#0024 - Smoky skies be brutalizin' this guy right here. - 07/17/2024

Morning. Welcome to the Viktor Wilt Show, Wednesday, July 17th. What is happening? I hope you're doing good. I think I figured out why I was not doing well on Monday.

I wasn't feeling good. I was getting kinda concerned that I was getting sick, which was a bummer because it was the day of the Primus show. And, you know, by the time the show rolled around, I'll admit I wasn't too excited to go to the show because I was feeling pretty lousy. Well, I believe it was simply due to smoke in the air. You know, I didn't realize we were dealing with poor air quality conditions till later Monday afternoon.

I was in my living room. I've got this, air purifier, and I don't know exactly how it detects crud in the air, but it'll let you know when it's, you know, kicking up its filtering. And, yeah. The air quality in my house was was not great. So I got thinking about it.

I'm like, oh, yeah. In smoky years past, usually, my body doesn't like that. So I, you know, took some allergy meds, went and got some Flonase, and since have gotten to feeling a little bit better. It's still definitely irritating me a bit, but, yeah, just be cautious with the, air quality conditions. Right now at the moment, they're okay, but looks like fire season has started a little bit early.

We've we've got a number of them in the region. And, yeah, it looks like the smoke just kind of billowing through the old snake river valley. And, yeah, if you've gotten to fill in a little bit off headache, maybe a little bit of scratchy throat, it could be that. You know, some people are at higher risk of having negative effects from, you know, smokey air. So, you know, you just gotta kinda pay attention to your body there.

Stay indoors. You know, make sure you got your windows closed. I'm wondering around my house, like where, where are things seeping in from? I mean, when it's just cruddy outside, it's going to get into the house. But, highly recommend an air purifier with one of those HEPA filters.

I mean, I've got one that I use kinda year round. Just makes conditions in your house better in general but, you know, you you can pick them up all over the place department stores hardware stores Amazon, you know, if you don't wanna leave your house and go out in the smoke, you know, also if it gets really bad I've I've noticed in years past like if it's really smoky which we haven't had any super bad smoke conditions yet Still got some of those n 95 masks sitting around. Yeah. N 95. It works wonders if you're dealing with, smoky cruddy air and stay hydrated, drink lots of water.

You could also what I do to find out what's going on in our areas, I go to this website, breezometer.combrezometer dotcom. And, you can check out the current air quality conditions where you're at. You know, in Idaho Falls right now, it's it's okay Pocatello a little bit more moderate you know twin falls looking not so great but yeah, there are some areas kinda out in the middle of nowhere where it's, pretty nasty. You know, Rexburg probably I'm not saying Rexburg in the middle of nowhere but looking, little bit worse north of Idaho Falls, especially up toward the Montana border. Anyway, just wish any luck in dealing with that.

It was a few years ago that these smoky conditions really started to irritate me. So, yeah, I've noticed I gotta gotta mow down the flow nays to keep well. Anyhow, be back with, I don't know, whatever is dumb in the news or whatever comes up. Alright? Hang on.

I wish I could have this kind of luck. I mean, I'm forgetful. So it's the type of thing that could happen to me, but it it just doesn't ever. This guy in Rhode Island, he bought a Mega Millions ticket back in February. Just forgot about it.

Then he, I guess, was cleaning his car or something. Dug it out. Oh, I guess I'll check these numbers. $1,000,000. I mean, I wish I could win $5 when I bought a mega millions or Powerball ticket.

I don't do it very often because I always lose, but well, do I feel lucky today? I don't know. Maybe I'll give it a whirl. Pick up a lotto ticket. Might as well burn $2 or whatever.

Man. So, anyway, some people got all the luck. All the luck. This, company in Philadelphia, though, they're, not so lucky. Somebody's struggling for dough.

I guess figures that, pallets of meat or where the money's at. Was reading that, 400 cases of beef taken from a cargo truck in Philadelphia yesterday morning. That's a lot of beef. 400 cases? Did they pull another cargo truck up next to it?

Twelve pallets of meat gone. The article says fortunately no injuries have been reported either. Okay. That's good. No beef related injuries but still wouldn't it have been easier to just steal the truck And what do you do with beef on the black market?

It's like that story from was it Monday or last week where somebody stole 30 grand in Arby's beef? 30 grand in Arby's roast beef. What are you gonna do with it? I guess be cautious if you see somebody on the Facebook market. Hey.

You want a pallet of beef? I mean, that's the type of Facebook market post that I would laugh at because I'm easily entertained when it comes to beef. But yeah. What what do you do with it? What do you do with 400 cases of meat?

Maybe they're hungry. I don't know. I would assume they're gonna resell, however. So I don't know. You're probably better off buying lotto tickets than trying to resling, you know, pallets of beef.

It it's just not an easy sell. Anyway, let you know if we get any updates on that soon. Let's head to Florida and just talk about a couple completely out of control stories. People are just getting worse in that state all the time. I I mean, it could be people are getting worse everywhere, but Florida willing to, spread the word on everything crazy going down?

Okay. Here's a headline from local10.com in Florida. Pompano Beach woman flips off camera before plowing car into school. So this woman, she goes smashing through a gate at this, Bright Horizons School in Pompano Beach and then goes flying around the building, ends up out on the, the track out back of the school. Starts doing donuts and, then smashes into the school and goes speeding down the hallway at 50 miles an hour running over wheelchairs.

This is a special needs school and nearly running over an employee who told police he had to jump out of the way. So she goes flying out of the school at about 50 miles an hour and then managed to, crash and got herself arrested. But, thankfully, and it's another one of these why. Why did she do it? Well, the article hasn't hasn't got that update from the Pompano Beach cops in Florida there.

I mean, clearly, it sounds like either one, she's typical crazy Florida woman, and there's just no reason. Drugs or alcohol. Or 2, you know, some somebody made her mad. This is not how you deal with issues that need to be worked out with any type of an establishment or business or yeah. School.

K? Gotta make some phone calls. Gotta get on, get on the line with the district. Alright. Work out your grievances.

Not 50 miles per hour down the hallway. Alright? Yikes. People gotta settle down. Just, just calm down a little bit.

All right. There are processes you can work through to, again, deal with any issues you might be having. Not this route. Hey. Just wanna give you a heads up on some of these water issues that our community's been facing relating to wells and, farming and things like that.

Became an issue about 6 weeks ago. The governor's department of water resources demanded that the wells for 700,000 local acres be shut down. It's about 80% of local farms. And, basically, the governor's office, gave him till October 1st for farmers to negotiate a solution. But after that date, he plans to begin shutting down these wells.

October be here in the blink of an eye. It's gonna be here before we know it. So, this could have major impact on our region here in east Idaho. You know, potentially, businesses shutting down, jobs lost. So tonight, at the Melaleuca event center, there's a big open public forum, town meeting, to discuss and inform the public of this pending major disaster for East Idaho.

Kicking off at 7 PM, Melaleuca Event Center. You know, bring your family, your employees, and as a community, hopefully, can, work together to get the information out here and work to figure out how we solve this issue for our community. I mean, we're heavily driven by agriculture. I'm sure you know how important it is, that we're able to keep farms operational. So again, 7 PM tonight at the Melaleuca Event Center, big town meeting.

There's information floating around online. Go out and, attend the event. Now very important again for all of us here in East Idaho. Alright. I've got an example here of why you shouldn't drink on the job.

And this one, I I feel bad for her because this video has gone viral, and you don't wanna go viral for butchering the national anthem because people are so mean. I mean, reading through the comments, just ruthless. Country artist, Ingrid Andress was performing at the 2024 Major League Baseball Home Run Derby Derby on Monday. And, well, let let's listen to this national anthem. I I shouldn't even pile on here, but, I mean, a bad national anthem performance.

You know? It does make for content. So check this out. Who's broad What's going on here? Why are we getting no audio?

I don't know how to use my buttons. Here we go. Who's broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight Alright. Are you wondering if it gets worse? Yeah.

It does. Free. Man. Okay. I'm sure anybody who's done some drinking has done something embarrassing, but it was likely in front of a handful of friends.

Right? Hopefully. Wake up that next day feeling all anxious. Like, no. That didn't happen, did it?

I can't believe I said those things. Oh, I made a fool of myself. Okay. Ingrid Andress was in a baseball stadium. I don't know how many people this place holds but it was a packed house.

A stadium full of people. And that would be horrifying enough to know you got up in front of a stadium and butchered the national anthem because you were hammered. But we're in the day and age of the Internet. Alright? And this video has gone viral.

I don't know how many people have watched this video. Let let's actually go see just this particular video. 3,000,000 views in one day. Oh, I again, I feel bad for her, But that's why you can't you can't drink on the job. You know, if she showed up and was like, okay.

Alright. I'm much tipsier than I planned on being. Oh, jeez. That's when you talk to your manager and be, like, I can't do this. I can't go out in front of this stadium of people.

I'm gonna fail. I'm gonna be a national embarrassment. Please please, manager, tell them I'm sick. Tell them I'm sick. Well, she checked herself into rehab.

So, you know, that that's good. If you're dealing with, alcohol problems, getting help is good. But, oh, man. Yeah. This is why you should get the help before you do something truly embarrassing.

Oh man. Anyway, I'm I'm glad she's getting some help, and I hope it didn't feel like I was piling on. This was my, you know, anti alcohol PSA. You know? Just trying to help out here, get the word out on the dangers, you know, even if you, don't make yourself sick.

I mean, public embarrassment can stick with you, and that oh, I I just can't even imagine being in her shoes. So, anyway, Yeah. Again, don't drink on the job, people. More examples of animals fighting back against people. They're fed up, and I just dig these stories.

Now the birds were not attacking people in this particular story, but what I think they're doing is trying to assist sharks and letting sharks do the dirty work. Apparently, on New York City beaches, birds have begun fighting against drones that are patrolling for sharks and struggling swimmers. I don't think it's that the birds hate the drones. They hate the people. You know, the scientists, wildlife coordinators, and things are like, no.

The birds are annoyed by the drones. They think they're, you know, coming for their their little ones and things like that. No. No. They they want the sharks to get the people.

That's what's going on here. Yeah. Why isn't there any video of birds attacking drones? And I'd I'd like to see the the proof. I mean, it's good that they're out there trying to help people from getting attacked by sharks because shark attacks yep.

They just don't sound very fun. You know? I I would imagine it's unpleasant to all of a sudden have your leg just ripped into by a shark. But I don't know with all of these type of stories popping up. What's to say birds and sharks couldn't be in cahoots with one another?

Mhmm. So so, anyway, I don't know. They're probably messing up the ecosystem by having these drones out flying around you know It it's not very difficult to mess up the natural way of things but I don't know what you're supposed to do aside from telling people stop going in natural waters if you want them to stop being attacked by sharks. Alright? It's the only way to prevent a shark attack.

Don't go where there are sharks. Alright? And then the footage from the drones is gonna end up online too. Check out this drone footage of someone getting attacked by a shark. You know, the video would end up out there.

I mean, I guess it's a a quick alert. You get the lifeguard out or whoever to help the people, but still. All right. Careful on the beach. People animals are they're fed up.

They're fighting back. You know what I do? I just don't go in the water. Simple as that. You may have already seen this at eastidahonews.com, but I figured I'd give the boring update to the Valley in the Cloud Sanitarium, which is according to the family that owns it, a place of joy.

Nothing sinister. Basically, all this comes down to is the guy who built this place thought it would be a a fun name. Yeah. No actual sanitarium out in the middle of the woods. No hospital facility or psych ward or anything like that.

It's just a family getaway with a bunch of cabins and things like that. They said the words on the sign are representative of how our family views the wonderful area of island park as a place that restores one's body, mind, and soul. Sanitarium was just the word kind of indicating we are the patient, and the doctor is this beautiful area. Now, sign's been up for ages. They say the sign was there before the dirt roads in the area were named.

They've got pictures here of the cabins on the property. Look like any old cabins that you see out in the woods in Island Park. They've got a sawmill complex, you know, where they could, produce the materials to build the projects on the property. It looks like a pretty nice place. And I was looking at comments on the article on social media, and people are like, what kind of person would just throw that kind of a weird name on something?

And I got thinking about this. Okay. Let's say I owned a plot of land out in the woods, built a bunch of cabins and things like that. I would definitely come up with some kind of a completely insane name for the property, put up a big sign just to, you know, mystify people like this. This totally makes sense to me.

So, anyway, they, also talk about the girl Elle, and just said that she, suffers from extreme anxiety, depression, and that when presented with a stressful situation, she tends to freeze. So, you know, she wandered into the scout camp, was just having a rough day, and it had a little bit of a meltdown, so took off from the, the family property down the road, ended up at the scout camp, and then went back. So there's nothing nothing sinister going on there. She's fine. And, yeah, again, it just looks like many different pieces of property that I've seen driving around in the woods during my many years living here in East Idaho.

So, well, again, a pretty boring ending to the story there. Nothing crazy. Alright. Well, let me know if there's any other weird local mysteries. Alright?

Any strange places we can go find, aliens or something like that? I'd love to know. Freak news is powered by Grease Monkey, voted Idaho's best oil change. Alright. Florida man has a junk food feast.

Enclosed Walgreens after 5 hours in the bathroom. Alright. Well okay. What happened here? Alarm goes off at about 3 AM.

Apparently, what had happened here is that a guy went into the store's bathroom at 9:40, and employees didn't bother to check on the place before leaving. And so he hung out in the bathroom for 5 hours. Then about 3 AM, he decides, I'm hungry. So he wanders out and sets the alarm off, picks up some Tostitos spinach dip, chips to go along with it, Reese's and Ghirardelli chocolate, Doctor Pepper, and then got himself a pack of smokes. And so he's just in the bathroom mowing down, you know, chips and chocolate, and I guess just smoking away.

Then he went to jail. When they asked him what he was doing, he's like, I I just needed to use a bathroom. Then he also got in a fight with the police. Easier ways to get snacks, bro. Just, I'm sure there are jobs in Florida.

Chips and chocolates. You know, Ghirardelli is a little bit more expensive, but, you know, come on. Reese's ain't too bad. I know that the cost of goods has increased. But come on, bro.

You can find yourself some chips and dip on sale. Settle down. Speaking of settling down, don't be an unruly airline passenger. You know, if they think something on the plane's potentially on fire and they ask you to evacuate, leave. This was at San Francisco International Airport.

I guess somebody's laptop burst into flames inside of a suitcase, so they asked everybody to, you know, get off the plane. Leave your bags just get off the plane but do you know what it's like you got all those people in front of you when you're waiting to get off the plane And if they're all trying to get their bags, nobody's getting off of the plane anytime soon. That's why it sucks to be seated at the back of the plane. You just gotta wait and wait and wait. And, of course, in this day and age, people have an issue with being told what to do.

You can't tell me what to do. I'm not leaving without my bag. Get off the plane. Alright? What if it was a serious fire issue and some idiot trying to get their clothes, you know, leads to, you know, something horrific happening because you're stuck at the back of the plane.

Yeah. There there's video I can't play this because there's lots of profanity, But please follow the instructions of the flight crew or whatever kind of crew. Alright? You're in a travel situation. You got people for safety's sake, giving you instructions.

Follow said instructions. Air travel, man. Idiots traveling by air. Just make it so aggravating for everybody else. Alright.

What else do we have here for freak news powered by Greasemonkey? Oh, don't get fake Botox. Yeah. You can get, really messed up by fake Botox. Most of the people dealing with, serious repercussions from fake Botox are getting the shots in private homes from unlicensed people.

Alright. Would you get surgery at somebody's house? Would you get dental care at somebody's house? Probably shouldn't get Botox. 1 woman had to be placed on a ventilator.

Yeah. People experiencing things like blurry vision, trouble swallowing, and breathing. It ain't worth it to get rid of a few wrinkles to potentially die. K? 13 people hospitalized in I I don't know what time frame, but it must have been a fairly short time frame if the CDC is putting out a report telling people don't mess with black market Botox.

Yikes. Anyway, don't get any kind of medical care outside of a medical facility. K? What is this? Something people saw on TikTok?

Hey. You can get Botox at home. Don't get your medical advice from TikTok. K. Social media in general.

Go to a real doctor. K? You just never know what's gonna happen. Oh, man. Morning peaches.

Good morning. Alright. I've got some millennial trends, Peaches, that you need to stop doing because Gen z says they're outdated and not cute. Oh, the Gen zers are telling me what to do now. That's right.

You gotta get rid of those, you know, sculpted eyebrows, bro. Sculpted eyebrows. I don't know what happened to my sister's eyebrows. All of a sudden, one day, I come back home, you know, and she has these drawn on brown, like, just lines above her eyes. I'm like, what happened to your real eyebrows?

What's going on here? Yeah. Apparently, doing that. It's not cool anymore. Gotta just have the natural eyebrow look.

Yeah. I I was endorsed being natural. And you might wanna let Jade know. The skinny jeans, they're out, man. You gotta get rid of the skinny jeans, Jade Davis.

Alright? The emo times are over. Baggy jeans are in according to Gen z. I did see John from Point North wearing the baggiest jeans I've ever seen on stage. The old fashioned Jinko style?

They were huge. I'll show you a picture of them because I actually have a picture of John on my phone. Alright. Yeah. Pull it up because I I miss those kind of pants.

They were very comfortable. I don't know. I think I'm a little old to dress that way, but they were the most comfortable pants ever and you could fit tons of crap in the pockets. It was great for someone who's always got a bunch of junk in my pockets. Oh, that's nothing peaches.

That's nothing peaches. They were they were very baggy. Compared to one. I see. Alright.

Yeah. That that image makes it look a little more, Jinko style. We had some stupid pants back in the day. I mean, they're like well, did you ever see the pants MC Hammer would wear? Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. So they were like that, but jeans, like, parachutes. They were absurd but very comfortable. Apparently, everything gray in your house is not cool anymore.

You know, all of your furniture and walls, just the monochrome look. Gen z getting a little bit more exciting, which I'm down for. I I do think that we need to add some color to things. Anytime you see a brand new house build, it's just all, like I I mean, there's nothing to it. Just I I definitely like the potter look.

That's that's something I really, really enjoy. I I like more of a unique look. I like, you know, some, some of that Victorian style architecture where you put up the weird wallpaper and things like that or and I do like the seventies look because, you know, you could probably tell from being in my house. I haven't changed the main floor too much. Yeah.

But see, the the wallpaper is so outdated. Wallpapers are overall outdated. Don't use them. You gotta get real weird wallpaper. You know, nothing boring with like stupid little flowers on it or something.

You gotta get something strange. You don't need a wallpaper? No. There's some good wallpaper out there, peaches. You don't need it.

Yeah. Yeah. What else do we have that Gen z says you shouldn't do anymore because it's not cool? I guess, making weird faces like Jim Carrey. I don't know.

It's very specific and strange. But Gen Zers are weird. Yeah. And my my kids that are Gen Z ers, they'll send me strange selfies where they're making dumb faces. I didn't know they're making dumb faces was on the outs.

Did you see the, the Macarena was getting revamped? I was talking about that yesterday. That's coming back? No. They're they're, making the dance different is what they're doing.

Oh, okay. The hand motions are different. But for the same song? I think so. Yeah.

Why wouldn't you just make well, I guess there's a 1000000 new dances for a 1000000 new songs. So Well, I can imagine, like, you know, you say Gen Zers, they're they're getting mad about silly faces, but yet again, they'll put their phone on the shelf there, and back up and then do some stupid dance to no music and then pick up their phone and hit the button to stop recording. That's true but they don't make weird faces while they do it. Right? They just dance.

Oh, they make weird faces. Look at look at Charli D'Amelio and Addison Rae. Those girls are making stupid faces all the time on TikTok. Okay. I I haven't fired up TikTok in a long time, so I don't I don't really know what's going on there.

It's probably, to my is somebody trying to keep up to date on what's happening out there. I should be looking at it, but, also, if I was looking at Gen Z influencers, I'd I'd be ashamed of myself. Well, that haktoof girl's everywhere. What are you talking about? Is she a Gen z?

Obviously. No. I I don't know. I mean, I saw the original video, and now I guess they're trying to make her into a reality star or something. Exactly.

Was she already putting out online content before that? Nope. She didn't have it. Didn't have any social media at all. Imagine when she makes an Instagram, it gets almost 2,000,000 viewers or 2,000,000 followers.

I I totally think she's a Hollywood plant. I I a 100% think that. I don't think she's a plant. I think she's just somebody that, you know, happened to have a video blow up. But if you're if you're gonna make somebody into an influencer or star, they they gotta be I I don't know.

You'd think they'd have to already be making content that would show you, oh, okay. This person has what it takes to be a reality TV person. It's those types of videos on Instagram where you walk around on the street with a microphone, you find the drunkest person or weirdest person, and then you make a whole post about that person hoping it goes viral. Because most people that blow up online have been putting out videos for a long time, like dog face when he, you know, blew up during the pandemic for the skateboarding video. Yeah.

He'd already been making TikTok videos forever, and he's got that, you know, charisma in front of the camera. I I wonder if that's gonna be the case with her because, again, all I've seen is that the one video that went viral. Mhmm. So, what are some other things Gen z says? Stop it.

Don't do this. Taking pictures of food. I I always do that. Of your food. Love doing that.

Arts any artsy plate, I'll do it. Well, Peaches, it's a shame upon you. I don't know. Let some kid tell me what to do. I think I might have taken a picture of my Jalisco's recently because I was going to point out, hey, I was at Jalisco's and had a delicious Chipotle burrito.

But see, I discreetly take the photo. I'm sure people like you are, you know, pulling up the phone, doing like the backwards head tilt and then, you know Yeah. You gotta get the right holding phone with both hands. That's right. Yeah.

You gotta get the proper blur going on and things like that. Make it look all artsy fartsy. That reminds me that there's one thing that my parents annoy me the the the most out of with is when they go we go to a restaurant, right? They'll turn on their flashlight to to look at the menu. Maybe they can't see good.

Like, it's the stupidest thing. Like, I imagine looking at a menu like this with the flashlight on. I've seen people do that, but it's like they forgot their glasses, you know, so they they can't read it. Well, I think my dad's had work on his eyes, so I think he's back to normal. Alright.

But my mom, you know, she's a lost cause. You know, if I see old people using the flashlight, I mean, I'm the guy who will have my flashlight on on my phone and not realize it, and then somebody yells at me like, dude, your flashlight's on. Or I'll look you know, happen to look down and I see a light shining through my pants and it's the flashlight on. And the person bothers me by flashlight being honest, be like, yeah. I'm just taking a picture of your butt and just stare right in the eye.

Peach is in the house. I guess you wanted to hear more things that gen z doesn't want you to do, Peaches? Yeah. I wanna crap on these, these losers. Woah, Peaches.

We got Gen z listeners. How dare you? I'm a millennial. I'm entitled. Alright.

Apparently, sending a text message, not coo. I that's funny. I do like to call more. Oh, yeah? Yeah.

What about That's what gen z is terrified of, phone calls. Well, and I know you will send, messages with things like Snapchat and stuff like that Mhmm. To your friends? Yeah. I I couldn't imagine doing that.

Well, you're 41. I know. It's just wait. I'm 42. 42 now.

I'm 42 years young. You're Jackie Robinson young. That's right. That's right. Yeah.

Why is texting a problem? Why do you gotta send a video text or something like that? That's what they're heavily into is just FaceTime more so with, like, their close friends. They can't call people. They're afraid to.

I literally had to call some It's very weird because my dad would always make fun of me for not being able to talk to people as a kid and then I eventually just, you know, stopped caring and then I just had to help somebody else call somebody call them for them. You know, that I had to call a hotel to see if the pool's open for one time. How hard is that to do? It's a nice friendly staff. That's what they're there for.

You know, come to think of it, I think when my kids were younger, I had to encourage them to make phone calls for things like them. Just call and get the information. That's awkward. I'm like, no. It's it's how it works and whoever's on the other end of the line, that's their job.

I know. It's my first, time yelling at the bank. That was that was a fun time. That might have been one of the situation. Like, no.

Just call and dispute this or call and get the information. Young people, man. Young people. Let's see. What else is not cute according to gen z, calling your dog a doggo.

That's better than fur baby. Mhmm. Fur baby's a terrible name. Who rescued who? Hey.

Stick it. I don't know if I refer to my cats as my fur babies. I just call them Waste of life. Oh, peaches. Peaches.

How dare you? Peaches. Pooches. Like, because I have a little baby at home right now. Stop it.

A little baby. She's my little toddler. She's a little terror. Yeah. She wants to sleep in my room every night, but half of the nights, she will just attack me.

She will just attack my feet, and I throw her off the bed, tell her no. No. And then she immediately comes back up and just starts biting my feet. Isn't it great that I I have no pets? I don't have to worry about any stupid cat biting my foot, sleeping on me, whatever.

Or I'll let both of them, you know, stay in the room or have the door open. And then 5 AM, I've got a, you know, cat fight on top of me. Here Koopa just and they're just fighting. That's when you Both of you get. You just buy the most expensive water gun you can find and just go after both of them in the fight.

No. But they're they're having fun. It's just like, hey, guys. It's the weekend. Don't wake me up at 5 AM.

I know you're used to the water at the ear. That's a good way to do it. Oh, I'd feel bad. Why is gen Z against parting your hair on the side? Is it, are you supposed to just go in the middle?

It's better than that broccoli. Look, you see those guys walking around with. Right? That's a popular hairdo right now. Because of Jack Harlow.

Broccoli head. Yeah. Yeah. You know, all all curly and just yeah. Like the Beatles if they frizzed it out or something.

They didn't get a perm? Yeah. John Lennon with a perm. I I I think I would agree. The broccoli head is sorry to anybody who has that.

And let's say Maybe we're just jealous. You know? Yeah. I can't grow any hair. So, you know, I who am I to judge any type of, of haircut?

High waisted pants. Those did become popular at one point. Kinda people people would call them mom jeans. Steve Urkel, the trendsetter. Steve Ur now that's beyond high waisted pants.

Disney adults, I think everybody can agree that that's just wrong. Yeah. Yeah. Terrible. Often people.

You're a weirdo. If you get a tattoo of Winnie the Pooh on your arm, what the heck are you doing? I buy the annual pass and and I go to Disneyland 100 of times. That was a sticker in Southern California. It was the AP, sticker on the back of your car.

You have the Disney logo with it. Annual pass holder. The sticker you put in your car. Sticker? Yeah.

You'd brag about it? Right next to that who rescued who sticker and you're like, okay. Joining me on the show, Jade Davis. How's Jade Davis? I'm still tired from Primus.

That was, just amazing show. They were so good. They were so good. It was so fun. Another one of those really good vibe shows like the, death clock show Oh, yeah.

Where everybody was just having fun. Really happy to see us. Tons of listeners out. It it was so good. So he did great as usual.

I'd never seen Primus before so that was a first. I was really I knew that Les was good, but the amount of talent that guy has, he was bored almost playing his songs and those are not easy to play. No. He he made it look just effortless. Yeah.

You know? And he was, like, adding stuff that you don't hear on the, recordings. He was just all of a sudden, he'd be whipping out some crazy bass fills. I'm with Metallica on this one. You're too good, Les.

You're too good. Yeah. Yeah. He would he would have been way too good for Metallica. They they wouldn't have been able to put him to proper use.

No. Though it might have made it, you know, really cool. So tonight, Jade, there's this town meeting going on at the, Melaleuca event center. You know, I'm sure you heard about the the water issues that the farmers are facing. Big water dispute going on back in May.

The government's Department of Water Resources demanded that the wells for 700,000 local acres be shut down, which is basically 80% of local farms. And they've got some kind of temporary thing in place, but come October 1st, he's gonna start shutting down wells. And if you drive around here, Jade, we're in an agricultural community. Yep. So this is a chance for you to be heard.

Yeah. And there's gonna be both sides, Democrats and Republicans there. Yeah. The whole community coming together to figure out what we can do, because this could be an economic disaster for our region. And, the farmers have nothing to negotiate with.

It's gonna be very difficult to change these things. So as a community, we need to come together to be informed, get behind the farmers, and show our support. So this is again going down tonight, 7 PM at the Melaleuca event center. Figure out how we can prepare for this, you know, get people on board to, and we're gonna be posting some stuff on our socials so you can get some more information there. So check that out.

Yeah. Keep an eye on socials and, you know, thanks again for, you know, being part of the community and taking part to make sure we can keep things going in the proper direction around here. Some people got too much money, and I'm pretty sure I've talked about this place before. But it pops up on my Facebook feed about every month. You know, I'm following all these weird houses pages.

So, you know, you'll get these listings pop up and they're always outside of my budget. All the cool houses are. But this one is like I don't know. It's so over the top that I figured if you haven't checked it out, you should. It's a castle in Connecticut here.

Easy enough to remember the address, I would think. 580 Brickyard Road, Woodstock, Connecticut. Just Google that. 580 Brickyard Road, Woodstock like the famous concert festival, Connecticut. For the bargain price of $29,000,000, you could have this almost 19,000 square foot castle.

This place is completely absurd. Like, I don't know who's got 29 mil sitting around that would also be down in living or down for living in this kind of ridiculous place. Like, me? Absolutely. This place is absurd.

But it seemed like most people with 29,000,000. I don't know. They seem to be into, boring modern architecture. Now this is not an old castle, but if you just look through some of the photos on the inside, this place is wild. I mean, even on the outside, it's wild.

But, yeah. They've been trying to sell this thing for let me go back to the listing here. Many years. I've I've seen this pop up a number of times on the Internet over the years. Okay.

2022, they tried to sell it for 50,000,000, then they dropped it to 35, then they dropped it down to 30,000,000, then down to 26,000,000, then back up to 39,000,000, and now it's back down to 29,000,000 doll 29,000,000 dollars. That's such a ludicrous amount of money for me to think about, and maybe we got somebody out there listening who's like, 29,000,000. That is nothing to me. Anyway, I I'd rock this place. Ugh.

Be such a pain, I'm sure, to try to keep up on the chores. So I mean, this place is like a 1000000 times the size of my house and I already when it comes to oh, I need to vacuum. Not vacuuming the whole house. Anyway, look it up and check it out. It's it's crazy looking.

I don't know what Maniac Built is. It's got a moat and a lake and everything. 580 Brickyard Road, Woodstock, Connecticut. And I I think there are articles about this place, maybe YouTube videos or something where you can see a lot more because it it has some absurd features. Anyway, that's probably not that interesting to most listeners, but I don't know.

To me, weird houses are cool. And, this is definitely one of the wackier ones out there. It's pretty neat. Alright. Back in a minute.

I was just looking at a Reddit post that would drive peaches crazy. When he posts his questions of the day for the peach their own, he gets very upset when people answer a question with an answer that does not work like name a song by blah blah, you know, the me me me me me me. And then they go anything by blank. He doesn't like that. There's a specific question being asked.

Name a song or whatever. Name an artist. Well, somebody asked millennials, what do you think we're possibly gonna see in our lifetime? And it got a lot of responses, but pretty much all of them are, what haven't we seen? We've seen it all already hopefully we don't have anything else left to see it's like well no why why don't you guys get a little bit more creative and figure out some type of a response of, I don't know, something maybe in your industry that we might see?

Like, thankfully, the top voted answer was hopefully, c a r dash t cell therapy being extremely effective in eliminating cancers and systemic diseases. Also, hoping to see more gene therapy. Alright. That's the right type of answer. But then you just start getting piled up with, we've seen enough madness.

We need a gap year. Oh, wow. Haven't we seen enough? Come on, guys. Alright.

Cereal bags that open and close like a ziplock bag. There we go. That's an appropriate answer. And, yeah, that's kinda weird, isn't it? All kinds of frozen foods come in resealable resealable.

Why is that hard to say? Re sealable. Is this ziplock style bags? Why does cereal suck so much? I guarantee it's a cost measure.

Even though cereal's gotten to be really expensive, you'd think they could afford to put a ziplock on it. What you gotta do is buy the giant bags that, just come in a bag. Right? You know, I forget the brand name, but they're not in a box. They're just a big old bag of cereal.

I think those have a a zipper on them. Alright. More doom and gloom. More hopefully nothing else. Come on, guys.

I'm sure we'll keep seeing more once in a lifetime events every week. Alright. Lots of heat and weird weather. Speaking of which, I was looking at this article about Vegas, and they set a record for the most days in a row above a 115. Also had the new all time heat record of 120.

Vegas, like, you know, beating Phoenix as far as the heat goes. Gotta be a bad time to be a business on the Las Vegas strip. The article said that, like, the neon museum isn't opening till, like, 9 PM now. Something like that. Oh, I just feel so bad for people that work in these cities.

And I know, well, if you don't like the heat, you gotta move. It's not as easy as you think to just up and move somewhere. Alright? You hear that from people in every city. If you don't like it here why don't you just leave alright could you just stop and move somewhere tomorrow you gotta have work you gotta find housing housing's expensive in a lot of places But, man, I can't imagine.

I've I've been complaining about our 100 degree weather. 115. If you've never been in weather that's 115, it's crazy. It's, you know, disheveling to the senses to step out of a vehicle into 115 or outside of a house. It's crazy.

I mean, I was in my driveway last night just going to get the mail, and I think it was mid nineties. I'm like, oh, oh, miserable. Anyway, stay hydrated, stay cool, stay inside. Plus it's all smoky and cruddy out right now. I thought we'd get that kind of garbage in August.

Why now? We had, like, 1 month of nice summer where everything was green. Sky was clear. Air was fresh. Sucks out there.

So, yeah, stay inside. That's what I recommend. If you're looking for something to do this weekend, we might have you hooked up with some free tickets to the summer movie series. You gotta sign up to win them. Gotta fire up the k Bear app, the all tap, the Cannonball app, and enter to win.

But, Jack, you're looking for something good to do with the fam? Maybe take them out to see the summer movie series at Melaleuca Field. It's going down Saturday night. They're gonna be showing The Greatest Showman. They've got a whole bunch of family activities going on, stage performances, scavenger hunts, face painting, photo booth, stem booth, all all kinds of different stuff kicking off at 6:45 with the movie to begin at 9 PM.

And everything's to benefit the Ronald McDonald family room at EIRMC, so for a good cause, and it will be fun for you and the fam. You might be able to win a 4 pack of tickets, so then you have money to spend on food and whatever. Might as well try for freebies. Again, go to the k Bear app, the alt app, or the Cannonball app, and click the link for the summer movie series and fill out the form. Boom.

You're in to win. We'll be drawing some winners very soon. So if you haven't yet entered, right now would be a pretty good time to do so. Good luck. Earlier, I talked about how people just don't wanna listen, don't wanna be told what to do.

You know, we had that airline story where the people were asked to evacuate because a laptop had burst into flames, and they were told to get off the plane. Don't grab your bags, and nobody could get off the plane because everybody's trying to get their stuff out of the overhead bin just sometimes you got to just listen to what you're told alright It's not gonna go your way. I was reading a story about a Florida man. I guess the boat police rolled up on him, and they were questioning him for some reason or other, anyhow. So they asked him for ID.

Now I don't know what the laws are in Florida, but I do believe you have to have a a driver's license to drive a boat. I'll have to check with lieutenant Crane on that Friday during traffic school powered by the advocates. But, anyway, you know, if the cops roll up on you and they're like, hey. You know, do you have ID? And you're like, I don't have to show you anything.

You're probably gonna have a bad time. This is a Florida man, so I'm guessing the guy might have been a little bit, hammered. He's a Florida man. Alright? So he had code violations going on with his boat, and they're trying to get his ID.

And he won't show him anything. So at some point, I believe his girlfriend wanted to call his dad or something. And they asked him, you know, to or she asked him to give her the code to his phone and no. And he just keeps getting more and more belligerent. Finally, he ends up giving his name and they're, like, oh, you've got a a warrant for your arrest.

And he's, like, oh, yeah. What's gonna happen if I just jump into this water and swim away? And they're, like, well, you're going to go to jail. So then he jumps in the water and swims to shore where he was promptly arrested. You're not gonna get away from the cops by swimming.

Alright? He didn't get attacked by sharks, so it's a Florida bonus. But, yeah, if you jump off of a boat attempting to elude police, that that's a charge. Alright? Especially if you've got a warrant for your arrest.

So, yeah, it took him 7 minutes to swim back to shore. They just slowly paddled along following him, and then, yeah, he he went to jail. I think the guy just didn't want his girlfriend getting into his phone. That's what I think was going on there. Why wouldn't you give her the code, dude?

Yeah. What was Florida man hiding? He went to jail rather than just give his girlfriend some information on the phone. It opened up all these other doors simply because he got into a fight with her about the this unlocking the phone thing. Yeah.

Dudes, if you don't let your lady get into your phone if she asks, you're gonna have a bad time and vice versa. You shouldn't have anything to hide. Alright? Shame, Florida man. Shame.

Peaches would call that one walk with me in heck. What up, peaches? That's right. What did you ask for your peach? Their own question yesterday?

I didn't see it. If you had unlimited resources, what pet would you choose? Oh, I just stick with what I got. Cats. There we go.

Those are my favorite kind of pets. Why would what else would I get? You wouldn't have some cool extravagant animal. Like for me, I would have a herd of elephants. It'd be great to have those giant guys just, you know, roaming around.

Alright. Have you ever seen They're incredibly smart unlike cats. My cats are smart. Over here. Get out of here.

One one elephant paw to Lucy. Done. Alright. Just because you're big doesn't mean you're smart. Alright.

Elephants are incredibly smart. You prove this on a daily basis. Oh, okay. There we go. A lot smarter than our audience.

That's for sure. Oh. Woah. Have you ever seen a pile of elephant crap? Sure.

Yeah. I've seen what, some of our DJs put in the bathroom. Yeah. I'm gonna go with a pass on having to clean up after elephant. That's natural.

You You know, nobody cleans up their poo in the wild. Now I watched a video one time, Peaches, on animal planet. It was one of these dirty jobs type shows, and it was showing how to how that they artificially inseminate an elephant. Okay. Okay.

And I I don't need describe what happened in it. Okay. Please. You can watch it on YouTube. Again, it was on family friendly Animal Planet.

Which is funny because Animal Planet will show you the most gruesome scenes, and then you'll have some calm narrator with a funny accent. Just tell me about the death of the animal that you're watching. Yeah. No. This wasn't any, you know, animals in the wild attacking and feeding.

It was just what they do in a zoo to help elephants have more babies, and it was one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. Gotta get the glove And all the way to the shoulder. Alright. Peaches, I I I dumped that on what Peaches said. It wasn't bad at all.

It it was sort of bad. What you just said was worse than what I said. No. It wasn't because I didn't describe But you said that word and it's like, that's a JPA right there. Yeah.

Maybe. I'm hitting the JPA button. But, you know, as long as I didn't describe the process or what happened afterward. But, anyway, we'll just say elephant waste, there's a lot of it. Alright?

And I felt very bad for these, zookeepers or doctors. Well, they they signed up to be I know. In that field. And it was one of the funniest videos I've ever seen on animal planet. It was so wild.

I could not believe it. I've I really am fighting to not describe it on air because of how funny it was. There was a video I was sent as a kid, like, not when I was a teenager on Xbox, you know, the old good old Xbox 360 party chest They're like, oh, here's a funny video you can watch. And then I clicked on the link and it takes you directly to, how to do something to a dog to help them out. And But now let's see.

I'm getting Yeah. I'm still uncomfortable here. We're just gonna end this break because there's no way to win with this one. But if that video is still on YouTube, I mean, I wouldn't watch it before, you know, lunch. It's educational.

So that's why I'm sure it's still on YouTube. Yes. It was very educational. And I believe that it started off with this guy. He's traveling from Salt Lake City, which made it extra funny to me too.

Yeah. And he had a, you know, a, like, a locked briefcase with, you know, items necessary for the process. I just imagine. Alright. Alright.

We just gotta end the break. I can't work around it. I can't work around it. It's funny though because now you have to edit this part of the podcast version of your show too. Yeah.

That's true. Or you just keep it in now. Like like in the show does they'll do like uncensored breaks during their podcast version. I you know, what I should do is, yeah, start a secret podcast where I could describe that's back then, I I think I was I don't think I have the Twitter account anymore, but I think I was live tweeting while I was watching this because it was so funny to me. But Live tweeting.

Wow. Alright. I'm gonna get out of here, people. We'll be back for the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Haliscos. Talk to you soon.

Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show. This program's a production of river. This program's a production of river. Why can't I say that? God, I have to say river bend media group, river bend media group.

This program's a production of river. God, this program's a this program's a production of Riverbend Media Group. To contact the show or for more information, hit us up at riverbendmediagroup.com.

#0024 - Smoky skies be brutalizin' this guy right here. - 07/17/2024
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