#0026 - Cowboy Sings To A Biker - 07/19/2024

Alright. What up? It's the Viktor Wilt Show. It's Friday. It's July 19th.

I can't believe the month is rocketing by so quickly. Fine with me, though. Let's have it go by real fast. I'm ready to get to about the end of August. Sound pretty good to me, for many, many reasons, mainly 1.

Anyhow, hope your day is starting off well. Mine is, all right so far. Let's take a look at the impending local weather forecast. I hope wherever you're at, the weather doesn't suck. It's just hot here and relentlessly.

And, you know, they they were talking about it potentially cooling down, but I don't think it's going to. Hopefully, running your AC just all the time is fine because it's the only way to survive. You know? Grateful for it every day, the good old AC. Alright.

What do we got here? Evil life hacks? Should we start with that? Sure. Alright.

Is using someone's phone number at fuel pumps to steal their fuel discount? Is that pretty evil? Somebody said they use their exes and boss's phone numbers to get a little bit of a discount on fuel. I guess it depends if they notice. Right?

Why is it that okay. Think about it yourself. If every time you went to the pump, you weren't getting a 5 or 10¢ discount. Would you really notice? Because, I mean, who knows the formula for how those fuel discounts add up?

I I don't pay attention. You know? If I happen to get one, I'm like, oh, cool. Neat. The outrageous price is a little bit like the tiniest bit less outrageous.

I don't think it's that evil. I don't know. Is this just gonna be a rehash of the unethical life hacks threads and not as good. It's kinda starting off that way. Alright.

This person says I was in a 3 person team in home ec in high school. I always volunteered to do the dishes. Then when it was something gross, like a really greasy pot or pan, I insisted to the other 2 that I do the dishes all the time and therefore they could do it for once. That's not evil. That's just smart.

Yeah. Because nobody wants to do the grody dishes. Right? I mean, this is something you could use in many different situations. Then, you know, when Peach is in here and I'm like, listen.

I've done this for 20 years. It's your turn, buddy. Let's see here. Okay. This one, I don't think it's evil.

It's just, baffling. There was a guy who was a woodworker my dad knew. Horrible accident at work. Lost a bunch of fingers. Big settlement, 2 disabled to work.

One day he's at our house, he's hammered, and he tells us he did it on purpose. K. I've I've said before that hands are handy. I don't think it would be worth a settlement to lose my fingers. I mean, how big of a settlement are we talking?

I I still don't think it would be worth it to, in the end, not have fingers, not to mention the whole losing your fingers part. It's gotta be horrible. That guy is just an idiot. I mean, who knows how much money you could have made with your fingers in the ensuing years of your life? What a moron.

Jeez. Now would anybody actually do this? You'd have to have friends to assist, get a burner phone and use yourself as a reference on job applications. Got gaps in your work history? Fill them in with freelance computer work or renovations, stuff they can't call to verify.

I bet a lot of people actually do that. Not not maybe the first part about having burner phones, but, again, you'd have to have friends in on the thing ready to go at all times, like some kind of better call Saul scheme. It just doesn't seem very efficient. You know? I think you're just better off just lying on your resume, which I guess is an uneth unethical life hack.

Now let's see here. Nothing opens a person up wider than giving them a thoughtful compliment and a relatable story. Well, what's that's human interaction. Right? I don't know if that's an evil life hack.

You know, you're just, getting to know people, and it's nice to compliment I guess if you're complimenting people with the intent of, tell me all your secrets. Alright. That would be evil. Okay? Seems weird, but all right.

Now, again, this doesn't seem unethical to me either. Go to Walgreens or somewhere that sells Costco or Sam's gift cards. Buy one for any amount and go shop without being a member. They don't make you buy a membership. They'll let you use the gift card.

I don't think they'd sell them at other stores unless they knew people who potentially weren't members would be coming to use the gift card. I does it actually work? Because Costco, they're very strict anytime you go in there. Show me your card. You know, you go to the self checkout.

Show me your card. I gotta make sure it's your face on it. What's up? How's it going? It's Victor Wilt.

It is Friday, and, boy, is it a light news day so far. I'm digging. It's just not going that great. Like, I read about this photo selector, new app that uses AI to help you choose your profile photo. Woah.

Glad we're living in the modern age. I just don't know what to do on my dating app. I don't know. Ask a friend or something. Is this a good photo of me?

Like, no. The lighting's garbage. You need something that, you know, you don't look like, you've been on a bender for weeks. You know? No.

Not that one. Pick a different one. You let AI pick your photo, and things just continue failing for you. Be quite the downer. The article notes that, the AI was trained to not post photos or pick photos, I should say, where you're holding a fish.

I don't know. I'd imagine that there are people out there looking for a fellow fisherman. Yeah. What if you're really into fishing? Yeah.

You probably wanna find somebody who's totally down with going fishing with you. Right? Because I know people say that opposites attract thing. Now you gotta have some stuff in common. Alright?

Complete opposites, it's not gonna work out. K? You gotta be into some similar things. You know, musical taste, you gotta have some crossover there, entertainment taste. Otherwise, what are you gonna do?

What are you gonna do to hang? I I can't imagine not being able to connect with my lady on tons of different things. You know, you gotta have certainly in this day and age similar, political ideas. Can you imagine trying to hook up with someone on the complete opposite end of things? Oh, jeez.

So, yeah, if you're into fishing, post the picture of yourself holding a fish. You know? Might as well be open right from the beginning. All I do is fish, and maybe you'll find somebody who's into that kind of thing. Don't don't let AI run your profile.

I mean, if if you struggle with the ability to write, perhaps you you have chat GPT whip something up for you. Like, you know, yesterday I don't know. Me and peaches got weird during the noon hour of madness and mayhem. We read a post out of the Arizona subreddit where somebody was trying to get people to come hang out with them in Kingman, Arizona for their birthday at a hotel. It would to be strange.

You know? Hey. I'm visiting Kingman for my birthday, which right out of the gate, that's weird. No one on earth is going to go, it's my birthday. I'm going to Kingman.

Because if you've ever been to Kingman, it's a it's a dump. So peaches threw together a chat GPT post and posted it in the Idaho falls, subreddit celebrating my 28th birthday at the Econo Lodge pool looking for friends. It was basically utilizing all of the same aspects of the post in the Arizona subreddit. You know, it's my birthday. I'm feeling lonely.

So I'm going to hang by the pool and would love some people to come hang out with me. And funny. I got 14 upvotes. It's getting a little bit of action there. And I don't we talked about it on air while the post was being made.

So I don't know if everybody who's commenting in there is just part of our audience either way for random people, I it's not even that funny, but it makes me laugh that random people are getting this on their feed, that there's some guy named Brendan Peach who's looking for people to hang with him at the pool and maybe meet a special someone. Let's make some memories and celebrate together. If you're interested, feel free to DM me for details. It'll be interesting to see if Peach has got any DMs about this. And then another stupid thing that happened.

I I don't know why we got so weird during the noon hour yesterday, but I was, writing back to you know, you get these text messages from people that are either offering you work or, you know, they're asking for someone completely different, some kind of new scam. And I decided to start writing back to all of them on my phone while we were doing the noon hour. And I did a typo trying to write wonderful, and I wrote wodurful, w o space d e r f u l. And then I just started sending that to everybody. Completely no context.

I sent it to my kids. They didn't respond. Sent it to, Jade. No response. And, my comment got 3 upvotes, because I commented on Peach's post.

This is what we get paid to do for for work, for a job. I got paid to just be completely stupid yesterday. Made me feel pretty good. Alright. Well, anyway, that's how we roll.

Gotta love, nothing but political news, which could be fun to talk about, but not gonna do it. Not gonna do it here. Yeah. It's pretty terrible this morning as far as finding content goes. I mean, I was reading about a pickleball video game.

That's how light the news is. Like, oh, okay. I guess I'll read that. Now, essentially, a pickleball video game is a tennis video game. Right?

I mean, that that's kinda what pickleball is. Right? Slow tennis? Well, anyway, it's it's coming soon. PPA Pickleball Tour 2025.

Oh, no. It's out. It's out now. It came out Wednesday. You can pick it up on Xbox PlayStation and Steam.

Oh, it looks amazing. Yeah. Not so much. I mean, to each their own. If you if you wanna play pickleball video game, whatever.

I just assume if you're you're in the mood for that kind of game, you just go with Mario Tennis. Right? Can't really go wrong with a Mario video game. Like, some of the most boring looking Mario games end up being really fun. Like, Mario Golf.

I don't like golf, but I like Mario Golf. I actually need to pick that up when I have a lot more money for the for the switch. Can you do online play? And I'll play with, the kids and my lady since everybody's so far away. Mario Golf would be a pretty good one, I would assume, for online play.

No. Seriously. If you've never played Mario Golf, it ain't too bad. Let's see what it says about, on Mario Golf online with friends. That's a Google search.

Yeah. How to start a multiplayer game. Yeah. Yeah. You can do it.

Cool. Might be kind of fun to do some online gaming this weekend. I haven't done a lot of video gaming for a while. I really need to get back to, streaming. I don't know what my problem's been.

I I just have had no motivation for it. I think it was the last few months of work. They've just been so brutal that the last thing I wanna do is more radio when I get home. I don't know. I don't know.

Maybe if I start by just playing video games. I've just been watching dumb YouTube videos. Dumb YouTube videos. I've become addicted to it. I'm turning into a teenager.

At least it isn't TikTok, though. Man, you never know what's gonna ruin the family business, and you'd never expect it to be a dirty diaper. I guess there's a family that ran an online store on Amazon. Beau and Belle Littles. I guess they sold baby items.

One of those items was diapers. Send some diapers out and whoever did this is a disgusting terrible human being. But they shipped back a used diaper. And apparently, Amazon didn't inspect the packages or whoever was working in the work in the warehouse was like, oh, this will be funny. Yep.

This was a good return, and then they allowed the dirty diaper to be resold. So somebody gets the delivery of new diapers, and they've got a a poopy diaper. Thankfully, this news article didn't include photos. Nobody wants to see that at this hour or, well, any hour of the day. Dirty diapers are one of the most disgusting things there is.

You know, they're part of life, but they are horrific. They're I I don't need to get into the details, but the person who got the dirty diaper shipped to them as a new diaper from Amazon, Of course, left a review. Disgusting. The diaper arrived used and was covered in poo stains and then urged readers to look at the pictures. Look at it.

So people started marking the review as helpful, which led to the algorithm increasing visibility on the product page. So that became, you know, like, their number one viewed product and just completely destroyed their business. Doesn't know. Doesn't matter how many great reviews they had when the most helpful review is the one about the dirty diaper. That ended up somehow putting him 600 grand in debt.

And then Amazon ultimately declined to remove the bad review even though from what I'm understanding here, it was their warehouse's fault that the dirty diaper had been shipped out as a new diaper. But, I don't know. The review is pretty funny. These were not small stains. I was extremely grossed out.

Thank god I saw the stains and didn't put it on my baby. I will be returning this ASAP. You go to the UPS store. Why does this box stink? Don't worry about it.

Alright? This is a used item. I wouldn't be surprised if they just ship it to some other unsuspecting parent. This is a bunch of garbage. But so, anyway, this company is trying to get the word out that, hey.

We made improvements to our product returns process, so maybe it's not Amazon's fault. I mean, yeah, you gotta have somebody inspect the packages even if they are just diapers. Like, what? Do they just lift the box and, like, that feels pretty light. This feels like a normal package of diapers.

I'm I'm not gonna open it. So I guess if you wanna help, struggling company, Beau and Belle Littles, looking to pay down their debt. Thanks to dirty diaper review. No. Gotta be gotta be cautious what your employees are up to.

You never know what they're shipping out to people. I just made a post in the Idaho Falls not the Idaho Falls. Jeez. The k Bear 101 Idaho rock and metal group on Facebook asking for you to show me your pets. I had a good photo of my little kitten, Lucy, and I figured I would share it with y'all.

And then you can share your pets with me. This led to me somehow ending up in the Facebook marketplace. I should never look at the Facebook marketplace because I always find weird stuff that I'm like, should I buy that? No. No.

You shouldn't. You know, I already had to replace so much stuff around my house. I've spent so much money in the last year. I cannot spend any more money. No more.

But what am I supposed to do when I see 6 foot tall area 51 capsule? This is some kind of a Halloween decoration with an alien inside it that's 6 feet tall. Normally, $180, but right now, 100 15. Thankfully, it's not, like, $50. Then I'm shooting the message that everybody hates to get on Facebook marketplace.

Is this still available? Why do people get mad at that message, by the way? It's a fair question because as I've replaced items around my house during the last year, I have tried to buy items on Facebook market. You can save a lot of money buying something used compared to new. And I'd be like, yeah.

Hey. I'm I'm really interested this, and then they go, I I sorry. I sold it. That's why you should immediately ask, is this still available? But some people are, like, I won't respond if you ask if this is still available.

Well, I won't respond if you ask if this is still available. Well, you know what? If everybody would just take down their items when they've been sold, people wouldn't ask that question. Alright? I have had people who said, I will not respond if you ask is this item still available.

Then I go, hey. I'm very interested in this item. Then go, yeah. This item's not available. Like, get you get.

So, yeah, I'm not gonna buy the 6 foot alien. K? But I get in this loop of scrolling through Facebook Marketplace, and there's always weird stuff on there. Like, I think they tap into, you know, your phone. They're listening to what you say.

They look at the type of stuff that you like on social media, and they just start showing you things that they think you might be interested in potentially. Like, you know how many books show up on my Facebook market? Lots of them. Somebody had a post, like, mystery boxes of books. You can get 1 for $5, 2 for 8.

You can get 5 boxes for 15. I don't need to go spend $15 on 5 mystery boxes of books. But as someone who's addicted to buying books, I'm tempted. And I know I would open up these boxes and just be furious cause there's gonna be nothing in them of any use to me or stuff I already have. I have way too many books.

I have to buy them one at a time. You can't just buy a mystery box if you're me. But it's still in the back of my head now. Like, maybe you should. What if there's something, you know, weird and collectible in there?

There's not going to be. Stop it. And so I just keep scrolling through? Now I'm getting fed a whole bunch of Halloween decorations because I clicked on the one stupid alien thing. I mean, here's a skull arch with light up skulls.

It's pretty sweet. Pretty sweet. I look pretty great out front, but this thing, you know, is a $175. I can't justify spending a $175 on a Halloween decoration. I don't even have kids that live at my house.

Oh, look at that. A $15 microwave. So I have a, like, big, nice over the oven, you know, microwave sitting in my basement. It's brand new. Every once in a while, I go look at them like, that's a nice microwave.

But I don't have a microwave that I I use. I mean, this thing looks kinda beat up. It's all the way in Rexburg. I'm not gonna drive to Rexburg for a a $15 microwave. What do we got here?

Just for a temp microwave. See. Here we go. Now I'm scrolling microwaves. There are a lot of people getting rid of microwaves in Rexburg.

All the deals are in Rexburg, those struggling college students. Come on, man. $30 from a microwave. It's not worth the drive. That's a good, hour on the road to go pick up, you know, a temp microwave.

Oh, here's you know? Right. $25 in Idaho Falls. That's not too bad. Let's look at these photos here.

That's a little tiny microwave. That that ain't gonna cut it. Why are there so many microwaves for selling Rexburg? What's going on there? If you're a college student, you need a microwave.

You know, and we're heading into school season, so you can't be getting rid of your stuff. What are you you know, living the high life and not eating ramen when you're in college? I don't buy it. I don't buy it myself. I gotta get out of this Facebook Marketplace.

There's some WWE championship belts for sale. They look, pretty legit. I don't watch wrestling. Why am I even clicking on now I'm gonna be getting all kinds of wrestling posts. Oh, look at this.

An Idaho Mustangs bus. 13 grand 1986 MCI cup why did I click on that? Now I'm gonna be getting all kinds of RV thing. I I don't need an RV. It would just be so stupid to be driving around with a big bus that said Idaho must angs on the side.

What signed band poster is this? $10. It must not be a very good band. Is that 5 seconds of summer? Alright.

Well, you could get yourself a, sleeping with sirens poster signed by the band for $10 as well. They got, Franz from Attila, a signed poster. $5. Please take this off my hands. I don't need this poster of bronze.

I'm ashamed to have this. Oh, look at that. $60 alien skull. Good thing that's not, like, $25. Twelve inches long, 7.5 inches tall, weighs in at £1.57.

I like a nice detailed description. Lots of photos. Yeah. $60 out of my range. You gotta drop them prices if you want me to buy your useless crap.

That's what I'm talking about. Alright. Anyway, you find anything else weird on the Facebook marketplace that's, real cheap. It's gotta be real cheap at this point to get me dropping the dough. K?

Well, I'm talking, I need a $15 microwave and no more. Oh, look at estate sale. See, I clicked on the books. Now I've got an estate sale with a big pile oh, those are VHS tapes. Nobody wants those anymore.

I wonder if those will ever become collectible. Down the road. All of a sudden, just people gotta have VHS tapes. I don't think they will be. I don't think they will be.

And, thankfully, most of the time that people are selling books online, all a bunch of garbage I wouldn't want. Yeah. Sometimes you just gotta donate those books, you know, to a local thrift store, people. Give up. Freak news powered by Greasemonkey voted Idaho's best oil change.

Alright. We begin with, don't bring your glass stuff to the pool. Alright? Trying to keep people safe, avoiding things like natural waters where people are getting attacked by sharks. Yeah.

There was another shark attack story in the news today. Some pretty crazy video too. Sharks thrashing toward people on the beach that are running screaming in terror. Alright? This is why we need to, you know, stick with the pool.

But then you got people bringing their salsa to the pool and accidentally busting it in the pool. And nobody wanna be swimming around in broken glass and salsa. You get all cut up. You get that, you know, spice inside of your wounds. It's no good.

It's no good. Now where did this happen? I guess it doesn't matter. You just shouldn't bring glass to the pool. Come on.

Everybody knows this. Come to think of it. Why why don't they put salsa in plastic containers? Does the acid in it eat through the plastic? You can get hot sauce in a plastic container.

I don't know. Transfer your salsa to a nice piece of Tupperware and then, you know, still keep away from the pool. Alright? Too many people getting nasty stuff in the pool. You know, and I know I talk a lot about avoiding natural waters, but even pools Yeah.

Have you seen people with children in there? You know? Kids pee in the pool. Oh, you're gonna all be swimming in that. Just can't win when it comes to trying to stay cool on a hot day.

There was some guy who stuffed a salmon up his sleeve and got busted for it in the UK. Took it from a fishery. 25 $100 fine or, you know, whatever it is. Euros, pounds. It's an expensive piece of fish, bro.

I mean, you can just go to the grocery store if you really want some salmon. This is too much work. Alright. Not to mention criminal charges, hefty fines. You know, just take a take a picture of yourself fishing.

Find somebody to go fishing with you. Do it legit. Get your license. Or go to the store. You know?

Salmon up the sleeves sounds unpleasant as well. Like, have you ever held a fish? It's not pleasant. Right? They're all, like, strong, covered in scales.

They're sharp. You know what? Why not just bust out the cheese grater and just start, you know, just go into town on that arm. What a weirdo, man. Totally not worth it.

Human ID or human finger ID'd in Tacoma. Yeah. Apparently, they found a finger in a Tacoma driveway, and the Tacoma police department posted a photo of it. Hey. Check it out.

We found a finger. And, well, somebody messaged them was like, hey. That's my finger. Yeah. The guy blew his finger off with fireworks.

I I don't know if he got in any trouble for illicit fireworks, but I guess if you've had your finger blown up, you've already been punished enough. Right? You don't need the citation for illegal fireworks after blowing your finger off. Yeah. It's funny.

They found the finger, tried to identify it using a, portable fingerprint scanner, but no identification able to be made. I guess if they find a finger in a driveway, they might assume the worst, but, no, just firework mishap. What up, peaches? Hey. Nothing much.

Nothing much. I saw 3 different airlines were grounded. Well The 500 flights canceled. I was gonna say what did they do to get in trouble with their parents? Dad jokes, bro.

Where's where's your New Balance at? No. I go Skechers. You know, even worse even worse than New Balance. Yeah.

I I got mall walker shoes. How many flights grounded? About 500 or so. Is that due to the, software Microsoft thing that's going on? Yes.

I saw it in the news, but I was like, my computer's working, so I don't care. Well, yeah. All the, flight tracking apps are just down. Oh. Well, I'm glad it's happening this week instead of next week because otherwise, you'd be having a meltdown today.

Oh, trust me. Anytime there's potential issues with travel, Peaches loses his mind. I tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go in there. I'm gonna tell him how it is.

Right. The most strongly worded letter. So hopefully they get the issues fixed by next week. I'm glad I don't have anywhere I need to go today. Only place I need to go, my couch, Peach.

It's sounding really good. Sounded really good to just sit on my couch. Watch more of the same old TV shows. Yeah. You could even watch some obscure documentary, The Life of Victor Wilt.

I have a $3,000 computer that I never used to stream or anything. I just watch weird TV shows all the time. I'm trying to build up my knowledge for the radio show, so I watch a bunch of documentaries about subject matter that I would never talk about on the radio. That's what I do, peaches. What did I watch recently late at night when I'm trying to go to bed and can't fall asleep?

I watched one called how to rob a bank. Is that what you're gonna do? You're gonna rob a bank? No. It was just on Netflix.

To sponsor us. I mean Yeah. It was a pretty good documentary. It was about this guy named well, they called him Hollywood. And, he would rob banks in Seattle.

And, So his name was Hollywood. He would go to Seattle and rob a bank. Well Well, his name was Hollywood. He did an actor. They called him Hollywood because he would put on, facial prosthetics.

He kinda looked like cardinal Copia. He'd put on you know, he'd attach these pieces of, Maybe it is Tobias. No. No. They they got the guy.

You know, if And everybody gets caught, he goes, rats. Rats. You caught me, rats. Yeah. I found I I don't know.

If nobody's seen the documentary, I don't wanna spoil the ending. But, like You're robbing the I never understand people who wanna get in a shootout with the police. Alright? You spend CTA. You spend years years successfully, you know, robbing banks.

And I don't know. You'd probably be a legend in jail. I'm certainly not encouraging listeners to rob banks. I'm at the jail hall of fame. What do you mean?

Yeah. Like Feel like that type of thing? Yeah. You'd be a celebrity in jail. I'm sure jail for, you know, life in jail would suck.

But to me, life in jail would be better than not alive. I wonder which inmates that that that's a good, question for lieutenant Crane. What inmates are feared the most in prison? I wonder if he'd even because we don't do we have any feared inmates around here? I mean, most of the people who, make major national news from Idaho that, end up in jail, they're not, like, intimidating.

They're just pieces of garbage that, you know, are just creeps. So it's not like we've got And the creeps get beat up in jail quite a lot too. Yeah. Yeah. We it's not like we've got Idaho's I don't know who's who's a fear it he got these serial killers that, scare people.

But I've watched a lot of, true documentaries as well, and most of those serial killers are total losers too. Like, they Oh, they are. They are. They shouldn't be feared at all. They're just Ted Bundy.

Yeah. I mean, all those guys. Edmund Kemper was literally just a big nerd. Now he was big though. Yeah.

That'd be like a peaches went serial cancelled. That that would be scary. But, like, Charles Manson, he was like Russell. He was a little tiny guy. And he somehow, persuaded people to follow him.

Yeah. He just brainwashed people. Yeah. You know, he's not intimidating at all. He's just a, you know, just a weirdo.

Well, look at Al Capone. He's a big fat Italian guy. Like, it's like, what is this? Yeah. I I mean Wait.

Look at The Sopranos, though. I would definitely be more intimidated by, a mobster than these serial killers. So you're telling me if you saw James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano in some sort of diner, you'd be scared of that guy more so than Yeah. Have you watched the whole Sopranos? James Gandolfini is quite intimidating or I should say was.

Rip to James Gandolfini. Spoil the series. Come on now. No. That he's not alive in real life, peaches.

Alright. Well, why are people calling? They wanna say something? All right. They better be on topic.

I tell you what. Let's see. Okay. Bear you're live on trap, not traffic school. You're live on the Victor Will show.

Who's this? Victor, good morning. Hey. What's up, man? What's on your mind?

Well, so I'll give you guys a little background information on your topic is, there was one guy that was thoroughly praised because he was going around and beating sex offenders with hammers. Okay. I mean, how is that how is that on topic? You were just talking about dudes in prison. I I guess.

So but are people afraid yeah. I guess you you might scare people, I suppose. But, yeah, we were more talking about, I don't know, like scary, you know, serial killers and stuff. I I don't know. I'm I'm not familiar with this guy.

Was that in Idaho? Yeah. No. I don't remember this. It it would be funny if you're on Beyond Scared Straight just to just to see how you I feel like you would laugh for the most part.

Well, because they can't hurt you. You still get exposure to them. I could Yeah. But it's just something like Victor being one of those people. Like, unless they could actually do something that would affect me, I'm not like, okay.

Let's say the boss is gonna yell at me. Sit me down and yell at me. You listen if you don't get it together, then I'm gonna fire you. That scares me. But some guy in jail being like, if you don't get it together, you're gonna end up here.

Like, alright. See you later, dude. And they can't do anything to you. I wouldn't be afraid of a scared straight situation. No way.

Alright. Well, good. Goals for being, in there. They used to have a big private prison out there, called ICC. And at one point, it was ranked as one of the 5 most violent prisons in the nation.

In Iowa? It was notoriously it was notoriously known as Gladiator School. I I I It was all over the news and I am. All sorts of fun stuff. It was called ICC?

Yeah. Idaho Correctional Center. Alright. I'm gonna look into this and see what you got, the redneck, and we'll we'll we'll talk about it on the next break. Alright.

Sounds good. Alright. See you, man. Bye. Yeah.

I'm not familiar. I can't imagine Idaho having one of the 5 scariest prisons. It's like saying Idaho is a good basketball team. Now wait a minute, Peach. I mean, I guess if it was, I don't know, Northern Idaho, there's, you know, some, some real dirt bags up there.

It's the Victor Will show. We got peaches hanging out, and we're gonna try to work around some of the subject matter and not make it too unpleasant, not get into grizzly details. But, we were talking about, you know, people being intimidated by notorious Idaho criminals and things. And I was like And I see who? Like, you know, they're they just tend to be a bunch of loser creeps.

Off air, we were talking about people like Jeffrey Dahmer who would, you know, drug you know, lure people to his place and just drug them. You know, he's just a loser creep. You know, just a dirtbag. Not scary. I mean, the acts he committed definitely scary and gross if you watch that doc that Dahmer thing on Netflix.

It's bothersome. But, you know, I don't know about him being intimidating. You know? Caller called and told us about Idaho's Jack the Ripper. This was a guy named, what was his name here?

Raymond Snowden who I've never heard of him. This was back in the fifties. I I guess he, you know, brutally killed a woman. And, I'm looking at pictures of him. He does look like a creep.

But, you know, we don't have a lot of details on him here. Like, we were mentioning how Charles Manson, this little tiny, you know, skinny, not scary guy at all. You know. This guy could be just just a little guy, just a little fella. And, you know, somebody catch somebody off guard and kills him.

You know, they're just a dirtbag. It's the guys like we talked about, Edmund Kemper. That's that's who scares me, peaches. Or okay. Have you watched a lot of true crime stuff?

My sister's obsessed with it. Okay. I've I've heard it in the background. Richard Ramirez Oh, yes. Was definitely scary because there was no, like, rhyme or reason to what he did, and he would just break into people's house.

And there was it was like What did he call it? The Night Stalker? The Night Stalker. Wow. Wouldn't that suck?

Yeah. But you're, like, you're laying in bed asleep. Next thing you wake up, you see guy's scary bony face just staring at me. He was scary looking. He had, like, really bad teeth.

And he yeah. He looked like a monster. He was actually scary. And that's from your stomping grounds. He was a, a Los Angeles, you know, serial killer.

You know, you don't seem to see that much anymore. I I don't think that people can get away with that kind of stuff much anymore. I did see that supposedly, I think in Austin, Texas, they think a serial killer might be on the loose. Let's let's pull this up here. Well, I was also looking at this list of, like, the scariest serial killers of all time from history.com.

Uh-huh. Number one's that Harold Shipman Guide, Doctor Death. Harold Shipman. Yeah. Then 2 is I'm not sure if I'm see, I've listened to so many episodes.

Well, there's also Ed Gein on this list, the inspiration behind Psycho. Yeah. And he, you know, he was another, like, just a backwoods, like, creeping it. What? He did kill people, but I think he was also a grave robber.

He was, you know, just a disturbed individual. But I think if I recall correct in he was from Wisconsin and in the town he lived in, just thought he was, you know, backwoods weirdo. He yeah. He was the see, this is a hard topic to work around on. Well, look at John Wayne Gacy.

I mean, that guy's creepy and just making paintings of clowns and Hey, a local politician. Okay. No. He he definitely was, he's he's another scary guy too because he's a big guy. I don't know.

Big guys that, you know, I don't know. They scare me more than these little wiry, you know, just losers. I mean, John Wayne Gacy was a loser too. Anybody who's just out killing people is a dirtbag loser. Alright?

Yeah. It's it's I hope there's not local serial killer listening who decide, oh, you call me. Call me. Far as I know, we don't have wake up wake up your room. There's a doctor in the corner.

No. No. What do you think about naked kayaking? Sound fun? I don't know.

I mean, sounds like you're gonna need a lot of sunscreen, really. You know? If you've ever been kayaking, you know, you're out on the water. There ain't no shade. You're exposed.

So you're gonna have to spend a lot of dough for full body, you know, sunblock in these 100 degree, you know, temps we're dealing with right now. And he might end up stranded. Happen you could probably end up in jail around here. I I don't really recommend you do this. Somebody was in Lake Erie outside of Cleveland doing a bit of naked kayaking, and, yeah, apparently, they ended up stranded somehow.

So the, local US coast guard had to come out, try to rescue somebody about 3.5 miles from shore, recovered the man. He'd been kayaking and, capsized. And if you're capsized into natural waters with all of the fish attack, shark attack I know this is a lake, so we're gonna talk fish attacks. Maybe a turtle. You're gonna want some clothing to protect certain areas of your body, I would think.

The risk of capsizing in a kayak or a canoe is always there. Alright? One time, I was in a canoe. I was in, a river in Minnesota doing a little bit of canoeing. Canoe capsize.

I think my brother caused it to, tip over. That's what I'm gonna go with. It was Jake's fault. Canoe capsizes. I fall in, and the water pushed the canoe.

You know, because we're talking current here, pushes the canoe down in the water and it smashed my my ankle all along the rocks. It sucked. Now I'm not gonna get into the grisly details of what could happen if you're in a boat that capsizes canoe or kayak. And you're naked at the same time. But it just sounds like the potential for injury.

There's so many different ways you could get hurt, whether it's the sun or other. We'll just go with other. The article says it's unclear why the man was naked. I think I can guess why. He probably thought it would be fun.

Now, hey, I'm gonna go naked kayaking. Article doesn't say he was hammered or anything like that. So the only assumption I could make is he thought it would be fun. You would assume with all of the opinions that the news puts out there nowadays you You know, you watch the national news, and they're just spewing? Why not just, you know, throw out some ideas here?

We here at mlive.com, Michigan Live, we think the man might have thought it was fun. Gotta add a little bit of flavor. I mean, it's not like this is gonna be damaging to the community to throw out, you know, speculation. That's what I'm do is somebody mad at me now for my speculation on this? Anyway, don't naked kayak.

You're around here, they would definitely throw you in jail. I'll verify it with lieutenant Crane when he gets in in about 10 minutes for traffic school powered by the advocates, but I'm I'm pretty confident. Naked boating, Idaho, it ain't gonna fly. He has arrived. Lieutenant Crane with the Idaho State Police.

It's about time for some traffic school powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys. How are you doing today? I am doing good. Thanks for asking. Well, you're welcome.

You're welcome. Well, always glad to ask. You know, and makes me feel good that you had such a good week. I'm doing a lot better than that friend that I showed you. Right?

Yeah. Yeah, we've been talking about gruesome stuff on the show already today. Be careful when loading, you know, a motorbike onto a side by side. Those, you said it got caught in the The front disc brake. Finger caught in the front disc brake.

And did your son shoot that video? Yeah. Okay. He he's not squeamish at all. I hope that it it was funny earlier, I was talking about a guy who blew his fingers off with fireworks.

Oh. You know, which would be worse than that, but not by much. Not by much. Oh, I hope nothing like that ever happens to my fingers. The difference is the fireworks, you're not getting them back more likely.

No. No. There was a story out of, Tacoma, Washington where, they found a finger in a driveway, and they were trying to find out whose finger it was, you know, Did a full on investigation because you find a finger. And it was just There's gotta be a body somewhere. Yeah.

And some guy hit him up and was like, oh, that's mine. I was like, I blew it off with a firework. So bought 3 beers into it. Again, people, you know, fireworks, you gotta be cautious. How did our fireworks season end up as far as, injuries around here?

Do we have any bad ones? And We had one up at Madison County where they they had a few people transported to the hospital, but other than that one, I think we've done pretty good. Just fires. Just people lighting the hillsides on fire. Yeah.

I saw a lot of that in the news. Yeah. We had a few it's dry, folks. Be be cautious. Yeah.

Unfortunately, fire season started early this year. Beginning of the week, I'm like, oh, I think I'm getting sick. Oh, no. Am I getting COVID? And I just had, bad reaction to all the smoke in the air.

Did a little bit of, little bit of Flonase and some Zyrtec. I'm like, oh, I feel pretty good. I can run for president now. Well, as we've said many times, anybody can apparently. And I'm voting for you.

I'm I'm writing you in. Alright. You know, might as well because we know where the Idaho electoral college is gonna go. So a vote for Victor Wilt. You're not wasting your vote.

Yep. Forget city council. Yeah. That's right. I'm going for the highest office in the land.

208-535-1015. Again, the number to call for Traffic School powered by the advocates. It's up to you listeners to make this show happen. And, apparently, it's up to me to make this show happen. Lieutenant Crane walking out the door, so I am going to, just take your calls on whatever you would like to ask me about right now at 208-535-1015 until lieutenant Crane makes his way back in.

Hopefully, not a police emergency. Otherwise, we'll switch it over to ask me almost anything, but you you could do that right now. You could ask me anything you want as I wait for the return of lieutenant Crane. I was gonna ask him about naked kayaking, but, he's not in here. So, I mean, I guess I could play a song as we await his return unless one of you has a question you'd like me to attempt to answer.

Come on. I know you wanna call me. 208-535-1015. Alright. K Bear, you are live on Traffic School with currently only me powered by the advocates.

Who's this? This is Dave. Hey, Dave. What's up? Lieutenant Crane just came back in.

What's your question for traffic school? Why is the sky blue? Alright. Lieutenant Crane, science time. Why is the sky blue?

And he thought he thinks I done good in high school. If I did, I wouldn't be a policeman. Alright, Dave. Let's see what we can, I'm I'm gonna think about this real hard and see if I could come up with my best reasoning for this. I'm guessing it's because sunlight reaches the Earth's atmosphere and is scattered in all directions by all the gases and particles in the air.

So blue light, I'm guessing, is scattered more than the other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. That's what I I think might be just from what I remember from school. Well, I wasn't expecting you to answer, so, I'll definitely be sure to give you a thumbs up on Google review. Be smarter than a 5th grader. That's because I know how to use Google.

So there you go, Dave. Rocking around, guys. Hey. Thanks, man. More toolable.

Play more tool. Alright. That's an easy, request as far as I go since that's my favorite band. So we'll get some tool going after the traffic school. Rock and roll.

Love you guys. Alright. Thanks, Dave. 208-535-1015, the number to call for. Traffic School powered by the advocates.

Alright. It's back to just me. Ask me almost anything. 208-535-1015. Just like Dave, you wanna know why the sky is blue?

I got answers. And, you need to call me right now if you wanna ask me a question. It's a little, you know, unpredictable up in in this studio today. So, yeah, we're back to just me. 208-535-1015.

The number to call to ask me whatever you want Or okay. We got we got lieutenant Crane back. He's in. He's out. He's in the every everything okay, or do you gotta bail?

I'm hanging in there. Okay. Alright. We're still good to go. So as we wait for our listener participation, naked kayaking, lieutenant Crane.

There was an article about a person who was stranded naked kayaking. If you were to naked kayak in Idaho, how much trouble are you gonna get in? Are you doing that in Hell's Canyon? Sure. Sure.

You know? No. You gotta watch out. You gotta watch out for those sturgeon. You know?

Wait. And rattlesnakes. And rattlesnakes. Yeah. I went on a pretty cool boat ride in Hell's Canyon one time.

One of those they got these, big tourist type jet boats. Yeah. It was it was pretty awesome. Pretty awesome. Yeah.

And, you know, they talk about how Hell's Canyon is, deeper than the Grand Canyon. It's weird when you're in there because if you look at the Grand Canyon from the top, it seems so deep. But I've I've never been in the bottom of it. Have you? I have been in the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

It's all hot down there, isn't it? It is hot. Yeah. Yeah. Bad time of year to probably go do that one.

Alright. K Bear, you are live on traffic school powered by the advocates. Hold on. Naked kayak? Oh, no.

Good you good to go? I would love to see you naked kayak. You what? I don't think I I wanna participate, but I'd be happy to support you. I'm just wondering if you'd go to jail.

I mean, a kayak kinda covers you up. If you stay it depends on if you're getting out and showing people every time you pass them. And you shouldn't stand up on a kayak. No. Tip over?

Yeah. You'll be in the water. Okay. Alright. Just checking.

Caller, who's this? This is Colin. I would like to know your lieutenant Crane's opinion on the new intersection underpass in Rexburg. Alright. We talked about this last last week.

Oh, sorry. I missed that one. No. It's okay. No.

There's one in, Saint George. Thanks for being a good supporter. Was very I was able to navigate it with a bunch of other drivers who knew what they were doing. But in my experience, Rexburg is not overflowing with competent drivers. I was wondering how you feel about how that's gonna turn out this winter when the lane markers disappear.

That's a good point. Did they put, you know, some type of heating in the road so that the lines stay visible as we enter the winter months? That's what they put brine down for, so it eats your car away. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

That's why the underside of my truck looks that way. Man, I'll tell you, ITD is up against it because everybody wants the roads nice. Right? And one way to do that is through Brian. Unfortunately, there's some negatives to Brian and that it thrust your car away, but they they're tough it's tough because everybody wants satisfaction now.

Right? And so when we talk about that intersection, Yeah. Hopefully, it's gonna be in place for a while, but we do have people in that area that come in and out on a regular basis that may not be familiar with it. But, hopefully, common sense would be follow the flow of traffic. Yeah.

That's what I always do. Multiple thinking. That's what I pretty much do when I'm in pokey, you know, at the same type of intersection. I just follow everybody else. I I just don't go to that intersection during the, winter months.

So that's what I recommend for Rexburg. Alright. Alright. Thank you. Alright.

Appreciate the call, man. You have a good one. You too. See you. Bye.

208-535-1015. The number to call for traffic school or ask me almost anything powered by the advocates injury attorneys. Lieutenant Crane just popped out again. So right now, we're in the position of you can call and ask me whatever you want. I will attempt to answer your traffic school questions, because I've done this show for, like, 10 years.

So I've learned quite a bit about Idaho law, but okay. He's back. Now we can get the official answers as far as your questions go. We've learned that naked kayaking, keep yourself covered. You know, every once in a while, the question will come up about, like, naked sunbathing in your backyard.

Now what if your fence is only 6 feet tall and there's a neighbor that's peaches height? And so that's on your neighbor, right? So if you have a privacy fence, that's called a privacy fence. If they have to get on a ladder to find you, then that's on them. Now, what if you have a deck that's about 2 to 3 feet tall and they're still have to work to see?

That's that's on them, but if, like, their kitchen window oversees your fence because it's only 4 or 5 feet tall and you have a deck that's 2 or 3 feet high Okay. Out there, that's a problem. Okay. Alright. Just just checking.

I would I would never, like, go out in my hot tub, you know, in the buff. Oh, whatever. K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates. Who's this? This is, Jack.

Hey, Jack. What's up? Well, I got a I got a question for Crane. I was passing through Shelley. I got pulled over for speeding, And next thing I know, the drug dog goes around my car, and he hits.

So I was wondering if they have to give you probable cause before calling the canine. Okay. That's a good question. They do not. The dog has a right to do a free air sniff at any time as long as you're not getting detained past a reasonable amount of time.

Right. I I know if the dog hits, they don't have to give me probable cause, but do they have to give me probable cause to call the canine? No. They do not. Oh.

Yeah. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.

Those dogs. Those darn dogs. Ruining all your good fun. Well Alright. Alright.

Good luck in court, buddy. Oh, as long as I could pee clean by September, they'll give me 6 months court probation. Well, we wish you the best of luck on that. Yes. Clean up your act, Jack.

You guys have a great day. You too, man. Not only that, and then he uses naughty language on the radio. Not only does he have one bad habit, but he has 2. That's right.

Foul mouth who talks this way. Who would use such language? And hopefully with all the new gear that's been being installed around here as of late, the delay system is working. I guess I'll find out if Jade comes white faced to the window over there. We're gonna lose her license.

Hey. I pushed the button. I pushed the button. 208-535-1015, the number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates. Did you see the East Idaho News boring update on the Valley in the Cloud Sanitarium?

I, I did see it. I gotta be honest, though. I didn't read it. It was just, oh, this is our family, campground and cabins, and we gave it a weird name. And you were so disappointed.

I was. And and people in the comments were like, what kind of weirdo would name their place something like that? I'm like, well, yeah, obviously. A guy that has more money than us. Like, if I get to build a big rock wall and put up a sign on a gate, what do you think I would come up with?

It would obviously be something completely bizarre. So it made total sense to me. Looked like, quite a nice little, little camping area. You know, it's gotta be nice to have a nice little swath of land with all your cabins in Island Park. So we give you an oh, good for you.

Way to be successful in life. You know, it's okay. I've got a nice little plot in the middle of town And a herd of cats. And a herd of cats. I'm up to 2.

I'm up to 2. Oh, that cat I got from you. She's getting big. I think she's gonna be a big cat. She was the biggest of the bunch.

Yeah. And yeah, she's not looking much like a kitten already. Like, you're like 3 months old or something. Why are you so big and crazy? Cut her food back.

I try, but she just like she'll just barge into the big cat and just push him out of the way and eat his food. She ain't afraid of him at all. She ain't gonna be mean, but she's very nice. Very nice for sure. Come on, callers.

208-535-1015. The number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates. Trying to think of anything else I can do to wing it here. Callers, we need your help. I've been going since we started this.

I already talked about naked kayaking. I'm running out of ideas. Other things we do not wanna see Victor Wilt do. Yeah. If if you don't wanna see me naked kayaking, you better call us right now at 208-5 5115.

I'll go live on Kay Bears Facebook. I don't know if the bosses would like that too much. What do you think they'd be more upset about? Callers using naughty language or live feed of naked kayaking? I'm guessing the live feed of naked kayaking.

Would be my guess. I would think so. I know they're not a fan of naughty language, but K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates. Who's this? This is Adam here to fill time until somebody else calls.

I I got somebody else calling. I can hang up on you if you want. And he has the I have a really I have a really important question, though. Alright. Alright.

What you got, Adam? Which movie gets referenced the most around the, cop shop? That is a good question. What, for guys that watch movies? Yeah.

Because lieutenant Crane doesn't watch anything. I tried to ask him about all kinds of He doesn't even have a TV, does he? I don't think so. He's one of those guys. I don't have a TV in my house.

It's poor kids. You wanna entertain yourself? You get outside and do some work. That's what we did when I was a boy. Go chop some wood, boy.

That's right. Go herd those cats out there in the garage. Yeah. Any go to movies that are loved by the, local forces? How?

I I can't think of it because I Super Troopers? Sure. I've heard some statements from that. Yeah. Alright.

I've we've talked about Reno 911, the old classic TV show. I mean, I've asked you about a lot of great cop shows, The Wire. What's a dumb one out now? Brooklyn 99? I don't think yeah.

I haven't seen that one. Not a movie. It's a sitcom that plays. So Yeah. I haven't I haven't seen that one.

Haven't seen that one. But, you should sit down and watch some super troopers, lieutenant Crane. I think it'd be fun. Maybe we do, K Bear movie night and we sit down and watch Super Troopers with Lieutenant Crane. That'd be fun.

Any recommendations that the local forces should check out as far as police movies? I I don't know. I just trying to eat up time. I was wondering if there was anybody who was super old school and coded stuff like, I don't know, Robocop or something. Well, Robocop, that's the best cop movie of all time.

And and it's so accurate, you know, such good police procedural in there. Oh, yeah. That movie is great. I haven't watched it in a long time, but it's it's really funny. It's really funny.

When I watched that as a kid, I didn't understand what satire was, and I didn't quite get it. But then you watch it as an adult and the the second one, and it's it's hilarious. Oh, yeah. Great. It's so good.

Have you seen Robocop? How could you not have seen Robocop? This guy. Lieutenant Crane, you gotta crawl out from under the rock sometime. I believe you.

I believe you. All he does is work. I I like, I've gone out to his house and well, hope I'm not over I'm over here at my neighbor's ripping the wall out. We're gonna rebuild this whole room. You just got off from a long day.

Don't you have a couch buddy? How do you even relate to us? Lazy people. He doesn't I'm gonna go build a house. I'll be, you know, I'm I'm busy this week and then I gotta do the crazy figure 8 races.

So Oh, by the way, thanks for your support last weekend. I'm sorry. Last weekend, I had gotten, Think about it. Really think about it. I've gotten sick.

Here's what happened. Speaking of, laziness. Alright. I'm not acclimated to the heat that we've got going on here. My daughter needed help with her yard in Pocatello.

She's trying to sell her little trailer there and the yard was completely overgrown and it was a disaster. I'm like, oh, this will be easy. It's a, you know, it's a trailer lawn. It's small. So I loaded up my lawn mower and weed eater and the, you know, whatever thing blows air, whatever it says.

Go to Pocatello and it was, you know, a Leaf blower. Leaf blower. That's what I was looking for. It's an awesome one. It's a 100 plus and went out and worked in the sun for about 2 hours.

Cause I, are you sure it wasn't 2 minutes? It was 2 hours, maybe an hour and a half, but, oh boy, did I get sick? Wow. And I was drinking lots of water, taking breaks, but, oh, for like 2 days. I I mean, the first day, I I just felt like I was gonna puke for quite a while, but Saturday, I was like, I ain't going outside.

Heat exhaustion, Yeah. And I don't know if you're aware, but the crazy figure 8 races were outside and I was like, I'm not going out there. No way. But Peaches went out, didn't he? I didn't see him.

Oh. And he was there because he shot some video. And you would think I would see something like that. Yeah. How how do you miss him?

Yeah. He posted a video and he I think he said something like, check it out. Rednecks or something like that. And a lot of them. So there there you go, Adam.

One of these days, I'll get lieutenant Crane to watch all the, the great cop things. What whenever he retires, maybe we can get him to watch a movie. You'll probably never retire. Might have to abduct him or something. I'm too busy building houses or whatever.

Take me to island bark. Take them to the valley in the clouds. Alright. So the other color is probably chomping a bit. I'll let you guys go.

Well, they all hung up now. So Oh. That's okay. They they better call back or it's a shame upon them. So We'll upon their family and whatnot.

Alright. That's right. Easy, guys. Hey. See you, Adam.

Have a good one. Alright. Goodbye. 208 535-1015. The number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates.

Now you have to have seen some movies. What is your favorite movie? So I'm gonna be made fun of for this, but, mine is Major Pain. Major Pain. I I could see you liking that movie.

Yeah. Alright. That's a fun I haven't watched that since I was a teenager. That's one. That's Chubby.

Chubby. Damon Wayans is pretty funny. You know, he he's in a lot of good movies. What what are some other movies you like? Because that's interesting.

I'm just trying to picture you sitting back watching silly comedies and having a good laugh. I I am I am a comedy fan, but when I was younger, my favorite movie was John Wayne and the cowboys. John Wayne in the cowboy. Okay. I didn't think you were that old, but and my dad was a huge John Wayne fan, so I watched the newer version of true grit.

Yep. And true grit was his favorite movie, the John Wayne one. So I was like, well, since that was my dad's favorite movie, I gotta go back and watch true grit. I didn't make it very long. I was like, what is this?

I haven't ever seen it, so I don't know. The new one's really good. Yeah. I went through a phase where I was watching nothing but westerns, and, I watched a lot of them. Lot of them.

And the True Grit, it was it was top quality. Yeah. I would think you'd like western. Yeah. How many cowboy hats you own?

3. 3. See? You gotta watch True Grit, man. Is that the requisition for it?

You gotta have at least 3 cowboy hats. You gotta have at least 3. Gotta have at least 3. I I need to get myself a nice cowboy hat, but they're so expensive, you know, for something that looks so silly. I don't Just playing just playing cowboys.

You're gonna need some security walking around now. Yeah. You can make you can do a lot of things, but don't mess with a cowboy's hat. I I know. I know.

I like I like to poke fun. Chris LeDoux sang a song about that. Did he? Yeah. What was it called?

The hat. The hat. Yeah. We might have that in our system, actually. I seem to remember, playing that on.

K, Bear. If the listeners ain't calling, we're listening to country music. So this is what's gonna happen. We're gonna listen to The Hat If you people don't call with your questions for Traffic School powered by The Advocates. There's a lot of songs that start with the word the.

Jeez. Pull pull up Chris LeDoux. That would probably be the faster way, wouldn't it? I mean, because I tried to type the hat, but I'm I'm not very good at that apparently. I swear we had a song called the hat.

It's not in the system. Hold on. We will go Chris LeDoux. I think the listeners really wanna listen to some, Chris LeDoux. If they don't, they'll they will after you're done.

Yeah. Here we go. Alright. I'm looking for a song. Oh, this cowboy's hat.

Yes. Alright. Here we go. We're going with some new cowboy song. Alright, listeners.

Somebody saved the day. K Berry live on traffic school powered by the advocates. Who's this? The song would be called this cowboy's hat. So you don't have a question for traffic school?

Nope. I just figured out correct lieutenant Crane. Alright. Well, here it is. This cowboy's hat.

Appreciate the call. I was sitting in a coffee shop just having a cup to pass the time, swapping rodeo stories with this old cowboy friend of mine. You know the words? These motorcycle riders started snickering in the back. Bikers don't like cowboy hats?

I started poking fun at my friend's hat. Now wait. I don't need the bikers and the cowboys getting mad at me now. I already had a problem with the bikers. K, Barry.

You're live on traffic school powered by the advocates. Who's this? It's Chase. Chase, what's up? I had to call.

Oh, not much. I had to call to fix that guy's mistake. Oh, alright. So what you got? Oh, it's not about roundabouts.

We we touched on this subject a couple months ago. It was about, making a left turn. Alright. The what was it? Who was the guy that called about the drug sniffing dog?

Jack Jack. Hey. Are you with Jack right now? No. Are you really relaxed?

Kinda. Is there a bag of Doritos next to you? No. Just a empty cup of coffee. I think you need another one.

Yeah. I think I I do. It's okay. I do too, man. I do too.

Okay. So left turns. So yeah. You are focused. What what is your focus?

Like, you can do a right on red. What is the well, how about doing the left? Okay. So left on red, it's gotten to be confusing to me over the years. Yeah.

Because can you only do it from a one way to a one way? Yes. Not a one way to a one way, but if you well, yeah. One way to a one way going the direction left. Right?

So and it has to be a red round bulb. It can't be an arrow bulb. If it's an arrow bulb, you still have to stay. Yeah. K.

I was only asking because there's this intersection here on Memorial on Broadway that you have to make that left hand turn on the memorial. You have to wait, and it's only green for, like, 15 seconds. Yeah. I I've been in that spot before. There there are a couple different spots where, you know, like on sunny side, it just unfortunately doesn't give a lot of time, which is where we get into the question that pops up often about, scooting out into the intersection Right.

To be able to go. And and what's happened there is they do a traffic study and find that, there's not as many cars using that left hand turn bay is that need to go straight through. Yeah. When's the last time they did one of those? 20 20?

It's still ITD under the bus too. Well, if it's in town, that'd be the Idaho Falls. Oh. Well, they they'd be in charge of that light. Okay.

Well, it's their fault then. Shame. So yeah. Alright. Well, that was it then.

Alright, man. And you can always, I would assume maybe you use the, form where you submit for, potholes. Just throw random stuff in there too. This one light annoys me. Somebody's reading it.

Yeah. Yeah. They'll be very pleased. That's what they're complaining about. Yeah.

Yeah. Just submit your questions through their website. Somebody has to read them for work. Yeah. Alright.

Sometimes do nothing. Alright, ma'am. Well, good luck out there. Stay patient. Alright.

I will. Alright. Thanks, man. Peace. And I wanna get back to this little story.

What old horse at Hey Tex? Where'd you park your horse? My friend just pulled his hat down low, but they couldn't be ignored. One husky fella said, I think I'll rip that hat right off your head. That's when my friend turned around, and this is what he said.

Okay. Is he gonna shoot him? I pulled out my sick shooter and shot him in the guts. I'm a rebel outlaw cowboy. Don't mess with me, biker, because I'm nuts.

You ride a black tornado across the western sky. Rope an old blue norther and milk it tennis dry. Bulldog in Mississippi Wouldn't that be funny? You're at the bar, and you see, you know, this bike, like, what's your hat, dude? I'm gonna take that hat off your head, and then the guy just starts singing.

That'd take you off your oodle loop. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. See, listeners are loving this song.

Alright. I'll admit that I hope that something really crazy happens in this song, but I have a feeling it doesn't. It is a cowboy song. It is a cowboy song, and I've heard some wild cowboy songs in my day because, you know, cowboys, they can be a little rowdy. I don't know if you're aware of Lou Tanqueray in the, in the, you know, line of work you're in.

I don't know if you've ever encountered routed cowboys, and I know you, were in rodeo and stuff like that. Cowboys can be kinda wild. Alright? My dad's whole side of family, bunch of cowboys. Let's keep going.

A partner, this old hat's better left alone. Oh, somebody's calling. Alright. K Berry live on Traffic School powered by the advocates injury attorneys. Who's this?

Hey, crazy Carl, man. How you guys been? Great. Crazy Carl. What's up?

Right on. Right on. Hey. So they're doing the, super car trials up in, Sun Valley. Carl with his free plugs.

Should've known. Oh, dude. Ferrari. Scotty's, Ferraris, Lamborghinis. Oh my.

So my question is, lieutenant crane Saturday and Saturday. Only. Sun Valley, Idaho. Come on. Come on.

Yeah. Now the car girl. Girl up there. Woah, buddy. Woah.

You gotta watch that link. I've had it with you callers in your naughty language. That gets you. Did I use this? I didn't use naughty language on my show.

I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. It's gonna be easier to rope a tornado. Alright. I don't know if you actually said something naughty, but I dumped out on you anyway because it sounded close. What do you think, lieutenant?

Oh, no. It was. I thought it was too. Yeah. Yep.

No. I I usually try to keep it clean. Yes, sir. Yeah, sir. Okay.

So Go ahead. Lieutenant Crane, what is the fastest police chase you've ever had? How many miles per hour? And what were you chasing? A bad guy.

He had this song going. Yeah. Coming for you. I'm coming. Hey.

You might make fun of cowboys and all this, but I'm just telling you this right now. You're getting on the walk bad side of the Bonneville County Sheriff's Office. They just approved cowboy hats and, in their policy and procedure, and, boy, they look good. They look strong. Wear help.

Cowboy hats now. The county the county sheriffs and deputies, in Bonneville County just approved the policy that they can wear cowboy hats, and, man, they look pretty sharp. I'm gonna have to look up some photos here. I mean, anything's gotta look better than those hats you guys wear. So I don't want that you definitely have to have.

I know. So can I have one, please? Please give me one. That's too funny. I you know, I'm just playing.

I'm just playing. Same with you. Matter of fact, you got 2. I do. I got 2 of them right over there.

They look nice. They're one of our prime studio decorations. Let's see. And you cowboys better know that I'm just playing around too. I had a lot of great made the bikers mad.

Now the cowboys. And they will come together. Not according to this song. Y'all you got to listen to that listen to it. Oh, and you gotta hear it out.

We gotta listen to the whole thing. Wanna blow up the end, but okay. Okay. Well, Crazy Carl, we're gonna we're gonna keep listening to this this cowboy song. Oh, do it.

Hey. Where can I get one of those cowboy hats? Vickers? State state far? Boot barn.

Yeah. Cowboys store? Yeah. We're in the cowboy shop. But I want I want one of those state police cowboy hats, though.

Do they have a big badge on the front? No. They just have the the straw hat, and and they do. They look sharp. Alright.

I why I can't find any, photos of this. Colorado cat or cops now allowed to wear cowboy hat? Okay. Idaho deputies now permitted to wear straw cowboy hats. That that that one right there?

Yeah. That's it. That's a classic. But that's not the, I don't I don't think that's the one. In Boise.

Yep. Well, they you know, in Boise, come on. Get out of here. Running around a cowboy hat in Boise. The cops.

We know that's, you know, California, Idaho, Boise. Alright, man. That's funny. Well, hey. You guys have a good weekend, man.

Lay that song on us. Sunday, Sunday car show. Oh, yeah. Alright. See you, Carl.

Guys have a good weekend, man. You too. We'll see you. Bye. I I gotta hear the story play out.

Yeah. He makes up this old hat band. But back in 69, he died in Vietnam. Now the eagle feather was given to me by an Indian friend of mine. Now hold on.

We're talking about the law here. Isn't it illegal to possess any type of eagle feathers for for you or I, but an Indian descent can have one. Yeah. But this guy, just some cowboy. That'd be like, you know, Jack who called earlier or the what a few weeks ago.

Well, I got these friends that rolled in from Oregon, you know, and they stopped by. They gave me this. You know? A trunk load. It's it's not you know, a friend gave it to me.

So I don't know. This song seemed very outlaw. Someone ran him down somewhere around that Arizona line. And a real special lady gave me this hat pin But I don't know if I'll ever see her again You hide a black tornado across the western sky. So he lays this sob story on him and then starts singing again.

The biker's gotta have his mind blown by this situation. Is there a music video for this where it all plays out just like this? I'm sure there is. Alright. I gotta hear the next section where he's talking to the biker, like, talking about my hat.

I I got a lot of stories about this hat. Now, if your leather jacket means to you what this hat means to me, then I guess we understand each other and we'll just let it be. But if you still think it's funny, man you got my back up against the wall. And if you touch my hat, you're gonna have to fight us all. Well, right then, it caught a little sadness in that gang leader's eyes.

He made a biker cry. He turned back to the others, and they all just kinda shuffled on outside. But when my friend turned back towards me, I noticed his old hat brim. Well, it was turned up in a big old Texas green. Is that the nickname for your car?

The black tornado? I saw your license plate on the other the only cop I know with a custom license plate, blk t r n d. Because that's all the letters we could put. Black turned tornado. It's a pretty good song.

Pretty good song. It's it's a classic. I've I've heard it before but it's been quite a while. I think we play it on 105 The Hawk, if I recall correctly. You've walked by that office before?

I picked the songs. I was like, this song's great. This song is my favorite. Gotta play it. Alright, everybody.

Traffic School powered by the advocates injury attorneys. Catch it every Friday morning, 8:45. You have a great weekend, lieutenant Crane. You do the same. Absolutely.

Anyhow, what you up to? Hopefully, enjoying the show. Hopefully enjoying the show. And if you feel like enjoying some pizza, try to, you know, be respectful of the people whipping up that pizza for you. And if they can't because it's closing time, don't be a piece of crap like this angry family.

Somebody at Sam's Club. Not locally. This was in Georgia. But a worker at Sam's Club was asked to make 2 full pizzas 2 minutes before close. They explained that, sorry.

Sorry. We can't. So a mother who's there with her couple daughters goes behind the counter and punches her right in the face. That's not an acceptable type of behavior. K?

Pizza's delicious. We all love it. If you don't love pizza, you're a maniac. But I wouldn't personally go anywhere 2 minutes before close and ask to be whipped up a meal. I mean, even if a store is about to close, like, 2 minutes, you you know, come on.

In and out. Get. You need to go to yourself. Get yourself over to a 24 hour grocery store. Buy a frozen pizza.

Get home and shut up. Cook your own. It's not worth going to jail over a pizza. Alright? And if you punch somebody in the face over pizza, you will go to jail.

Peaches, what do you want? I don't have any pizza. K? I'm sorry. I punched you in the face, Victor.

I know you heard pizza, but I don't have any. No food allowed in the studio. I'm not eating that junk anymore. Oh, you're not eating pizza anymore. I'm on that strict diet of just kale.

Yeah. Sure you are. I saw what was in the garbage can today. That as far as they know, they don't serve just kale baskets there. At least I don't think so.

It's on the secret menu. Can I get a bag of kale, please? That would be an LA thing, wouldn't it? It would. Just a bag of kale.

Bag of kale would be the name of the restaurant. Bag of kale? Yeah. And it would, you know, be a very sparse very sparse restaurant. You you gotta come with me to California.

I wanna take you to the worst place possible just to get your reaction. There's a place called Vegan Nirvana that has UFOs in the wall and it's That sounds great. It's There's UFOs on the wall. And if it's a quality vegan restaurant I told you about the vegan restaurant I went to in New York. Was it called By Chloe?

No. There was a there was a vegan my ex is vegan that then I went with her to New York in 2017. That's the only reason why I knew that that was the first one. Is it right there in Manhattan? It wasn't Manhattan.

I I think it changed its name but the the ketchup was made of beets for some reason. We talked about this place before. Why do you need ketchup made of beets? Tomatoes are already vegan. You don't need why would you want ketchup that tastes like dirt?

Beets are horrible. I hate beets. They're the worst vegetable. I'm trying to think if there's anything worse. They taste like dirt.

Are you one of those people that also says cilantro tastes like soap? No. Cilantro's good. Okay. I like it.

But beets taste like dirt. And it's it's a similar thing to some people beets taste like. I mean, it's dirt. Like, I don't know how to explain my I mean, I taste beets just fine. You don't have to try to tell me about beets tasting like dirt.

I mean, just they're beets. Not my go to. Do you like radishes more? Yeah. I mean, I'm not a big fan of radishes, but they have a a flavor that's not dirt.

It's radish flavor. Beets is dirt. Brussels sprouts are definitely one of my least favorite Really? Because of, I think they're good. I mean, they're just weirdly shaped.

I don't I that's just, like, that's the one thing about them. I I don't care about the taste. I I think vegetables are great. But at the same time, like, brussels sprouts to me, would I want to go to them? No.

Would I rather go to broccoli? Yes. Would I rather go to asparagus? Yes. Yeah.

I I think I like brussels sprouts better than asparagus, probably on par with brock I I don't know. Broccoli, it seems like you see broccoli more often. You know, like brussels sprouts, you're like, I'm gonna make brussels sprouts. But the one thing It's not just thrown into stuff. The one medley thing that I hate is when they put those darn water chestnuts in those vegetable medleys.

I will I get so I get so mad if I see water chestnuts touch the rest of my vegetables. Last night, I mixed up a little stir fry. You can add those in. They're good. They're That's disgusting.

Crunchy. They're awful. Really? Yeah. You like beets better than water chestnuts?

Totally. Water chestnuts are an f tier. What? I'm gonna put up my vegetable tier list next. I mean, I wouldn't call water chestnuts, like, great, you know, but No.

They're awful. They're fine. It's like it's like getting pad Thai and you have peanuts in it. Oh. You have to have peanuts in pad thai.

No. You don't. No. You don't. No.

You do. I'm not gonna eat noodles and vegetables. Next thing you know, there's a peanut in there. Like, get it out. What?

It's like the raisin in my coleslaw. I mean, you don't need raisins and coleslaw, but I'm I'm not aversive to it. But I like raisins. Like, sometimes I'll I like raisins by themselves. Sure.

But I'm not gonna have them in my coleslaw. Okay. If I'm feeling like being a pig, here's what I do, peaches. I get some ice cream and put it in a bowl, and then I'll put Put raisins on. Oh, hang on.

I'm getting it. And then I'll get some Oreo cookies, and then I'll get some trail mix with m and m's. So it's got the peanuts, the m and m's, and raisins. And I put that in there, and I just smash it all together, and that is the most gluttonous, ridiculous treat. Sure.

Raisins and ice cream. What do you think about that? If you're weird, yeah. It's not bad because I'm not gonna pick them out of the trail mix and everyone's like get a rate no. Like, if like, when you go to, like, frozen yogurt places, they usually have gummy worms.

You put gummy worms on the, frozen yogurt. Yeah. See, I don't And the gummy worms become real hard for some reason. I don't like that. Raisins seem to work fine.

I never would have thought of it, but I was just being lazy. And I put trail mix in ice cream because I wanted to add more to it. And, you get a bite of raisin, and I'm like, oh, it's kinda sweet. Alright. It's fine.

I just see you experimenting in the kitchen. Well, I don't like to put a lot of effort in anymore now that I don't have a family. So That sounds so bad. I don't have a family. Well, I I have children.

They just don't live with me. So I don't need to spend a lot of time whipping stuff up. It's just, man, what do I got? Boom, boom, boom, fast. You know, ice cream can be really boring, so you gotta put something in it to make it quality.

I mean, if that's an extra level of, fat buttery. Yeah. Like, would you go to Cold Stone and be, like, just give me ice cream with nothing Sure. Mixed in? The cake batter ice cream is great.

That's like the that's the best flavor. Yeah. But you gotta put something in it. Well, it depends on what you what ice cream you get. Like, if you get the Reese's peanut butter cup ice cream has peanut butter cup It has to spin it.

It has to spin it already. But, like, what if you got vanilla or cake batter? Who dis orders vanilla? There's people who do, and you can't I mean, it's not like it tastes bad because vanilla ice cream tastes good, but you could make it 10,000,000 times better by just smashing some Oreos in it. Yeah.

Then that would be cookies and cream, wouldn't it? Basically. But yeah. Okay. So yeah.

I guess I I'd have to be pretty desperate for ice cream to just eat plain vanilla. Right. I would be that's probably how I ended up discovering trail mix and ice cream was not bad. I had vanilla and was like, so I gotta do something with this garbage. And in went the trail mix.

It's almost like Good Mythical Morning. Like, Will It Ice Cream with Victor Wilt. Just put put on random toppings and see what comes up. I like some weird food combos. So, that was a that was a depeach the wrong question I've asked before.

What's the weirdest food combination that you really like? And Mhmm. My grandpa used to have peanut butter and mayo. See, that does That's disgusting. Sound right to me.

His name is Chester Pete. But here's the weirdo. Here's the weird thing is peanuts and peanut butter work well in surprising places. Like, you know, we're talking about pad thai. A lot of Asian food has, like peanut sauce in it.

Yeah. It's terrible. What are you peanut sauce? Like orange chicken's great. The different types of beef dishes are great.

But when you get the peanut sauce and pad thaw, man, that's terrible. What? All pad thai has peanut sauce. It's mixed in. The peanut sauce is okay.

And, like, have you ever tried the key nuts in there? No. Have you ever tried the house curry at Thai Kitchen? No. Because it's made with peanut sauce and I think, like, red curry.

Why I haven't been there. Dude, that house curry is so good. It I can't even order anything else when I go there because that is so good that it's the only thing I can get. I just refuse to even try anything else. If I'm gonna go there, it's like why would I pass on something that delicious?

I would more so go for like a spicy creamy sauce, that type of thing. I'm telling. But you can make it spicy. You can ask for the The spicy peanut sauce is just I'm telling you, man. Go try it.

All the food options. I'm gonna go towards that. Peach peaches, go to Thai kitchen and give the house curry and ask for it spicy. It'll rip your face off spicy. No.

I'm not gonna ask for it spicy. That's the thing. Well I wanna monitor my level of spicy. Yeah. Probably good.

I I do because, you know, the guts. Yeah. The exit's the worst. Yeah. Yeah.

Acid reflux. Oh. We're getting old. Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show this program's a production of river. This program's a production of river.

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#0026 - Cowboy Sings To A Biker - 07/19/2024
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