ronald McDonald family room at EIRMC. There are a lot of activities going down prior to the movie. You can do things like, check out stage performances, scavenger hunt, face painting.

Lots of fun stuff going down leading up to the movie showing, once it gets dark out. So check out the info in our app. Enter to win. If you're lucky, you win, but I believe tickets are only $5 anyway. So go to rmhchidaho.org /moviesandfestival to buy your tickets.

That's rmhchidaho.org/moviesandfestival. Alright? This Saturday, the greatest showman for a good cause. You should go. So we talk a lot when dealing with, accident injuries, about reckless decisions made behind the wheel, distracted driving, why you shouldn't eat while you drive.

What if you drop your chicken sandwich? Yeah. You start worrying about that 5 second rule. Try to pick it up as fast as possible. Next thing you know, you've flipped your vehicle smashed into a light pole.

That's what happened in Vancouver, Washington over the weekend. Guy swung through some kind of drive through. It doesn't say where. Got himself chicken sandwich, and he dropped it. Then he tried to grab it, hit a light pole, rolled his car, and then he's got a deal with the insurance companies.

How are you gonna explain that to your insurance company? I dropped my sandwich. I don't think they're gonna cover things. Thankfully, he didn't hurt anybody else. Can you imagine you get smashed into somebody?

And they're like, you get smashed into by somebody, and they're like, oh, I dropped my chicken sandwich. That's when you gotta call the advocates injury attorneys. Jeez. So, anyway, they didn't cite him for distracted driving. I guess Vancouver, Washington.

They're very, very mellow on the distracted driving front. You would think dropped sandwich, tried to grab sandwich from floor, hit light pole and roll. I guess they figure, this guy's gonna get beat down by insurance anyway, so might as well not add, you know, to the add any insult to injury. Yeah. Don't eat and drive.

K? Pull over. Eat your sandwich. Then get going where you need to go. Nobody wants a, you know, car floor, dirt covered sandwich anyway.

It's pretty gross. Just reading up on one of my nightmares here. This woman, she was just out floating in a tube and went to the beach. Next thing you know, she gets swept out into the ocean, and she drifts for 36 hours Can you imagine being out in the middle of the ocean middle of the night? You're just on an inner tube, and you can't see anything.

Horrifying. Thankfully, 36 hours later, a merchant ship spotted her there and picked her up. I mean, the ocean is massive. So this is, like, incredibly lucky that they managed to spot this woman. And I was just kind of walking myself through this inside of my mind, and it pretty much made me wanna vomit because it sounds so horrible.

So horrible. She's alright. She's alright. But I don't know how many times a week I say yet another reason to not go in natural waters. But, yeah, you're just hanging out on the beach.

Next thing you know, you're out in the middle of the ocean with nothing around but potentially sharks and who knows what else. And she had to spend the night that way. Oh. So, anyway, I guess at least she had the inner tube. You know?

What if you were just swimming? And, you know, the current pulls you out. You're you're doomed you're done oh yeah they call them rip currents I don't wanna be monkeying around. The ocean, it's a frightening beast. A frightening beast.

Anyway, just be careful. Careful, people. Hi. It's me, Victor Wilt. Hello.

Good day to you. Thanks for tuning into the show. I know I'm a little bit off today, and it's due to just brutalizing myself in the heat on Friday. I have not felt great since then. We got articles popping up about the dangers of hiking in the heat.

Extreme heat, man. I I didn't think it was that bad, Friday. Like, alright. We gotta get some yard work done at my daughter's place. Let's just get out there and do this, get it over with.

I knew it was about a 100, and I was taking breaks in my truck with the AC going. It was nice and cold in there drinking tons of water. Still was, like, just, ready to vomit. It was terrible. Yeah.

Be cautious if you're heading out in the heat. Alright? Heat records all over the US. And, you know, again, I thought I had more than enough water, plenty of time in the, cool air conditioning, and it still just beat the crap out of me. Oh, Was it was awful.

It was so awful. Alright. Heat stroke signs include hot, red, dry, or damp skin, a fast strong pulse, headache, dizziness, nausea, and confusion. Yeah. Sounds familiar.

Oh, it was horrific. Yeah. And, people have been getting, like, life flighted out of the Grand Canyon. People in Arizona out hiking it's, like, a 115 there. Well, my daughter lives in Phoenix, so she was up here visiting.

Definitely more acclimated to the heat than me. That was the first day I went out in that kind of heat for more than, like, just a few minutes. So I don't know what I was thinking. Like, I will just get it over with. I didn't wanna do it late at night because I didn't want to, you know, waste the whole Friday evening.

Stupid move. Got the job done, though. But, paying the price. And I had the the blower out. The leaf blower.

Because we were chopping down all these weeds and stuff, and I I was just gonna blow a bunch of it out of the yard. And I I think I also just brutalized myself with I don't know what I kicked up dust wise but the allergy thing I've been dealing with. Oh. I just feel like garbage. So it's a good day for a rock show.

Good day to go see Prime Minister. I think what I'm gonna do is the smart move that I think about doing before every concert that happens here. Because I'm I get in this mindset of, oh, I don't have to drive back from Salt Lake or Boise. Show's right here in town. Sure.

I could go to bed at 11 or midnight and then come do the morning show. And I always regret it and feel just terrible because I get, like, 4 hours of sleep. So I think I'm gonna not come to work tomorrow. I'm pulling my foot down. I'm gonna go talk to Jade about taking a day of BTO.

That's what I'm gonna do. Yeah. And then I'm just gonna sleep in in the nice cool air conditioning in my house. So, anyway, looking forward to seeing y'all this evening. Hopefully, just this crud feeling in my head will clear up before then.

So annoying on a Monday. Not only a Monday but a show day. Careful in the heat, everybody. It's nasty out there. Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show.

This program's a production of river. This program's a production of river. Why can't I say that? God, I'd like to say river bend media group, river bend media group. This program's a production of river God.

This program's a this program's a production of Riverbend Media Group. To contact the show or for more information, hit us up at riverbendmediagroup.com.

#0023 - Worse Than Jade Farts - 7/15/2024
Broadcast by