Traffic School - 6/14/2024

Let's see who's calling the special secret hotline. Look at the timing of this guy. Perfect timing as we jump on air live. Is this the police? It is the police.

Open the door. I didn't do it. I didn't do it. Come on, man. Why can't you pick up somebody else like, you know, Jade or Peaches?

Drag them to jail. Why can't you fight real criminals? Exactly. You wouldn't believe wouldn't believe the, just harassment I get from these guys every day. Every day.

It's, it's very upsetting and bothersome. So Overwhelming. What what what's your deal? Are you too cool to come hang out with me today? I have better options.

Oh, okay. Alright. That's fair. That's fair. I could think of better options than talking to you too.

So, everybody, we are going to attempt to do traffic school on conference calling here on the phones. This is always a lot of fun because I tend to accidentally hang up on Lieutenant Crane repeatedly when we do it this way. So I'm gonna do my best to not hang up on you and we'll see, see if I could pull it off. Three times. I won't call back.

Three times? Alright. How often is it Promise you promised? Yeah. How often is it do you get to hang up on the cops 2 times and they call you back?

Actually, generally, if you guys are reaching out to somebody and they hang up on you, I would assume you do call them back. We sure are. Oh, okay. So that's how I get you to come down here. I hang up on you.

Alright, everybody. We're gonna take a real quick break, and then we'll be back for Traffic School powered by the advocates. Get those questions ready. 208-535-1015, the number to call. You can submit questions online, but we prefer you join us and do it live.

And if you don't take part, then we're we're not gonna do this ever again. No. We we will do it again. But come on. I know y'all got some questions.

There's a lot of people out on the roads. I'm sure you've seen somebody do something that's stupid recently. 208-535-1015, the number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates on the line with me from a secure location, Lieutenant Marvin Crane of the Idaho State Police, and we're here to answer your questions about the law. Again, 208-535-1015, the number to call. Lieutenant Crane, anything you'd like to get out to the community?

I know we had a big event last weekend with the Teton Pass just caving in. Any other roadways people should be aware of or anything like that? Well, as we know, that's definitely gonna affect Highway 31 over Piney Creek Pass over to 2626 to Alpine, Wyoming. So if you have have to go that direction, just be cautious, extreme amount of cars. We averaged about 17,000 cars over the Jackson Pass a day.

And so now they're trying to find alternative routes and just be patient. Add add some time to your travel and and, be courteous be a courteous driver. Yeah. I was out in Swan Valley last Saturday, and we were gonna go check out the, the Palisades Creek Trail. And we're driving through Swan Valley and there's just piles of vehicles coming from Alpine.

We're like, what what is happening? Why are all these people here? This is very strange to have this amount of traffic, and it it wasn't till Sunday that I, fired up the news and saw saw what had happened there. So, pretty pretty wild, I would imagine. Looks like they're building a temporary road, but, looks like it it's gonna take them a little bit of time, and I don't even know how you do a permanent fix on that.

Pretty crazy. Yeah. What's nice about that is IPD, our Idaho transportation department, has teamed up with Wyoming's transportation department, And, they're coming up with the resolve. I think it's gonna be, implemented and put into effect, fairly soon, especially considering the amount of damage that's been done. And, then come up with a per permanent resolve and and hopefully get everybody's commute back to normal as soon as possible.

Alright. So everybody just be safe. Be patient. You know, if you're in those areas, way more traffic than usual. I know traffic can be frustrating, but you just gotta chill out a little bit.

That patience can go a long way in keeping things safe on the roadway. Again, listeners, if you'd like to ask us a question about the law, 208-535-1015, the number to call for a traffic school powered by the injury attorneys. You can really ask us anything. I mean, we would like to help you out with law related questions, but, you know, call up and ask us whatever you want. We need your support to keep this thing going.

I was trying to find there was a question posted in the life in Idaho Falls Facebook group the other day. That was one of these questions we've answered repeatedly on this show and everybody was fighting about it. And now I can't find it nor as I'm sure isn't surprising, nor can I remember what that particular question was? It wasn't that roundabouts and it wasn't, can I creep out into the intersection at a yellow light? But if it, it was something else, oh, it's driving me crazy.

So listeners, come on. Help us out here or we're just gonna have to end the program. Alright. K Bear, you are live on Traffic School powered by the advocates. Who's this?

Morning, Victor and with Jim and Crane. How are we doing today? Love you guys. Love the show. Thank you.

Thank you. Stewart, what is up, man? What do you wanna know? I am just curious how many citations the average trooper in our region writes per day. Oh, that's a great question.

I don't know what it would be. Well, I guess I do. I would say, you know, as far as citation issued enforcement, because we do verbal, we do written, which are written is just, hey. We're gonna give you this written warning. There's no fines, no penalties to it, but what happens is it goes in our system.

If you get stopped again, other troopers can see that you were given a warning on that violation on the date and time. But just actual citations, I would say, probably on average, 3 citations a day, but stops anywhere between 12 and and, 20 stops a day depending on loads of, calls for service. Alright. That's actually lower than I would have imagined. Yeah.

Because what happens, we end up, you know, if you end up on an arrest by the time you get them, in your car, booked at the jail, and cleared, you're taking about an hour and a half to 2 hours out of your day. If you're investigating a crash, you're about an hour to 2 hours on a crash depending on how severe it is. And if it's a significant crash, that can be 4 to 5 hours. So, when we talk about what happens throughout the day, if they get a a day to patrol and and make stops on average, probably 3 to 5 written citations, but probably between 15 20 contacts a day. I suppose that makes sense.

Yeah. I mean, honestly, Stuart, I would have thought it was was less with how long they make you sit there while they're tinking around on their computers back there. They're like, 3, 3 a day. Maybe for you. They get me out of there pretty quick.

You know, they see your name, and it's like, we're gonna hold him down for a little while. I know. And then they always, you know, throw these remarks at me like, well, do he had to just enjoy breaking the law? You enjoy that? I didn't know.

Lieutenant Crane, is I didn't know I couldn't do that, a reasonable excuse to get out of a ticket? You know what? I was dealing with some, attorneys on something personal, and, it was on contractual stuff. And that attorney told me something that day that I thought, yeah. I've heard this before.

He said, ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law. Oh, dang it. Dang it. Always losing out on my excuses. Okay.

I'll keep trying to dig up, dig up good ones for the listeners. I keep trying people. Alright. Well, Stewart, appreciate you calling into the show today. Hope you have an awesome weekend, man.

Yeah. You too. CCT's out there, lutein Crane. Thank you. 208.

Oh, I'm gonna hang up on you, Lieutenant Crane. Oh, no. I no. I did it. 1st call, and I hang up on everybody.

Hi. That's 1. That's 1. Very first caller. Right when I pushed the button, I was holding it, and I knew right when I was gonna let go what was gonna happen.

Everybody goes away. Okay. So anybody else who was was calling, I'm sorry about that. If you wanna call back, 208-535-1015. Alright.

Whine and complain that nobody calls. And then when they do, you hang up on everybody. I know. K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates. Who's this?

This is Adam. Adam, what's up, man? Not much. I just had a question, spurred on by this last caller. Oh, Adam just hung up on himself.

That was not me. That was not me. Let's go to the next person. K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates injury attorneys. Who's this?

This is Tyler. Tyler, what's up, man? Oh, not much. I just got a question for you. My question is about school zones.

Is a school zone speed limit apply even during your school hours? Say that again. Sorry. I said kids kids are important no matter what time of day. What your question was, and I'm sorry I stepped over you, but, does it apply all day?

Is that the question? Yeah. Correct. I work night shift, and so I'm going to work at midnight and I drive through a school zone. I was just curious if that speed limit applies at midnight the same way it does, like, during 8 o'clock in the morning.

How's it marked? School zone. I have no idea to be honest with you. Yeah. Hey.

How's the sign up there you dummy? School zone 20 is what it says, crane. Chase. Hey. I've how much more can I explain this to you?

So does have a sign it's a black and white sign, correct, that says 20 miles an hour? Yep. Yep. And does it have any signs around that says, between 7 AM and 4 PM? I don't believe so.

I believe it just says, speed limit 20 miles an hour, and then it says school zone underneath it. K. And does it have, a flashing light that says wind flashing? Oh, there's not a flashing light. Okay.

Then it's 20 miles an hour or even at midnight. Alright. That's what I need to know. Right on, man. Yeah.

Avoid them tickets. That's right. And watch out for children, everybody. Obviously, of course. And and the other side you could look for is it says, when children are present.

Oh. Sometimes I No. Put a sign out that says when children are present. Hey. Per well.

Well, hey, man. Appreciate the call. Thanks for the good reminders for everybody, and hope you have an awesome weekend. Thank you. You too.

Right on. See you. K, Bear. You are live on Traffic School powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys. Who's this?

I I didn't hang up on me. I don't know why you decided that I didn't need to talk to me. I swear it wasn't me. It was, it was the ghost of DJ's past because, all of a sudden, just, boom. Adam was gone.

So They ain't calling him out on the carpet, Adam. Yeah. You know, I'll I'll give you another another shot, though, Adam. Well, I mean, it sounds like it was a award winning question. I was just wondering what were their what was some of the reasons that when a trooper pulls you over, it does take them a long time to finish the the stop?

Hey. I don't know about where you work, but a lot of times where we work, our IT equipment sells us already. That's the best that that makes actual sense. And that is the first time I've ever heard that excuse. And it is great.

Our computer's a piece of crap, guys. Come on. Right. Good job. Our computer.

Yeah. Crazy sometimes. I gotta reboot. I gotta do this. It takes 5 minutes to reboot this computer, you know.

I'm glad you deal. I'm glad you deal with the same problems on the job that I do. Hey. And don't think we're not frustrated with it too. We wanna get on to the next donut shop.

We don't wanna be sitting on that stop for that long. Alright. As long as that frustration doesn't transfer to the schmuck in the car in front of you. You know? Some guy who works for IT department in front of you just rings him.

It's like, I recognize you, and here's the reason this isn't working. It's a Best Buy vehicle just filled with frustration. It would be nice if we stopped an IT guy and said, hey. Could you come back and fix this computer so I can get you on your way? Oh, that is just too funny.

That's good stuff. I would I will tell you this. It ends up with more verbal warnings than not because I know they'll walk up and say, hey. Hi. It's your lucky day.

My computer's giving me fit. Just slow down or just do this. Be on your way. So that explains the handful of times I've gotten a warning. I need to get, some type of a Wi Fi or, cell jammer or something in my truck.

I can't connect to the network. It's a problem. Oh, you've given people ideas. I know. That's a good idea.

Well, if, if I can't use excuses, then we gotta resort to technological ways to avoid tickets. Future problems require future solutions. That's right. Well, thank you, Adam. Appreciate the call today and your patience with, the system, my system hanging up on you.

No. Well, we appreciate I'll forgive you this time. Alright. We're cool then, man. I hope you have an awesome weekend.

You too. See you. Peace. 208-535-1015, the number to call for. Traffic School powered by the advocates.

Lieutenant Crane, I remembered what everybody was arguing about on the Life in Idaho Falls group. 100 of comments. And You mean the argument that you started on the Facebook? I didn't start this one, and I wanted to chime in, but every, every time I see one of these type of posts, one of our listeners will comment and say, I heard the correct answer on traffic school 100 of times. This is what it is.

You should check out traffic school with Lieutenant Crane and Victor Wilt, and people still doubt them. But the argument that's going on in that group, and there have been multiple posts about this with, again, hundreds of comments was relating to 2 license plates on your vehicle. There are a lot of people who are very confident that you only have to have one license plate on your vehicle in Idaho because all these cool new cars, you know, they don't have a license plate on the on the front. My sports car, it doesn't have a spot for it, so, obviously, I don't have to. That's ridiculous.

And anybody who thinks you have to have 2 license plates is an idiot. And my suggestion to them would be move back to your home state. It's so funny because there's people who have posted in the comments that, you know, no, I've been pulled over for this. I've been cited for it. I decided to take it to court.

I had an attorney who tried to argue in my favor that it didn't come with a factory mount, and they said it still doesn't matter. You can get yourself a bracket at the dealership. You have to put a license plate on the front of your vehicle. There's a reason the state of Idaho issues 2 plates, and that's because it is the law. And the law states it will be mounted to the front and rear bumper of the vehicle.

So you mean to tell me that the guy who says, well, I'm not drilling into my bumper. I'm compliant by putting my license plate in my front window. You can do that too. He's wrong as well. He's wrong as well, and he can try to explain that to the judge of guilty verdict as well.

Alright. I'm trying to think of any other angles I've covered. I like this comment. You don't have to have 2. Incorrect.

And there's so much arguing going on in that group. It do you get a lot of, very confident, you know, law scholars out there when you're pulling people over, lieutenant Crane? Oh, more so when they're under the influence and under arrest for DUI, a lot of those are attorneys. I don't have rights. I don't have rights.

Who are you? Look at you? Look at you. Who do you think you are? If you wanna ruin your career tonight, that's fine with me.

All right. We've got people accusing it of being a cash grab for Idaho. I wonder if it's more expensive to register your vehicle here or in another state. I, from what I understand when it comes to a lot of things around here, we're we ain't got it too bad when it comes to fees and things like, electrical bills. I think we're we're pretty good compared to most places in the country.

What about vehicle registration? Are we paying more because of this? Is this a 2 plate scam, lieutenant Crane? I don't think that's the issue. I think if you'd done your research, we'd probably be on the lower end of that spectrum as far as what it costs to register your vehicle.

I'm not sure where we are, but, no. That's not the purpose of it. Alright. Let's see. Cheapest states to register a vehicle.

208-535-1015, the number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates, everybody. Looks like wow. You said, Arizona coming in at $8. What, Peaches? To register your vehicle, my dad paid $1,000 for a year?

For his Honda Ridgeline. For 1 year? For 1 year in California. My mom my mom's car was 300. What?

That's insane. That is absolutely insane. He's like, hey. Can I register my vehicle in Idaho and just have you pay for it? Holy cow.

Wow. Alright. Well, I was hoping to find this page claimed it had the rates by state, but it it doesn't seem to. Yep. Montana's recommended as a pretty cheap state.

Alright. K there. You're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates injury attorneys. Who's this? Hey, man.

It's Don Gavin. And what's up, man? What's your question? Hey. So we had a question last week.

It's kinda related to a guy asked if you could pull, like, a boat behind your camper. But my question is, is it legal to pull 3 trailers? So do, like, a camper and then a boat and then a 4 wheeler. His own train. Alright.

Lieutenant Crane, what you got? Maximum length can't be over, I believe, and I should've looked that up. I've I've known it's coming again by, I believe, at 76 feet maximum length. From the front of your doesn't necessarily matter how many trailers. It's just total feet.

Yep. Gotcha. Fair enough. So 3 trailers. Good to go.

Now to follow that up, lieutenant Crane, do you pull out a tape measure and, see if it is exactly 76 feet or less? I did on my own personal vehicle, and I was under by about 10 inches. And so I was like, woah. Oh, jeez. That's a that is quite the, the the towing train, lieutenant crani or maniac?

It makes it a little difficult in tight gas stations to pull it and refuel because you can't back them up. Oh, man. Alright, dude. So there you go. I mean, I don't know.

As a person who struggled pulling 1 camper, I think I'll stick with one item behind me, but, you know, to each their own. Go for it. Cool. Thanks, guys. Hey.

Thanks, man. You have a good one. What I will say to this is most people that do that have multiple cameras to the back so they can see their loads because a lot of times, they lose something off their trailer. We have had multiple 4 wheelers throughout the years. People get to their campsite and call us up and say, hey.

If you see a red 4 wheeler anywhere between California and Island Park, Idaho, it is ours. So my little thing property of insert name here. Oh, man. Yeah. We we talked about that recently.

You can't just go, oh, I found a 4 wheeler. This is awesome. It was on the side of the road. It was in the ditch. This is great.

Yeah. It's a little dinged up, but it runs. 208-535-1015, the number to call for Traffic School powered by the advocates. Yes. From what I'm seeing online, Idaho registration and the cost that you pay for plates, pretty good deal compared to many, many other states.

So 100%. I I don't think that, there's a big, racket Do you know the game GeoGuessr? Geoguesser? Yeah. It's where, like, the the the role model put you in the middle of wherever, and you have to find out where exactly that location is.

No. I've never heard of this. My friend Hunter plays it quite a lot, and he looks at the gas prices. And if he sees $5 or more, he's at California. 100%.

California or Washington? Washington is, pretty outrageous on gas prices. Lieutenant Crane, what is you're out and about from a time to time. Where's the cheapest gas in the region? Well, that's a great question.

Are we just in our Idaho Southeast Idaho area? I would say Pacific Northwest because, Idaho, we're doing better now, but, just wondering, you know, if it might be worth renting out a tanker and driving to another state. I'd have found when I slip into Montana even though it's, like in it's a little tiny town. Usually, their gas is 20¢ cheaper a gallon, but it's because the tax rate, they tax you in different ways. But, and I always laugh about that because I say, oh, yeah.

It's, more expensive the further you go north up the, Southeast Idaho corridor because of travel cost. But that same tanker goes past Southeast Idaho into Ennis, Montana. Gotcha. Peaches is showing me a map here of gas prices nationwide. And from what I can tell, it looks like the more the area sucks, the cheaper the gas is because the entire southern region of the country, the gas looks a lot cheaper.

Dallas, Texas is bright purple, which is, less than $2 47¢ a gallon. Makes sense. I was at their airport recently. It's one of the worst airports I've ever been to down with Dallas. I tell you, I almost moved there.

I almost moved there. Oh, jeez. Sent me an email. Hey. We got that opening for Kay Bear.

I'm like, alright. Good. It's like, okay. You take Idaho, get rid of the mountains, add a lot more desert And then a stupid accent. A stupid accent and 10,000,000 more people, and you got Dallas, and it's hotter.

Dallas is awful. When you combine the people of California with a stupid accent and the heat of Arizona. Yeah. Yeah. Like, take all the good out of all these other places and take all the bad and put it in one place.

And there you have Texas. I don't know why Texas is so popular for people to move to. We we had somebody at the farmers market recently say, hey, we traveled all the way from Texas to here to not only come see you guys, but also just to see East Idaho. To see Cabern? Yeah.

Wow. Well, that's pretty awesome. Hey. Shout out to our listeners in Texas. When I bring up the online map, I do see people listening in Texas.

We have Manuel from Texas. He's a notable listener. Yeah. We we got people listening from all over Texas. So, when insult their country, their their country.

It's as big as a country. I don't think it counts. Alright. If we don't get any further calls, we're gonna end this program, Traffic School Powered by the Advocates. People seem to like it better when you're live in the studio for some reason, lieutenant Crane.

Well, they don't personally know me because it was like a, party somewhere. They definitely wouldn't want me live. Yeah. How often do you get invited to parties? Not very.

It's a great time at the, great white concert. Yeah. I mean, he's a wild man. He would be bringing the party. Yeah.

I mean, he'll show up with some kind of, you know, dirt bike or 4 wheelers. Like, who knows? I'm just imagining him doing, like, a keg stand to the local tiny guy. Like, a tenant crane on a keg stand. Speaking of, boats and stuff, when are we gonna go out boating?

I told my wife we might as well sell that thing because you don't you won't go with us. So I've I've driven out to your house, like, 2 times in the last You know what? The minutecrain, I get it because Victor is the flakiest guy on the planet. That's not true. You might as well bring in a bottle of Head and Shoulders because that guy is the biggest flake.

Whatever, Peaches. Whatever. Alright. We gotta call her. K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by The Advocates.

Who's this? This is Kelsey. I have a question. So I have a concealed weapons permit. And when I drive, I like, when I go out of state or whatever, I bring my gun with me, and I'm just curious what the laws on that are.

Well, that's a great question because here in Idaho, we're not required to have, concealed weapons permit to have a weapon, but all states vary. So Okay. The answer to that question would be almost impossible or take a lot of time. So what you need to do is preplan what state you're gonna be traveling through and look there until carry logs up and read them and be made aware of what that would be. Okay.

Awesome. Cool. Thanks. Yep. But you can go get your enhanced, carry.

And then there's a list of states on that enhanced carry that, you can carry once you have that enhanced carry license through Idaho. So that's the option. But I would just check your states that you're gonna be traveling through and make sure you're in compliance with them. Okay. Awesome.

Cool. Thank you. I appreciate that. Hey. Thanks, Kelsey.

Have a great weekend. You too. Bye bye. You know, I'm so glad I I did, Kelsey's son request, because she just said she had a concealed weapon. I was afraid if I didn't put the sawn on the air, she'd she'd show off.

Alright. Lieutenant Crane, I just, texted you an image, and I want to know if you would wear that on a t shirt. I just sent that to the, Kay Bear army online as well to get their thoughts, but you'll you'll let me know if the text comes through. I could see you, rocking one of these out on the boat. Alright.

I'm waiting patiently. Alright. Get that IT program. Alright. Send it to your cell, just so you know.

Yeah. I got it. I got it. You posted the cable group too? Just on the main page in the Instagram page.

It is. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. I I like it.

Alright. Yeah. Alright. Well, as soon as I get the run of them printed up, I'll hook 1 up. We'll go up boating, and, you'll be the coolest guy on the water with a shirt like that.

Oh, boy. Oh, and by the way, we got, the traffic school is now going to be available on demand everywhere that podcast can be found. So everybody on the force who doesn't get to listen to it live, you can now force all of your employees to weekly tune in and listen to it on Spotify or Apple Podcasts or wherever podcasts can be found. Starting today, I'm gonna start uploading all of the episodes of Traffic School that I have, so people can check them out on demand, and we've got cool new artwork for the show. Thanks to Star Down the Hall.

Wow. Yeah. It might become a real program. That's right. Finally.

Now it's even worse to regress something you say on the air. Exactly. Because it's it's it's out there. I've been making fun of my friends and family back at home. Now they can hear me on Spotify.

Exactly. Yeah. You gotta watch yourself. Watch yourself. So, yeah, spread the word, Lieutenant Crane.

Starting today, later on today, Traffic School available on Demand Everywhere podcast can be found. Wow. Yeah. And, oh, now somebody calls. Alright.

We'll do one more quick call. I know you're you're busy. So, K Bear, you're live on Traffic School. Make it snappy. Is he on a boat too?

No. It's shady. I was wondering, what the charges are like if, like, a semi blows past, like, DOT on Lake on the highway? Oh, good question. Boy, you know what I love about this question is this.

There's a lot of, truck drivers think I do not have time to stop for that. The problem is if you don't stop and you get caught, they're gonna really take some time to look your vehicle over. Something that could simply simply be just drive across the scale now turned into a full fledged inspection. But as far as the fine goes, I don't know exactly what the cost is, but I think it's, like, around $300 or something for failure to stop. That's enough.

That's enough dough. That's more than you you're making per load. I'll tell you that. Wow. Alright.

Man, good question, man. Make sure to stop, truckers. It ain't worth it. Alright. Hey.

Thanks, man. A good one. You too. Bye. Alright, everybody.

Catch Traffic School every Friday morning, 8:45 AM right here on K Bear. Traffic School is a production of Riverbend Media Group. To get more info on the show or to contact us, hit up our website,

Traffic School - 6/14/2024
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