Traffic School - 07/26/2024

You can be too big of a fan of something. Alright. We've talked about annoying fan bases plenty on this radio show. You know, I tend to talk about the battle between the bands with the most irritating fan base. But have we ever talked about people who follow the Grateful Dead?

I'm gonna go live in a van. You know? Okay. If you're a single person, you don't have any responsibilities. You wanna go live in a van and follow a band around the country.

Fine. But if you got a family, you gotta prioritize. Alright. I was reading a post online where this woman talked about her husband ditching the family to go see the Grateful Dead and how she is done. She said, my husband's a deadhead.

His entire identity is built around this band, and he's seen them and their various incarnations over 50 times. Normally, I don't mind, but 2 years ago, I was in an accident that left me unable to work. I now receive a tiny disability check once a month for it. He works, but it hasn't been easy with the cost of everything skyrocketing. My disability check doesn't even cover the full cost of our rent even though our rent is the lowest in our area.

Long story short, Dead and Company is made up of what remains of the Grateful Dead. So this is not even the real Grateful Dead. And this is supposed to be their last tour. We live on the East Coast where he's already seen them twice, which is already more than we can afford. But a few days ago, he took out a loan and bought tickets to go see their final show in San Francisco along with round trip air and hotel and whatever else he needs out there.

Alright. Lieutenant Crane's a family, man. I'm wondering if you find this this story reasonable. K. Excellent.

There we go. Sorry. I had the wrong I pushed the wrong button. Right off right off the bat, professionalism in on full display here. So you got this guy who's he's a big Grateful Dead fan.

And apparently, they're the the guys who remain in the band are doing some final shows, dead and co. And this guy took out a loan so he could go see their final show in San Francisco probably costing a few $1,000 while his family's struggling to get by. And his wife's fed up and the internet's arguing about this here. Imagine school's about to kick in. Your family doesn't have, money for school supplies and things like that.

Is it acceptable, you think, to take out a big loan to fly to the other side of the country and party and see the Grateful Dead, man? Yes. Come on. Absolutely. It's a government responsibility to make sure we have a good time.

Yeah. There you go. Oh, this guy. What what a tool. I mean, I Speaking of tools, I like the band TOOL a lot.

Alright? They're they're my favorite band. But I think if, you know what? My kids, even though they don't live at home now, this guy's family's at home. He's got kids in school.

I think even now if my kids, like, needed something, I would have to forego my plans to fly across the country to, follow tool and see their final shows and spend 1,000 of dollars on tickets. Alright? Sadly. Aren't you mister responsible? I know I'd have to think about the children.

What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? Welcome, Lieutenant Crane. You ready for some traffic school action? Boy, I am ready.

Alright. I'm ready as well. I hope you listeners are ready, and I hope you've got some questions for us. If you do, you should call us with them right after the break. 208-535-1015.

The number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates, We're gonna take, like I said, about a 2 minute break, and we'll be back and we'll do it live. You you ready to rock and roll? I'm ready for him to call in. I'm ready for the questions. Alright.

I'm ready to come on, listeners. Let's do this. Party time. Party time. Cops are in the house or a cop is in the house.

Lieutenant Crane from the Idaho State Police. I wish Peaches was here. This is pretty rare. That's the first time I've ever heard of. I've heard you say that.

It's rare. Wow. That I would say that, but Wait. Just a second. He's got to be coming somewhere.

We came up with a new Nick name for you the other day. And you know me, I can't remember anything. I can't remember what it was. Josh on your way to politics. Hey, you know, apparently, forgetfulness will get you to the highest level spot in the land.

That's right. Yep. We had 2 people who couldn't remember anything arguing about golf on national TV. If they can do it, I can do it too. I'm running for president.

I take this is the only way we settle that. You and I go play golf against each other. Oh, it would be sad because I'm very good at golf. And I'm not. No.

I've been I I've played a little bit of mini golf, and boy is it a frustration for me. It's like, I've done this on video games. Why is this so hard? Man, that's gonna drive me nuts because it was a pretty good nickname. I don't wanna bet you anyway because I already owe you a lunch.

Oh, thanks for see, speaking of forgetting. Wait. I forgot all about it. I think I bought you dinner once. Does that count for the lunch or and I guess I still owe you lunch.

I mean, did you make the dinner or did missus Crane make that dinner? Didn't we go to a, taco wagon? Oh, yeah. We did. We went to the taco gate.

You don't think about all the nice things I do for you. I was thinking about Thanksgiving, which was amazing. Those tacos were good though. Yeah. You wouldn't expect Saint Anthony taco truck like it's in the middle of nowhere.

What's going on in this town? There's nobody here. Great tacos. But there was a line for those tacos. There were.

And you know if you see a line in the middle of nowhere for tacos, they're gonna be really good. Yeah. No. It was nice. Hanging out in the park there and, you you know, the the river was just raging.

Kinda frightening. Be careful if you take your kids to the Saint Anthony Park. Like, watch them intensely. If you love them. If you love them.

If not, well, it's about the perfect place. Take them to the playground. It's a nice playground, though. It's pretty nice. Yeah.

Alright. 208-535-1015, the number to call for Traffic School powered by The Advocates. We would love to answer your questions about the law. Let's see if we've had any online questions sent in. It doesn't look like it.

So, listeners, it's really up to you right now to help drive this show forward. Come on. It's Friday. We're having fun. If you're good and you take part in the show, maybe we'll get Ben in soon from the Advocate's injury attorneys and maybe he'll bring a prize, but he's not gonna come by if he doesn't see participation.

Absolutely not. You know, he'd be like, you know what? Your listeners are not taking part, So I'm at it. I'm not bringing in fantastic prizes to give away. Absolutely fantastic prizes.

Tell them what the last prize was. What was the last was it a $300 Visa gift card? Yeah. It was huge. $300 of free money.

Free money. You could've spend it on. And it was a Visa gift card. You could spend it on whatever you want. And you didn't even have to fill out the w nine.

No. Yeah. You just, call and win. You know, if if you were lucky, you win. And spend.

And then you spend. Yeah. Then you spend. So it's amazing. No purchase necessary.

Yeah. Come on, people. 208-535-1015. The number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates. I mean, amazingly, today, I don't even have any specific questions that I can think of.

That's because you can't remember anything today. I know. I'm kinda tired. I did crack open a new coffee in my office, but I didn't have time to get to it because we started talking about, traffic school not traffic school, but figure 8 race swag off air. K Bear, you're live on traffic school powered by the advocates.

Who's this? This is Donna. Donna, what's up? What do you wanna know? I have 2 questions, please.

Oh, boy. And now every line's lit and Donna's gonna ask all her questions and these people aren't gonna call back. They better call back. Donna, you are the most important. Yeah.

You called first, so screw them. That's why the program's failing. If you're not Donna and you're Colin, you're a loser. Oh, okay. Sorry, people.

I'll settle down. Out of control. Go ahead. That just made my day, to be honest. Okay?

Well, you're welcome, Donna. You're our favorite listener. He has a way with certain demographics. We're talking about that off air too. Alright.

So let's say I live in the middle of Rexburg. Heaven help me. And if you live in Rexburg, it always helps you. Come on. We'll get you a GoFundMe.

Go At Rexburg is heaven on earth. Right? I mean, you don't even need to ask it to help. You're in Rexburg. Oh, and because of where I work, lieutenant Crane, I can't really complain about the construction.

Uh-oh. You were the one with overloaded trucks last time. No. No. I wasn't.

Oh, the bus driver. But that was funny. No. I dealing with the construction mess in Rexburg trying to leave my house. And I'm pretty patient because I know the engineers and the construction and everybody's trying to do what they can, But, it's it's the people, and we all have stupid moments.

We've all been stupid drivers. Well, speak for yourself. Victor never has. Yeah. I I've never done anything stupid.

About a run-in with a burly police officer, so I don't believe that to be true. Now listen. We you don't even wanna get me started on burly. Alright? All I did was forget to put my seat belt on, then they started making up a bunch of lies about me.

Can you imagine them being concerned about an 80 mile an hour speed zone through a 20 mile an hour kid zone? No. Not at all. Ugh. But eons ago, decades ago, I went to New York, and I was naive and young, and I asked my sister We're from Fredericksburg to New York already.

That's quite the change. Alright. That was that a shocker moment? Yeah. That was that was a culture shock to say the least.

But one of my very questions was, why do they paint diamonds in the intersections? And she's like, stupid. You can't block the grid. And as I deal with the diamond construction, I'm wondering if we get a paint crew out, because I know kinda some of them, and paint diamonds in the intersection, can we start citing people for blocking the grids because they're stupid? Well, we don't this is a cool thing about Idaho compared to New York state.

We don't need diamonds painted in our intersections to go. Cite them out. The law reads, don't block the intersection. Yes. But we all know that common sense is few and far between at sometimes.

I think what we ought to do is have you out there. The second somebody blocks the intersection, they can't go anywhere. You take your paint, your roller, and you go paint a diamond on their hood. Done. Now, lieutenant Crane, you're gonna get Don in trouble.

That sounds like you're gonna have a vandalism issue, and you might be dealing with a crazy person. This is Idaho. Even if it's Rexburg, somebody still might pull a gun out. Well, I guarantee you That doesn't mean that I don't have one. You see?

It's true. This is Idaho. You're right. Gunfight at second and Main. Like the Wild West.

My gun's bigger than you. Now people know comparing gun sizes in the streets. I think Donna brings up a great point, and that is this, folks. In these construction zones, and Rexburg's having a heck of a bout with that this year. Every every off ramp is, in Rexburg's under construction at some point.

Right? With that being said, if it's not construction, it is construction, you come up to that intersection. If you can't clear the intersection, you are supposed to stay at the stop line prior to the intersection. Yes. Just because the light's green and it's your turn to go doesn't mean you have somewhere to go.

There you go. Good point. Alright. Well, Donna, I hope that, they finish up the work soon. People figure out how to use these new intersections and, that the frustration level decreases for you on a day to day basis.

Can I, can I ask my second question? Oh, yeah. I forgot you had multiple. Sure. Go for it.

The all the other lines are still lit, so we're still happy with those listeners. Alright. All my family is up for the 24th. If I throat punch a couple sisters, is that domestic or criminal? Oh, man.

Alright. Donna with the throat punch to the sister. Lieutenant Crane, what's you? Couple of sisters. It sounds like a great family get together.

She's truly from Rexburg. She's got, like, 8. Yeah. I I only need to throw a punch of 2 of them. 2 out of 2 out of 8 is all I gotta do.

I I think you're it's criminal. Right? I think once you've done the first one, you'd have the attention of the rest. Oh, yeah. But I can take them.

I'm meaner. Yeah. No throat punching without charges. They could file charges on that. And that comes from, any unwillful touching.

Oh, so I can put my finger in front of the nose and say, I'm not touching you and that that's okay? Oh, you can be as annoying as you want. Okay. Yeah. Trust me.

I prove on a daily basis that being annoying is not a crime. Sure is gonna make for a long week at your house. Nah. Well, Donna, good luck with the family reunion and we appreciate your call today. Yep.

Have a good one. You too. Don't joke on your hot dog. Booyah. K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates.

Who's this? This is TJ Hagan. TJ, what's up, man? Hey. Starting you off with an easy one here.

How large does a crack need to be before, like, you would be required by insurance or the state to replace the windshield? Well, that's a great question. Insurance, they're they don't care how big it is. They gotta pay for it. They they want you to go as long as possible.

The way Idaho state code reads is anytime it becomes a vision obstruction for the driver. Okay. So if it's down low on your windshield, you don't need to worry about it. If it's clear over on the passenger side, you don't need to worry about it. But if it comes across a vision of the driver, then you need to worry about it.

Cool. Okay. So which is worse? I got a question, lieutenant Crane. Thinking around you or going to a family reunion?

Let's say you got, 2 issues with your vehicle. 1, you got a headlight out. Very frustrating. 2, you've got a crack that went across your windshield, and it's slightly above your line of sight. But depending on the time of day when you're driving, it catches the sun and just blinds you with this bright, just flash of light.

Which would you fix first? The windshield. Don't go look at my truck. I got something for you. I'm gonna share a surprise with you later after we're off the air.

Uh-oh. I I don't like the sound of that. You've Oh, you're gonna you've cuffed me off air before, so best day of my life. And And it wasn't because I did anything wrong. It was just for fun.

He failed the fields of writing test. I was wearing the goggles. Alright. The drunk goggles. I still need to get some of those for just hanging out around the house.

Those drunk goggles are wild. Sure saves you a lot of money on buying Buckhorn. I don't that's like drinking a whole half gallon. Those drunk goggles are crazy. And did you have an additional question, sir?

I sure do. It's 2 question day. He said he was starting off easy, so I figured he had more. So we've all been down 17th, and I think, Ammon is another big one that people do this on. At what point of somebody driving under the speed limit would you consider pulling them over for obstructing traffic?

Well, on 17th or I'm in at no point would I think about it because, no. With that being said, it depends on how much they're disrupting traffic flow. Right? And if they're in the left lane or the right lane, would make a difference too. And so it's just a circumstantial situation.

I I'm with you, sir. When I'm on Sunnyside or 17th, and you're in the 40 zone, and both people in front of you are doing 35. Oh, I hate it. I got places to be and it'll take me one minute longer to get there. Do you know who I am?

But, yeah, there is a code that if you're holding up 3 or more vehicles from progression, that it's, I guess, lost. So, yeah, that's something to think about, and discretion's a big thing on that. Cool. Alright, sir. Appreciate the call.

Very good. You as well. K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates. Come back with your call. Yeah.

This is Kate. Cool voice. This is Hi. This is Victor. It's the radio program.

It's after 9. I found my peaceful spot. Yeah. I found my Zen moment. Who's this?

This is Tate. Tate. Well, Tate, we don't have time for you. Next caller. I I I think you you say something.

Thanks for calling, Tate. We've run out of time. Show's over. See you later, Tate. Alright.

Just do it. If you think for one second, I'm not gonna call your boss and tell him you're wasting company time. Hey, hey. No need for that. No need.

No. I actually have a legitimate question. Can I share after you ask your legitimate question, I'm gonna share a little story about you? Go ahead. Oh, dear.

Okay. So a buddy of mine rides in Idaho Falls, on a drone that he has. I'm sorry. He's pretty embarrassing. I know.

I know. Hey, that's fun. Okay? And there's one specific cop that keeps pulling them over and siding them for, little small things. So what I get from this is your friend's a slow learner.

Battery. Bad listener. But, he cited him for an obstructive license plate and like, something was blocking the license plate. But you could see the license plate clearly and he called it in and got a court date and appealed it. But is there any way that you could, like, stop that?

Because they keep getting those small things and keep having to go and appeal them even though he shouldn't be cited for it. Everybody should be handled with kid gloves. That's for sure. I was gonna ask what kind of obnoxious vehicle is he driving to get pulled over so long? Grom motorcycle.

Oh, a little Grom. See, I Yeah. I I don't understand this terminology. I heard him say that. I'm like, what does that mean?

That means he should be cited for that alone. Get a real bite. Okay. Maybe maybe this wasn't a valid question for you guys. So what probably needs to happen if this is continuing is just to contact whatever agency that might be, ask to talk to the supervisor, and just say, hey.

Can we talk to you? This is what we're seeing. And, just have a little conversation there. Okay. Yeah.

Because it's just a continual problem. You just they keep getting pulled over for, you know, just stupid stuff that isn't doesn't need to be a problem. Yeah. I'm I'm very disappointed to hear they're discriminating against these particular bikes because that's the go to bike for my gang. That's what we all drive.

Okay. You wanna show it. We're we're accepting. Now, I'm gonna throw this out before Tate does. Now, I've ran into Tate before, and one day we ran into each other at Wendy's, and he was, like, 17 years old, under 18.

And he and he was threatening to take action against me for this. And I'll ask you if he should have. Alright. And you can see why he's worried about this other friend of his getting picked on by the cops after I share this story. So we're standing there and he asked me a dumb question about what would you do to defend yourself or something?

What what was the question, Tate? Okay. I have a story to tell after question? I specifically remember you asking me, do you wanna see a cop move? Yes.

That's what it was. I did. I did. That's right. Thank you for the reminder.

I said, Tate, would you like to see a cop move? And he's like, 17. Right? And he goes, yeah. And I punched him in the stomach.

Why? I I said yes knowing you. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah.

See, I've I've I've done the show with this guy for, like, 10 years. I would have known year 1. You know? No. No.

Stay on that side of the desk. So it took the air from he wasn't ready for gut punch, but it was fun. And then yes. I'll have to tell you about this gang me and Jade started called the DPC when we get off air. So, anyway, he was gonna bring suit against me for battery.

I think he should. That was good. That's right. Stick it to Craig. Well, John called in and, asked if it was okay for a off duty cop to hit a minor.

But Well, I, Tate, you sound kinda like a line stepper to me. Well, I mean, we know you're a gang member of the cats. Yeah. We we rule those streets of Idaho Falls. Too funny.

You guys are silly. Alright, Tate. Well, thanks for calling. Yeah. Good to entertain you guys.

You have a good one, Tate. Alright. You guys too. See you, man. 208-535-1015.

The number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates. Who's this? Billy Joe. Joe? Billy Joe.

Billy Joe. What's up, man? Hey, Hey, Billy. You're supposed to be listening to the country station. What was that?

You're supposed to be listening to the country station. Oh, I'm a gay bear. Alright. Well, I love that, Billy Joe. And And you sound nice and relaxed.

I like that too. So what's up, Billy Joe? Hanging out with Donna. I do, what I have a question. When you get in the fender bender, do you, like, what do you do if a cop, says Billy Joe.

Could you turn your radio down, Billy Joe? Sorry about that. Oh, it's okay. Go ahead. What, I lost my So if you get in a vehicle crash and the cop shows up.

Uh-huh. Do you just do you sit there and wait for the them to come talk to you? Yeah. Yeah. Just be there.

Now if you get in a minor fender, been a crash now this has to be super minor. If it's under $1500 in damage to either vehicle, then you can just exchange information and be on your way. If it's over $1500, which doesn't take much at all, maybe take a quick couple photographs. And if it's not major damage and you can move your vehicles, move them off the roadway and clear the roadway, and then call the cops and have them come take a report. Okay.

This is because I live in a group home, and we had a minor fender bender. And no vans were the van in front of us stopped, and we weren't looking. And we hit the back of the van. Don't say that again on because that's an attendant driving. So we weren't paying any attention.

I wasn't the one driving. I can't drive until I get a license. That's a good point. Please that's a good message you just put out. Don't drive unless you have a driver's license.

And if you're ever unsure in a situation, like, you know, because judging the amount of damage to a vehicle, who can do that? Well, it don't take much. Yeah. So, you know, you you can always feel free to call call the authorities over to come check the situation. Make the make the decision.

Alright. K. Thanks for the call. Hey. Thanks, Billy Joe.

You have a good one. You too. Peace. 208 535-1015, the number to call for traffic school powered by The Advocates. Still driving me crazy that I can't think of your nickname.

I'm gonna call Josh here real quick. Oh, he knows too. Everybody in the building knows but me. I it might have been him I was talking to. Wait a minute.

You think you have more than one friend? I got 2 friends. Hey. What's up? Hey, Josh.

You're live on Traffic School powered by The Advocates. Now What's going on? You know, did was it you I was talking to the other day and we came up with a new nickname for lieutenant Crane? Yeah. What was it?

See, that's the problem. I'm trying to remember, and it's making me crazy because it was a good one. I'm trying to remember, and it's making me crazy because it was a good one. I'm trying to remember, but I'm trying to remember, and it's making me crazy because it was a good one. I'm trying to remember, and it's making me crazy because it was a good one, and we we talked about it on air.

So Josh know. If you're going southbound on I 15 at 80 miles an hour with air pressure of 36 psi, how long will it take you to go 80 miles? Well, that would be 1 hour. Very nice, John. Very nice.

Glad he gave you the math questions. Hang on one sec, caller. One second. Alright, Josh. Again at 60 miles per hour.

How long does that take to go? Hold on. I gotta write this down and carry the 1. How long does it take to go 60 miles at 60 miles per hour? This is getting way above Victor's head.

I got a headache now, Josh. No no math. No math. Alright. No numbers.

What was that nickname? I cannot remember. I can't remember either, and it it was a good one. I don't know. If you happen to remember it, call us up.

Right. I'll, I'll think about it. We might have to go back through the the noon hour when you were on to to find that content. So True. True.

True. A listener might remember too. So alright. Thanks, Josh. Good luck.

Alright. Caller, you are live on the show. Traffic School powered by the advocates. Who's this? This is Blake.

Blake, what's up, man? So I've been seeing this argument on the I hate life in Rexburg page. The argument is It's Vinder's turn the pot. He just didn't live there. Doesn't even live there.

I love that pain. It's made up. Oh, but the the question is is there's a certain substance that smells like skunk. If The devil's less. Smells that.

That's what we call it. Smells that, is that probable enough probable cause alone for the officer smelling that substance to search the vehicle? Absolutely. It is. Yes.

It is. That's why I recommend you smoke it off. No. No. No.

I was going to recommend you adopt a skunk that you can keep in a pen in the back seat of your vehicle and be like, no, that's just my little buddy Stinky. Come on. Victor's giving you good advice. My advice is I don't care if you smoke it at home in your car. Don't drive.

Yeah. Don't drive. Don't drive while intoxicated people. No. They're this is.

This leads to another part of, the question. So if you have a safe in the vehicle, do the officers have the right to search that as well if they found probable cause somewhere else? Are they able to open that safe? Well, that's a good point. If they do have probable cause, yes, they can open that safe.

If they have reasonable suspicion, they can lock it down and get a search warrant from the judge. Gotcha. So what you're saying is you haul yours in a safe Unfortunately unfortunately, I don't do that. I have too much to lose nowadays to get in trouble. So you grew up?

Yes, sir. Oh, that's a good story. That's a that's a story right there. I like how he's like, unfortunately, I'm, you know, staying out of trouble. I'm responsible.

My wife said that I can't smoke the devil's lettuce anymore. The final straw was when I spent all the family savings to go see the Grateful Dead in San Francisco. That was the end of my weed career. Alrighty. Thank you, guys.

Hey. Thanks, man. Appreciate the call. When I put my name in to run for public office. I changed my tune then.

I'm a pillar of the community. K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by The Advocates. Who's this? Steve O. How you guys doing, man?

Doing good, Steve o. We got us a car show, ladies and gentlemen. Big time. Actually, it's a drag show and not the one in here. Alright.

Settle down, Steve o. Of course. Yeah. Hey. Are you guys sending him an invoice after every Friday?

We should for all these plugs. Justin coming in. Alright. Slap on some headphones, buddy. While we're talking to listeners, if you wanna hear what's going on, you need the headphones.

Alright. Steve o, what you got for a, question here? Hey. So they're doing drag races out at the Pocatello airport. So my question is and they're not doing it in heels.

Why not? Question is That would make it way more interesting to see people try to drive cars wearing heels. I would notify the tower. They see that. Tower, this is drag race city.

You know, figure 8 races, why don't you guys do a a night like that? You know, because they do the walk in a woman's shoes thing. I have done that multiple times, and I'll tell you what. That's not an easy task. No.

Justin, have you done it? I have not. Well, I actually I did do the walking in women's shoes. It was tough. Yeah.

So I'm thinking crazy figure 8 racing in a woman's shoes. Yeah. The the race track I used to work at, they used to do, the women's shoe kicking contest. How far can you kick a high heel? It should be.

How far can you kick your husband's high heel? So, Steve O, we you got the plug in for the races. What was your question about them? Saturday. Saturday.

Saturday. Saturday. Sunday, Sunday, Sunday at the Bookel Airport. So my question is, drag racing on public streets, would that be like a Yankee license kind of offense? I mean, how much is the ticket for that?

Nah. It would be points against your record, but if you have a fairly clean record, you probably survive it. If you don't, you're you're probably gonna get a notice in the mail from DMV saying, you are over your points limit. You are no longer driving until this falls off your record. Yeah.

I'd assume that's like a reckless or, you know, speeding. It depends. It could be, exhibition of power, drag racing, reckless in at any just depends on the situation. So say say you're at a green light Keep it at the Pocatello airport. Punch it, Like, you're only you're only going 35 miles an hour.

If you can if you go up to 35 and slow down, that's fine. But if you're breaking tires, that's called exhibition of power. Now as we've talked before, your little Datsun isn't gonna do that. Somebody still dreads a Datsun. Your listeners are weird.

Justin. Those are cool rides. I will tell you this. My wife has a 2 40 z. Datsun 2 it will break the rear tires loose.

Not that I have ever done it, but I'm sure she has. Nice. Alright. Try it on. So good luck with your exhibition of power.

Gotta got out that engine for the drag race strip, man. You guys you guys should come out in your heels and and do the drag race. We'll see how fast you can beat that little pinto I got. How did you know what shoes I was wearing today? I came to work wanting to look pretty.

Did I succeed guys? No. Oh, okay. I'll keep trying. Alright.

Crazy Carl or Steve o or whatever you wanna call yourself today. It's crazy Carl, man. You guys have a good weekend, man. Appreciate you guys. Love the show.

Right on. Thanks, Carl. Guys have a good one, man. Peace out, man. Yeah.

Bye. So joining us from 105 the Hawk, we've got Justin Pierce. What up, Justin? Well, I saw a story the other day, and I forgot to Google it. And it was on the Idaho Statesman and but I couldn't read it because I don't know that I was surprised.

Because I can't read. And I can't talk either. Only the best professionals in this building when it comes to broadcasting. Come on a audio program. And I forgot to Google it, and then I saw the lovely and multi talented, Lieutenant Crane here.

I'll quit kissing up to this guy. It's still tough yet. It's kissing down. It's not following up. J.

P. And I were actually friends, till just now. So my my question is, in Idaho, are you allowed to have back seat riders drinking alcohol? Okay. People in the back seat pounding down the beat.

Driver driver's fine. Other people in the vehicle drinking. It's amazing how many designated drivers I've arrested for DUI. It's them in the back. They were drinking.

No. I know you can smell it, but it's them. No. It's not okay. It's not okay.

The only place that becomes okay is if you're in a motor home and they're in the back living quarters of it. Okay. But if they're in the back seat, the theory is, they can still hand you an open container and you can hand it back. What if it's a what if it's a long van and you've got 15 passengers. Yeah.

You you've got multiple rows of seats and there's a row of seats in between or, you know, an SUV that has the seats in the very back. So there's an empty row in the middle. Yeah. 3rd row of seats. Yeah.

No. Any passenger in the vehicle, can be cited for an open container. Okay. Now my next question is, let's say, we'll just use me for an example. Not that you've ever done this.

Right. I go out and I have a a a few too many. 7. And my bowling game goes down. And my buddy, his car is equipped with a breathalyzer.

For one odd reason or another. But he drives me home. Can he get in trouble for driving me home because his car is a breathalyzer, and he's driving my car, and it doesn't have a breathalyzer? If he's required by law to take a breath test prior to driving, yes. He's gotta have that.

So but he can drive you home in his car even though you've been drinking. Okay. But why won't want my truck home? So I'm not willing to take chances, but he is. Alright.

Fair enough. So those are my questions. Alright. Alright. Alright.

Those are actually questions that haven't come up on the show. Hey, Johnny. You're not you're not the smartest friend I got. You wanna give me a ride home? I I guess I should say the question about the breathalyzer, but we have had the question about passengers drinking.

Drinking. Yeah. But, no, the breathalyzer is a great one, but he is required when he's under that obligation, whatever car he drives. Okay. Alright.

Very good. Has to be equipped because it'll come up if we run a driver's check, it'll come up that he has that restriction on his license. Okay. Good enough. Well, I'll I'll amend myself on the first question that I had then.

Thank you very much. Alright. K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates. Who's this? Hey.

Thanks, Justin. You could've stayed. Oh, peaches calling. Peaches. Alright.

I think here with this. Alright. Justin, you gotta hear. Get in trouble for driving on on, sippy cups. Hey.

If he got that size on a sippy cup, I'm gonna talk to my mom. She took me off them way too early. That's Peach's sippy cup right there, actually. That big orange thing. That's a Peach's sippy cup.

So, Peaches, what's up? Did you find out, his nickname? No. We couldn't remember. Did you remember what it was?

Wasn't it the potato law, or is it the one before that one? I think it was the potato law. It was because okay. This is a long story. You were that proud of that?

You had to be there in the moment. Yeah. It was a great, great time. It was a great time. Well, there's, we were okay.

Speaking of being annoying, we talked earlier about how being annoying is not a crime. This is kind of a long story. Okay. So I'm on Reddit. Folks, go ahead and, relax.

Yeah. I'm on Reddit one day. I see somebody post in the Arizona subreddit. Hey. I'm visiting Kingman, and I'm looking for some people to hang out with, blah blah blah.

And I thought that was a weird post. Like, who would roll into a town and just try to find somebody random on the internet. I need friends. So we came up with this idea because I kept saying it was peach's birthday, even though it wasn't. I was like, well, let's announce that you're having a birthday party online in the Idaho Falls subreddit and, you know, see what people's reaction to this will be.

And we'll do it all with chat GPT. And we started responding to people with chat GPT. Peaches was running this and the Idaho Falls people were very friendly. Hey, sorry. I can't make it to your party, but happy birthday.

I was like, well, let's go do this in the Boise subreddit because people in Boise are a little more uptight than around here. And we were correct. People started losing their minds about this. Is this a bot? Is this fake?

And then someone named the potato law came in to defend peaches and talk about how these people are being so mean to him. And we thought that, potato law would be a good name for you. I think it it it seemed better at the time because we were too busy laughing hysterically at the reactions we were getting out of people. And boy, they were so mad about this fake birthday party. You wouldn't believe it.

Now make an official some I I had a recent comment of some guy saying he was gonna show up in his van with all of his boys and party on. So I'm just imagining him still showing up even though we deleted the post since then. I'm just imagining this guy showing up to a random skatepark going, where's where's this guy's birthday party? Well, some people are just down for a good time. Yeah.

Yeah. I mean, people were, toward the end getting ready to party, We said that, Big Jay from 100.3 the x in Boise was gonna be there. It it was it was awesome. It was a good time. What do you got there, lieutenant Crane?

Oh, I got people fishing at the pond right now. They just sent me that picture. Ah, is that right? It's his pond. Yeah.

Yeah. Fish don't fear me. Fish don't fear you. I haven't caught a fish since 2000. So, Peaches, thank you for the reminder on what the, the nickname was.

Potato Law. Potato Law. Wow. But we need to make an AI song about that for sure. Oh, it's been a while since we've made some good AI songs.

That's a good idea. There are no good AI songs. Come on. Have you heard the ones that we made for lieutenant Crane? Exactly is what I'm saying.

No. Not good AI songs. I would say that's better than that Shaboozy song. That's for sure. Oh.

Yeah. Oh, again. Justin versus peaches. Keep keeping it calm here. Aren't you on vacation?

Go away. Well, good to hear from you, peaches. I'll see you in a while. Sounds good. Sounds good.

Peace. It's gonna be a quiet week without here, without him here. It it's definitely gonna be a lot quieter. That's for sure. Yeah.

K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates. Who's this? Good morning, gentlemen. It's Chad. Chad?

Yes, sir. G p I. What's up, man? Well, kind of a I I don't know. It's a not a weird question, but what what would be the implications of somebody driving a CDL vehicle without a CDL license?

It would be just like if you're driving a motorcycle without a motorcycle endorsement. It'd fall under 49301, which is failure to have a driver's license. Stop right there vehicle that you are driving. Now if you're doing it, commercially, then it could fall under some commercial or, federal guidelines. Well, that's so that's my kind of question is I've rumor has it that there's a few companies out here that actually have CDL vehicles, but for I don't understand how they do it, but they just don't register them as CDL vehicles so they could ignore the DOT guidelines.

And then they have these guys driving them without CDL licenses because they're going under, like, the seat the DOT window. That's interesting. And that works great until you get stopped by one of our commercial vehicle specialists. Yeah. And I I think they're all just, like, their hope that I think they're banking on the whole, like, small town, you know, nobody bothers us as long as we're not doing anything wrong situation.

But, like, I feel bad for the guys driving them because they're gonna be the ones that get hit. Right? Or Unfortunately, when you get behind the wheel, you're taking responsibility. See, and that's what I was afraid of. And I I feel like you've Even if you're borrowing your friend's car, if you borrow their car and it's not registered or insured, that's your responsibility to make sure that's occurring before you drive it.

Yeah. So I don't I don't I don't know the other people personally, and it's kinda it's not necessarily a rumor. Like, I kinda know it's true, but, like, I just feel bad for the guys driving those trucks. Because all it takes is one bad thing, and then they're they're screwed in the company. And they say, oh, sorry.

See you later. Yeah. You may want to escalate the issue to somebody. I mean, I I mean, aside from calling a commercial driver inspector out here to be like, you need to pull some of these trucks over because some of them are driving illegally. You can call my office.

We can come up with a game plan. There you go. Call and ask for the mountain. They'll know who you're talking about. They won't know the potato law yet.

Yeah. Thank goodness. I mean, it's just there there are these tree companies out here, you know? And I mean, mine's mine's nationwide, so, like, we have everything, like, all our ducks in a row, but there's these smaller local places that they just got these guys out here driving big old dump trucks full of full of wood and, like, they don't even have licenses. They're not getting their DOTs.

Like, it's I don't know. It just seems odd. But I was like, how the hell do they not register it? But I guess if they just don't register it, then I know you gave me a weird look, Lieutenant Crane. That's the rules.

And when did you start to follow them? I I when it comes to rules that come from the top about certain words being said on air, even if feeding me and my family. Even if they're words you hear in a Disney movie, I'm I obey the rules. I dump out on that offensive language. And I don't bring a drink.

Hey. What's that doing in here? Peach's, sippy cup? Yeah. I I don't know.

He doesn't know how to clean up after himself. I know. No food or drink. Peaches don't care. He's a he's a line stepper.

Oh, that's why he put the pee pee cup on it so he can spill it, and it's okay. That's right. I've just got my, hand sanitizer. That's what I drink. Boy, when you drink that, it's here at the bottom.

That's right. Got a problem. Alright, caller. Appreciate it, man. Hope you have a great weekend.

You too, gentlemen. Bye. Thanks. Alright. It was a pretty good show.

Pretty good show. Thank you listeners for your very much patient today. We got lots of great calls. Thanks, Justin, for stopping in. Hey, Justin.

Pleasure's been all yours. And we will be back with music and more, and we'll see you next week for another traffic school powered by the advocates injury attorneys. Traffic School is a production of Riverbend Media Group. To get more info on the show or to contact us, Hit up our website,

Traffic School - 07/26/2024
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