Traffic School - 06/28/2024
The Jackson Pass. It's been today. It's supposed to open today. It hasn't officially opened yet, but it's gonna open. And, and so, yeah, just be cautious going through there.
It's not really gonna change your, driving because it's gonna be slowed to 20 right there around that construction area. But other than that, you're typically going slow anyway, so it's gonna bring some normality back to life. Alright. Great news. And what's this new or go ahead, Josh.
No. I was just gonna say there yeah. I wanna ask that question too. But the, there's 1 lady, and I can't remember her title, but she's, from Jackson. She wrote a whole editorial about kind of the safety of that, and I know there's been rebuttals kind of a big conversation going on regarding the reopening of that.
She felt like it might have been too rushed, may not be safe. That's a lot of fear around it. Now the engineers are like, we've done all of our testing. We're gonna continue to do testing. It was, you know, groundwater was the issue that caused all this.
We're checking on that regularly, and then they've got a bunch of new tests and new equipment that they've kinda put in to kinda keep that safe. If you're 1 of the first thousand people going across that thing, how's that feel inside? I think you're gonna be okay. I I agree with this. I know that they had all kinds of engineers from the Wyoming side up there.
They actually reached out the Idaho Transportation Department. Our engineers were up there. Our Idaho Transportation Department employees, done all kinds of things to help and help move that project along to get it opened up. So if you see 1 of those ladies and gentlemen, out in the public, go up, shake their hand, tell them thanks for getting that reopened for us. They did it fast.
3 week window. That's incredible. Wow. I heard at 1 point they were lifting that soil 10 feet in 24 hours and getting the compaction rate they needed. Wow.
Alright. We've got all the lines lit up. K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates. Who's this? This is Joe.
Joe, what's up? Oh, I got I got, like, 3 questions. Oh, jeez, Joe. I swear. Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
Tune in to the Joe Show. Welcome to the Joe Show. So, the first 1 is a little less related, but it I have heard rumor that you do not have to take, a driving course to get your driver's license. Is that true or is that just a rumor? Only if you're A1J driver.
Yeah. Right. I believe if you reach a certain age, I believe it's 21 or older and you have some drive and I don't know. I'd have to look that up, but you do have to take the test, and there is an age limit in there where it says you don't have to go through the driving course where you go and drive every week and stuff like that, but you still have to pass a final test where you get in with a certified driving instructor, and they ride around town with you. So that might explain people, like, stopping in the roundabout and stuff.
No. That's just not paying attention in school, while driving, or anything else that it pertains to life. And they don't listen to this show. It's easy. You look to the left, and it's clear you go.
Jason. Yeah. Drive like Josh on whatever video game you played last night. Josh will show you how on Fortnite. Yeah.
Fortnite. On Fortnite. I had a boost. Alright, Joe. Your next question.
So, this one's on to CDL. If you what makes a truck require a CDL? If the door says 26, 000 The truck never does have to have a CDL, but the driver in the truck does. Right. So so I guess yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Right. The truck is just a truck. What makes it a commercial vehicle for the driver is anything £26, 000 or over, or it's working in commerce.
You're doing it for financial gain. So if it's if it weighs less than 26, 000 and it's got 26, 000 on the door, but its gross vehicle weight is over 26, 000 like its weight rating, it's capable of more than 26, 000 and thus would be registered as, you know, a 50, 000 pound vehicle or something. That'd be commercial vehicle if it's in commerce. Now we get stuck on that £26, 000, but this is the killer 1 that I see all the time that boggles my mind. You see all these landscaping companies that have a 1500 pickup with a little trailer and a lawnmower, and once they put any kind of extra gas in the trailer or in the pickup, they've just become a commercial vehicle.
So you gotta be cautious and really know all the rules and regulations of the game. So and what is the what is the penalty of of driving a commercial vehicle if you don't have a CDL? Life imprisonment. That seems a bit steep. No.
It it's just it's a federal offense. Right? So I don't know exactly what the punishment is. We could look that up, but, yeah, it comes under the Fed's guidelines. And so Got it.
So If you were cited if you were cited state wise, it would be failure to purchase a driver's license just as if you were riding a motorcycle without a motorcycle endorsement. Got it. And then last question. Getting a CDL, I have heard that it has changed. You used to be able to just go take a test, and I've heard that now you have to go through a course.
Is that Okay. Listen, buddy. Well Joe, you've asked all these questions like your truck driver. Oh, and by the way, I've never done it in my life. No.
It has changed, Joe. And that's a good question. Here, couple years ago, it went away from just going in and taking the test and being certified. Now to get your CDL, you have to go through a online course and then be checked off in a driving test just like you would for a motorized vehicle, passenger car. Yep.
Cool. Well, thank you for your time. Hey. Thank you, Joe. Hope you have a great weekend.
I guess that pretty much wraps it up. Yep. Joe's over. Yeah. That's the end of the Joe show.
You have an awesome weekend, man. Thank you. See you guys. See you. Oh, how dare you?
Hi. You're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates injury attorneys. Who's this? This is Thomas. Tom?
Yes. What up, man? What do you wanna know? Are you shy? No.
No. So so I've got a question. I know, it's probably a frequent question that most people don't ask, with the holidays coming up. What is the, truck fed rule? I know there's gonna be a lot of people camping, wanting to go see fireworks show and what have they.
What's the actual truck bed law for, like, passengers in the bed of the truck for Idaho. Yeah. We don't have a law that says you can't be in there, but common sense would tell you if they are, have them sit down so they don't fall out. Don't participate in the consumption of an alcoholic beverage prior to that because dumb mistakes are made at that point, especially if you're the driver. But, yeah.
Unfortunately, in Idaho, yeah, you can ride back there and there's no penalty for that, but just use some common sense. Right. And then there's no there's no age restriction to that whatsoever either. Right? Obviously, unless they're young enough, they need to be in a restraint seat.
Yeah. If they're in a car seat, they need to be in a car seat. Put somebody else that's less valuable out the bed of the truck and put the kids inside. Yeah. Yeah.
No no, ratchet straps and car seats instead of the trucks that I'm kinda frown upon. Yeah. But as soon as they're able to be out of that car seat, you can just chuck them in the back. It's not a problem in Idaho at all. Put them on the school bus.
Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. No seat belts there either. Don't worry about it.
Right on. Yeah. I just wanted I I wanted that to be public knowledge out there. I know I'm an Idaho native, but I know there's a lot of people coming from out of Idaho and Well, I know those happen and you got your kids in the back that are 10, 11 years old, and they have a panic attack. I'm a call along on you.
Those guys moving here from North Dakota. Yeah. Now listen. Listen, Tom. We understand safety of children in Idaho.
Alright? You can put them in the back of the truck. You can put them Yeah. On a bus with no seat belt. They they don't need to wear a helmet when they're 18, but don't let them go to the library.
Keep him away from those evil words. Leave him away from the book, but put him in the bed in the truck. That's right. It's fine. It's fine.
Put him in the back of the truck. No helmet. Yeah. Don't ride in the back of the truck, people. I think it's a bad idea.
I think the 1 that gets most people is they're allowed to drive tractors. Kids can drive tractors? Yeah. But they can't go to the library? That's the problem.
America. It's not necessarily the problem with the library. The problem is the stuff that you write that they have to read at the library. I do I do write some vile material. My, my secondary question.
Everybody just ask any questions you want, the Tom show, is pertaining to side by sides. I hear a rumor that there is now gonna be restrictions towards licensing for having a side by side if you're in the forest service area and what have you? Oh, we've always had, when you say restrictions, what do you mean by that? Because we've always had the rule that you have to have it registered and, you know, so with a off road sticker. Yeah.
Yeah. You gotta have the off road sticker, your plate, what have you, but I heard it's gonna be more restrictive rather than 16 in the driver's license. Is that true? Or is that just the wise hell out there and I win? I haven't heard anything about that, but that doesn't mean it's not in the making.
So I that's something I can check on. Okay. Are children allowed to ride 4 wheelers? 4 wheelers and side by sides? Yeah.
If you're up and not on a public roadway and in a campsite, they can ride a 4 wheeler and have fun, and they do have to have a helmet on. Oh, they do have to have a helmet. Mhmm. The only time they wouldn't have to have a helmet on is if you're on your own private property. That make sense?
So if you own a piece of property like your yard, you had a kid under the age of 18 running around on his 4 wheeler, he wouldn't have to have a helmet on on your property. But if he goes to public access, land or on public roadways, then dirt roads, logging roads, anything like that open to the public, then you'd have to have a helmet on. Or she I'd feel bad for any kid that their, you know, 4 wheeler track was my yard. It's it's pretty small. It's It's mostly deck.
That could be so boring. Back and forth. Back and forth. Come and turn me around, dad. Exactly.
There's no room to turn around. Revving the motor. They get really good at driving in reverse. Alright, man. Appreciate the call today.
Yeah. Thank you. Yep. Have a good 1. 208-535-115, the number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates.
Who's this? This is, TJ. TJ, what's up, man? Hey. So I was just listening.
You guys were talking about how CDLs for you know, once it becomes, like, monetary gain kind of thing. How does that apply to technicians, like plumbers, electricians, that kind of stuff? Well, it'd be the same thing. Usually, they're driving, like, a work van or a pickup truck or things of that nature that are not over the 26, 000 pound weight limit, but if you're over that, I I would assume, and you're in monetary gain, you're still yeah. If you're over £26, 000, you're you're a commercial vehicle because you're going out to work for money.
Now semi trucks, they could argue that right now because they're not making anything. You call this Connor? I mean, it's great. Appreciate you. Hey.
Good question, man. Have a good 1. Okay. Quickly, even though we got tons of callers, you mentioned a new, salvage law for vehicles. I I don't know if you've seen my truck, but I'm sick of these gas prices.
How long does the vehicle need to sit on the side of the road before I take it? Before it gets crushed. Yeah. So what's happening is on the new salvage law, it used to be anything under $750. We'd mark it, and then we'd have to put out notifications to lien holders and title owners and all that and let them know we have your vehicle.
We believe it's under $750. Then after that, the tow company or whoever had it could just do whatever they want with that talent to fix it and say it needed a new transmission, they could put a new transmission in it and sell it, whatever. The new law says this, if if it's under $750 worth of damage, it has to be crushed or sold for parts. It can't be rebuilt and put back on the roadway. Oh, alright.
I might have had an easier time getting, 1 of my vehicles back a couple years ago with that particular law in place. Oh my gosh. Because man let that tow truck driver. He certainly did wanna, you know, weasel me out of that vehicle, didn't he? We we just talked about petty things yesterday, Victor.
That's another 1 for you. It's not petty. It's not petty. What's your counselor said on that? Have you are you doing better?
Actually, don't bring up that issue with him. That's 1 that I just let fester inside of me. And anytime I hear the word tow truck, then it just unleash. Yeah. You know, you won't have to pay for the tow if you just let me keep it.
Oh, yeah? Yep. It took me 10 years to get it about 2 miles down the road. That'll be 1, 000 of dollars or let me keep it. Oh, I hate that guy.
Okay. We can go to callers. K. Mary live on traffic school powered by the advocates. Hey.
Hey. Hey. Hey. You don't need to yell at Victor. How many questions do you have?
What do you drive a tow truck or something? I'm sorry. Likewise. My my question's on, motorcycle endorsement. Does have a engine restriction on the endorsement?
To be licensed as a motorcycle, it's gotta be over 49 cc. So I would say anything under that, you're probably good without a motorcycle endorsement. But anything 49 cc's or greater, it's considered a motorized, motorcycle. Okay. But is there, like, a restriction on the endorsement?
Because I know, like, south of us down in Utah, if you test on something 650 or smaller, you can only ride a 6 50 or smaller. Nope. Not in Idaho. But what's nice about that is if you do have, like, a Harley Ultra Glide and you go to take the roads test, you can show up on the smallest bike possible, pass it on the smallest bike possible, and then you're allowed to ride your Harley Ultra Glide. So Yeah.
I had the last guy in my class when I was doing my endorsement, and I'm on on a 650, and and he was on a big big big Harley, and he and he failed because of doing those tight turns put his foot down too many times, and And so they bonked him out, which was too bad, because, you know, that's the bike he's gonna ride, and he's gonna have to do that agility in real life on that bike, and wasn't able to do it. Yeah. I that's why they switched it down in Utah. They had many people taking the test on little 100 cc mopeds and then buying these big motorcycles and not able to actually ride them. I watched my neighbor, trying to teach someone.
They popped the clutch too soon on a big old 1300 cc bike, and it wheelied into the side of the house and went up the house and a big old black tire mark up the siding. And Jeez. So It it was good watching, but, I just didn't know if Idaho had anything like that or not. No. When I went and took mine, I tried to get 1 of those kick through mopeds to ride.
But I got up, but in a way, the only 1. Little only 1. Little Razor scooter. Alright. Thank you, guys.
Hey. Thanks, man. Have a good 1. K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by The Advocates. Who's this?
It's Brian. Brian, what's up, man? So we're cruising to American Falls last week. My wife had a question that I couldn't really answer. Did you know that you have to be a crime free his own down there?
American Falls? Yeah. American Falls? Yeah. American Falls.
I was stationed there from 80 or 96 to 98. So, yeah, that was a crime free zone then. Was your wife's question, why would anybody live here? No. No.
You do out there. Sorry, American balls. Now I'm just playing. Now you just offended somebody else. I have to play in.
Come on. Her question was, if you're cruising down the interstate, can you be pulled over and sited by an officer that's outside of their jurisdiction? So, like, coming through Hell's Half Acre into Blackfoot, can you be pulled over and sited by a Fort Hall officer? Not necessarily a Fort Hall officer. Now if that was to happen, while you're still on the reservation and you're leaving and they're in fresh pursuit, absolutely.
Now what becomes kinda interesting is if somebody may be sworn to be deputized in multiple areas, that that's something, but they really stay away from it. They frown on it. But what confuses people is, for a perfect example here in Idaho Falls, the city limits, IA 15 Highway 20 is in the city limits in a lot in, in the area of the city, so they can enforce law there. When you go up to Rigby, US 20 goes through the city of Rigby. They can enforce law there.
So, yeah, if they're out on something like that, they can enforce the law while they're there. Okay. Gotcha. Thank you. Yeah.
Hey, before you go, I wanted to let you know that area you mentioned out near the rest area. Peaches would prefer if you call that hex half acre. I was about to say that. Thank you. All right.
My problem. Thanks, man. Have a good 1. Peace. K there.
You're live on traffic. Who's this? Hello. It's Tyler. How are you doing?
Doing great. What's up? Hey, hey, sergeant Crane. Yes. He's called me out.
To walk not to wear your seatbelt in a moving car? It's against the law to just be sitting in it when it's not moving on a public roadway. Can you believe that? But, it it is a secondary offense, so you've gotta violate a primary offense before you can be stopped and, a secondary offense can be enforced. Okay.
Unless you're in Burley, and then they will make up a second offense after they pull you over for no seat belt. First offense. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah.
Now, I'm pretty sure you were speeding. Why is the first thing you asked me, why aren't you wearing your seat belt? Because you failed your attitude test. Probably. I was on my way to work and they made me late.
I was very grumpy. No. I People need their cigarettes. That's right. I'm trying to serve the good folks of Burley.
Alright. You got people that live up in the hills out there. They don't even have electricity, and they need to get, you know, the 10 can rolls of chew. I know. I know nobody told you this when you were working there, but convenience source store sell those things too.
Mine was the most convenient. It had a drive through. Oh, that okay. Thank you, caller. Hope you have a good 1.
And you want 3 years off your life? Yes. I'll get you a couple cans. You like having a jaw? That that that reminded me.
I had a question because I talked about, dogs yesterday. I was talking about, service animals. When I ran that store, people would bring their dogs in and people's dogs would, you know, make a mess on the floor sometimes. And it was infuriating to me because it was carpet, and they never cleaned it up. It just become my job.
So I put a sign up on the door, you know, no pets allowed, and people would get mad and say you're refusing service to me because of my service animal. And I'd be like, well, we have a drive through that you could drive over here, and I will gladly get you anything you want out of this store. Was I breaking the law? Unfortunately. By not letting them walk inside.
See if it's a certified emotional animal. They didn't have had they gotta have some paperwork. Right? Yep. Not just I need my dog.
But this is a kicker on that. You can't a lot of places, their policy say you can't, request to see it. What? Yeah. Like, hotels and stuff.
You can't request to see that paperwork. So I bring my cat anywhere I want. My wife has this, snake that, is a man eater. And Josh is all confused. Josh is all confused.
Yeah. And, she threatens to be like, I'm gonna take this as my emotional support animal on the plane and stuff, you know. So Well, if you don't have to show paperwork. Well, on the on the plane, you probably do, but, you know, take how how comfortable would you feel with that set next to you? Somebody should make a movie about snakes on a plane.
Somebody should. Yeah. That would be a great movie, I think. It has a good ring to it. Snakes on a plane.
I think you get Samuel L. Jackson in it. I would be on the wing hanging on for dinner. Alright, everybody. It's traffic school powered by The Advocates and, I think it ended up being a pretty good chill.
And I most people were fine with going to the drive thru. I didn't actually boot people out of the store. Oh, yeah. But I did I did get Oh, what's your phrase from yesterday? Get out.
Oh, yeah. The whole thing. Do you ever get calls where people are reporting paranormal activity? Do you guys ever deal with that? I've got a ghost.
We're the number 1 in UFO sightings. I know. Idaho State Police number 1 for reporting UFO sightings. But what about ghosts? Anybody ever call you and need you guys come check out a ghost?
We get called all the time saying, hey, somebody's in my house. We get there. We don't find anybody. Maybe those are ghosts. Okay.
Because we I just wanted to let you guys know if you need, you know, need for training and such. We had a caller yesterday who told us how you get rid of ghosts. He cleared them out of the Civic Auditorium in Idaho Falls. All you have to do is yell at them, get out, get out, and they'll leave. So, you know, I've had a lot of people who called with their paranormal experiences after that.
And I just wanna let everybody know it's simple. Yeah. Simple to just get out. Maybe we gotta start trying to use that when we get called to trespassers. You're just I'll get out of gear out.
Lieutenant Crane just likes us so much. He's still hanging out, and we're gonna talk a little bit about the Melaleuca Freedom Celebration. We're less than a week away, lieutenant Crane. My goodness. I cannot wait.
But people need to prepare. They need to prepare because there's gonna be a lot of people around. What what's your best theory on how to do that? My best theory is to go to freedom because that's where you can see the event map and parking, news, photos, videos, schedule, information on River Fest, and more. Now I feel like sending you 1995.
I could use it. I'll take 5. So over the years, all of the, officials involved with the traffic flow, as far as leaving the event goes. Now I highly recommend people take a look at the parking maps and such before attending and then paying attention to the routing that's been set up on the way out and being respectful of 1 another and obeying, you know, the the people who are guiding you on your way out. There's there may be unexpected roads that you would think would be open that are not gonna be open, or they're only open in 1 direction.
What, you know, some of the general issues that you see happening as far as people, you know, making this difficult for everybody else? Exactly what you just said. Failure to preplan. Right? If you wanna have a successful trip where you get down, you see the fireworks, you enjoy yourself, you enjoy your family, and then you leave and have high blood pressure and a possible heart attack or stroke because you can't get out of there, it's because you didn't pre plan.
Because we can evacuate that traffic on average about an hour and 20 minutes with the traffic plan that we have in place. Now that's pretty quick for the amount of traffic that or vehicles that are in there. With that being said, the most important thing you can do is go out to your website, look at where you wanna be after the fireworks, and then determine where you park before by what the exit strategy is for that parking lot. I know a lot of people will try to get the closest parking spot to the inside of River Fest. And, boy, I'll tell you, I Victor Wilt walks a long ways to get into that place.
He do every year. Every year I hoof it a long ways because I I learned 1 year if I wanted to get out a little bit earlier, you know, get get some steps in, get a little bit of exercise, heading into the event because I'm there all day. Well, common sense tells you if you're the closest 1 to the event, you're the last 1 out. Right? No matter how early you showed up.
It's not I got there the earliest, I leave the earliest. It's I got there the earliest, I leave the latest. Yeah. It's like when you go to USANA in Salt Lake. Yeah.
You park by the exit to the parking lot and walk as far as it takes unless you wanna spend all night sitting in parking. So plan ahead. I mean, if you don't mind being patient on your way out because it is gonna take some time, you can always tune in to 1 of our radio stations. We've got a great 4th July playlist set up on Classy to keep you in the spirit on your way home to set up fireworks. And, we've got To make your neighbors mad like Victor.
Now, that's what you listen to Kay Bear if you wanna do that. But if you wanna, you know, be having a festive 4th party, Josh and I worked for hours and hours and hours the last few days. Relentless on setting up the music on Classy for the 4th July. So are you if you're ready to dance, lieutenant Crane, you're ready to shake your booty. We've got the ultimate playlist for you on classy.
It's gonna be upbeat and fun and festive. Awesome. So yeah, everybody just remember patience. Be safe on the 4th when you're setting off fireworks. Be responsible.
You know, don't set them off next to the dry field. Illegal fireworks not allowed in many areas. Common sense go all areas of Idaho illegal fireworks are not allowed. Oh, I saw that. Use some common sense.
Yeah. Common sense is really what it ultimately comes down to. Have buckets water nearby or a garden hose. Garden hose. With a nozzle with the valve shut off.
Right? Absolutely. I do have a video of Victor lighting the firework upside down last year. Was it safe and sane or should I get out my ticket book? I'm just messing.
I was like, what? I don't remember this. I I only use safe insane fireworks because Of course. That's my motto. That's like, you know, that's how I live my life.
Safe and sane. He just reads the crazy books. Yeah. Exactly. Dreams.
Mhmm. Traffic school is a production of Riverbend Media Group. To get more info on the show or to contact us, hit up our website,