Traffic School - 6/7/2024

Welcome to Traffic School, powered by the Advocate's injury attorneys. Your chance to learn some stuff about the law with myself, Viktor Wilt, and Lieutenant Marvin Crane of the Idaho State Police. 208-535-1015, the number to call. We also have special guest, Ben, from the Advocates Injury Attorneys in studio with us today. At some point during the show, I'm going to throw out a random caller number, and we will take that caller and give them a $300 Visa gift card from the advocates.

Let's go to the phones. K Bear, what's up? You guys love the show. Hey. Thank you, Stewart.

Are you on a Bluetooth? I am. Okay. Let me get away from some crazy kids there. Yeah.

It was it was Are they your kids or the neighbors? And if they are your kids, are your wife aware of it? Oh, no. They're my kids. And they're she's aware they're crazy.

That's because, you know, you're their dad, obviously. We know where where it comes from. So Oh, yeah. So, Stuart, you got a question for traffic school? Yeah.

I sent you a photo to your phone of a truck, and I was just wondering if that's legal in Idaho. Alright. You texted me. Let's see here. Yeah.

Alright. Okay. I've seen this trend. I it seems like down south it's a popular thing. Lieutenant Crane, jacking your truck up like that.

Is that legal? The bumper the front bumper has to be at a specific height, and I don't know what that is, and I don't know what the bumper is, on that pickup. But I will tell you the thing I see right away from that is, the wide tires are a no go here in Idaho. They break 9 out of 10 windshields. And no mud flaps.

Yeah. No mud flaps, tires sticking too far out to the side. Fender flares. And for those Oh, yeah. I got I got a big rock in my windshield from 1 of those tires.

Yeah. For those listening, the front end of this pickup is jacked way up. I forget what they call that because, again, it's a trend down south upwards. Yeah. It doesn't look like it would be very safe if you hit a bump.

You know? Or how do you see over the they can front of the hood. You know? I know in other states, they flat out banded because you can't see cars stopped at red lights in front of you. Yeah.

I'm sure the headlights would be really effective at night as well. Yeah. Pointing up into the sky. Yeah, that, that looks like, if, if you're hit by a vehicle that looks like this truck called the advocates in. Yes.

Give us a call. That'll be an easy 1. So the problem is most of those people that drive those are rednecks. They have no money. True.

True. True. You're crossing your fingers hoping they have insurance. Well, Stuart, if you see anybody out and about with, that type of vehicle, I I don't necessarily like it when people take pictures of people's vehicles and shame them publicly, but I bet you could get some reactions in the Life in Idaho Falls Facebook group. You don't like controversy.

Is that right? Is that what I'm hearing? Yeah. I I stray from it. Yeah.

Nothing bad. Stirring the pot. I don't ever make people mad. I'm, you know, people pleaser. Alright, Stewart.

Appreciate the call, man. Hope you have a good weekend. Alright. Thank you. He stares the pot, then he goes over the corner.

He's like, look what's happening over there. 208-535-1015, the number to call for Traffic School powered by the advocates. Again, if you want us to, at some point, give away a $300 Visa gift card, then you better be calling with those questions. Otherwise, we will not reach the critical moment when I've decided we're gonna do a random caller to win the $300 Visa gift card. Do you think of a caller number yet, Luke?

That'd be great. I I was thinking it's gotta be, like, 30 or higher. I I'm thinking it's 30 or higher for sure. Yeah. Hey.

I don't know if you realize there's a bunch of things happening this weekend. It's my birthday weekend, so who cares about anything else? Who cares about anybody else but you? Let's see. It what what is going on this weekend?

Well, the 1 thing I'd really like to talk about is this sunny sunnysideupmotorcycle rally at Hillcrest High School. Alright. Alright. They do it annually, and it's anybody that's got a motorcycle, wants to learn more about how to ride that motorcycle safely in a safe way, or any tricks or trades of the the riding motorcycle world, they have, ISP certified motorcycle riders out there. They're gonna be giving you tips and pointers.

They're gonna have the course set up so you can actually ride the course that they have to ride to certify the on their bikes. Oh, wow. Yeah. Harley Davidson will be out there. Many vendors will be out there.

It'll be a great opportunity if you have a motorcycle or you're thinking about getting 1. Starts at 11 AM, Hillcrest High School. Hillcrest High School, 11 AM tomorrow. Yeah. You should go do it.

Maybe get your training wheels off. Hey. I I've actually never, been on a motorcycle that I was the person driving it. I've been a passenger. I can't tell you what they call that.

I was gonna say don't use the term on air. Inappropriate. I know what it is. Oh, caller. Caller, you gotta have some patience here.

I had you on hold. K Barry, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates. Who's this? This is Kade. Kade, what's up?

Doing alright. How are you guys doing today? Great. Doing wonderful. Good.

K. So I have a friend who's moved in from out of state, and he's telling me that tractors are not legal on the highway. Hey. You know what? That should never be there.

Can we play guess it in 3? No. I mean, just 1 which state this come from? I'm willing to play. I I don't mind telling you where he's from.

We'll leave that alone. But I will tell you this. I actually just dealt with somebody that moved in from out of state this week and was telling me how to do things too. And I warned him. I said, hey, you might not wanna do that.

You might get stuck. Hey, I'm extreme. I know what I'm doing. And I'm like, oh, okay. Sure enough, 10 minutes later, they're stuck.

I'm like, yeah. Good luck with that. But, yeah. Hey. Tractors are allowed on the highways and the interstates in Idaho, and they gotta have a slow moving sign on them and and take caution for sure.

The farmers do do that, but we live in a a state that agricultural items are huge, and it's loud. It's legal. That's what I thought. I just hope he's listening. Well, I'm gonna tell him we'll take my $5.

That's right. You should have had 500. Yeah. Exactly. A lot more.

They come here with money. I know what I do. Alright, man. And if he wasn't listening, shame him for not listening to this show. 100%.

I got you. I got you. Right on, man. And make sure to keep listening. At some point, we're gonna throw out a random caller number and give somebody a $300 Visa gift card from the advocates.

Alright. You got it. Alright, man. Peace. See.

K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by The Advocates. Who's this? This is Donna. Donna. What's happening?

I have a weird question for lieutenant Crane. Let's hear it. Okay. So Take a deep breath and let's let's hear it. Here comes the story of the moon.

Get yourself settled, and let's go. Coffee's about to kick in. Okay. So a friend from Colorado is passing through. Are you spelling that correctly?

Yes. Okay. Just checking. Okay. From Colorado's passing through going to Oregon.

Both are pretty lenient states in the weed category. Yes. The devil's lettuce. They want to stop by and see me because I'm on the way through. What's your address?

What color is your house? Is that 1? Single story, 2 story? Which way is your front door facing? I just painted my house.

So Anyway. That wasn't the question, ma'am. Here's the fun part. They're toting enough recreation to get them through a week and a half of traveling. And do they have Doritos with them?

Or do they prefer Doritos? That's the whole trunk. So where do they hide it in the car when they're traveling? That's the thing. The states that they're from, they don't have to hide it.

Okay. Well, they're in for a bad time. They don't hide it. Hope they're good liars. If you pull them over for a broken headlight or taillight or a random stop per se, not because their car is completely full of smoke.

You got some pretty good friends there. Right? If you pull them over Hey, wait a minute. You're related or you have friends, named Cheech and Chong? Sometimes we smell like it.

Not only. But Idaho skunks are bad. Yes. Anyway, How how bad of trouble would they be in? Like, what because they would probably have enough to that you could charge them with intent to deliver.

I I I'm assuming so. So anything 3 ounces or greater, is a felony and then with intent to get to deliver would possibly be a a charge, if they got scales, packaging materials, and things like that. It it would escalate in a hurry. Alright. And just because it's legal on both sides and they're going through, doesn't make it legal to bring it in to our state.

They're gonna wanna take the long way around. But what about no scales, lots of Doritos? Just it still depends on the weight. Right? Anything 3 ounces or more, but we wouldn't have the additional charge trafficking.

Alright. Good to know. Now I know why you're so relaxed. They just left this morning, Thank you very much, gentlemen. I appreciate the information.

Hey. Thanks, Donnie. You have a good 1. You too. Bye.

Bye. Kayberry, you live on traffic school powered by the advocates. Somebody morning. Clark. Clark?

How you guys doing? Hey, I had a question on, turn signals. Why do people not turn, show their turn signals? Well, because I just left that last house we were talking about, and they're not quite caught up with the times. Yeah.

It just irritates me, I guess, when people don't turn, their turn signal on and expect me to wait there for 5 minutes. Yeah. Especially if you're making a right hand turn or going straight and they're coming at you and they're making a right hand turn and they don't turn it on, it's very frustrating. But I will Yep. This is a good point.

He talks about why don't they do that. They have proven that being under the influence of marijuana is as or worse than being under the influence of alcohol when driving. So yeah. So we Dazed and confused. But relaxed.

I was just listening to the music, man. Why don't you have your seat belt on, sir? Well, because there's too much marijuana in here. I can't. Okay.

Thank you. And I wish people would use their Transcendos. Yes. People, please do it. There was some idiot that whipped out in front of me on Sunnyside, just a couple days ago.

Why you didn't have a name caller? Because they were idiots. Okay. Here's why I'm gonna use that name. Because they were turning left onto Sunnyside.

I'm, you know, coming at them and they, you know, you go 40 on sunny side. They pull up right in front of me and I had to slam on my brakes. If you drive out in front of moving traffic, you're an idiot. So you know, I'm an a grandfather, and you see my grandson. He my daughter gave me the talk the other day.

You know what? If he starts using those 2 words, we'll know he's rode with you too much in the car. But it's funny when little kids say those words. That's the excuse I always tell them. Mom hears it.

Yeah. You know, you just gotta, it gives everybody a good laugh. Well, thanks. Alright. You guys have a good day.

You too. Peace. K, Barrett. You're live on Traffic School powered by The Advocates. Who's this?

This is Adam. Adam, what's up, man? Well, I figured, I know we haven't had 30 callers yet, but I figured I might as well put my hat and name in the hat. Well, we're not even gonna we're not gonna take 30 traffic school questions. At some point, we'll take caller number.

Take 30 if we We would. Yeah. We'd be down to, but I mean, that we'd be here a long time, I think, with the way some of these callers just carry on and on. I was Well, so relaxed. Just playing.

Just playing. You don't need to play music. Right? No. I I actually enjoy talking.

You know, we got, the new podcast for show. Billy, him. Get him a busy. So Okay. So my question is and this is a bit of a downer, but I'm curious.

Oh, great. Nutuneet Brain, what is the worst accent you've ever seen, and what did you learn from it? Yeah. I don't think we wanna talk about that. Yeah.

Jeez. Hey. I'll I'll tell you what I'll tell you what you will learn from it is pay attention. Right? Be attentive while driving.

Yep. Oh, okay. Yep. Don't drive under the influence on a lot of them, but most of the time, it's pay attention. Don't be inattentive, and that means put your phone down.

Was there a phone in somebody's hand? Not necessarily in their hand any longer, but we've shown where they've been on social media or texting or different things. Even watching movies. Right? They'll watch their movies while they're traveling down the road, and I'm telling you, it just isn't worth it.

Get to your destination, then do what you need to do. But, yeah, there's been a lot of lives, lost, unfortunately, for no reason. Okay. Well, I didn't really expect you to tell a story. We don't we don't need that, I guess.

You wouldn't believe the grizzly details we've got in store for you. No. No. Probably not a good way. Might shock you.

Yeah. No. Not not this morning. Not not awake enough for that kind of, horror, Adam. So thank you, man.

Yeah. Yeah. And make sure to be listening. At some point, we're gonna take caller number 30 and give away a $300 Visa gift card. Oh, I thought you guys were doing it during this.

My my big depressing question was just to depress people. If we don't continue getting calls, we'll never reach the point when I decide to go, okay, right now, caller number 30. So you're you're Alright. And you get the chance to try again. That's right.

Okay. Alright. Okay. Good luck, Adam. There's a chance you won't be a loser.

Not a very high chance, but there's a chance. Alright. Caller, you're live on Traffic School powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys. Who's this? This is Frank.

Frank, what's up? What do you wanna know? Well, 1, I want it since you have the lovely advocates there. Can sergeant Crane and the advocates explain to people about semis and construction, and we leave a space in front of our trucks for for their safety. Not, you know, to protect us and give us time to, you know, if something happens that we can at least get off the road.

But like this morning, this person crams himself. I mean, I've I've got there's space there. We're coming into the construction here down by Blackfoot at the second exit. And, he literally crammed himself in between my truck and the car in front of me because we're already in the 65. I'm doing 65, and he's in a too much of a hurry in in my eyes.

Alright? And he crams himself in front of front of my truck and then hits the brakes. I'm pulling a £112, 000 with a set of doubles. I can't stop like everybody thinks that we can stop. What was your air pressure at?

My air pressure? I earned it now. Victor didn't get that. No. I was like, is that a legit question?

Can we stop a little faster if your air pressure is so different? Hey. What you're talking about, III realize it's upsetting and it's serious. Right? These guys do need to realize these other drivers on the road that trucks, semis, tractor trailers with doubles, single trailers, all that, they do not maneuver or handle like a sedan or a pickup.

And give some courtesy to those drivers. I mean, it's just it's just frustrating. I mean and then he then he steps on the brakes. Right? You know, as soon as he cramps himself in there, it's like, you know, I'm trying to look for the way out, but you're coming up on, you know, there's not we don't have a lot of options.

1 thing I got you guys to be aware of, if he's driving a semi truck or a motorcycle, you need to be a defensive driver and be driving for everybody on the road because they're not driving for you. Exactly. Yep. I've, first time I ever pulled a a camper. It changed my perspective on, you know, any type of vehicle pulling anything.

And which body shop was the best in town? Yeah. Luckily luckily, the all all the damage I did, I was able to fix myself. Just replacing, you know, light covers and things like that that I busted out. Right.

Well, good luck for the rest of the week. Right? And just so you know, there's an accident on the old highway going for Shubik. Right there where the construction is, it looks pretty bad. Alright.

I just passed over it. Alright, everybody. Be, be extra cautious in that area. And I mean, any kind of construction zone, always be extra cautious. Lots of construction going on.

Be patient. I know it's aggravating. I drove down Sunnyside the other day. I get it. It's frustrating.

That's right. Just, you know, take it slow and breathe deep. Well, thanks, man. Always do. Appreciate the call today, and good luck out there.

You too. Have a good day. See you. Alright. K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates.

Who's this? This is Mike. Mike, what's up? Oh, it's just another beautiful day in paradise. Happy belated birthday.

Oh, thank you. Else in the room. Thank you. And my question How'd you know it wasn't my birthday? It's happy belated birthday, so I got you all covered.

That's right. It's the way that's the way to get it done. So my question is, I was driving home from the ballgame last night, and a dude comes up to the red light and starts flashing his high beams to simulate the I'm assuming, to simulate the flash of police lights to get the light to change. Did it work? Due to time honestly, due to timing and sensors that worked the first time Oh, great.

Now he's gonna do that every time. Right. He sat there for, like, honestly, like, 2 minutes just fucking like Tell him next time. Question is No. No.

No. Tell him next time what he has to do is bang his head against the driver's window. That changes it. Right. So my question is is it just a transponder on your guys' light bar that that makes those?

We don't have nothing that changes them. They're on a time setting, and, well, that's why we do have blue and red lights. So if we get to a red light, we have to clear it. We take on the same responsibilities as anybody else. We have to make sure it's clear before we go through.

But we do have the authority to go through a red light. Right. Right. So it's just a miss. Yeah.

But if you bang your head against the driver's side window hard enough, sometimes it changes. Well and I'll be sure to try to talk to that kid because he's, like, 16 years old. Yeah. Tell him, hit it harder. Hit it harder.

You just about got it. It's gotta hear the thump. Too funny. Thanks, fellas. You have a good day.

Hey. You too, man. Appreciate the call. Bye. The other thing is I was thinking that, that's what do they say?

The big guys watching you through as a camera. Right? That they're filming you. Oh, you're gonna try to tell me that's a myth. On.

Come on. We know the truth. Oh. 0, how dare they? How dare they?

K Bear, you're live in traffic. Cross school. Big bro I kept thinking of it. Big brother. Yeah.

I mean, it's cameras. Come on. We know you guys are watching. Yeah. Always watching.

You guys talking about these? Oh, we didn't bring you a crazy conversation. Oh my gosh. Good morning. Morning.

Love your show. Thank you, JD. Good to hear from you. Yeah. You know, I well, thank you.

I just a question for LK real quick. You know, Lucy, she is cute. That would be nice. If he has any, litters that have bobtails, he must inform me. Oh, if there's any more kittens, lieutenant Crane That that cat has already went and seen the vet and has been spayed, and I'm $200 poor, so I really need to win that gift card.

Well, I actually own a, so that's not a big deal to us. Yeah. JD is a he's a true cat wrangler. He's got lots of cats. Why in the world didn't I know that so I could've got a deal on a spay job?

Well, I mean, I pay for them too at the vet, but I'm not I'm used to it. Jeez. You know, we have Maine Coons, though. European Screen Maine Coons. Well, you you don't work for the state police.

You have the funds to pay for something like that? No. I don't work for the state police, but my wife thinks I work for somebody. I'm trying the damn things, But I need I need another manx, another bobtail. Alright.

I'll do that. Any, litters. You know? I keep my eyes open, JD. I get all those photos on my Facebook feed all the time of all the pets that are up for adoption.

So Yeah. And if there's 1 if there's 1 local, you know, around, bobtail kitten. I don't, it's already crazy at my house with a bunch of adult cats that weigh 16 to £18. No eat well here, but they're here. But, anyway, guys have a great day.

Like I said, love you. Love your show. Victor for City Council. Hey. Thanks, JD.

Hope you have a great 1, man. I'd say mayor. Mayor. Well, see, we determined that mayor's too much work. I think that city council's gotta be easier.

Once again, this is you starting the flight and then going to the corner. Yeah. Yeah. Like, you know, mayor, that's, like, probably a full time job. Like, city council, can't any old putting head do that?

And, you know, city city city council is somewhat more or less conferenceational, and, you know, he gets to talk a lot. He gets to sit behind the desk and and talk a lot. Yeah. And I think it's only part time, so I could still do the radio job. You know?

That's his that's a better deal for for Victor. You know? When's the city council elections taking place? Victor Will. Leading us to the future.

That's right. I bet I could get some votes. All it is is a popularity contest. Some people like me. I, what I wanna look forward to is the smut they dig up during his campaign.

Oh, geez. Yeah. Yeah. Dig up all the dirt on me. All all you gotta do is look at my Facebook page.

This guy's an idiot. Look at the things he posts. You want this moron in charge of anything? Thanks, JD. Guys.

See you, man. Talk to you soon, man. Bye. 208-535-1015, the number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates. Who's this?

This is Dennis. Dennis, what's up? Hey. So I have a question for mister Crane, lieutenant Crane there, about trucking companies. So the question is, is if you know of a trucking company that is not following DOT regulations, Can you call into the state highway patrol and report them, and maybe they go check out their vehicles or anything like that?

Is that possible? You know what happens to snitches? They get stitches. Gotta take out my competition somewhere. Yeah.

You know, hey. Come on now. Not all stitches get stitches. Come on. But no.

If there is a safety concern that you're aware of, feel, aware of, feel free to contact our office. We can talk about it. And, yeah, we have different ways of going about, doing safety checks and different things of that nature. Okay. So so you guys don't go to these trucking companies, though, and do a pop up inspection on them, are you?

We do go around and do, safety inspections. Yep. Oh, okay. Okay. Good to know.

Good to know. Our commercial vehicle specialists do that. Okay. Commercial okay. Got it.

Cool. Alright. Well, I appreciate your time. Thank you. Now I was caller 30.

Right? Well, I I haven't thrown out the call for caller 30 yet. It's gonna happen Oh. At some point. So make sure to keep listening and I'll be like, alright.

Right now, we're gonna go, you know, and we'll take 30 calls. He's gonna need that $300 get a low budget hotel room to live in for 30 days of take. I gotta get it. Yeah. Exactly.

I'm thinking a campground or something here, dude. I need a tent. Alright, guys. Thanks, man. Thanks, man.

See you. Bye. Yep. Are you guys in a hurry? No.

No? No. Neither of you in a hurry? Alright. Well, then let's do let's keep delaying, giving away a $300 Visa gift card.

208-535-1015, the number to call for Traffic School powered by the advocates. At some point, we're going to take caller number 30 and give away a 5 hun not Oh. 300. 33100 dollar Visa gift card. I don't know where I yeah.

It's been a long period. I'm like, oh, great. Gotta run to the store. My bad. My bad.

Ben's headed to Walmart. $300 Visa gift card from the Advocate's Injury Attorneys. So make sure you're listening for us to say, alright. Caller number 30 right now, but we're not doing it yet. Right now, we're taking another question.

Caller, who's this? This is Dalton. Dalton, what's up? Yeah. I have a question.

So say you're a fancy pants McGee and you can own, like, a Tesla that drives itself. K? And you're under the influence. Can you still do the DUI? Hold on.

Ask your question again. That's you, lieutenant Crane, right there. This 1 was me. Somebody just turned me up. I don't know whose headphones are whose.

Oh, there there we go. Okay. Alright. So you're driving a Tesla. It drives itself.

Yeah. You're under the influence. Yeah. And you're in the driver's seat. Or the passenger's seat, and it's driving itself.

Yeah. Can you send me the DUI? I don't think those will go without somebody in the driver's seat. Yeah. You gotta have some weight there with a hand on the steering wheel.

Okay. So you're in the driver's seat, and you're not driving it. You are. You're in control of that vehicle at that point. So you're going down.

Alright. That's all I needed to know. Alright, man. Stay safe. Don't booze and drive or wish something to let the car drive for you.

Alright. Alright. See you, man. Peace. Okay.

K, Barry. You're live. Oh, shame. Shame. Call us back.

208-535-1015. We had every phone line lit, and now people just bail out. What's wrong with them? Yeah. Tired of waiting on us.

I guess so. If if we don't get another caller, I'm not gonna give away a $300 Visa gift card. I know it's this is hard for you to believe, but some people have a job. I know, but if they wanna get $300, that's you know, they're putting in, what, maybe a half hour of work here. $300 for a half hour?

I bet their boss don't pay them that well. That's $600 an hour. That's a great wage. You're good at math. I am.

That's Wow. 3 times 2. So now what happens if you work 8 hours? Oh, no. I'm too tired for that.

Kay Bear, you live on traffic school powered by the advocates. Who's this? Hello? Hello? Hey.

Who's this? Hey. This is Peggy. Peggy, what's up? Oh, not much.

First off, I wanna tell lieutenant Crane thank you very much for your service and keeping the public and everyone safe. Thank you very much. So my question is to well, I have several thousand questions. Today. Well, please be.

Let's let's do 1. Alright. Let's go ahead and answer. So Let's get started. Stay up in Rexburg where they're doing all the construction.

You mean where every accident in the town's under construction? Yes. And I don't wanna say who I work for, but I drive a big rig. Do you have any safety problems with another truck driver? Like, he had to snitch on you for problem.

I would love. I would love it. And we're stopped at the intersection. Everywhere's backed up. People end up blocking the intersection.

Then it's our turn to, say, turn left. We can't go because they've blocked the intersection, because they don't have the common courtesy to stay behind the white line. Yep. Can we push ourselves? I I've heard rumor the biggest 1 wins, but that's never been proven because Pitches still won't play me in basketball.

But but no, you can't push, but they are in violation. When they come past the white line and block that intersection, why their light no matter what the light is, the light can be green. And if they can't clear the intersection, they still legally cannot enter that intersection. So they need to keep that cleared. They can't rush up because what they're worried about is if I don't go now, I gotta wait a whole another cycle.

And I don't know if you noticed, but people are impatient. So with that being said, they are, and start flashing their headlights real fast. Yeah. Yeah. Baking their head on the wheelhouse.

They do that too. We're we're we're governed, and so we can only go so fast. And the speed limit on the road I follow is 65, and we get past, like, we're standing still. And then all of a sudden, we'll meet up somewhere else. And I'm like, oh, I remember you a while back.

How are you? So this is the 1 thing I would keep in mind if I were you. You're getting paid by the hour. And so just relax. Yeah.

Just relax and just think about, oh, yep. They held me up another 10 minutes. Ka ching. Ka ching. There you go.

Make that money. Yeah. And make sure to, you know, keep listening because we are gonna give away a $300 Visa gift card. The other fun part about that is is, hey, you people that are holding me up, this is actually coming out of your pockets because you're the taxpayer paying for this project. That is very, very true, and I, yeah, I am on that end, so I completely understand it.

And don't text and drive. Sounds like you just go. Yep. Nope. I'm actually sitting in my lot.

I just got into the car from doing a morning commute. Alright. Well, I hope that you have a great weekend. Hey. I don't wanna be that guy, but I think that, project would get done a little sooner if you guys would start a little earlier.

I'm not in that job. I just drive a big vehicle, and I haul several 1, 000 people about 92 miles away. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay.

Now you're giving away where you work. Yep. Didn't realize it was that far, but maybe we're talking round trip. Depends on where you're at. Well, we appreciate appreciate the call today, and I hope you do have an awesome weekend.

Same with you guys. Take care. Right on. Thanks. Bye.

Unless we keep taking calls. I'm good. Alright. It's your job on the line. I think it's cool.

I think it's fine. Today has been terrible for trying to find content to talk about. So if we can answer people's questions, I'd much rather stick with that. K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by The Advocates. Who's this?

This is John. John, what's up, man? Hey. How's it going? Pretty good.

I thought or my question was, if you're at a y in a designated turning lane, are you required to have your blinker on? Hey, John. Have you been at Peggy's home? I'd rather not answer. You sound like you're pretty relaxed.

Now every time we get a relax color, somebody's been at Peggy's house. And do you know what color she just painted? So you're out of y. Do you have to signal? Yes.

And the lane you're traveling in, is it designated to take the left or the right no matter what? Yes. No. Then you don't have to signal. Really?

Yeah. Because you're not leaving your lane to travel. I just think it would be wise because of the other idiots out there. But if there's only 1 lane going right, you have to go that way. I I true.

But I it it seemed like a flashing light does something to get people's attention. You know? What light is flashing? Oh, you're you're turn signal. But everybody's turning right if there's I guess, but I'm I worry about the people in the other lanes.

But they're going left. Still, I don't know. I don't trust anybody on the roads. I want them to be aware of where I'm at at all times. I will tell you this.

If there's lanes and you got an option, absolutely need to use your turn signal. How about that? Does that make you happy, Victor? It's a little better. I use a turn signal in a parking lot.

I use it everywhere. You're supposed to use it coming out of the parking lot. What about just driving around in the parking lot? Yes. Oh, okay.

Yeah. See, I wasn't sure if you were supposed to. I just do. Or coming out of an alley or entering a roadway from your driveway. Turning into a parking spot in the parking lot?

Might help. Well, I mean, that's how you kinda claim it. Like, no. This is mine. And that's why you drive around the whole parking lot.

Yes. No. When I entered the parking lot, I had my turn signal on. This 1 closest to the building is mine. Well, John, appreciate the call, man.

Make sure to keep listening. At some point, we're gonna give away a $300 Visa gift card from the advocates. Awesome. I appreciate it. Hey.

Tell Peggy hi. I will. Thanks. Gay Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates. Who's this?

This is Shaden. Shaden. What's up? I was wondering if in Idaho, you can get pulled over for not having a seat belt on. No.

You cannot. It's a secondary offense, so you have to be doing something else wrong prior to stopping you. But once we do, then we you got the authority to cite you for the secondary offense. Gotcha. Now 1 1 time, I I was living in a small town, about an hour from here, about an hour, I I won't say what direction, west.

Southwest. And, yeah. They they pulled me over and were like, well, we noticed you weren't wearing a seat belt. And I was like, can you pull me over for that? And they're like, you were well, you were speeding.

And I was like, I saw you. No. I wasn't. I didn't get a ticket. But, Shaden, if you don't, that ding ding will drive you crazy.

You'll end up in a mental institute by the time you're done driving. They make it really annoying nowadays. Or if you drive an old vehicle, it won't. 66 or older, you don't have to have seat belts. There you go.

Alright, man. Yeah. I I'd recommend it. I'd recommend it in case of those accident situations. You're gonna be better off if you're wearing it.

So Your safety is our concern. That's right. Here at KeyBare 101. Don't you know we're in the middle of the 100 deadliest days of driving? James.

Sorry. I didn't mean to yell at your caller. Just playing. Alright. Well, thank you, guys.

Thanks, man. Make sure to keep listening. At some point, we're gonna ask for caller number 30 and give away a $300 Visa gift card from the advocates. And if Ben gets back from Walmart, it'll be 5. Right on.

Thanks, man. Peace. Yes. See you guys. Alright.

Lieutenant Crane, you said there was a lot of things you wanted to go over. You went over the motorcycle thing. I said a lot. You did? You're like, there's a lot of stuff going on this weekend.

I just said that. Yeah. There is a lot of things going on this weekend. So if you're out and about, please be attentive, build time into your travels, be patient. A lot of construction everywhere.

Right? Mhmm. People wanna drive on nice roads, but to get nice roads, you gotta build them, and that takes time. So That is true. Be patient.

K Barry, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates. Who's this? BJ. And what's your question, man? So Peggy was telling me about a good law.

Yeah. So here's my question. Back in the day, Obama, passed a law for reservations to, you know, grow marijuana, and it's up to the tribe if they wanna have marijuana on their tribe or not. So my question is, Is that true? Can they legally can you legally have marijuana in the tribe or on the reservation?

Not that I'm aware of in Idaho. No. Especially if you're out on a public roadway that's serviced by, the state. K. Because I know there's an old law that if you're under in Fort Hall, in the church, you can smoke marijuana.

I know. This is all sounding like a bunch of nonsense to me. The preacher the preacher requires it. Exactly. I mean, it looks like I don't know.

I don't know what the scoop on this is. There's a variety of news articles, but they they are kinda old. I can just tell you this. If you're traveling a roadway that's, maintained and taken care of by the state of Idaho out on the reservation and you have marijuana paraphernalia, you're going down. So there there you go, man.

Not really sure. Alright. K. Alright. Peace.

Thank you. Also, I believe you still have to be member Mhmm. To to do that. I you can't be a white guy and go out there and buy some ground off Fort Hall and and stuff. Yeah.

It looks like, you know, for 1, that particular reservation would have to, you know, probably vote it in or implement it, and then, yeah, you'd have to tribal members. Yeah. Yeah. So from what I could tell, that's and, again, some of these articles are pretty old. So who knows what's changed since then?

That was, like, 10 years ago. So, anyway, how about right now? Let's do it. Caller number 30. 208-535-1015.

Caller number 30, We will hook up a $300 Visa gift card powered by the advocates. Now you couldn't time 600 times 10, so I'm worried whether you count to 30. Can count to 30. I can absolutely count to 30. I've done more callers than that before.

Woah. I've done a 101 callers. Would you look at man, could you go pat him on the back, please? A 100 and 1. 1 time we did a 101 callers and we gave them garbage, literal garbage.

We were like, I bet because I think there was another radio station in town and we were making fun of their giveaway. Never. And we were like, I bet we could give away literal garbage and get more calls than them. And we did. And then we mailed the garbage to a winner in Pocatello.

Alright. Caller number 1. We're gonna do this live on air. You're doing great. Good job.

Boy, this is riveting. This is riveting radio, folks. 3, you guys keep talking while I, you know, go through calls. Ben Yeah. Don't lose your count there.

1. 43. I know I am easily distracted, but I I think I can pull it off. This is number 5. Caller number 6.

So What are you? That's hanging up on them? Yeah. I'm just hanging up on them. Him.

Caller number 7. You know, I let him know they lose and then I hang up. Woah. That's the way Caller number 11. Because they might drop a profanity or 11 if I don't hang up on him.

11. Caller number 8. Trying to trick me. Caller number 9. And if you need to call the advocates injury attorneys, the number is 208-471-4444.

Caller number 10. Isn't that interesting? He stopped and took a break right when he got to 10 because he ran out of digits on his hands. Just start over and count to 10 again. That's I just have to count to 10 3 times, and then we'd be good to go.

But this is caller number 10. That would be 30. That's the caller number we're looking for. 7. But this is caller number 12 right here.

And lucky number 13. We're almost halfway. Caller number 14. There. We will be back.

I don't have to put awards on the radio. Alright? You know, you just gotta you ever heard of YouTuber mister beast? That's caller number 15. Lieutenant Crane just tapped out.

He left. But mister Beast, he he made a video where he counted to a1000000. So I think I could do a radio show where I count to 30. You're caller number 16. Oh, we're getting there.

We're getting there slowly but surely. $300 Visa gift card, caller number 17. Ben hooking it up with an awesome prize, $300. The 17. Ben hooking it up with an awesome prize, $300 that could be yours if you're calling number 30 right now.

Caller you or caller number 18, and we'll just keep going and going. We're getting close. Caller number 19. So, anything new in your world, Ben? No.

The only thing I hate coming in here and doing a commercial, but lieutenant Crane mentioned about this guy in this pickup not probably having good insurance just because it's, check your own insurance to make sure you have underinsured motorist coverage that is enough to take care of the medical bills if somebody that's underinsured does hit you. That that's a great point. Bucks a month to be covered. Check into it. Absolutely.

Check you know, a lot of times people just go for the cheapest insurance they can get for their vehicle and never do that. Yeah. You're you're potentially with how expensive vehicles have gotten to be nowadays, you might hit somebody in a really expensive, you know, a cyber truck or something. You might owe them some dough. Your insurance might not cover it.

Caller number 20. Alright. You were counting through all that? Wow. I I kept track.

I kept track. I'm good. Caller number 21. You ain't gonna fool me. I ain't gonna fool me.

I'm on a roll. Caller number 22. I almost did forget. 19. 23.

Color number 24. Oh, getting close. Oh. Color number 25. 26, 27, 28, 29.

Alright. So what's going on, guys? Well, I gotta fix some things in the in the old log here. So we're ready for our, our next little, break the segment. Alright.

So caller number 30 is 1 of those lines that's lighten up. Why don't you and again, everybody, there our caller ID is broken. That's the reason we didn't, just do participants in the show. So what do you think I should do? Line 1, 2, or 3?

We have no idea who's on these lines. Ben can't even see the lines. So, Ben, why don't you pick line 1, 2, or 3, and that'll be our caller number 30. Stew number 2. K Bear, you're live on Traverse School powered by the Advocate's injury attorneys.

Who's this? McKellen. McKellen? Yeah. Hey, McKellen.

What's up, man? Hey. How are you? Pretty good. You know, it's Friday rolling into the weekend.

It's my birthday weekend. I'm pretty excited. What about you? Oh, just working away. Yeah.

You gotta work this weekend? No. Well, then what are you gonna do with what are you gonna do with this $300 from the advocates injury attorneys this weekend? I'm going camping. Going camping.

Nice. Alright. All your supplies are covered then. $300 richer from the Advocates Injury Attorneys. You're caller number 30.

Awesome. Does the US Forest Service, take credit cards? Well, you got the snacks and the beverages. Supplies. Yeah.

Yeah. All the supplies. For $300, he'll almost be able to fill his pickup to pull his camper around. That's true. Well, McCallen, stay on the line so I can get your info.

Get this, $300 gift card to you. And who's your favorite radio station, man? Gabeare 101. Traffic School is a production of River Bend Media Group. To get more info on the show or to contact us, hit up our website, River

Traffic School - 6/7/2024
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